Podcasts - HDI Learning

Low Tech Solutions for Using Video and Talking Photos to Build Staff CompetencyNicki Patton: Master Trainer, Ashland Regional Training Center Consultant, 859-230-5193 |nickipatton@Patti Singleton: Director of Information and Technology, Kentucky Partnership for Early Childhood Services, Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky 859-257-4913 | patti.naber@uky.edu0128905Are you a digital native or digital immigrant? Take our quiz and let’s discuss! Q1. How do you primarily interact with your friends and family?TelephoneTextSocial MediaQ2. How are you most likely to listen to music?CD’s, cassettes and/or recordsDownloaded on MP3 player or smartphoneStreaming Internet Radio (e.g., Pandora, YouTube)Q3. When you order food for pick up, how do you order?Call it inOrder OnlineQ4. When you read, how do you prefer to access a book?Buy a book or pick up from the libraryDownload to my device and read onlineQ5. When you have a question, where do you turn?EncyclopediaProfessional in the fieldGoogleQ6. How many online social media profiles do you have and use regularly? Think Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.ScoringQ1.Give yourself 1 point for text.Give yourself 5 points for social mediaQ2.Give yourself 1 point for MP3Give yourself 5 points for Streaming Internet RadioQ3.Give yourself 5 points for order onlineQ4.Give yourself 5 points for downloading to deviceQ5.Give yourself 5 points for GoogleQ6.Give yourself 1 point for each profileSetting the Stage1861820127000Informal LearningFormal LearningTrends"________________ -on-the-go"_________________ drives Millennials' learningInformal learning allows you to go where you want, when you want and on the route you choose511492560960In his blog, Informal Learning in a Nutshell, Jay Cross points out: Formal learning is like riding a bus: the driver decides where the bus is going; the passengers are along for the ride [route is set, you don't get to drive]. Informal learning is like riding a bike: the rider chooses the destination, the speed, and the route. The rider can take a detour at a moment’s notice to admire the scenery or go to the bathroom......Training is something that’s pushed on you; someone else is in charge. Learning is something you choose to do, whether you’re being trained or not... CITATION Cro12 \l 1033 (3)OnDemand VideoOnDemand Video is previously recorded video that can be accessed online via a website or video sharing service such as YouTube, TeacherTube, Teaching Channel, and Vimeo. Incorporate OnDemand video into new staff _______________, in-service ________________ or staff ____________. For example, use video to:Demonstrate best practicesEncourage development of new skills and/or use of new practicesEncourage individual "_______ - __ - _______" learning (use video to provide a learning solution when teacher actually needs the information - e.g., facing a specific behavior challenge and needs new ideas or solutions). OnDemand ResourcesPotential Uses IncludeHandwashing Development Clips for Observation and Assessment Reading (videos from above training module) on next page...OnDemand ResourcesPotential Uses IncludeBehavior & Guidance (using a stop sign as a conflict resolution tool) (see bottom of webpage) Best Practices in Early Childhood Connecticut State University, Center for Early Childhood Education OR Matter Videos (Colorado Department of Education) (Videative clips are a combination of text and video segments to create an integrated viewing experience (video + narrative = videative). The text explains the video and the video exemplifies the text. Individual videatives can be purchased for $5-$10 each.National Center for Quality Teaching and Learning (NCQTL) 15-Minute Inservice Suites & Suggestions for Using OnDemand Video Use the white space to write your reflections"Record Your Own" VideoRecord your own video and use to:Foster teacher ______ - _________________._________________ staff.Go to . Scroll half-way down the page to Video Categories. Click on Early Care and Education to access the following video clips:Using Documentation to Become A Better Teacher (3:12)Go to . Scroll half-way down the page to Video Categories. Click on Practices Here and There to access the following video clips:Using Video for Reflection and Coaching at SD27J Preschool (5:47)Example of Using Video for Coaching at SD27J Preschool (7:54)Go to to view:Using Video to Improve Practice: Do It Yourself (6:00)To learn more about coaching staff, checkout the Head Start model of Practice-Based Coaching which include the use of video as both a coaching and self-reflection tool: your own ____________ video libraryCreate Your Own OnDemand VideoShoot your own videoEquipmentTips for videotaping yourself (e.g., explaining a specific program procedure)YouTube: Go to Upload > Webcam CaptureOpen webcam software > find record optionTips for making your own video: Watch lighting, microphone close but not too loud, look up – not down at cameraEdit video using free/low-cost video editing Apps (see examples below):iMovieSpliceCamera Plus Pro YouTube CaptureMovie Maker (tutorial online ) Post video on video sharing website such as:YouTubeTeacherTubeVimeoAccessFree account: Sign in with google accountInstructions: Free account: Instructions: Free account: Instructions: hours of content uploaded a minuteMost popular siteSoley for educational purposesEmbedded blogNo length limit on individual videosStreamlined interfaceNo advertisersIndividual passwords per videoDisadvantagesPotential privacy issuesLimitation on upload length FirewallsNot as popular of a siteFirewallsLimitation on weekly upload amount772795267335Pay attention to sharing/privacy settingsExample: VimeoTalking PhotosTalking photos are photographs with audio addedExample: Director takes pictures as she does a 15 minute classroom observation (e.g., of safety hazards). Afterwards, she adds a recorded note to selected photographs (e.g., identifying safety hazard and a suggestion), then sends the photographs with audio notes back to the classroom teacher. Example: Teacher takes pictures of a small group activity, adds a recorded note describing the activity and children's response, then posts on the center's ThreeRing site for her colleagues and parents to view.Free/low-cost photograph with audio Apps include:Fotobabble ( or Apple Store Fotobabble)Photo Voice (PhotoVoice by Dan O’Day, $1.99 on iTunes)Spotliter by Netomat (free in iTunes or Apple App Store)Document and Share Children’s Learning with FamiliesUse video and talking photographs to document children's learning. Then, use an app such as ThreeRing to create digital portfolios of children’s work that can be used for assessment and documentation. Portfolios can be shared among teachers, the director, and parents. Parents can also share videos with teachers.To learn more about using video to collect child assessment data, go to: For information about sharing documentation with families, go to . Scroll half-way down the page to Video Categories. Click on Early Care and Education to access the following video clips:Sharing Video Documentation with Families (1:35)Sharing Documentation with Families (1:03)PodcastsA Podcast is an audio series delivered directly to your device when subscribed. iTunes, available on Apple Devices, is an example of a podcast subscription service.Examples of early childhood podcasts are the NAEYC Radio Channel and a parent podcast available from Zero to Three.Google “Early Childhood Podcast” to find a podcast you are interested in. Social BookmarkingNow that you’ve started your library of videos, talking pictures and podcasts, what to do with them all?Give a try. This is a social bookmarking site which allows you to add your own personalized tags to the websites, videos, and resources you find on the web. Build a digital library that you can view from any device and share among your staff.-160506-238327General Authorization of UseI (print full name) _______________________________________ hereby grant permission to _________________ to interview, photograph and/or videotape me, or my minor child, and/or to supervise any others who may do the interview, photography and/or videotaping and/or to use and/or permit others to use information for educational and promotional activities for the following without compensation:Training VideosElectronic publishingSocial media initiativesPromotion and AdvertisementLocal/regional/national news mediaSignature_______________________________Date _______________________Name and mailing address (please print)Name __________________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________________Email _____________________________________________________________Phone ______________________________________If the individual to be interviewed/photographed/videotaped is under the age of 18, please indicate your relationship or authority to consent: _______________Signature of Parent or Guardian_______________________Date ________________ ................

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