This Social Studies course is designed to expand the student’s understanding of history and geography by studying the people, places, and events of the major world civilizations from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Age of Enlightenment. Learning about the major cultures and civilizations through world history enables American students to grasp a better understanding of their place in an ever increasing global society and how to interact with people of diverse cultures and traditions.

The course of study follows the state of California framework guidelines for seventh grade and provides the students with opportunities to utilize higher level thinking skills and strengthen critical thinking and social skills. In addition, students will analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, cultural, and social structures of the medieval world. Students will crisscross through Europe, Africa, Arabia, China, Japan, and the Americas as they study the unique cultures of the middle ages. (California Standards: 7.1-7.6, 7.8-7.11)


The goals of the course are for students to:

• Develop advanced reading and writing skills that will enable them to comprehend

increasingly complex and sophisticated material.

• Acquire core knowledge and a keen understanding of the growth, the development, and the uniqueness of medieval and early modern civilizations.

• Appreciate the beauty and power of language used to describe historical events.

• Understand the growth, development and uniqueness of medieval civilizations.

• Listen and speak in a variety of situations and engage in class discussions.

• Write clearly and efficiently for a variety of purposes in a social science environment.

• Strengthen study and research skills to access and communicate ideas in a technological


• Become life-long readers, writers, and students of history.


All students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with generally accepted

standards of behavior and courtesy. Parent contacts, citizenship grades, detentions, and referrals will be determined in part by compliance with such standards.

1. All students are expected to:

• Be punctual and prepared with completed assignments.

• Students must come to class with the proper materials. Supply list attached.

• Be respectful at all times.

• Give every task their best effort.

• Be responsible and organized.

• Support the work of the class.

• Follow the rules and guidelines set forth in the binder reminder for good behavior.

2. Attendance: Class work is an essential part of this course. Attendance on a regular basis is

necessary for success.

3. Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes will be given throughout each chapter and may be announced

ahead of time or not. Student need to be prepared on a daily basis and will be expected to

review work completed in class for at least 15 minutes nightly. Tests will be given following

the completion of every chapter or unit. Students are expected to study and prepare for these

quizzes and tests.

4. Make-up work: Students who are absent from class will have a time equal to the number of

days absent to complete their assignments. Tests missed due to an absence must be made

up within 3 days of return. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with

the teacher for make-up work.

5. Neatness: Messy or sloppy work will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to use quality

penmanship. Student are required to use INK PENS to complete all assignments. Work

completed in pencil will NOT be accepted. This is a NO PENCIL ZONE. Students may

type their work as well.

GRADING POLICY: 7 College Prep

Students’ grades for this class will be based upon scores received on tests, quizzes, homework, class work, participation, and major assignments. All work is to be kept in the student’s spiral.

The student’s grade will be determined by the percent of total points earned:

100% A+ 87%-89.9% B+ 77%-79.9% C+ 67-69.9% D+

94-99.9% A 83%-86.9% B 73%-76.9% C 62.5-66.9% D

90-93.9% A- 80%-82.9% B- 70%-72.9% C- 57-62.4% D-

56% and below = F

(Tests = 40% Quizzes and Projects = 30% Historical Spiral = 20% Participation = 10%)

(Students enrolled in the honors class must maintain a B- grade or higher to remain in the honors program.)

Students will also be assessed for Citizenship and Work Habits according to the criteria

described on page 2 in the Binder Reminder.


Daily homework assignments will be given. Students are expected to record their work in their Binder Reminder. All work is to be done in blue or black ink, have the proper heading, and be complete. Late work is not encouraged and will only be accepted one day late. This work will be down graded a whole letter grade. Credit for homework will be given only if all of these guidelines are met.


All students are expected to be on time to class with all appropriate books and materials. Each student should take his or her seat upon entering the classroom to avoid blocking the doorway. A student is tardy if she/he is not in the assigned seat when the second bell rings. All talking should stop when the bell rings and students should be ready to work.


School rules are described on pages 2-12 in the Binder Reminder. These policies will be

followed as described to create and foster a positive learning environment. Please familiarize

yourself with the information outlined on these pages.

WEB PAGE: Information on homework assignments, tests, projects, etc… can be found on the

school’s web site. Look under the “About Us” tab on the top of the page, click on teachers

and scroll down to find my name. This will take you to my web pages.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone number: 492-3538 x1308

Email address: smergen@



1. Spiral Notebook: 70-100 pages with a pocket folder. College Rule only. Students will need

a new spiral each trimester or when they run out of space. Please, no wide ruled spirals.

2. Blue or Black ink pens only. NO PENCILS except colored pencils. See #4.

3. Yellow or Green highlighter.

4. Box of colored pencils (8-10 count) or fine tipped (8-10 count) colored pens.

5. 2 Red Pens.

6. Glue Stick or a roll of tape. Please replace as needed.

7. USB Drive. (This is recommended but not required; however, it does save all of your work.)

8. One Pee-Chee (Two pockets) style folder.

9. Post-It-Notes (3x3) (Replenish as needed.)



PLEASE RETURN to Mrs. Mergen by September 4, 2012.

I have read and understand the classroom management plan for Social Studies 7H or 7CP.

_____________________________ __________________________ __________

Signature of student Signature of parent or guardian Date

_____________________________ ___________________________

Print name of student Print name of parent or guardian


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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