Evolution & Classification Study Guide 2009

Evolution & Classification Study Guide 2015

1. What is evolution?

2. Where did Darwin conduct most of his research?

3. What is the name of Darwin’s Book of “Dangerous Ideas”?

4. What did Darwin mean when he described certain organisms as “more fit” than others? What happens to these organisms ultimately?

5. What conditions cause animals to have to compete to be the “best fit?”

6. Define natural selection:

7. Define adaptation:

8. What role does the environment play in natural selection? (use the words adapt, survive & reproduce in your answer.)

9. *****What are all the types of evidence used to support the theory of evolution discussed in class? Provide an example of each & how they are interpreted – what does it mean evolutionarily speaking?*****(This is like the chart you were given earlier in the unit.)

10. What are homologous structures? What do they suggest? Do they indicate that evolution happens quickly or slowly?

11. What are vestigial structures? What do they suggest? Give 2 examples.

12. What is Tuberculosis?

13. What are antibiotics?

14. What is antibiotic resistance?

15. What causes antibiotic resistance?

16. What is the naming system created by Linnaeus that we used today called?

17. What is the scientific name for humans? Write it correctly.

18. What is taxonomy?

19. What is a cladogram?

20. According to evolutionary theory all living things derived from one __________ _________.

21. What is the raw material for evolution? (answer: genetic variation)

22. Explain how natural selection has been at work in this diagram:


Brown beetle

Green beetle


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