Grade 11 Classroom Expectations

Grade 11 Classroom Expectations

A lot of emphasis is being placed on students meeting classroom expectations.  Each day, students will be assessed on their ability to arrive on time, be prepared, stay on task, have homework completed, and show respect for others in the classroom.  Marks will be assigned on both midterm report and end of term reports for classroom expectations with a letter for work habits (G = good, S = satisfactory, N= needs improvement).  The expectations for our classroom are as follows:

•   Attend regularly and punctually.  If you are not in class and not on the absentee list, a phone call home will result.  If you are absent for a test, you will receive a “0” for that test unless a note is brought to the teacher or a phone call is received from a parent/guardian.  If you skip class, you will receive a zero on all tests and assignments due that day.  When you are absent, you are responsible for picking up your homework package from the office, or checking online at my website, and then completing the work before you return to class.

• Bring required material to class (all texts, binder, paper, writing tools, etc).  A personal reading book is required as you will read at least 20 minutes every day.


• Complete all assignments on time.  Late work will not be penalized, but after a reasonable extension, completion marks only will be available.  Major assignments that are late will be graded, but will only receive a numerical evaluation, and will not receive feedback. When you are absent, you are responsible for getting the assignment to me either via e-mail or personal drop off at the school on the due date. 

• In order to deter and detect plagiarism, you may be requested to submit assignments to a plagiarism detection website.  Plagiarism is a serious offense which violates student conduct rules and may be a violation of copyright law. Whenever information is borrowed, you must give proper references and cite the sources. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, and students will receive a zero if found guilty.  Disciplinary action will also be taken.


• Complete all homework.  Homework will be checked for completion and you will either receive a check mark or you won’t.  There are no half marks or late marks.  These marks are used to help determine work habits marks and comments.


• Cell phones are not to be disruptive in class. Proper cell phone etiquette is expected – phones must be silent. Music must be at an appropriate level and earphone should not be plugged in during lectures or tests. If a cell phone becomes a problem, it may be confiscated.


• No hats or skateboards in class.


• Demonstrate courtesy and good manners to all others in the classroom.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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