SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020




According to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

A physically educated person:

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.

Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.


It is my top priority as an educator to create a positive and supportive learning environment conducive to all styles of learning, to teach the developmentally appropriate fundamentals and concepts of physical activity and wellness, and to encourage students to develop their personal character through decision-making, problem-solving, communication, cooperation, leadership, and responsibility activities and skills.


Invasion Games:

These are team games where the purpose is to invade the opponent’s territory with the aim being to score more points within the time limit than the opposing team, while endeavoring to keep their score to a minimum.

Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Flag Football

Net and Wall Games:

These are games that involve a net or a court. The aim of net/wall games is for a player or team

to send an object into an opponent’s court so that it cannot be played at or returned within the court boundaries.

Pickleball, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis; Eclipse Ball

Striking/Fielding Games:

In striking/fielding games a contest develops between the fielding team and the batting team with the aim being to score more runs than the other team using the number of innings and time allowed.

Baseball, Softball

Target games:

The aim of a target game is to place a projectile near, or in a target in order to have the best possible score.

Golf, Archery, Bowling; Frisbee Golf; Horse Shoes

Other Activities:

Fitness Evaluations, Aerobics/Exercise, Team Building, Strength/Endurance Training and Conditioning, Cardiovascular Activities, Rhythm & Dance, Lifetime Fitness; Track and Field Activities


All classroom procedures and rules are as follows but are also subject to change if the instructor would see fit . . .


1. Students have FIVE minutes to change and use the restroom prior to the start of class. When students are dressed/ready for class they will come out to the gymnasium and line up alphabetically on the end line of the gymnasium on the girls’ locker room side.

2. Tardiness (coming in after the late bell rings) will not be accepted. One tardy will result in a warning. Second tardy will result in loss of 10 participation points for the day. Third tardy will be a loss of 20 points and a write up.

3. The warm-up for class will be provided for each class. The warm-up will consist of cardio, agility, and endurance skills.

4. Restrooms should be used prior to reporting to the gym.

5. Students are not to engage in horseplay of any kind while in the gym, locker room, or shower area.

6. No student will be excused from PE without a doctor’s excuse that includes restrictions.


7. At the end of class, the students will be dismissed back to the locker room to shower and dress (if you leave before being dismissed it will result in a 20-point loss from your daily participation grade). If a student requires extra time other than the time already allotted (for showering, physical accommodations [with documentation], etc.) by the teacher they should see the teacher to make necessary arrangements. Tardiness to the next class following PE is not acceptable.

8. Students must remain INSIDE the gymnasium until the bell rings. Students are NOT permitted to be hanging outside the gymnasium doors into the hallways or opening and closing the gymnasium doors.

9. You will have 6 sick days per semester (3 per quarter) (quarter classes only have 2 Sick Days) you will be permitted to use if you are not feeling well and cannot/do not want to participate in class. If you use all 3 days in the 1st quarter you will NOT be permitted to use the days from the 2nd quarter. Nor will you be permitted if you do not use all 3 days in the 1st quarter to carry them over to the 2nd quarter; Use ‘em or lose ‘em!

10. All absences will need to be made up except days missed for college visits ONLY. A zero will be placed in the grade book immediately and will remain there until you make up the missed class. Make-ups can be done one of 2 ways: (1) If you participate in an organized sport you are more than welcome to use a practice session as a substitute with a PE Make-Up form obtained from Mrs. Eggler and you and your coach are to fill out (you can complete a maximum of 2 forms in one quarter). (2) There will be a sign-up sheet on the girls’ locker room door for Club Period on Thursdays of every week beginning on the 2nd Thursday of the quarter. That will be the ONLY make-up day. Make-ups consist of a maximum of 12 minutes of cardio, agility, and endurance skills. Seniors are the only grade that will be allowed to walk for the duration of the time designated for the make-up (or medically excused students or anyone requiring accommodations with the proper documentation). If you don’t make up the missed classes before the ending of the make-up period (usually 2-3 days before the quarter ends) zeroes for those classes you missed will remain and be averaged into the final quarter grade. All the options for make-ups are only for classes missed, not classes a student chooses to sit out because they do not wish to take PE, which is the purpose of the Sick Days. If you choose to not dress or participate in class, you will receive a 0% for that day that can NOT be made up. If you accumulate 3 of these zeros, there will be write-up handed into the principals and action is taken from there and every 3 zeros after that this will be repeat.

11. If you are injured, become ill, or experience any type of problem (missing items/bullying) during the course of PE class, please report it to Mrs. Eggler or Mr. Woodford IMMEDIATELY!

12. If you would like to complete an extra assignment, you will need to see Ms. Beach for the assignment. You will be limited to 10 extra credit assignments. You can NOT complete more than that pending special circumstances.

13. Students are responsible for their own valuables. If students do not have a lock or feel comfortable placing their valuable items in their lockers, they may ask Mrs. Eggler to leave their valuables locked in her locked office.

14. (Pertaining to the ladies ONLY) In the locker room, body sprays and perfumes will be kept to a minimum inside the locker room. (Several students spray in each class and that accumulates an immense amount of fragrance in the air.) TWO SPRAYS are sufficient adjacent to using deodorant. If this procedure is abused, body sprays and perfumes will be eliminated permanently from the locker room.

15. Cell phones are not tolerated. Do not bring them to PE class. Otherwise if they are brought to class, disciplinary action will then take place.

16. Student compliance is imperative in creating and maintaining an effective and efficient learning environment.  To accomplish this goal a 4 step assertive discipline policy will be implemented. The following actions will be carried out for student misconduct:


Lose 5-10 points for the class

Zero for class

Write Up / Call Home

Consistent discipline problems may result in immediate loss of points or write up. Safety issues or disrespect to teacher may result in immediate write up.

17. Non-Sick Days

Non-Sick Days are days that you will not be permitted to use a Sick Day. If you choose to sit out that day, you will receive a 0% and will not be permitted to make it up. There will be 2-3 of these type days through out each quarter. You will be given advance notice that you will have one.


Students are expected to:

1. Obey all safety rules and conduct themselves in a safe manner at all times.

2. Follow the teachers’ (provided by Mrs. Eggler OR Mr. Woodford) instructions the first time given.

3. Listen attentively (no talking) while the teacher is giving instructions.

4. Respect the teachers, classmates, school equipment, and yourselves.

5. Abide by the school handbook rules.

6. Be kind and courteous to one another.

7. Not use negative language (no degrading of another student of ANY kind) or profanity. Neither WILL NOT be tolerated; 2 points are deducted for each inappropriate word or phrase.

You do not have to like one another but you are required to respect one another.

8. Come to class prepared: complete PE Uniform (see below for details)

9. Come to class on time.

10. Follow all class procedures and rules.

11. NOT chew gum during PE; 3 points will deducted if student refuses to throw the gum out.

12. Remove ALL jewelry (earrings, bracelets, watches, rings, necklaces, etc.). See Mrs. Eggler ASAP if you wear Medic Alert jewelry.


The following point system will be used for grading.

Each PE class will be worth 30 points (½ year classes: approximately 90 classes per quarter = 2700 points; Quarter classes: approximately 40 classes per MP = 1200 points):


10 points – PE attire: 4 points for shorts, 4 points for shirt, 2 points for shoes (must have complete attire to receive FULL credit)

20 points – level of participation, attitude/language towards teacher and classmates, conduct in activities and using equipment

Codes used in MMS for loss of points:

A – Absent

DrB – Disrespectful behavior

DaB – Dangerous behavior

DFD – Did not follow directions

FL – Foul language

FT – Field trip

ID – Inappropriate dress

IL – Inappropriate langauage

LP – Lack of participation

ME – Medical excuse

*MO – More than once*

NP – No participation

NSo – No shorts

NSi – No shirt

OSS – Out of school suspension

PA – Poor attitude

PE MU – PE Make-Up

SS – Shorts are too short

SLS – Sleeveless shirt

TDC – Talking during class

VAC – On vacation

Assignments – Written Quiz/Test – Fitness Testing, Skills Testing, Projects

Participation point deductions will be made for:

• Tardiness (3-5 points)

• Failure to dress (a possible 10 points)

• Lack of participation (a possible 10 points)

• Poor attitude (a possible 10 points)

• Poor conduct (a possible 10 points)

• Negative language (possibly a full day’s points)

• Profanity (possibly a full day’s points)

Contact Information for Mrs. Eggler:

Email: ceggler@

Please do not hesitate to email any questions or concerns, for parents or students. As an FYI, this email account is generally checked before leaving school on Friday afternoons and is not accessed again until approximately 7:30am the following Monday morning.

Phone: 570.544.1400 ext. 2013


Students are to change into proper Physical Education attire for each class. Attire must follow school dress code. Appropriate clothing includes:

1. Exercise shorts or sweatpants (shorts MUST be fingertip length; you may wear spandex underneath shorts to make shorts longer)

2. T-shirt and/or sweatshirt (Hooded sweatshirts are permitted in PE classes ONLY!)

3. Socks (by choice but HIGHLY recommended)

4. Sneakers (must be tied or Velcro). Backless sneakers are NOT acceptable. They must have some type of tread on them as well. Converse and Vans sneakers are permitted as well as other athletic foot apparel. Boots, hikers (even if they have a sneaker appearance), and moccasins are NOT permitted. (You will not be permitted to participate if you have no suitable shoes for PE)

5. Anyone who has long hair, please tie your hair back or use a headband to keep the hair out of your eyes. Points will be deducted if you are not able to perform because you are continually trying to fix your hair.

6. Shorts MUST cover your FULL back end. Bare skin on the high upper leg or lower back SHOULD NOT be visible especially when you are active in class. The shorts needs to cover the midriff as well. Not to do so will result in a 4-point loss in participation for that day.


7. A round neck T-shirt is required (or a VERY high V-neck, pre-approved by Mrs. Eggler) for class. The chest is to be completely covered. Lower backs and torsos WILL NOT be exposed! (To do so will result in a 4-point loss in the day’s grade)

8. Any writing/pictures/graphics that is on tops or bottoms of your attire for PE MUST be school appropriate.

NO profanity or vulgar language/content.

**T-shirts and shorts must be changed – you may not wear what was worn to school.

**Cami shirts (a.k.a., spaghetti strap tops) worn underneath shirts should be changed as well.

Wearing the same one you came to school in is UNHYGIENIC.

**Tank tops and cami shirts (just by themselves) may NOT be worn for PE.

**NO cut off shirts are permitted for PE class; this applies to both men and women.



Teacher reserves the right to adapt any and all procedures at any time during the school year.




I, __________________________________, have read and understand the rules, responsibilities, and procedures for Minersville Physical Education. I will come prepared for each class by wearing the proper attire specified in the PE dress policy. I will follow the class rules and policies set forth in this syllabus. I will demonstrate a respectful attitude towards teacher, classmates, and school property. I will put forth my best effort to develop my personal health and wellness through the class activities and assignments. If I have any questions throughout the school year I understand that I can at any time meet with the teacher to address my concerns. By my parent/guardian signing this as well, they are acknowledging the conditions stated above and will encourage the above described behavior.

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