Microsoft Word - 2014 Classical Argument Rubric.docx

AP Language and Composition/College Composition--English 111/RamosAssignment: Classical Argument with Toulmin Rubric All papers should be typed, in MLA format, 3-4 pages in length. Choose a topic that you are passionate about, reference the graphic organizer on my website, and include THREE reasons to support your claim (thesis) and evidence to support your ideas. You are not to use cited evidence at this point—just personal observations and logic. This paper can be turned in to a researched paper later in the year. You are responsible for taking notes and scoring on/attached to this paper, which will be turned in on your paper due date. Your paper will not be graded without the rubric and notes from our conference. Part What’s Included Paragraphs Points Introduction -Attention-Getter with your Voice- Significance of issue and/or background information on the issue -Thesis Statement ONE20 Points Presentation of GROUNDS (Body Paragraphs)-Presents convincing reasons and specific evidence to support argument; reasons/evidence appeal to LOGOS, PATHOS, ETHOS *Topic sentences w/transitional devices must begin each paragraph. THREE (Usually one DEVELOPED paragraph per reason given) 30 points Summary of Opposing Views -Summarize opposing view to at least ONE of your grounds or reasons -Refute opposing views with new, specific evidence TWO (one paragraph per part) 20 points Conclusion -Sum up argument -Leave a strong impression -“So What?” Statement and Call to Action ONE 10 points Grammar/Conventions-spelling/usage-grammar/mechanics (verb tense, punctuation, pronouns)-follows writing guidelines (no contractions, effective diction, appropriate tone)10 points Language and Voice-stylistically sophisticated, using language that is precise and engaging-notable sense of voice and awareness of audience and purpose-effectively incorporates a range of varied sentence patterns to reveal syntactic fluency 10 points TOTAL 100 points ................

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