Project: Geometry Outside the Classroom

Project: Geometry Outside the Classroom

The Project: Students will construct a movie using iMovie or similar video editing software to demonstrate how geometry is used in real life situations. Students will work in small groups of 2 or 3. Each group will choose one topic that has been covered in class and show a demonstration of a real life application of the geometry skill.

Purpose: One of the most difficult questions I get each year is "what will I ever need this for?" This way, students can see for themselves why geometry is useful in the world outside the classroom. Also, students will have to become experts at their geometry topic to understand how it is applied in life situations and then demonstrate its use..

Materials Needed: Digital Cameras to record movie

Computers with video editing software

Materials necessary to create geometric diagrams

Any Props the students which to use for movie


Week 1: Pick a topic and research an application of that topic.

Such topics may include:

-Using construction techniques to set up an archeological dig.

-Using triangulation to pinpoint object coordinates on a map.

-Using similar triangles to find width of a river or height of a tree.

-Various applications in Architecture (choose one.)

-Using construction techniques to mark a sports field.

-Show how to operate camera, upload video to iMovie, simple edits, and

use of still pictures.

Week 2: Each group needs to hand in a storyboard and should have at least

started filming. Exact scripts are not needed. Also, included in the

storyboard should be a diagram and brief description of geometric

principal applied.

-Also, show how to edit sound using iMovie and discuss copyright issues.

-Also discuss transition effects and how they can be good and bad.

-Allow in class time for editing to help students in this role.

Week 3: All filming should be completed and each group should be well into the

editing phase.

-Allow in class time for editing.

Week 4: Films should be handed in for teacher comments.

-final edits should be done after teacher edits have been completed.

Weeks here after: Students should present projects as time permits.


-All Topics need to be approved by teacher.

-Films should first explain geometry topic in detail.

-Films should also explain in detail the real life application of the topic.

-The description of the topic and its application should have use of a diagram in

the movie to help describe what the group is demonstrating.

-Titles and subtitles should be used as appropriate.

-Titles should include group member's names, class period, topic covered, and

topic application.

-All members of the group should be involved in the whole process

a) Topic choosing and research

b) Storyboard development

c) Filming / Diagramming

d) Editing

-A bibliography should be part of ending credits.

Grading Rubric

Choosing a topic and relevant application 5 pts

Creating a Storyboard 25 pts

Accuracy of information 30 pts

Clarity of demonstration and topic description 25 pts

Appropriate use of transitions, subtitles, sound 5 pts

Effective use of diagrams, bibliography 10 pts

Not meeting deadlines - 5pts per day.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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