Classroom Rules Contract

Classroom Rules Contract

The Rules

1. Listen carefully.

2. Follow directions when the teacher gives them.

3. Work quietly. Do not disturb others who are working.

4. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions. Joking is okay as long as the other person accepts what you say as a joke. Please let the teacher know as soon as possible if anyone (kids or adults) says something that offends you in any way.

5. Respect school and personal property (such as science equipment).

6. Never use any science equipment, chemicals, or other materials without the teacher’s permission.

Keep in mind that if you broke a rule, then you will be expected to accept the consequences. Do not worry about others that may be involved. The teacher will deal with those students accordingly. Failure to comply with these rules or other procedures (which may include ones not on the back of this page) will result in the appropriate disciplinary action outlined below.

• 1st time- Warning(s)

• 2nd time- Seat change and/or behavior reflection

• 3rd time- Meeting with teacher and/or behavior reflection

• 4th time- Call home to parent or guardian

• 5th time and beyond- Discipline referral

Laboratory Rules

1. Only use the equipment as indicated by the teacher.

2. There is no horseplay allowed in the lab or class due to the presence of potentially dangerous lab equipment and chemicals.

3. Wear your safety goggles at all times in the lab.

I have examined the classroom rules and know that failure to comply with these rules will result in the appropriate disciplinary action outlined above. I promise to make every attempt to obey these classroom rules.

X __________________________________ ____ ______________

Signature Date


Name (print please)

Science Classroom Procedures

1. Enter the class quietly and begin working immediately on the Noggin Knocker problems. If you finish early, then sit quietly and do not disturb others who are still working or start the homework assignment (if there is one).

2. When in class follow the instructions as indicated. This is especially important for labs. Do NOT perform any unauthorized experiments.

3. If a simple request is made of you, such as working on an assignment or lab, then please fulfill this simple request.

4. If you have a question or comment THAT PERTAINS TO WHAT’S BEING DISCUSSED IN CLASS, then raise your hand and wait until you are called on.

5. Sharpen your pencil and sign out then go to the bathroom before the Noggin Knockers are discussed. However, you may be asked to finish the Noggin Knockers before using the bathroom.

6. There is no horseplay during experiments or any other time, and you are to be working at all times during class.

7. At the end of class or lab, then please clean up your lab area and sit quietly while you wait to be dismissed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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