GVS-Unit 7-Task 3- Employment Leads / Job Searches

Name: _______________________

Date: _____________

The Want Ad Project

Using reliable references (Internet search engines, current magazines, newspapers, other classified ad listings) for jobs and positions, complete this project.

Make sure you put your name on your finished product.

For the Job Search/Want Ad project, the students must cut out classified ads that say NO Experience needed or NO Experience required or NO Experience necessary. These ads are 10 points each. Will train ads or Training provided ads are 5 points each. Students should ask their grade level teachers for newspapers if they do not have any at home.

Students are to cut out classified ads (want ads) from newspapers or the Internet that state:

NO Experience Needed

No Experience Required

No Exp.

No Experience

**Each of those ads will be worth 10 points.

Training provided

Will train

**The training ads will be worth 5 points each

Newspapers may be available in the classroom and in the media center if the students ask for the newspapers.

1. In the no experience ads do the jobs require specific physical attributes or abilities? If so, what are they? ______________________________________



2. How do these jobs work with my career plans? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Are these jobs consistent with my desired lifestyle? _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Is the income high enough in the no experience jobs so I could maintain my family on it alone if necessary? ______________________________________

5. What can I do today to begin preparing for my future______________________




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