Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities

|Pre-K SPED |[pic] |

|Assistive Technology Implementation Plan | |

To check boxes on this form, double click inside the box and choose “checked” and “ok”.

|Student: J.S. |If you are sending a copy of this plan to the Pre-K Tech Team, please indicate |

|Date of Plan: XXXXXX |why: |

|ID #: XXXXXXX | |


|School: Air Base Elementary | |

|Exceptionality: Developmentally Delayed | |

|Placement: Full Day Reverse Mainstream |To receive informal feedback (specify) |

|Pre-K Teacher: Ms. Q | |

| | |

| |phone |

| |email |

| |classroom visit |

| | |

| | |

| |As a referral for an Assistive Technology Screening/Assessment |

| | |

| | |

| |As required for a Functional Assessment of Behavior (FAB) |

| | |

Other team members (name and title) giving input to this plan, including the parent(s):

Mrs. S., mother

Ms. M., OT

Ms. P., Para

Current therapy/related services include (check all that apply):

OT Speech Language Orientation/Mobility

PT Vision Hearing Other: ____________

1. What does this student like to do? Use this information to choose motivating activities, communication topics and/or reinforcers. J.S. enjoys playing with the train set, duplo blocks, and puzzles. He particularly enjoys completing a Thomas the Train puzzle. He loves working with the SmartBoard. He likes to dance during Large Group time.

2. What does this student do well? Use this information as a base to begin intervention. J.S. is able to follow the classroom routine. He can sit on the carpet and participate (minimally) in large group activities. He can sit at the table and complete preferred activities for a short period of time.

3. What TASK(S) do you want this student to be able to do that he or she is not presently able to do? BE SPECIFIC! Choose 1 – 3 tasks and state them using action verbs, EX: “greet a friend” or “stay with the group.” State any behavioral expectations in positive terms.

1. Calm himself down when upset.

2. Deal with frustration by calming, complying and/or using words to express himself.

4. Describe tools (materials and strategies) that have already been used with this student to address these needs and describe the results so far:

Behavior cue symbols – have been effective when used IMMEDIATELY

Defined space – only effective if in is consistently the SAME space

Relaxation/breathing techniques – sometimes effective when demonstrated by the teacher

Safe Place – effective when joined by a teacher and prompted to use techniques to relax

Positive redirection/ignoring behavior that is not seriously disruptive – very effective

I Love You Rituals – HIGHLY effective, done at the beginning of the day and throughout the day as needed

Adaptation Station

5. Use the compilation of classroom materials, instructional strategies, and assistive technology devices on this page and the next to find tools that can be used to assist this student in performing the tasks you identified in Question #3.

• Use ONLY the sections that correspond to the chosen tasks.

• Check items that have been tried and items that will be tried, in the appropriate column. To check boxes on this form, double click inside the box and choose “checked” and “ok”.

• If you choose a Communication Tool, be sure to choose one or more AAC Strategies as well

|Communication Tools |Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC) Strategies |

|Tried |Tried |

|Will try |Will try |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Picture communication boards |Use the daily routine as a framework for planning for the use of AAC |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|PECS (Picture Exchange Comm. System) book |Use messages that are motivating for the student |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Single message voice output device (Big Mack, Mini Com, etc.) |Model the use of devices/boards by pointing to the appropriate messages as |

| |you speak |

| | |

| | |

|Sequenced message voice output device (Step-by-Step, Sequencer) | |

| |Give cues (expectant pause, facial expression, gesture, body language, etc.) |

| |and plenty of wait time for student responses |

| | |

|Multi-message voice output device with levels (Cheap Talk 8 / 6-level, Tech | |

|Speak 32) | |

| |Practice the prompt hierarchy |

| | |

| | |

|Voice output device with dynamic screen (consult with Pre-K Tech Team) | |

| |Build empowerment, initiative, and ownership |

| | |

| | |

|Other: | |

| |Provide immediate and consistent feedback to a student’s communication |

|_________________________________________________ |attempts |

|Pre-Writing/Creative Representation | |

|Tried | |

|Will try | |

| |Set the stage for communication to occur (sabotage) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Adaptive tool grip |Keep devices/boards accessible and within easy reach |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Stabilization of materials |Use a symbol system according to student’s need (objects, miniature objects, |

| |photos, drawings, product labels, or Picture Communication Symbols – PCS) |

| | |

| | |

|Slant board or inclined work surface | |

| |Other: |

| | |

| |______________________________________________________ |

|Stamps (sponges, potatoes, cookie cutters, etc.) |Physical Access to Play and Participation |

| |Tried |

| |Will try |

| | |

|Alternate tools for painting (paint rollers, dot markers) | |

| | |

| | |

| |Switch adapted toys |

|Adapted scissors | |

| | |

| | |

| |Grasping tools and toy adaptations for grasping |

|Swirl art toy adapted with switch | |

| | |

| | |

| |Stabilization or mounting of toys/materials |

|Stencils | |

| | |

| | |

| |Non-slip materials on play surface (Dycem, Velcro, carpet square, etc.) |

|Computer software to draw | |

| | |

| | |

| |All-Turn-It spinner for participation, turn taking and random selections |

|Other: | |

| | |

|_______________________________________________________ | |

|Books and Literacy (Shared Reading, Phonological Awareness, Story Time) |Environmental control unit (PowerLink) for activation of electronic devices |

|Tried |(tape player, blender, string of lights, etc.) with a switch |

|Will try | |

| | |

| | |

| |Adapted swing/tricycle |

| | |

|Single message voice output device programmed with repeated lines/phrases | |

| | |

| |Computer with software for play/games with switch or adapted keyboard |

| | |

|Sequenced message device programmed with story/song/rhyme lines | |

| | |

| |Other: |

| | |

|BELL Shared Reading/Phonological Awareness picture boards and overlays | |

| |For more information on any of these items, go to |

| | station.html |

| | |

|Stabilization of books with Dycem, Velcro, bookstand | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Adapted page turners (hot glue dots, ponytail holders, page fluffers) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Object books, tactile books | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Language Master | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Stories on computer with switch or adapted keyboard | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Symbolate (typing with symbols) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Other: | |

| | |

Adaptation Station (continued)

|Positioning, Seating and Mobility |Positive Behavior Supports/ Organizational Strategies |

|All adaptive equipment must be determined in consultation with a M-DCPS |Tried |

|Occupational or Physical Therapist |Will try |

|Tried | |

|Will try | |

| | |

| | |

| |Clearly defined work/play areas |

| | |

|Appropriate seating/positioning for floor | |

|activities | |

| |Classroom visual schedule |

| | |

| | |

|Appropriate seating for table activities | |

| |Transition routines and cues |

| | |

| | |

|Appropriate positioning/equipment for | |

|outdoor activities |Becky Bailey relaxation techniques |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Equipment for standing |Becky Bailey “I Love You Rituals” |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Equipment for mobility |Becky Bailey daily commitments |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Adapted toilet |Safe Place |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Other: |Communication strategies |

| | |

|Based on a therapist's recommendations, check Pre-K SPED website for | |

|availability and procedures: | |

| |Behavior cue symbols |

| | |

|______________________________________________________ | |

|Computer Access | |

|Tried |Social skills posters |

|Will try | |

| | |

| | |

| |Clearly defined personal space |

| | |

|Mini mouse | |

| | |

| |Timer |

| | |

|Touch screen | |

| | |

| |Individual visual schedule |

| | |

|Trackball | |

| | |

| |Mini visual schedule |

| | |

|Joystick | |

| | |

| |Task cards |

| | |

|Alternate keyboard (Intellikeys) | |

| | |

| |Individual work system |

| | |

|Switch access with cause/effect software | |

| | |

| |First/then board |

| | |

|Switch access with scanning | |

| | |

| |Behavior/reward system |

| | |

|Other: | |

| | |

|_______________________________________________________ |Social story |

|Activities of Daily Living/Self-Help | |

|Tried | |

|Will try | |

| |Seat cushion |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Stabilization of materials |Weighted vest (must be based on recommendation from M-DCPS OT/PT and be on |

| |child’s IEP) |

| | |

| | |

|Tools for grasping | |

| |Other: Deep pressure (hugs, squeezes, weighted blanket) |

| | |

| |______________________________________________________ |

|Adapted utensils |Vision |

| |Tried |

| |Will try |

| | |

|Adaptive cups | |

| | |

| | |

| |Object books, tactile books |

|Adapted dishes | |

| | |

| | |

| |Objects/Braille/tactile symbols for labeling and storage |

|Adapted toilet | |

| | |

| | |

| |Alternate computer keyboard with enlarged keys/tactile labels |

|Toileting schedule (Teacher Handbook, App. P) | |

| | |

| | |

| |Tactile symbol schedule |

|Other: | |

| | |

|______________________________________________________ | |

|Hearing |Beeping ball |

|Tried | |

|Will try | |

| | |

| |Puffy paper, puffy paint |

| | |

| | |

|Headphones | |

| |Textured and/or scented activities and materials |

| | |

| | |

|Classroom amplification system | |

| |Wiki sticks |

| | |

| | |

|Personal amplification system | |

| |Light box |

| | |

| | |

|Augmentative communication: pictures, text, voice output, signs, etc. | |

| |Other: |

| | |

| | |

|Other: |For more information on any of these items, go to |

| | station.html |

| | |

6. Use the table(s) below to finish this student’s plan. Use 1 table per task/tool. NO PLAN IS COMPLETE UNTIL at least one table is filled, including documentation of results after an appropriate implementation period.

|WHAT task will the student be expected to |WHAT tool (device or material) will be |WHERE will the tool be obtained? |

|do (from Question #3)? |used? | |

|Task: |Tool (device/material): | already in classroom |

|Deal with frustration by calming, |Behavior cue symbols |request from Pre-K Tech Team |

|complying and/or using words to express |“You May – You May Not” poster |borrow from ________________ |

|himself | |make |

| | |download / print |

| | |other: |

|WHEN in the daily routine will this tool/strategy be used (check all that apply)? |

| Arrival |

|Greeting |

|Small Group |

|Large Group |

| |

|Snack/Lunch |

|Outside |

|Planning/Recall |

|Work Time |

| |

|Clean Up |

|Shared Reading |

|Phonol. Awareness |

|Self-Help |

| |

|1 to 1 Time |

|Therapy |

|Closing |

|Home |

| |

|HOW: Describe specific instructional strategies for the use of this tool |

|While maintaining close proximity to J.S., the teacher will state the expected behavior and show him the behavior cue symbol when he becomes upset. |

|The teacher will use short, distinct verbal directions, “No, J., it is W’s turn.” |

|DOCUMENT results below after an appropriate implementation period |

|Date: XXXXXX |

|Results: After using nearly continuous proximity for a period of 3 months, J.S. is able to control his frustration when the teacher is nearby. |

|However, he still resorts to grabbing and pushing to get his way with the other children and adults. A Functional Assessment of Behavior for |

|Prekindergarten Students (FAB) and a Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) will be considered. |

|WHAT task will the student be expected to |WHAT tool (device or material) will be |WHERE will the tool be obtained? |

|do (from Question #3)? |used? | |

|Task: |Tool (device/material): | already in classroom |

|Calm himself down when upset |Safe Place |request from Pre-K Tech Team |

| |Breathing techniques visuals/choice board |borrow from ________________ |

| |Choice board with sensory techniques for |make |

| |relaxation |download / print |

| | |other: |

|WHEN in the daily routine will this tool/strategy be used (check all that apply)? |

| Arrival |

|Greeting |

|Small Group |

|Large Group |

| |

|Snack/Lunch |

|Outside |

|Planning/Recall |

|Work Time |

| |

|Clean Up |

|Shared Reading |

|Phonol. Awareness |

|Self-Help |

| |

|1 to 1 Time |

|Therapy |

|Closing |

|Home |

| |

|HOW: Describe specific instructional strategies for the use of this tool |

|When J. becomes upset and starts to tantrum (cry, scream, knock things down), the teacher will direct him to the Safe Place. She will ask him how |

|he wants to calm down by referring to the breathing techniques choice board on the wall. She will also guide him to use the breathing techniques. |

|She will hold J. in her lap and hug/squeeze him. If he chooses the weighted blanket, she will wrap him as recommended by the O.T. She will look |

|him in the eye and stroke his cheeks until he regains composure. |

|DOCUMENT results below after an appropriate implementation period |

|Date: XXXXXX |

|Results: Upon trying the above techniques, we discovered that the most effective tool for calming J. down was to have him sit in a deep beanbag and|

|either be hugged or squeezed by the teacher or O.T.. Now when his frustration begins to escalate, we ask him if he needs to go sit on the beanbag. |

|He answers either no (and he calms down on his own) or yes (and he goes to the beanbag independently. Although he has made progress in dealing with|

|frustration, the team feels it will be a good idea to look at frustration tolerance in the FAB and PBSP process. |

For examples of completed ATIPs, go to:

> Appendix J

For an Assistive Technology Screening/Assessment, send a copy of this ATIP (AFTER IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD AND DOCUMENTED RESULTS) to:

smiguel@ or in school mail to mail code 9614.




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