VE Day Event Working Group

Wednesday 4th March 2020

Please note: Any action to be taken/decision to be made must be seen and agreed by Full Council at the next Parish Council meeting, before commencing.



|Cllr Beccy Gilbert |Cllr Fiona Wentel |

|Cllr Carolyn Walker |Louise Gibson (Clerk) |


It was proposed that the event will be held from 2:30pm – 5:30pm on Friday 8th May.

Confirmed acts so far include

• Caldy Valley Voice Choir (Will Hay) – To sing 2 or 3 Wartime songs

• Huntington Guides – To sing 1 or 2 Wartime songs

• Piano (Wartime tunes) – Louise Wentel

• First Footers Dance School – To perform dance on wartime theme

• Bugle Player to perform the Last Post at 2:55pm (Organised by Cllr Andy Tassell)

At times when there is no live entertainment, happy wartime music should be played (at same level as entertainment volumes)

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to compile playlist of wartime classic songs

Cllrs agreed that the programme would be enhanced with a vocalist who could perform some wartime songs.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with pub management to see if vocalist can be found via the Rake

A Sound system would be required. This should consist of two microphones and good speakers.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: To be approved by Full Council

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to book sound system if full council agree budget.

It was agreed, as suggested by the national campaign for VE day, that the Last Post is played at 2:55pm. This is then followed by selected children reading one of the recommended poems, taken from the VE day official website (Poem entitled ‘Tribute to the Millions’) which is then followed by a Nation’s toast to the fallen soldiers and all those who fought in WW2.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: To be approved by Full Council

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to register the Rake pub on the VE day national database (once approved by Stu and the Rake management team)

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Cllr Wentel to ask children if they wish to read the poem at the event

At 5:25pm, as a finale to the event, it was suggested that song sheets are handed out and everyone sings ‘We’ll meet again’.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to create song sheet for ‘We’ll meet again’ (approx. 30 copies)

To encourage people to stay at the event, a programme of the day should be produced to show the timetable and ensure everyone knows everything that is going on, such as the children’s games etc.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to produce an ‘Event Programme’ for the party


Liz Blunt had agreed with Cllr Wentel that St Luke’s Church would kindly allow the Parish Council to borrow the equipment for Children’s games.

The layout for the Children’s games would be a designated area within the pub garden. Children would be encouraged to go and ‘have a go’ at the games. It would not be a structured event in terms of a programme event.

Traditional children races and events could also be held such as wheelbarrow races, sack races and egg and spoon races.

Councillors would take it turns to supervise that area.


A competition Bake-off for ‘Best Decorated Cake in VE Day would be held. This would be publicised on the posters and via social media nearer the time

There would be winners from two categories

a. Children (Under 14)

b. Adults

Prizes would be a bottle of wine and trophy for the winner of the adult category with the child’s category winning chocolate and a trophy.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to source prizes.

Judges would be asked from Deewater Grange, to include residents and staff. An invitation would be sent to encourage residents to come along to the event.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to send invitation to Deewater Grange residents to attend event and also act as judges (alongside staff)

Once judged, the cakes would be divided up and guests would be encouraged to help themselves to a slice of cake and make a small donation to ‘Help the Heroes’.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: To be approved by Full Council


Food - Food would be at the discretion of the Rake. They may prefer to just sell food from their bar menus. They may wish to offer a BBQ, with profits having to go back to the Rake.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with the Rake in regards to food arrangements

Licensed Bar - The Rake management has suggested having a bottle bar set up in the garden. This would ease congestion at the bar for those just requiring bottles.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with the Rake in regards to bar arrangements

Layout – It had been suggested by the Rake that they set up a trailer on the car park, looking toward the garden. This would form a stage (same layout as Rakefest last year).

Trestle tables would be needed to set up Bake-Off. The Village Hall could be asked but there would be an issue transporting the tables to the Rake.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with the Rake in regards to stage arrangements

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to enquire with village hall regarding Trestle tables and ask Cllr Buckler if we could use his trailer that weekend to move the Trestle tables (worst case scenario: Cllrs could carry 2 or 3 trestle tables from village hall to the Rake?)

Decorations – It was agreed that flags could be purchased (subject to budget recommendations from Full Council). Flags could also decorate the tables. Tablecloths were also discussed.

Cllr Whitehead had previously mentioned that he has Union flag bunting.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to purchase flag and tablecloth decorations (subject to approval of budget from full council).

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Cllr Whitehead to be asked if he would let PC borrow union flag bunting

Stalls – The Rake had raised concerns regarding stalls at the VE Event due to lack of room. The clerk confirmed that no stallholders had asked to attend the event even though a social media post had been advertised. It was agreed that no stalls would attend the event.


Poster – A first draft of the poster was shown to the working Group. Please see Appendix 1 (edited poster which includes amendments):

Amendments to include:

a. Inclusion of the Last Post and Nation’s toast.

The Rake would need to approve the BBQ before the poster was released.

Social Media – A programme of events would be publicised on social media nearer to the event as well as a publicity campaign to encourage all residents to take part in the Bake Off.


In the event of rain – The Parish Council would use their big Marquee which could be set up in the pub garden (subject to agreement from Rake management). The Bake-off could still go ahead as could craft activities for children (make your own union flag)

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with the Rake in regards to permission to use the big marquee if rain is forecast on morning of event.

Photographer – It was agreed to ask Cllr Anthony Wilcox if he would be photographer for this event.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Cllr Anthony Wilcox to be asked if he would be photographer at this event.

Donation Buckets – It was agreed that donation buckets should be placed at the end of the bar, the Bottle bar outside and on the Bake-off tables, asking for any loose change/donations to ‘Help the Heroes’ (subject to approval by full council)

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Clerk to create donation buckets with logo for ‘Help the Heroes’ (subject to agreement from full council)

Meeting closed at 9:35pm

Considerations for the Parish Council

|Recommendation to Full Council |Action to be taken and by whom |

|To approve a £300 budget for the VE Day event INCLUDING Sound System, prizes |ACTION: To be considered by Cllrs at Full Council PC meeting in March |

|and decorations | |

|To approve that the Last Post is played at 2:55pm. This is then followed by a|ACTION: To be considered by Cllrs at Full Council PC meeting in March |

|poem read by local children and then a Nation’s toast to the fallen soldiers | |

|and all those who fought in WW2 (as suggested by the national campaign for VE| |

|day) | |

|To approve cake sale donations and any loose change from donation buckets |ACTION: To be considered by Cllrs at Full Council PC meeting in March |

|(placed at the bars) to be donated to ‘Help the Heroes’ | |

Action to be taken by VE Event Team /Other CLLRS

|Action to be taken and by whom |

|ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with pub management to see if vocalist can be found via the Rake |

|ACTION: Cllr Andy Tassell to confirm that we have a bugle (or trumpet) player to play ‘Last Post at 2:55pm on 8th May. |

|ACTION: Clerk to create song sheet for ‘We’ll meet again’ (approx. 30 copies) |

|ACTION: Clerk to produce an ‘Event Programme’ for the party |

|ACTION: Clerk to book Sound system if full council agree to budget |

|ACTION: Cllr Wentel to ask children if they wish to read the poem at the event |

|ACTION: Cllr Wentel to co-ordinate collection of the games equipment from St Luke’s Church |

|ACTION: Clerk to source prizes for community Bake-off |

|ACTION: Clerk to send invitation to Deewater Grange residents to attend event and also act as judges (alongside staff) for Community Bake-off |

|ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with the Rake in regards to food and bar arrangements at the event |

|ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with the Rake in regards to stage arrangements |

|ACTION: Clerk to purchase flag and tablecloth decorations (subject to approval of budget from full council) |

|ACTION: Cllr Whitehead to be asked if PC can borrow Union Flag bunting |

|ACTION: Clerk to enquire with village hall regarding Trestle tables |

|ACTION: Cllr Buckler to be asked if we could use his trailer that weekend to move the Trestle tables (worst case scenario: Cllrs could carry 2 or 3 trestle|

|tables from village hall to the Rake?) |

|ACTION: Cllr Gilbert to enquire with the Rake in regards to permission to use the big marquee if rain is forecast on morning of event. |

|ACTION: Cllr Anthony Wilcox to be asked if he would consider being photographer at this event |




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