
rightbottomMorrow’s Parent and FamilyEngagement Plan What is it?This is a plan that describes how Morrow Elementary (MES) will provide opportunities to improve parent and family engagement to support student learning. Morrow Elementary values the contributions and involvement of parents to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways that Morrow Elementary will support parent engagement and how parents can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at school and at home. How is it revised? MES invited all parents to provide ideas, thoughts, or suggestions via a google form survey: ( ) to give input regarding Morrow’s Parent and Family engagement policy. Also, parents attended virtual input meetings (Sept 1 and Sept 9 2020) to give input as well. Parents can review and revise this parent and family engagement policy, as well as the school wide plan, our school-parent compact and the parent and family engagement budget by visiting the school website: (). Additionally, parents can request comments cards to submit feedback, parent input and comments regarding all Title I documents at all school activities throughout the year. All parent feedback received during the year will be used to revise the plan for the next school year. We also distributed an annual survey online Posted on the school website and emailed to parents (Spring 2020) for their suggestions on the plan and the use of funds for parent and family engagement. Who is it for? All students participating in the Title I, Part A program, and their families, are encouraged and invited to fully participate in the opportunities described in this plan. Morrow Elementary will provide full opportunity for the participation of parents with limited English, homeless parents, parents with disabilities and parents of migratory children.Where is it available?After all revisions are made, the plan is sent home to all parents via students. The plan will be available in the Main office for parents throughout the school year. The plan will be posted on the school web site: and the following site . Parents can also retrieve a copy of the plan in the Parent Resource Center. Copies of the plan will be emailed to parents with valid email addresses. 00Morrow’s Parent and FamilyEngagement Plan What is it?This is a plan that describes how Morrow Elementary (MES) will provide opportunities to improve parent and family engagement to support student learning. Morrow Elementary values the contributions and involvement of parents to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways that Morrow Elementary will support parent engagement and how parents can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at school and at home. How is it revised? MES invited all parents to provide ideas, thoughts, or suggestions via a google form survey: ( ) to give input regarding Morrow’s Parent and Family engagement policy. Also, parents attended virtual input meetings (Sept 1 and Sept 9 2020) to give input as well. Parents can review and revise this parent and family engagement policy, as well as the school wide plan, our school-parent compact and the parent and family engagement budget by visiting the school website: (). Additionally, parents can request comments cards to submit feedback, parent input and comments regarding all Title I documents at all school activities throughout the year. All parent feedback received during the year will be used to revise the plan for the next school year. We also distributed an annual survey online Posted on the school website and emailed to parents (Spring 2020) for their suggestions on the plan and the use of funds for parent and family engagement. Who is it for? All students participating in the Title I, Part A program, and their families, are encouraged and invited to fully participate in the opportunities described in this plan. Morrow Elementary will provide full opportunity for the participation of parents with limited English, homeless parents, parents with disabilities and parents of migratory children.Where is it available?After all revisions are made, the plan is sent home to all parents via students. The plan will be available in the Main office for parents throughout the school year. The plan will be posted on the school web site: and the following site . Parents can also retrieve a copy of the plan in the Parent Resource Center. Copies of the plan will be emailed to parents with valid email addresses. 24130045085Morrow Elementary SchoolParent and Family Engagement Plan 2020-2021 School YearMorrow Elementary SchoolTammy Burroughs, Principal6115 Reynolds RoadMorrow, GA 30260(770) 968 2900(Revised September 10, 2020)What is Title I?Morrow Elementary is identified as a Title I school as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Title I is designed to support State and local school reform efforts tied to challenging state academic standards in reinforce and enhance efforts to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be based on effective means of improving studentachievement and include strategies to support parent and family engagement... All Title I schools must jointly develop with all parents a written parent and family engagement policy. 00Morrow Elementary SchoolParent and Family Engagement Plan 2020-2021 School YearMorrow Elementary SchoolTammy Burroughs, Principal6115 Reynolds RoadMorrow, GA 30260(770) 968 2900(Revised September 10, 2020)What is Title I?Morrow Elementary is identified as a Title I school as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Title I is designed to support State and local school reform efforts tied to challenging state academic standards in reinforce and enhance efforts to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be based on effective means of improving studentachievement and include strategies to support parent and family engagement... All Title I schools must jointly develop with all parents a written parent and family engagement policy. 33623250Let’s Get Together!Morrow Elementary will host the following events to build the capacity for strong parent and family engagement to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. All meetings for parents will be held at multiple times during the day.Town Hall Live -August 2020 Opportunity to meet teachers and staff Annual Title I Meeting –September 2020We invite you to an evening of learning and sharing about our Title I program, includingour parent and family engagement policy, the schoolwide plan, the school-parent compacts, and parents’ rights. New Parent Orientation -September 2020 Learn helpful information to prepare for the school year Grandparent’s Day –October 2020 Recognizing and honoring the impact grandparents have on the lives of students. Curriculum-Data Night-November 2020 Learn about the school curriculum and review student academic data.International Day November 2020 Celebrating and honoring the cultural heritage of parents and studentsBring Your Parent to School Day– November 2020 Parents can experience a day at school in the life of their child.Math/Science Night- January - 2021- Learn how to make math and science fun at homeLiteracy Night – March 2021- Learn strategies and tips to improve your child’s literacy skills. Parent Appreciation – April 2021 A celebration of parent and family engagement and recognition of parent and family engagement impact on school and student success.School Council –- At the school council meetings, a team of parents, administrators, teachers, and other community stakeholders collaborate and plan strategically to achieve school improvement goalsParent Academy Workshops – Weekly Gain knowledge about topics relevant to your child’s educationParent-Teacher and Student Conferences – Quarterly throughout the school year- Updates on your child’s progress.Parent Input Meetings- Ongoing Opportunities for parents to participate in roundtable discussions regarding the parent and family engagement policy, school-parent compacts, the parent- family engagement budget and make comments on the direction of Morrow’s parent- family engagement program.Spirit Night/Community Outreach-Quarterly throughout the school year- Parents, Teachers, and Students engage and interact with local community partnersFamily Night-Variety of activities to promote Parent and Family EngagementVolunteer Opportunities-On going Parents can volunteer at school activities when convenient 00Let’s Get Together!Morrow Elementary will host the following events to build the capacity for strong parent and family engagement to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. All meetings for parents will be held at multiple times during the day.Town Hall Live -August 2020 Opportunity to meet teachers and staff Annual Title I Meeting –September 2020We invite you to an evening of learning and sharing about our Title I program, includingour parent and family engagement policy, the schoolwide plan, the school-parent compacts, and parents’ rights. New Parent Orientation -September 2020 Learn helpful information to prepare for the school year Grandparent’s Day –October 2020 Recognizing and honoring the impact grandparents have on the lives of students. Curriculum-Data Night-November 2020 Learn about the school curriculum and review student academic data.International Day November 2020 Celebrating and honoring the cultural heritage of parents and studentsBring Your Parent to School Day– November 2020 Parents can experience a day at school in the life of their child.Math/Science Night- January - 2021- Learn how to make math and science fun at homeLiteracy Night – March 2021- Learn strategies and tips to improve your child’s literacy skills. Parent Appreciation – April 2021 A celebration of parent and family engagement and recognition of parent and family engagement impact on school and student success.School Council –- At the school council meetings, a team of parents, administrators, teachers, and other community stakeholders collaborate and plan strategically to achieve school improvement goalsParent Academy Workshops – Weekly Gain knowledge about topics relevant to your child’s educationParent-Teacher and Student Conferences – Quarterly throughout the school year- Updates on your child’s progress.Parent Input Meetings- Ongoing Opportunities for parents to participate in roundtable discussions regarding the parent and family engagement policy, school-parent compacts, the parent- family engagement budget and make comments on the direction of Morrow’s parent- family engagement program.Spirit Night/Community Outreach-Quarterly throughout the school year- Parents, Teachers, and Students engage and interact with local community partnersFamily Night-Variety of activities to promote Parent and Family EngagementVolunteer Opportunities-On going Parents can volunteer at school activities when convenient 243840273052020-2021 District GoalsBy the end of the 2021 school year, Clayton County Public Schools will increase the percentages of students scoring at the Proficient and/or Distinguished levels on the GMAS by at least 3 percentage points in each content area2020-2021 School GoalsBy the end of the 2021 school year, students in grades K-2 will show a 3% increase in each content area as measured by I-Ready data; students in grades 3-5 will increase by 3% the percentage of students rated proficient or distinguished in each content area as measured by the Georgia Milestone Assessment System (GMAS). We will get there by:Improving student’s reading skillsImproving student’s writing skills002020-2021 District GoalsBy the end of the 2021 school year, Clayton County Public Schools will increase the percentages of students scoring at the Proficient and/or Distinguished levels on the GMAS by at least 3 percentage points in each content area2020-2021 School GoalsBy the end of the 2021 school year, students in grades K-2 will show a 3% increase in each content area as measured by I-Ready data; students in grades 3-5 will increase by 3% the percentage of students rated proficient or distinguished in each content area as measured by the Georgia Milestone Assessment System (GMAS). We will get there by:Improving student’s reading skillsImproving student’s writing skills2413003322955School-Parent CompactsAs part of this plan, Morrow Elementary and our families will develop a school-parent compact, which is an agreement that parents, teachers, and students will develop that explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards. The compacts will be reviewed and updated annually based on feedback from parents, students, and teachers throughout the school year and the School Forum. The Parent Liaison keeps the compacts if parents need a copy. Also posted on school website.0School-Parent CompactsAs part of this plan, Morrow Elementary and our families will develop a school-parent compact, which is an agreement that parents, teachers, and students will develop that explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards. The compacts will be reviewed and updated annually based on feedback from parents, students, and teachers throughout the school year and the School Forum. The Parent Liaison keeps the compacts if parents need a copy. Also posted on school website.1689104955540Morrow Elementary is committed to helping our parents attend the parent and family activities listed in this plan. Please call or email us if you need assistance with childcare or transportation in order to participate in our programs.Tony Keel at (770) 968-2900 or anthony.keel@clayton.k12.ga.us00Morrow Elementary is committed to helping our parents attend the parent and family activities listed in this plan. Please call or email us if you need assistance with childcare or transportation in order to participate in our programs.Tony Keel at (770) 968-2900 or anthony.keel@clayton.k12.ga.us1689103810Parent Resource CenterCome visit the Parent Resource Center to check out books, study materials, and activities to use at home with your child. Computers are available for parents to explore the Parent Portal and educational resources.Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm0Parent Resource CenterCome visit the Parent Resource Center to check out books, study materials, and activities to use at home with your child. Computers are available for parents to explore the Parent Portal and educational resources.Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm1689101329055Parent and Family EngagementMorrow Elementary believes that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents in regular two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.The carrying out of other activities as described in this plan. 0Parent and Family EngagementMorrow Elementary believes that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents in regular two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.The carrying out of other activities as described in this plan. 336613545085Morrow Elementary is Branching Out!Morrow Elementary will take the following measures to promote and support parents as an important foundation of the school in order to strengthen the school and reach our school goals. We will:Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is published in both English, Spanish, and Vietnamese posted on the school Web site, and included in the monthly school newsletter for all parents. Provide monthly trainings for staff during their planning periods on strategies to improve communication with parents and ideas to increase family engagement. Staff will also share best practices during regularly scheduled faculty meetings. Teach parents how to use Infinite Campus to keep abreast of student grades, assignments, and student progress in academics.Share information in English, Spanish and Vietnamese on the school website and in the school newsletter for parents to understand the school’s academic standards and assessments as well as the ways parents can monitor their child’s progress and work with educators. Communicate with all families and the community on a regular basis regarding schoolwide events and activities, through phone messages, school marquee, and flyers.Work with our parents to develop relevant trainings and helpful presentations to educate our staff on the importance of parent and family engagement. Provide necessary materials and handouts for parents at conferences, meetings, and activities to help parents work with their child to improve their child’s achievement. Use our Partners in Education and School-Community Team to improve awareness of the activities and events listed in the school parent and family engagement policy.Provide a Parent Resource Center with educational materials and information to enhance parent’s ability to work with their children at home.Collect feedback from parents at all events, place input card around the building and post suggestion form on the school website in order to respond to parents’ requests for additional support for parent and family engagement activities. Morrow Elementary is Branching Out!Morrow Elementary will take the following measures to promote and support parents as an important foundation of the school in order to strengthen the school and reach our school goals. We will:Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is published in both English, Spanish, and Vietnamese posted on the school Web site, and included in the monthly school newsletter for all parents. Provide monthly trainings for staff during their planning periods on strategies to improve communication with parents and ideas to increase family engagement. Staff will also share best practices during regularly scheduled faculty meetings. Teach parents how to use Infinite Campus to keep abreast of student grades, assignments, and student progress in academics.Share information in English, Spanish and Vietnamese on the school website and in the school newsletter for parents to understand the school’s academic standards and assessments as well as the ways parents can monitor their child’s progress and work with educators. Communicate with all families and the community on a regular basis regarding schoolwide events and activities, through phone messages, school marquee, and flyers.Work with our parents to develop relevant trainings and helpful presentations to educate our staff on the importance of parent and family engagement. Provide necessary materials and handouts for parents at conferences, meetings, and activities to help parents work with their child to improve their child’s achievement. Use our Partners in Education and School-Community Team to improve awareness of the activities and events listed in the school parent and family engagement policy.Provide a Parent Resource Center with educational materials and information to enhance parent’s ability to work with their children at home.Collect feedback from parents at all events, place input card around the building and post suggestion form on the school website in order to respond to parents’ requests for additional support for parent and family engagement activities. 37814253414395Share Your ThoughtsWe want to hear from you. If you have any suggestions or if there is any part of this plan that you feel is not satisfactory with the students’ and the school’s goals for academic achievement, please provide us with your comments in the space provided and leave this form in the Main Office:Name: __________________Telephone Number: ______________________Email: _________________________________________________________Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature: _____________________________________________________00Share Your ThoughtsWe want to hear from you. If you have any suggestions or if there is any part of this plan that you feel is not satisfactory with the students’ and the school’s goals for academic achievement, please provide us with your comments in the space provided and leave this form in the Main Office:Name: __________________Telephone Number: ______________________Email: _________________________________________________________Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature: _____________________________________________________3876675328295Parent Advisory Committee(click above to complete online)Yes, I am interested and wish to join the Parent Advisory CommitteePlease contact me so I can learn more joining the Parent Advisory CommitteePlease send me notifications about future meetings and updatesName:Child’s Name and Grade:Address:Phone Number:Email address:00Parent Advisory Committee(click above to complete online)Yes, I am interested and wish to join the Parent Advisory CommitteePlease contact me so I can learn more joining the Parent Advisory CommitteePlease send me notifications about future meetings and updatesName:Child’s Name and Grade:Address:Phone Number:Email address:1689102754630Parent Advisory CommitteeMorrow Elementary invites all parents to join the Parent Advisory Committee to share ideas and ways to involve other parents to build partnerships with school, families, and the community. The team will meet four times during the school year, but parents can also submit their ideas or suggestions at any school activities and meetings, as well as through our parent surveys and website. If you would like to learn more about the Parent Advisory Committee, please contact the Parent Liaison at (770) 968-2900 or complete the interest form and leave it in the Main Office. 0Parent Advisory CommitteeMorrow Elementary invites all parents to join the Parent Advisory Committee to share ideas and ways to involve other parents to build partnerships with school, families, and the community. The team will meet four times during the school year, but parents can also submit their ideas or suggestions at any school activities and meetings, as well as through our parent surveys and website. If you would like to learn more about the Parent Advisory Committee, please contact the Parent Liaison at (770) 968-2900 or complete the interest form and leave it in the Main Office. 16920075Parent and Family Engagement StandardsMorrow Elementary and our parents have adopted the Joyce Epstein’s Standards for Family-School Partnerships as the school’s model in engaging parents, students, and the community. These standards are:ParentingCommunicationLearning at HomeDecision MakingVolunteeringCollaborating with Community0Parent and Family Engagement StandardsMorrow Elementary and our parents have adopted the Joyce Epstein’s Standards for Family-School Partnerships as the school’s model in engaging parents, students, and the community. These standards are:ParentingCommunicationLearning at HomeDecision MakingVolunteeringCollaborating with Community ................

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