Classroom Rules:


Ms. Larissa M. Rivera



U.S. History II is a challenging but rewarding course that covers political, social, and economic events in the United States from roughly early 1900’s to modern day. The course program is designed to strengthen students’ understanding of history as well as build competence in oral and written communication, map and graph skills, and critical thinking skills. THIS COURSE IS A GRADUATION REQUIREMENT.


Students are expected to:

1. Treat each other with consideration and respect realizing that all of us are unique.

Unacceptable behavior (talking at inappropriate times, disrespecting the teacher,

students, or school property, sleeping in class, and any other behavior that interferes with

another students’ learning) will result in point deductions from the personal management

portion of your grade.

2. Arrive to class prepared, on time, and minimize the number of times you leave the classroom.

a. Prepared means your homework has been completed and you have a textbook, notebook, and a pencil or pen everyday. I will not provide you with any of the above items. If you are not prepared points may be deducted from the personal management portion of your grade.

b. Arriving on time means before the bell rings. For each time you are tardy 3 points will be deducted from your personal management grade. Three unexcused lateness will result in a cut slip to the discipline office.


( Four passes will be issued to you each quarter. You may use your passes in conjunction with your agenda to leave the room (bathroom/locker). You will not be allowed to leave this room without an agenda. Furthermore, if you run out of passes and need to leave the room 3 points will be deducted from your personal management grade. At the end of the quarter you may redeem any remaining passes for extra credit points.


a. In order to pass this course, a student must earn a final grade of a 70% or higher.

To be eligible for summer school (Seniors ONLY) you must earn at least a 60% or higher and have less than 15 absences from school.

b. If you are a senior and need this class for graduation, you must earn at least a 60% to WALK IN GRADUATION. No exceptions will be made to this policy. Summer completion is available to all seniors who need one or two classes to earn their diploma.

Students grade will be a combination of the following:

• Homework assignments

• Projects

• SGO’s

• Tests/Quizzes

• Personal Management

• Binders

• Summative Evaluation

RV’s letter grades:

A 100-93

B 92-85

C 84-77

D 76-70

F 69-0

I will update RV’s online grading program (GENESIS) weekly. I encourage parents and students to

use this resource in order to monitor student’s progress and keep up with the latest homework assignments and test dates. Parents, I will assume that everyone has access to RV’s grading program. If you do not have access to RV’s grading program please call me and let me know the best way to contact you (phone call, mail, email, etc) so I can keep you posted on your child’s progress.


Cheating such as copying another students work, plagiarism, and using unapproved cheat sheets will not be tolerated. The penalty for cheating is a grade of 0 and a parent/guardian will be notified. In addition, Peer Mentoring and/or National Honor Society may be informed.


a. If a student is absent, he or she is responsible for all missed work. To obtain the missed assignments a student should see me during tutorial within two days of coming back to school. If you do not see me within two days of being back in school the work you missed will be marked as a 0 and you will not be able to make it up. For each day the student is absent he or she has one day to make up missed work. Please DO NOT ask me during class for missed assignments.

b. 6 unauthorized class absences will be allowed for a semester course. After 6 unauthorized absences you will not be allowed to make up the work you missed in class. For example if you happen to miss a test on your 7th unauthorized absence, you will receive an NC=0. Whatever was handed out that day counts as a grade, i.e. class work, homework, quiz, etc. cannot be made up.

c. If the teacher is absent the student will receive a letter that morning in class. The letter will explain the assignments the student has to complete before the end of the block. The student is to work diligently to complete all assignments. Upon the teachers return a quiz will be issued on the previous day assignment.


If a student’s grade falls below a 70% he or she will be issued a pass (on Monday) and will be required to attend a mandatory tutorial session before the following Tuesday. This is your opportunity to get the help you need to get your average above passing! Attendance is mandatory at these sessions. Students not attending these sessions will be faced with disciplinary measures from their disciplinarian.


Will be given 3 to 4 times a week and it will be checked in one of three ways: during class, collected and returned, or left as a binder page to be graded as part of the upcoming binder check. Usually you will not be told in advance HOW the homework will be graded. Late homework assignments lose points (50%) and cannot be handed in after 3 days. NO EXCEPTIONS! This is a school wide policy.

• If I go over the homework in class, you cannot turn it in for credit at the end of class.

• If you are in the building but you missed class for any reason (school trip, nurse, discipline, etc…) you are still required to hand in your work before you leave.

• If you are absent when work is due, you must submit it the day you return.

• Homework assignments will be graded based on completion and quality/correctness.

• HOMEWORK IS TO BE COMPLETED AT HOME! You will lose points for completing homework during class time.

• If you are caught copying other students’ homework, or giving your homework to other students, you will receive a zero.


A requirement of this course is to keep a binder of notes, handouts, class work, and question of the day throughout the semester. The binder will help you organize your learning. It is important that you keep your binder up to date and well organized. I will keep a sample binder in the classroom for your convenience. I will also keep a table of contents posted in the classroom. Be sure to write in it everything you add to the binder. Binders will be collected and graded the day of each test. As each unit is completed, the binder is graded. The binder encompasses everything we do in class and will assist your review for the final exam.


Each day, upon arriving to class, students are required to complete the question of the day handout. You will be required to, in the space provided:

1. Write down the goal of the day

2. Write down the question of the day

3. Respond to the question of the day

4. At the end of class you are to summarize your learning

The Question of the Day page is also checked for points every two weeks and can serve as a review sheet for each unit test.


Tests and quizzes (pop quizzes not included) are always announced at least 2-3 days ahead of time. If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you have TWO DAYS from the date you return to make it up. If you are absent the day before the test and miss the review session, you must still take the test with the class. NOTE: Failure to make up a test within the time limit will result in a final grade of 0.


All IEP and 504 accommodations will be followed in our class. According to Bill Booth, Supervisor of the Child Study Team, the following accommodations will be standardized. If other guidelines are necessary, the CST case manager must be contacted immediately. These accommodations are in place to help with learning needs, not forgetfulness and/or a lack of effort.

• Extended time on tests and quizzes will be up to 1 ½ the allotted time. For example, a student taking a test that should take one block to complete would be give an addition ½ block of time.

• Extended time on homework assignments will be an additional 3 days to hand in the work---this refers to any assignment that requires more than 15 minutes of concentrated effort.

• Retesting for credit is in place to allow students the opportunity to better themselves on a test/exam that was failed. This requires them to put forth effort on the original test (not refuse to take the test or fail it on purpose).


Personal Management is a crucial component to making this class a success. Students receive points each day towards their personal management grade. It is the students responsibility to keep their personal management points. Points will be deducted if and when a student violates our class policies.


If you are having a difficult time accepting your responsibilities as a high school student the following is the manner in which I will attempt to help you get back on the right track. Keep in mind the order / course of action taken and personal management points lost may fluctuate depending on my discretion and the seriousness of the situation.

Progressive Disciplinary Policy:

1.Verbal Warning

2.Point deduction from personal management grade

3.Student Teacher Meeting

4.Tutorial or Slip to discipline

5.Parent Phone Call

6.Parent Teacher Meeting



a. I will be available during tutorials on _______________________________ from 7:30am to 7:53am and after school by appointment only. COME SEE ME.

b. I am also available online at lrivera@ to answer general questions


Classroom Policies and Procedures

Acknowledgment Form

Students Name: ______________________________ Block: ___________

My son/daughter and I reviewed the classroom policies and procedures. We understand them and will observe them during the school day.

Parent/Guardian name (neatly printed) _________________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________ Date: _____________

Student name (neatly printed) _______________________________________

Students Signature: __________________________________ Date: _____________

Teachers Signature: .Ms. Rivera_______ Date: _____________


Dear Parents/ Guardians:

In conjunction with our study of USII this semester, our class will view films in their entirety as well as short clips, to help further knowledge on certain topics/themes.

Although these films will be extremely valuable in the students learning, some may be rated “R”. Because of this rating each student is required to have this permission slip signed by his or her parent/guardian. If your child does not have this form signed, they will not be allowed to view the film and a secondary assignment will be given.


Ms. Rivera

_______________________________ _____________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

_______________________________ ______________________________ _______________

Students Name (PRINT) Students Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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