KJF Nyelvvizsgaközpont

KJF Nyelvvizsgaközpont



Angol nyelv


|A vizsga részei: |Maximális pontszám |Megoldáshoz rendelkezésre álló |Szótárhasználat |

| | |idő | |

|1. Nyelvtan-szókincs 1 |12 | | |

|2. Nyelvtan-szókincs 2 |12 | | |

|3. Írott szöveg értése 1 |24 |90 perc |nem engedélyezett |

|4. Írott szöveg értése 2 |12 | | |

|5. Íráskészség |40 |90 perc |engedélyezett |

|Összesen |100 |180 perc | |

Kodolányi János Főiskola


1. Nyelvtan és szókincs 1

Az alábbi szövegben 15 kihagyott helyet talál. Olvassa el a szöveget és egészítse ki a kihagyásokat a szöveg után található négy-négy lehetséges megoldás közül az egyetlen helyessel. A legelső kihagyásnál a megoldást példaként feltüntettük. Megoldásait a Válaszlap 1-en jelölje X-szel.

The Greatest Cookbook

Is there anyone in the kitchens of America (0)______(B) has never heard of Gourmet? Gourmet magazine has been the chronicler of American food trends ever since it (1)______ first published. Now, 60 years after the first issue came out, more than 1,200 of the magazine’s recipes have been revised for modern kitchens in the newly-published The Gourmet Cookbook.

If you (2)______ to lift it, you would find that it is a weighty book: 2.3 kilograms and 1,056 pages. According to the editor, Ruth Reichl, it is intended to be “a book that wants to live in your kitchen.” For the most part it succeeds: this is the sort of cookbook you want by your side, (3)______ you are attempting to make simple things like cucumber sandwiches or complicated stuff like coq au vin. (If only I had the courage to try and make the (4)______ dish once!)

Every chapter is full of valuable tips from Gourmet’s eight test kitchens. They include advice on (5)______ matters as how to store food properly (never refrigerate tomatoes, for instance, (6)______ it makes them mealy[1] and kills the (7)______ ), when to use which kind of rice and how to remove fish skins (a paper towel and a sharp knife work best.)

Reichl and her team spent a year (8)______ 50,000 recipes, which were retested and updated. Some were even rejected (9)______ health concerns or changing tastes. The apricot soufflé, one of Gourmet’s early desserts, (10)______ the taste test until someone realized that the original recipe used dried apricots from California, not the Turkish ones that are more common today. A 1950s recipe for a Hawaiian chicken (11)______ called niu moa ai that began ”remove the tops of six small, fresh coconuts” was dropped because it was considered too time consuming for contemporary (12)______. Still, all the recipes that got into the book will (13)______ you to recreate classics like Beef Wellington or more modern culinary delights like salmon with rich yellow sauce.

There is, however, one disappointment: although it comes from a magazine famous for its photos, The Gourmet Cookbook (14)______ no photographs. (15)______, the book is illustrated with detailed drawings that explain everything. It’s up to you to provide the mouthwatering visuals.

|0. |A. those |B. who |C. which |D. whose |

|1. |A. was |B. has been |C. had been |D. − |

|2. |A. tried |B. would try |C. had tried |D. will try |

|3. |A. whether |B. unless |C. neither |D. either |

|4. |A. last |B. later |C. latter |D. other |

|5. |A. the |B. such |C. some |D. those |

|6. |A. while |B. still |C. as |D. yet |

|7. |A. savoury |B. delicacy |C. flavour |D. appetite |

|8. |A. to collect |B. collecting |C. being collected |D. they collected |

|9. |A. due to |B. because |C. since |D. therefore |

|10. |A. was failing |B. has been failing |C. has failed |D. had failed |

|11. |A. meal |B. dish |C. meat |D. food |

|12. |A. cooks |B. cookers |C. cookeries |D. cookies |

|13. |A. let |B. make |C. allow |D. force |

|14. |A. contains |B. consists |C. comes without |D. takes |

|15. |A. Without |B. Despite |C. Unless |D. Instead |

2. Nyelvtan és szókincs 2

Az alábbi szövegben 15 kihagyott helyet talál. Olvassa el a szöveget és egészítse ki a kihagyásokat a szöveg után található kifejezések listájából, amelyek alakján változtatni nem lehet. A 20 lehetséges megoldásból csak 15-öt lehet felhasználni. (Öt kifejezés tehát nem kerül felhasználásra.) Egy kifejezés csak egyetlen helyre írható. A Válaszlap 1-en található táblázatba írja az Ön által helyesnek vélt kifejezés betűjelét. A legelső kihagyásnál a megoldást példaként feltüntettük. A feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat.

'Dracula's Castle' Up for Sale

An heir1 of Romania's former royal family put "Dracula's Castle" in Transylvania up for (0)_____(sale) on Monday, (1)_______ to find a buyer who will respect "the place and its history," a U.S.-based investment company said.

The Bran Castle, standing on a cliff near Brasov in the mountains of central Romania, is a top tourist attraction. It is famous for (2)_______ connection to Prince Vlad the Impaler, the lord (3)_______ cruelty made Bram Stoker write his 1897 novel, "Dracula." Legend has it that Vlad, who got his nickname because of the (4)_______ he tortured his enemies, spent one night in the 1400s at the castle.

Bran Castle had been (5)_______ as a fortress to protect against the invading Ottoman Turks. The royal family moved into the castle in the 1920s, and lived there (6)_______ the communist regime took it from Princess Ileana in 1948. The castle was restored in the late 1980s. Following the end of communism in Romania, it became popular as a tourist attraction (7)_______ as "Dracula's Castle." In May 2006, the castle was returned to Princess Ileana's son, Archduke2 Dominic Habsburg.

Dominic Habsburg, a 69-year-old New York architect, promised that he would keep it open as a museum until 2009 and offered to sell the castle last year to the local government for $80 million, but the offer was not (8)_______. On Monday, he put the castle up for sale "to the right buyer," said Michael Gardner, chief executive of Baytree Capital, the company that represents the Archduke. "The Habsburgs are not in the business of (9)_______ a museum," he added.

There (10)_______ no news about the actual price. Gardner believes that the castle will sell at a price higher than $135 million. It is also important for Habsburg to sell it (11)_______ to a buyer "who can treat it and its history with appropriate respect." Gardner said.

(12)_______ to the contract, the government is to pay some money to Dominic Habsburg to run the castle as a museum. Until 2009, (13)_______, Habsburg will have full control of the building. The government has priority as a buyer if it can match the best offer for the castle.

In (14)_______ years, the castle has attracted filmmakers looking for a dramatic background for films about Dracula and other horror movies. Complete with bats flying around its dark walls after sunset, it is ideal for this (15)______. Some 450,000 people visit the castle every year, Gardner said.

|A. accepted |E. called |I. is |M. only |Q. sale |

|B. according |F. construct |J. its |N. purpose |R. since |

|C. are |G. hoping |K. known |O. reason |S. whose |

|D. built |H. however |L. managing |P. recent |T. until |

| | | | |U. way |

3. Írott szöveg értése 1

A következő feladatban két szöveget talál. Olvassa el az első szöveget, majd ennek alapján értelemszerűen egészítse ki az első szöveg rövid összefoglalását (a második szöveget), amelyből néhány információt kihagytunk. Minden zárójelbe tett szám után annyi szót kell beírni, ahány vonalat az adott helyen talál. A rövid összefoglalást ki lehet egészíteni az első szövegben szereplő, illetve abban nem szereplő, de értelemszerűen odaillő szavakkal is. Összevont alakok (pl. isn't; don't) két szónak számítanak. Megoldásait a Válaszlap 1-re írja. A feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat.

Első szöveg:

Homes and Holidays

"The palace?" my mother asked with excitement. "We're going to stay at the palace?"

"I suppose so," I replied. In booking my annual holiday in India this year, I had decided on a change from the usual round of visits to friends and relatives. My mother, my sons and I would instead play tourist in our native Kerala—and check into the classy resorts that have recently appeared around the state. I wondered how the place I knew as a kid had become India's No. 1 tourist destination.

My parents were born in villages around Kerala. They moved away as teenagers, which meant they kept having to go back to visit. So when my sisters and I were growing up, whether in Bombay or abroad, we always knew where we'd spend our annual family holidays — not in some exotic locale like London or the Caribbean but back "home" in rural Kerala. There we'd grumble about the sadness of village life, the lack of other youngsters, the annoying mosquitoes. "This annual migration," I told my father when I was 13, "is for the birds."

Yet as adults we did the same. My sisters and I each winter round up our American-reared children, fly over the ocean, and head for Kerala, rather self-consciously "renewing our roots" and teaching the new generation some sense of belonging.

This time, however, as we visited our 200-year-old ancestral home in a seemingly timeless village, it was Kerala itself that had changed. Tourism promoters have lately realized the region's exceptional beauty - lush green fields, mild winters, golden beaches. Since then travelers have come flocking.

I worked out our itinerary: five top-class resorts in 15 days. My mother couldn't believe it when I told her. "The palace!"

"What's the big deal?" I asked. "Tourists in that area have been staying in converted palaces for decades. It's the one thing palaces are good for in our democratic age - serving as hotels."

"You don't understand," Mother replied. "This is Kovilakom Palace in Kollengode."

Then I realized. Kollengode, a tiny town miles from any place, was where she was born. "When I was a little girl, I used to walk along the outer walls of the palace every day on my way to school," she said. "It looked so huge, so forbidding. It was unimaginable that I could even step into it, or stay there. Visitors were not allowed inside. And now we're going to stay there?"

"Four nights," I said.

And so it happened. A few weeks ago my mother woke up in a royal bedroom and had her breakfast there. Just down the road, our ancestral village slumbered on, as farmers plowed the fields as their ancestors had done for centuries.

I smiled at my mother when she returned from an hourlong massage, which was meant to ease her backache. "Welcome home," I said.

Második szöveg, rövid összefoglalás:

Normally, the writer, who lives in (1) __________ now, and his family visit their (2) __________ and __________ as a holiday. This year, however, they were planning to visit (3) __________ places in about two weeks. One of the places they wanted to visit was (4) __________, where the writer and her sisters used to spend their holidays in their childhood. This place has (5) __________ a lot, tourists visit it in large (6) __________ every year. The writer’s mother was very excited about the trip because they were going to stay in a town which was her (7) __________. In this town, their accommodation, a hotel, used to be a (8) __________.

4. Írott szöveg értése 2

Olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi szöveget. A szöveg után hat befejezetlen állítást talál három-három lehetséges befejezéssel, amelyek közül az egyetlen helyeset kell kiválasztania. Megoldásait jelölje X-szel a Válaszlap 1-en található táblázatban. A feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat.


I’m an English teacher working in Russia, and for some reason I really can’t stand that classroom topic – “Talk About Your Family”. Perhaps it’s because everyone studied English from the same book at school. So all the students say, “My family consists of five members. Me, my mother, my father, my brother and my dog…” And so on. As if all families are exactly the same.

It’s such a shame, because our families are unique. All families have their stories, their dramas, their private jokes, nicknames and phrases. They’re the place where our personalities were made. How often have you heard someone with young children complain “Oh no, I think I’m turning into my parents…”?

The other day I found myself turning into one of my grandparents. I was trying to get my two-year-old daughter to eat her dinner and I said “That’ll make your hair curl.” Now, I don’t think that green vegetables give you curly hair, or even that curly hair is a great thing to have. It’s just a phrase I heard from my Granddad a hundred times when I was small. It had stayed in my mind, half-forgotten, until the time I could use it myself.

Families are the most exotic things on earth. If you dig enough in your own family, you’re sure to come up with all the stuff you could want for a great novel. Surprising characters, dramatic or funny stories passed down for generations, or a face from the past you recognise – maybe in your own.

My mother started tracing our family tree a few years ago, not expecting to get far. But, digging in old records and libraries, she got back three hundred years. She turned up old stories and a few mysteries. What happened to the big family farm? Where did the family fortune go in the 1870s? More to the point – where is it now?

I’m the traveller in my family, and I like to think I got it from a great-grandfather on my Dad’s side. He was an adventurous soul. My two favourite family heirlooms are a photo of him on a horse in a desert landscape (1897 in Patagonia) and a postcard home from Portugal complaining that his boat was late because of the Revolution in Lisbon. “Dreadful business, they seem to have arrested the King...” he says. If you look at your family, you open a window on the past.

Start someone talking about their family stories and they might never stop. You’ll find the whole history of your country there, too. When my mother asked me for a few names from my Russian wife’s family, my wife got on the phone to her own mother, just to check a name or two. But they were still talking an hour later, and she filled 5 pages of A4 paper. And so I was introduced to: someone who lived through the siege of Leningrad (but forgot how to read in the process), a high official in the Communist Party, and some rich relations who used to go to Switzerland for their holidays before the Revolution. There was also a black sheep of the family who left his wife and children and disappeared in the Civil War. All these people seemed impossibly exotic to me.

1. According to the text, the writer …

a. enjoys it when students talk about their families.

b. is entertained by family stories.

c. is not much interested in family fortune.

2. The writer …

a. married a foreigner.

b. likes curly hair.

c. is Russian.

3. The writer …

a. likes the way students talk about their families.

b. has recently used an expression he heard as a child.

c. thinks his mother-in-law is losing her memory.

4. The writer’s family …

a. used to be rich.

b. have all travelled a lot.

c. can be traced back for two centuries.

5. His wife’s family included …

a. some Swiss relatives.

b. everyone’s favourite, who was lost in a war.

c. an important politician.

6. The writer mentions some historical events in …

a. Switzerland.

b. Portugal.

c. England.

5. Íráskészség

Az alábbi feladatok közül EGYET kell megoldania. Az irányítási szempontok mindegyikéről írnia kell, de Ön dönti el, hogy a szempontokat milyen sorrendben foglalja írásába. A feladat megoldása során azonban ügyeljen arra, hogy fogalmazása egységes egészet alkosson. Az eredeti szövegből idézhet, de az idézetek nem számítanak bele az elvárt terjedelembe, ami 200-250 szó. A feladat megoldásához nyomtatott szótár használható. Kérjük, olvashatóan írjon. A vizsga titkossága érdekében ne használja saját nevét és címét a feladatban. Levele végső változatát a Válaszlap 2-re írja.

1. You have read the following in a magazine:

“Cell phones. They're only about 20 years old. But we've become so addicted to them that the government is trying to control their "dangerous" use and the industry is concerned about "discourtesies" that cell phones breed. This month the state of New Jersey banned the use of hand-held cell phones while driving because of the "danger." New York State passed a similar law two years ago. This week a major wireless phone supplier released a nationwide survey showing 80 percent of cell phoners consider users more "discourteous" now than five years ago.” Florida Today

Write a FORMAL LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the magazine in which you

react to the article by writing about your own relevant experiences;

discuss the advantages of owning cell phones;

discuss the disadvantages of owning cell phones;

clearly state your opinion about the ideas expressed in the newspaper article.

2. You have read the following in a magazine:

“There are a lot of people in Chicago who don’t care about the final disposition of stray and unwanted animals because they believe there's little they can do to help solve the problem. However, for example, they could volunteer at Chicago Animal Care and Control to help socialize animals, keep them healthy and happy and therefore more adoptable.”

Chicago Sun-Times

Write a FORMAL LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the magazine in which you

react to the article by writing about your own relevant experiences;

discuss the advantages of solving the problems of stray animals;

recommend some other ways of taking care of unwanted animals;

clearly state your opinion about the ideas expressed in the newspaper article.

3. You have read the following letter in a magazine:

"My eight-year-old daughter, my eleven-year-old son, and I were watching our favourite series last night at 8:15.  While we were enjoying watching this show, I was shocked that the film was interrupted by a disgusting, bad language commercial.  We were shocked to hear the character say several swearwords and emphasize that being a man meant you had to do a lot of drinking. Why does the TV channel feel that this is appropriate language to play during prime time while our children are watching otherwise appropriate programming?” Parents’ TV 

Write a FORMAL LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the magazine in which you

react to the letter by writing about your opinion of commercials;

discuss the advantages of advertisements;

discuss the disadvantages of advertisements;

clearly state your opinion about what advertisements in general should be like.


1. Nyelvtan és szókincs 1 (The Greatest Cookbook)

| |A |B |C |

|1 | |X | |

|2 |X | | |

|3 | |X | |

|4 |X | | |

|5 | | |X |

|6 | |X | |


[1] kásás

1 örökös

2 fQ[pic]herceg

társalKodÓ vizsgarendszer Angol NYELV - Középfokú ÍRÁSBELI FELADATSOR




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