Classification of Living Things:

Classification of Living Things:


OK. So we have this really big group of living things that exist on earth. To divide them up, we first put them into one of five KINGDOMS.

Here they are, with their defining characteristics & some examples.

(you should memorize this)







| | |ALGAE |



| |HETEROTROPHIC |YEAST (unicellular) |

| |SESSILE | |












| | |(oh my !) |

Yes, I know it looks like a lot to remember. But who said this wasn't going to require you to WORK ? Here are a couple generalizations that may help you keep some of that table straight :

A) only 1 Kingdom has organisms that are prokaryotic (the Moneran Kingdom)

B) For the most part, any organism that is unicellular & eukaryotic is a Protist (one exception is YEAST, a unicellular fungus)

C) Fungi have the same characteristics as Plants except that Fungi are heterotrophic & Plants are autotrophic, and their cell walls are different

D) Animals are the only motile multicellular group

E) Most of the autotrophic organism we study have chlorophyll which gives them a greenish appearance. So being "green" is an important clue --- it indicates they are autotrophic (ex: blue-green algae, algae, plants).


So, how are you doing ? Shall we try some questions to see how much of that 'Kingdom Table' has stuck to your brain ?


For each description or example, name the kingdom it belongs in. Your choices are : animal, plant, fungi, protist or moneran.

Write down the answers to these 10 questions on a separate piece of paper.

1. one-celled organism, eukaryotic, has structures for moving

2. green, multicellular, sessile, cellulose cell walls

3. an Ameba

4. multicellular, eukaryotic cells, obtains food from its environment, flies

5. colony of eukaryotic cells, autotrophic

6. sessile, heterotrophic, multicellular

7. eukaryotic cells with cell walls composed of cellulose

8. unicellular, no nucleus visible

9. yeast

10. bacteria


If you got 7 or more of those right I'd say you're ready to go on. If not, study the table more & try the questions a second time (just a suggestion).

In any case, we need to take a closer look inside each kingdom at some of the important "phyla". A phylum is the first subgroup within a kingdom. I've outlined the "more important" phyla of each kingdom in the next table & given some examples too.



|MONERA |blue-green algae |autotrophic |blue-green algae |

| | bacteria |heterotrophic |Streptococcus |

| | | |Staphylococcus |

| PROTIST | algae | autotrophic | "sea weeds" |

| |(plant-like) | |diatoms |

| | | |Spirogyra |

| | protozoa | heterotrophic | Ameba |

| |(animal-like) | |Paramecium |

| FUNGI | the thing to remember about this kingdom is that most are multicellular (mushrooms, molds, mildew) and a few are |

| |unicellular (yeast). don't worry about specific phyla names. :) |

| PLANTS | bryophyte | nonvascular plants (small & simple) |mosses |

| | | |liverworts |

| | tracheophyte |vascular plants |trees |

| | | |flowering plants |

| | | |ferns |

| ANIMAL | coelenterates |tentacles |hydra |

| | |hollow body cavity  |jellyfish |

| | annelids |worms with segmented bodies  |earthworm  |

| | arthropods |exoskeletons |grasshoppers |

| | |jointed legs |lobsters |

| | | |spiders |

| | | |bees |

| | chordates |have a notochord (nerve chord) & usually a backbone  |humans & other mammals |

| | | |birds |

| | | |reptiles |

| | | |amphibians  |

| | | |fish |

Study the table a little & try these KINGDOM REVIEW QUESTIONS :

11) The presence of vascular tissue for transporting liquids is characteristic of :

A. ferns

B. mosses

C. slime molds

D. algae

12) Which protists contain chlorophyll (a green substance necessary for photosynthesis) ?

A. Ameba

B. algae

C. moss

D. Paramecium

13) The animal-like protists are :

A. algae

B. Annelids

C. protozoa

D. yeast

14) Euglena is a eukaryotic single-celled organism that possesses chlorophyll but has no cell wall. It also has a mouth & swims using a structure called a flagellum. It is most reasonable to classify Euglena as a :

A. plant

B. animal

C. protist

D. blue-green algae

15) Low growing plants without vascular tissues are classified as :

A. bryophytes

B. algae

C. tracheophytes

D. mushrooms

16) Two animals are the same species if they :

A. live in the same environment

B. show a very close resemblance

C. can mate & produce fertile offspring

D. eat the same foods

17) Bacteria & blue-green algae belong to which kingdom ?

A. animal

B. plant

C. fungi

D. monera

18) Which group are NOT invertebrates (animals without backbones) ?

A. coelenterates

B. chordates

C. annelids

D. arthropods

19) Which animal is correctly matched with its phylum ?

A. whale - coelenterate

B. honey bee - arthropods

C. spider - chordate

D. snake - annelid

20) Whales have hair, are warm-blooded, & nurse their young. Therefore, they are classified in the same class with :

A. fish

B. lobsters

C. tigers

D. turtles

The reading (pages 25-28) from your book also goes along with this assignment. After reading this packet and those pages, you will have answered all of the following on a separate piece of paper: Questions 1-20 from this packet and the four section review questions on page 28 in your book. The four questions from the book need to be answered using complete sentences and rephrasing.


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