Choir is exciting and different from any other class at NOMS.

In order to be successful, we must work as a team in class.

The following rules are for your benefit and the success our choir. Your enjoyment of choir depends on following these rules.

• Follow directions the first time.

• Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself at all times. This includes the passing period before the tardy bell.

• Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed unless permission is granted from the director.

• You need permission to use the phone, touch the piano, sound equipment, or computer, leave the room, or speak during class.

• Students are expected in assigned places with choir folder, music, and pencil when the bell begins ringing.



First offense: Verbal warning

Second offense: Conference after class with director

Third offense: Removed from performing/written work

Phone call home

Fourth offense: Office referral, parent-teacher conference, removal from NOMS choir program

Any serious behavior that compromises the safety of the teacher or learning environment of the students will result in an immediate office referral.





Fundraising is an important aspect of our choir program because it gives us money to provide wonderful things for our students! Every dollar you earn goes towards buying things like music, CD’s, replacement uniforms, paying our accompanist, contest fees, and voice lesson scholarships.

We ask every parent and child to participate in fundraising to the best of their ability so that choir fees can remain low. We also ask that you adhere to fundraising timelines, such as order and money turn-in dates. Thank you in advance for your help with this aspect of the NOMS Choir Program!



You will receive a grade in choir based upon daily and test grades. 50% of your grade is based upon daily grades, and 50% is based upon test grades.

Each student has the opportunity to earn 20 points per day through active and engaged participation. 20 points are earned each day by student who are on time, have their supplies, and participate and cooperate with enthusiasm. Points are subtracted if students fail to meet one of these criteria. At the end of each week, a daily average will be entered adding up the points for the week. Daily grades can also consist of written assignments.

Test grades are earned in several ways. Singing and sight reading tests are given throughout the year to monitor the progress of each student. Written tests are also given. Each of the required concerts (see calendar) count as two test grades. Concert test grades are determined in the following manner:

1. Arriving on time in your chair in the auditorium.

2. Dressing in the correct uniform, making sure that all parts of the uniform are present and extra parts are not!

3. Listening quietly to the other choirs and following audience behavior expectations.

4. Walking on and off stage correctly.

5. Performing on stage in the manner that has been instructed.



All NOMS Choir students will receive a Choir t-shirt and uniform after paying the choir fee. The choir fee is $15 for

6th graders and $25 for 7th & 8th graders.

Concert attire for NOMS Choir Students consists of the following:

• All 6th graders: choir t-shirt, full length blue jeans, tennis shoes

• 7th and 8th grade boys: tux shirt, bow tie, vest and black pants provided by NOMS. Each boy provides black socks and black dress shoes.

• 7th and 8th grade girls: choir dress provided by NOMS. Each girl provides black low heeled or flat dress shoes and hose. Please leave all necklaces and bracelets at home. Small earrings are allowed.

Students are graded on their adherence to these requirements. Students must wear the complete and correct uniform or they risk removal from the performance.



Many students really want to excel in their singing

and learn more about their voices and music than

can be learned in just one class period of choir

each day. Read about these opportunities below.

[pic] VOICE LESSONS [pic]

We are very excited and proud to offer private voice lessons that students can take during their choir period. Students are instructed for half of a class period by our fabulous teacher, Mrs. Atkins. Mrs. Atkins has taught voice lessons and choir for many years. We hope lots of students will invest in their individual growth and take lessons. See the BISD Voice Lesson brochure for more information and to enroll your student.

[pic] ALL REGION [pic]

The 7th and 8th graders are encouraged to audition for the All-Region Choir. Students receive music and practice CD’s and prepare audition music. They also receive specialized instruction with a director in order to prepare for the competition. Students then compete against singers from Arlington, Mansfield, and HEB districts. If selected, students get to participate in a weekend event that culminates in the All Region Choir Concert. All Region Choir members are also awarded a patch. This is the highest honor that a middle school singer can earn and should be pursued by any 7th or 8th grader who has high musical goals. (Voice lessons strongly encouraged for these students)


Solo contest is Saturday, March 31 at North Oaks Middle School.

Students who would like to participate in solo contest are encouraged to take private voice lessons.



Class begins as soon as the bell rings, so we expect students in their place with folder, music, and pencil as the tardy bell begins ringing. If you are not in your place as the bell begins ringing, you receive a tardy.

We are very active and engaged throughout the class period and do not stop to write passes to the bathroom. Please take care of your restroom needs between classes.

When you enter the choir room,

place all belongings on the table or the benches. Take only your choir supplies with you to the risers. Cell phones may not be visible in the choir room or they will be taken up and turned into the office.

Please mark in your music in pencil only.

Chewing gum is not allowed at any time. [pic]

All BISD and NOMS rules and policies are in effect when we go on trips. Students who consistently follow the rules and procedures in choir will be invited to go on field trips. Students who do not consistently follow the rules and procedures in choir will not be invited to go on field trips.


NOMS Choir


& Director


If you have a question or concern, please contact the director.

You can also check our website

Click “Schools”, Click “NOMS,” Click “Faculty”

Elaine Lindsey – Head Director


NOMS Choir Room Phone (817)547-4776




Dear North Oaks Middle Choir Parents and Students,

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 2011-2012 school year, and to the North Oaks Middle School Choir Program. We are looking forward to another exciting year at NOMS! NOMS Choirs had an incredible year last year! Our Varsity and Non-Varsity Choirs both received a UIL Sweepstakes. In addition to this, the Sixth Grade Girls Choir and Sixth Grade Boys Choir earned Sweepstakes trophies at the BISD Choir Festival!

I believe that choir should be a fun, positive experience where students develop musical and vocal skills, learn valuable lessons about teamwork and self-discipline, learn to read music and become musicians, perform many different styles of music, learn respect for one another, and take pride in accomplishments. Through hard work and determination, we can accomplish our very best!

This handbook and packet of information is being provided to you so you can understand the policies, rules, and procedures in choir. I appreciate your time in reading through our information, signing forms, noting our concert dates on your calendar, and returning the necessary form and choir fees by Friday, August 26.

Returning this form by August 26 is a major grade for every choir student! Turn your form and choir fee in by Aug. 26 to receive a grade of 100!

Please return the following to your director by August 26th.

• Handbook/Calendar Acknowledgement

• Box of Kleenex

• Choir Fee 6th Grade - $15

7th & 8th Grade - $25

I look forward to meeting you and teaching this year!

Elaine Lindsey, Director


We look forward to developing leaders in the North Oaks MS Choir Program!

A few weeks into the school year, we will hold elections for leadership teams in each choir. These student leaders will assist the director in a variety of ways. Mostly, the leadership team will be an amazing example of what it means to be a


Students who demonstrate leadership in the first few weeks of school will receive a director’s nomination for the ballot. If you are interested in serving on the leadership team, make sure you are setting a great example each day!

Students who participate with energy, enthusiasm, and cooperation make excellent grades in choir!


Concerts are a very important display of all of our hard work in the NOMS Choir Program. Please see the calendar on the attached sheet and note the dates of our concerts on your family calendar. Concerts are a required part of the NOMS Choir Program and are graded events. Conflicts with other NOMS activities will be worked out between the directors and other NOMS sponsors. Conflicts with non- NOMS activities are not excused absences. Absences that are considered unexcused and will result in two test grades of zero include (but are not limited to):

• Transportation problems

• Babysitting siblings

• Doctors appointments

• Family vacations

• Non- NOMS athletic or dance events

1st period 8:40 – 9:26 8th grade boys

2nd period 9:30 – 10:21 7th grade boys

4th period 11:15 – 12:01 8th grade girls

5th period 12:35 – 1:21 7th grade girls

7th period 2:15 – 3:01 6th grade boys

8th period 3:05 – 3:50 6th grade girls

TUTORIALS - 8:00-8:30 a.m. or by appointment


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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