Classroom Management Plan - University of Florida

Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Rules:

1. Be respectful

2. Be prepared

3. Participate fully

Discipline Plan: “Three Strikes and You’re Out!”

The teacher will keep a clipboard with a list of every student’s name on it, and “X 3 2 1” written out to the side. Students can earn three points every day for participation and behavior.


| |Mon |Tues |Wed |Thur |Fri |Weekly Total |

|Sarah S. |X 3 2 1 |X 3 2 1 |X 3 2 1 |X 3 2 1 |X 3 2 1 | |

|John P. |X 3 2 1 |X 3 2 1 |X 3 2 1 |X 3 2 1 |X 3 2 1 | |

The first X is crossed off the sheet as a warning. After a warning is received, students lose their “three strikes,” losing one point for each misbehavior. Strikes can be marked off for any behavior deemed disrespectful or distracting, including tardiness, off-task behavior, talking out of turn, not having a pencil or paper, etc. Losing all three strikes for a day (“striking out”) results in time-out or other appropriate in-class punishment. Remaining points are totaled up at the end of each week and entered into the grade book.

The teacher reserves the right to forgo the Three Strikes plan for serious behaviors such as fighting or other behavior that poses risk to the safety of the class. These behaviors will result in an immediate referral.

Beyond Three Strikes

← Any student who “strikes out” twice will receive a phone call, email, or letter home to a parent or guardian.

← A third “strike out” results in detention.

← Four or more “strike outs” results in referral.

← Continued “strike outs” indicates a behavior problem not likely to be solved in class. In such a case, the teacher will consult with administrators, parents, guidance counselors, and the student to determine an appropriate individual behavior plan.

(Note: Strike Policy and consequences will be adjusted based on the behavior policy of the school and the grade level of the students.)

Behavior Incentives

For classes for whom a behavior grade is not sufficient motivation to participate in class, behavior incentives will be offered. A system will be set up rewarding good behavior with tokens or points that can be saved up and used to purchase treats or special privileges from the teacher.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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