Classroom Rules and Procedures ...

Classroom Rules and Procedures


1. Students must respect themselves and others.

2. Students are responsible for their actions and learning.

3. Students must be safe by following instructions given by adults.


During the opening of class:

1. Students must enter the class quietly and wearing dress code.

2. Students must be seated with materials (pencils, paper, books, and book bags put away, etc) ready for class.

3. Students must copy the essential questions.

4. Students must complete warm-up and be prepare for discussion of the warm-up.

During class work time:

1. Students implementing the agenda for the day.

2. Students are on task, engaged in learning, and use correct procedures to get help.

3. Students participate in class activities.

During closing of class:

1. Students must copy homework assignments.

2. Students must collect work, materials and work.

3. Students must complete a summary or reflection of the lesson


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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