Second Edition Educational Psychology

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Second Edition

Educational Psychology

A Contemporary Approach

Gary D. Borich

The University of Texas at Austin

Martin L. Tombari

University of Denver

(This publication may be reproduced for student and classroom use without prior written permission of the authors)

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Contents in Brief


Chapter 1: Introduction to Educational Psychology

Part I: What Teachers Need to Know About Development

Chapter 2: Cognitive Development

Chapter 3: Personal-Social Development: The Feeling Child

Part II: What Teachers Need to Know About Learning

Chapter 4: The Behavioral Science Approach to Learning

Chapter 5: Cognitive Learning I: Understanding Effective Thinking

Chapter 6: Making Learners Active Thinkers

Chapter 7: Motivation and Classroom Learning

Part III: What Teachers Need to Know About Instruction and Classroom


Chapter 8: Group Process in the Classroom

Chapter 9: Positive Approaches to Conduct Management

Chapter 10: Instructional Management

Part IV: What Teachers Need to Know About Assessment

Chapter 11: Assessing for Learning: Ability and Standardized Assessment

Chapter 12: Assessing for Learning: Objective and Essay Tests

Chapter 13: Assessing for Learning: Performance Assessment

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Part V: What Teachers Need to Know About Learner Diversity

Chapter 14: Teaching Exceptional and At-Risk Learners

Chapter 15: Multicultural and Gender-Fair Instruction

Chapter 16: Family Systems and Home-School Partnerships

Appendix: Discussion and Practice Answers



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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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