Comparison and Contrast: Adverb Clauses - Brian English

Comparison and Contrast: Adverb Clauses

Adverb clauses are commonly used to compare or contrast two ideas in one sentence. By using adverb clauses, a writer is able to expand the variety of sentence structures in a piece of writing as well as provide smooth transitions for the reader.

Comparison or Similarity

|likewise |Not all intrinsically motivated language learners become fluent. Likewise, not all |

| |extrinsically motivated students have difficulty learning a second language. |

|just as |Just as grammar translation was the primary method of teaching language before WWII, |

| |communicative language teaching has become the most popular method of the global era. |

|in the same way |In the same way that students with auditory learning styles find tapes and CDs useful, |

| |learners with visual learning styles may prefer pictures and movies. |

Contrast or Difference

|however |Intensive reading practice may help students achieve higher scores on tests; however, |

| |extensive reading helps students to develop language learning strategies that are more |

| |likely to lead to fluency in the target language. |

|while |While some co-teachers and AET’s share equally in the planning of conversation lessons;|

| |other co-teachers expect the AET to do all the preparation. |

|although |Although games are great communicative activities, it is also important for teachers to|

| |design a variety of other task-based assignments that promote language acquisition. |

Other words that can be used to signify comparison or contrast are:

similar to, also, unlike, similarly, again, compared to, in contrast, contrasted with, on the contrary, yet, even though, still, but, nevertheless, conversely, at the same time, regardless, while, despite, despite the fact that, on the one hand … on the other hand. (Note: Do not use “on the other hand” more than once per specific example—people only have two hands!!!)


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