News and Notes from St


News and Notes from St. Stephen Lutheran School February 26,2020


TO ALL FAMILIES: When sending in payments, (ex: latchkey, tuition, hot lunch) please make out separate checks. All of these go to different categories and checkbooks. This will make it much easier for us. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your help!

PreK News: March is ALMOST here! It's amazing how quickly the year is moving along! We will spend much of this month celebrating reading, as well as Dr. Seuss's Birthday! This week we studied the letter "Pp" and read many books with titles that began with the letter "Pp"! Be sure to check out how you can celebrate with us in our "IditaREAD" March is Reading Month Program! Keep track of pages read at home with your tickets and see if we can match the dog sled miles!

This week our Bible story is "The Good Samaritan”. Jesus shared this parable to teach us how we should love him, and love our neighbors. Our memory treasure for the week is Matthew 22:39: "Love your neighbor as yourself."


March is Reading Month! We are celebrating with an "IditaREAD" program where students can keep track of their reading at home, AND we are inviting parents, friends, grandparents and anyone interested to read to our class! You can sign up for a time outside Mrs. Shrum's classroom!

Friday March 6th is currently scheduled for a HALF DAY. Be on the lookout, as it could change to a whole day off depending on the B-Ball tournament schedule. We will update you as soon as we know anything!

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

Friday, Mar. 6: HALF DAY 11:15 Dismissal (Could change, see note above!)

Monday-Tuesday, Mar. 9-10: NO SCHOOL Midwinter Break

Friday, Mar. 13: PIZZA DAY See Spirit Week events below.


Mrs. Shrum

Kindergarten & 1st & 2nd News(ALL We are kicking off “Iditaread” this Friday! Teresa Wilkes is coming in on Friday 2/28 to talk to PreK-4 about dog sledding. A note explaining the program is also coming home today with “tickets.” Please keep track of how many pages you read to your child or they read on their own and just tear off a ticket and put it in the basket outside the door of Mrs. Keller’s room. We will daily count pages and see if we can keep pace with the miles the lead sled dog team of the Iditarod run. Thanks so much for participating. Kindergarten is working hard on Letter book P this week – already Letter book # 18. Please encourage daily reading practice at home – it makes a world of difference! Grade 1 should be reading both of their little books every night, it is part of their homework. Coming home today also are report cards. Please sign and return the envelopes and feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. A white form came home today also. This form is concerning the Lenawee County District Library bookmark contest in March. Please encourage your child to participate. Beginning next week grade 2 will add one subject per week writing only in cursive, as they have learned all the upper and lower case letters. They are all doing beautifully. By some time mid April all their school work will be done in cursive. 3rd grade here we come! Even though we do not have chapel in Lent, we will still be collecting our weekly mission offerings. Friday, 3/6 is a half day because of the basketball tournament, 3/9 and 3/10 there is no school due to Mid winter break.

Upcoming Memory Works: Grades 1 & 2 Due Thurs. 2/27: Set 2 12 B / Due Fri. 2/28/: Hymn 436: 1 & 2 “Jesus, Shepherd of the Sheep” Due Tues. 3/3: Ste 2 13 A / Due Thurs. 3/5: Set 2 13 B / Due Friday 3/6: Hymn 469: 3 & 4 “Take My Life and Let it Be” Please be working on your Fine Arts Fair projects. The deadline will soon be here. I hope to see you all tonight. Thank you and God bless your week! There is a coupon for a free book up to $5.00 along with the Scholastic book order. Book orders are due March 4. If you decide not to use the coupon, please don’t throw it away. It doesn’t expire until June 30th and you may decide to use it later or return it to school for someone else to use. Books in the Easter basket won’t cause cavities! See Spirit Week events below.

2nd - 4th Grade News: The HVL fine arts fair is not too far away. Please be working on your artwork for this event. Please see the Fine Arts Fair section below. Be sure everyone is reading their biography. We will dress like our person and present our report to the class on Thursday, March 5th. The report will be given in the first person form. This Friday we will kick off our March reading month. The theme is IditaRead (Iditarod). Please locate the orange sheet explaining our goal. The memory work calendar for March was also sent home today. Grades 3-6 will recite hymn 141 this Friday. See Spirit Week events below.

5th -8th Grade News: 5/6: Memory work that was due Thursday will be due Tuesday.

7/8: History test on WW2 is planned for next Wednesday.

6-8: Book Reports will next week. March Book Reports 6-Newberry / 7-Historical/ 8-Fiction

See Spirit Week events below.

Fine Arts Fair: Grades 5-8 should start thinking about competition for spelling, forensics and math at HVL in March. Those interested in forensics should start looking for selections. Selections must be made by February 7th. There are a variety of choices from humorous poetry, serious poetry, storytelling and so on. Mrs. Shrum has some books if you are in need of some ideas.

Fine Arts Fair: (March 14th) Those in grades K-8 are encouraged to submit one or two pieces of art for the art fair at HVL on March 14. The projects may not be a kit. They may be flat work that is mounted or matted. They may be a 3D art. Please check with a teacher if you are wondering about your art pieces. Your projects will be taken to HVL for judging.

Those in grade 5-8 are encouraged to sign up to be part of the spelling bee, math bowl, and forensics. Those choosing forensics must have their decision made by Feb. 7. There are a variety of choices from humorous poetry, serious poetry, storytelling, and so on. Mrs. Shrum has some books if you are in need of some ideas. See Spirit Week events below.

Upcoming Events:

February 28: Pizza Day / 5:30 PM Make up Basketball game here at home against Warren

February 29: B Team Tournament at HVL / 8th Grade Classic at HVL

March 6: 11:15 dismissal

March 7: A team HVL Basketball Tournament

March 9 & 10: NO SCHOOL

March 13: Pizza Day

March 14: HVL Fine Arts Fair

March 20: Lasagna Hot lunch

March 27: Pizza Day

April 3: Soup and Sandwich Hot Lunch

April 10: Ham & Cheese pizza pocket hot lunch/ Early Dismissal after the 1:00 pm service

April 13-17: No School – Easter Break

PARENTS: if you need to drop off your students before 8:00 AM please remind your children they MUST wait IN the church entryway UNTIL the bell rings. Thank you!

MLS Lock in: Students in 6th through 8th grade are invited to the MLS Lock in. The Lock in will run from 7:00 pm on Friday April 24, until 8:00 AM on Saturday, April 25th. Attending is free! Snacks, drinks and breakfast will be provided. There will need to be one adult chaperone for every six students attending. Please let Mr. Neumann know if you are planning on attending. Registration is online at .

Athletic News: Saturday 2/29 at HVL. B Team basketball tournament. Our first game is at 8am. Please arrive at 7:30. A schedule with brackets was sent home. Then at noon, at HVL, the 8th graders who have signed up for the 8th grade classic will play. March 6 and 7th is the A team tournament at HVL. We do not have any game times to report at this time.

Mission Offerings: This year our chapel offerings will be sent to support Indonesia Early Childhood Education. With some carryover from last year we are at $1165.89.


MONDAY: Hawaiian shirt/shorts day (please send in sweats and coat for outside recess)

TUESDAY: Favorite Sports team day

WEDNESDAY: Dress up day (church in the evening)

THURSDAY: Dress as favorite historical person unless we have no school on Friday. If we have school on Friday it will be Red and White day.

FRIDAY: Red & White day



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