Classroom Rules: The 5 P’s

Ms. Rempel 2008-2009

8th Grade Physical Science




(Be Prompt- Arrive to class on-time everyday and be in your seat working on the warm-up activity when the bell rings.

(Be Prepared- Come prepared for class everyday with all of the necessary materials (i.e. school supplies, worksheets, homework, and proper uniform).

(Be Productive- Remain on task in class at all times, follow directions, and stay seated unless you have been given permission to do otherwise.

(Be Patient- Quietly raise your hand if you have a question or comment and wait calmly for the teacher to respond. Do not whine or complain if the teacher does not respond right away.

(Be Polite- Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teachers with your words and actions. Do not vandalize, destroy, or steal items other people’s personal belongings. Respect your classroom environment.

If a student CHOOSES to ignore one of the above expectations:

•First Consequence: Verbal warning

•Second Consequence: One-on-One Discussion, Loss of Classroom Privileges, Seating Change

•Third Consequence: Parent-Teacher Discussion and Detention

•Fourth Consequence: Referral and Detention

•Fifth Consequence: School Suspension

*I promise to apply ALL consequences FAIRLY and CONSISTENTLY, because I believe your child deserves no less. In addition, I reserve the right to use the above consequences as I believe is most appropriate in any individual circumstance.

If a student CHOOSES to behave appropriately, he/she will receive one or more of the following positive consequences:

(Assigned to be a Task Manager

( Positive Phone Call Home

( Positive Note Home

(Extra-Credit Opportunities

(Extra-Curricular Time

What your child can expect from his/her teacher:

I believe that as a student, you have certain rights. I will try to respect those rights at all times in the classroom.

Students have the right:

(To be treaty fairly

(To have a safe learning environment

(To be challenged


Grade Point Scale Assignments

A = 90% - 100% ‘Dispatch’ Activities: 5% (weekly checks)

B = 80% - 89% Homework: 10%

C = 70% - 79% Quizzes: 15%

D = 60% - 69% Tests: 25%

F = 59% - below Projects/Activities: 25%

Laboratories: 20%

Work Habits Grading Scale

E = completes and turns in ALL homework and assignments

S = 1-4 missing assignments or activities

U = 5 or more missing assignments or activites

Cooperation Grading Scale

E = 0 tardies and adheres completely to class and school rules and procedures

S = 1 to 4 tardies and adheres completely to class and school rules and procedures

U = 5 or more tardies and disregards class and school rules and procedures


(Entering the Classroom

At the beginning of each day, students will quietly form a single-file line outside of the classroom and greeting as they enter the classroom. Students will then quietly sit down and immediately begin working on the ‘Dispatch’ activity on the board. The ‘Dispatch’ activity will be completed in the students’ science notebook. All homework assignments will be placed in the upper right-hand corner of the students’ desk so the teacher can collect it at the beginning of class.

(Asking Questions or Permission during Class

Students must quietly raise their hand and wait until the teacher calls on them. Students will not be called upon if they do not have their hand raised.

(Excused Tardiness

A tardy will only be excused if the student comes to class with a written note that includes the teacher’s name, teacher’s signature, date, time, and reason for being late.

(Cell Phones in the Classroom

School policy says that if the student has a cell phone it must be off and in his/her backpack. If the teacher sees or hears a cell phone ring during class, the student must turn it in and will not get it back until a parent or guardian comes for it. If this happens more than once, the cell phone will be confiscated until the end of the quarter.

(Throwing away Trash

In order to prevent class disruptions, students will not be allowed to get out of their seats to throw anything away during class. Students must wait until the end of class and throw away items as they leave the room.

(Food, Candy, and Gum

Since we do not want to attract critters or insects, students will not be allowed to eat in the classroom (unless it is an extenuating circumstance). Students will be required to throw away or put any food items before entering the classroom.


Students must use the passing period or lunch to use the restroom or get a drink of water. If it is an emergency, students are allowed to use ONE emergency pass per semester. Once the pass has been used, students will no longer be allowed to leave class to use the bathroom.

(Sharpening Pencils

In order to prevent class disruption, students will only be allow to sharpen their pencil at the beginning of class or with teacher permission. Students should bring back-up pencils and sharpeners.

(Visitors Entering the Classroom

Throughout the year, we will have numerous visitors entering the classroom to observe. When this happens, students must stay on task and continue working quietly.

(Dismissal at the End of the Period

The teacher dismisses the students, not the bell. Students must remain in their seats until the teacher gives them permission to get ready to leave the classroom. In order to be dismissed from class, students must make sure that all supplies are put away in their appropriate location, that the textbooks are neatly stacked in the center of each table, and that all individuals at the table are sitting quietly. When leaving the classroom, students will stand up quietly and push in or stack their chairs. Science notebooks must be returned to the appropriate box by the task managers.

(The Quiet Signal

When the teacher needs to get the class’ attention, she will signal the class to be quiet by raising her hand in the air and counting down from 5. If the class takes more than 5 seconds to get completely silent, students will be held after for a portion of their passing period, lunch, or after school.

(Taking Care of Classroom Furniture and Materials

Students are expected to respect and take care of all classroom materials. Students are not allowed to write in any of the textbooks. Anyone caught destroying school or personal property will be assigned work duty appropriate to the offense. Disrespect is taken seriously and students and/or parents may be asked to pay for the damage.


(Make-up Work

If a student has an excused absence, it is their responsibility to check with the teacher before or after school in order to get the appropriate work for the day(s) that he/she missed. Depending on the circumstance, students will have 3-5 days to make up the work they missed. Make-up work will not be accepted if the student does not have an excused absence.

The Learning Position

In order to be productive and make the most of our limited learning time, students will be instructed to do be in what’s called ‘The Learning Position’. This involves the following:

Remaining seated in class at all times, looking at the teacher, listening attentively to directions, sitting with good posture, placing both feet on the floor, and having a writing utensil and paper/worksheet ready on the desk.

Tardy Policy

1st-4th Warning and Receive an ‘S’ for Cooperation Grade

5th and up- Parent Notification and Receive a ‘U’ for Cooperation Grade

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned 3-5 times per week. Most assignments will be due the next day. Late work is not accepted unless the student has an excused absence. At the beginning of each class period, homework will be placed in the upper right hand corner of the students’ desk. Students can pick up graded homework in their individual assignment folders.

‘Dispatch’ Policy

Students are required to do the ‘Dispatch activity everyday at the beginning of the class period. The activity must be completed in the students’ science notebook. ‘Dispatch’ activities will be checked every Friday for 5 points.

Required Materials for the Class

-At least TWO sharpened pencils with erasers

-Composition Notebook

-1 Folder


-Loose-leaf paper

-Colored Pencils (optional)

-Calculator (optional)

8th Grade Physical Science California State Standards Covered:



-Density & Buoyancy

-Chemistry of Living Systems

-Chemical Reactions


-Investigation & Experimentation

Teacher Contact Information

Berendo Middle School

1157 S. Berendo Street

Los Angeles, CA. 90006

Ms. Rempel – Science Department

Email: colleen.rempel@


Welcome to 8th Grade Physical Science! I am very excited to have your son or daughter in my class. I want to see your child make as much progress as possible and I will do everything in my power to help him/her succeed. As we only have a short amount of time to make a lot of progress, it is important that we make every single day count!

Below is an outline of my classroom rules and procedures. If you have any questions regarding this information, do not hesitate to contact me.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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