Oedipus / Antigone Play

Oedipus Review Performance Time 4.5-8.5 minutes (Revised “E”) Due______________________________ Theme: _____________________________

Name_____________________________ Role _______________________________

Name_____________________________ Role _______________________________

Name_____________________________ Role _______________________________

Name_____________________________ Role _______________________________

Name_____________________________ Role _______________________________

As part of our study and review of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex we are going to present one scene of this play, or the “Oedipus Myth,” or a shortened version of the entire play to the class in a modernized theme format. You could also present an appropriate scene such as Creon’s actual visit to the oracle, or you can give dialogue to a scene that was only described in the play from a 3rd person perspective without the reader actually being there. If you are doing a video, you may bring in “extras” who aren’t in this class to appear in your presentation. Don’t do anything inappropriate, disprespectful, dangerous, or illegal in making these videos.

- Do I want to work with a group, or do I want to do an alternate individual assignment?

-What will be the setting / theme?

- Do we want to do this live in front of the class, or do we want to make a video?

- Do we have the time and resources to do a video?

Note: The school’s video editing machine may not be available for this project.

Your Grade

_____ There is no profanity, inappropriate language, inappropriate topics, or allusions.*

_____ The teacher was given a script and a rubric before the presentation.

_____ The content was organized, accurate and clearly reflects each character.

_____ The presentation was organized, witty and made unique connections between characters.

_____ The presentation had a clear and appropriate theme and setting.

_____ The presentation had depth and reflected the amount of time preparation given.

_____ I have properly participated and each character spoke at least 5 times.

_____ The characters in my group presented with energy and enthusiasm by moving and they

didn’t stay in one spot for long periods of time.

_____ The volume was consistently clear throughout.

_____ My group turned in a script or a very detailed outline (with significant dialogue).

* There will be a 10-point daily deduction for being off-task during preparation time.

* Failure to meet the time range will cause an automatic 8-point deduction in the overall grade. *

* Keeping the characters moving is important during the play. The characters should not walk in

and stand in one spot too long or the play becomes boring (no matter how good the lines are). When speaking, face the audience. You may use scripts for this as you present.

* There needs to be an explanation of the theme and who each character in your

presentation represents at the beginning of the play (so the audience knows what is going on). Some students may have to play more than one role and that should be clarified before and during the play.

* Narration occurs throughout the play so that there is no confusion as to what is occurring.

Don’t assume that the audience will “get it” without you giving them a preview of what to expect and possibly an explanation of what just happened.

Past Themes: Musicals (with this you could incorporate modern music at points during your play and make your own music videos to put in it) / James Bond; Mafia; Country / Western; 60’s (Austin Powers); 70’s / disco (lights, clothing, music); Law and Order/ Swamp People / Pawn Stars / Talledega Nights /

Mean Girls, / Cops / Harry Potter/ Pirates of the Carribean / Bourne Ultimatum / Futuristic - Star Wars / Rock-n-Roll / Hollywood / Celebrity or compilation of great movie scenes and lines (each character takes on the role of a well-known musician or movie star and you can use clips of songs by characters and appropriate adaptation of the words to fit the story.) / Horror / TV Shows (The Office, Pretty Little Liars, American Idol, J. Springer, soap operas etc) / TV Cartoons (Blue’s Clues,The Simpson’s etc ) Modern & Classic Movies (Disney Movies,); Comic Book Heroes (Justice League Characters: Batman, Spider Man, Wonder Woman, Aqua Man, Hulk, Captain America etc.), Dance Battle,

*****Once you decide on a theme, the theme must then be approved by Mr. Ferguson.*****


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