Teacher Resource Using th e STEM in Minecraft resources

Teacher Resource

Using the STEM in Minecraft resources

Digital games-based pedagogy in the classroom

This guide provides a quick overview of how to best use the STEM in Minecraft resources in your classroom.

? CCEA 2019

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In the classroom

Minecraft Education Edition is a version of the popular open world game, Minecraft, specifically designed for education.

Teacher and pupil roles

These activities work best when you are either in-game with the children and actively eliciting feedback and responses from the children in their groups.

Working in groups

Depending on how many devices are available you may wish to divide the class into small groups. Ideally with one or two children at each tablet or desktop machine. Consider assigning the children to small groups of two to four. The children can assign their own group or clan name and work collectively in small groups towards the goals in each STEM in Minecraft quest.

How well do your children know Minecraft?

Get an idea of how well versed the children are with the Minecraft software. Take a poll asking how many have played Minecraft before. They may have used the software on tablets or game consoles. Consider assigning a few children as Minecraft mentors ? those children in your class who know the software well and are keen and able to help fellow classmates when needed.


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The resources

The STEM in Minecraft web resource includes a variety of tools to support your Minecraft Viking learning sequence:

? Ideas for Connected Learning (ICL) booklet ? Getting started guides and a bespoke Viking Minecraft world ? Illustrated 2D version of the Minecraft world ? Live like a Viking video ? Quest lesson and activity plan booklets for teacher and pupil ? Discussion cubes ? Recipe videos ? Bigger build videos and blue prints


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Minecraft Education Edition Features

Minecraft Education Edition contains a variety of features that make Minecraft more accessible in a classroom setting. These features are sign posted throughout the STEM in Minecraft resources:

? Minecraft Education Edition includes a variety of game settings. The following you tube video provides an overview of game settings including creative and survival game modes: o Learn to play ? understanding the game settings

? Whole class collaboration: children can work together to build projects and solve problems. An entire classroom of up to 30 children can play in a world together with no separate server setup required. Also children can work together in pairs or small groups simply by joining their classmates' worlds.

? Classroom Mode is a companion app for Minecraft Education Edition that shows a map view of the Minecraft world, includes a list of all the children in the world, allows the teacher to teleport children to a specific location in-game and a chat window to communicate with children and grant resources.

Classroom Mode allows teachers to collaborate with children from outside the game world. The following you tube videos provide an overview of its main features:

o Installing classroom mode for Minecraft Education Edition o Connecting classroom mode for Minecraft Education Edition


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? Non-Playing Characters: Teachers may create an NPC (Non-Player Character) to act as a guide for children in the game, giving instruction, providing more information, and also allowing teachers to insert an active web link to additional web based references.

The following you tube video provides an overview of its main features: o Learn to play ? programming non-playing characters

? Camera, portfolio, book and quill features allows children to take screenshots of their work and document the progress of their projects. The book and quill provides room for children to add more text.

The following you tube videos provide an overview of the main features: 4

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o Learn to play ? the camera o Learn to play ? using the book and quill ? Using chalkboards teachers can communicate learning goals, provide additional information and give explicit instructions within the game.

Chalkboards come in three different sizes ? Slate (1x1), Poster (2x1), and Board (2x3). Learn more about chalkboards. ? Code Builder is a new extension for Minecraft Education Edition that allows teachers and children to write code to explore, create and play in full 3D Minecraft worlds.



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