Alabama Junior Classical League

Round 1 1. Use the noun amicus, amici with the correct ending in the following sentence: I gave the book to my friend.AMICOB1. What case is used to show a part of the whole, as well as possession? GENITIVEB2. What's the case for direct address?VOCATIVE2. Complete the analogy Ulixes : Odysseus :: _________ : Persephone. PROSERPINAB1. Pius : Aeneas :: ________ : AchatesFIDUSB2. Metamorphoses : The Golden Ass :: Eclogues : __________BUCOLICS3. Consider the famous phrase cave canem. What's the mood of the verb in that warning?IMPERATIVEB1. What cardinal direction would we travel from Rome to Mt Soracte, famous from Horace's ode?NORTHB2. On what ancient road would we travel from Rome to Soracte?Via FLAMINIA5. What's the Latin state motto of Alabama?AUDEMUS JURA NOSTRA DEFENDEREB1. A famous quotation from Cicero is translated as 'let arms yield to the toga'? What's the Latin motto of Wyoming?CEDANT ARMA TOGAEB2. What's the mood of the verb in that phrase? SUBJUNCTIVE6. What regal potentate is referred to as īnfēlīx and sometimes laetissima? She was also called Elissa and her pudor was as an univīra. She gained her land by cutting a hide into thin strips and stretching it out in a circular border. Name the Phoenician Queen of Carthage who falls for Aeneas: DIDOB1. What Theban king blinded himself after killing his father and marrying his mother?OEDIPUSB2. Oedipus' death and burial occurred in what Athenian suburb near Plato's Academy? The Blind Boys of Alabama recorded a namesake gospel from the same spot. What's the city in the name of the last of Sophocles' Theban plays? COLONóS 7. This Roman day was originally thought to mark the occurrence of the New Moon. It was generally on the 13th of the month, but on the longer ones with thirty-one days, it falls on the 15th. Name the most famous day of March, witness to the assassination of Julius Caesar. IDESB1. Perhaps taking its name from the phrase Kalo Juno Novella, what is the name of the first of every month?KALENDS/KallendaeB2. What high-ranking post was in charge of the Roman calendar? Caesar began his term in this office in 63 BC:PONTIFex Maximus8. Who's the maternal grandfather of Caligula? He accompanied Octavian to Macedonia in 44 BC, then fought on the side of the triumvers against the liberators in the Philippi campaign. Who went on to serve as the primary general for Octavian and defeat Antony at Actium?Marcus AGRIPPABonus on Medical LatinB1. If your doctor told you to put something in your O.S. where should you stick it?LEFT EYE (oculus sinister)B2. If you see a medicine bottle that says T.I.D. on it, how many times a day should you take this drug? 3X (ter in die)9. What's the present passive infinitive of the verb 'to love' in Latin? It's also the first name of an Alabama alumnus and current receiver for the Oakland Raiders. AMARI Boni are yes or no, the question is simple: is he a Roman? B1. Horatius Cocles? YES, defended the Sublician against EtruscansB2. Orgetorix? NO, he's the Helvetian from book 1 of de Bellō Gallicō10. In the middle of the 5th century BC Rome faced a problem. The consul Minucius managed to get himself surrounded on Mons Algidus by the Aequi, and to solve the problem the Romans appointed this man. Who took the reins as dictator and turned sure defeat into victory, then relinquished his power sixteen days into his term?CINCINNATUSB1. What's the mood of dic, duc, fer, and fac?IMPERATIVESB2. What case is the subject of an indirect statement?ACCUSATIVE Round 2.1. Please translate the following sentence into English: Caesar cogitavit Brutum bonum esse. CAESAR THOUGHT THAT BRUTUS WAS GOOD.Bonus theme: Where in the world?B1. In what province would you find Taraconnensis, Baetica, and Lusitania? HISPANIA (Spain)B2. Where would you find Boeotia, Arcadia, Epirus, and Achaea?GRAECIA (Greece, Hellas) 2. You'll have a bonus from the Latin juke box but first…Achilles appears in the Odyssey in the Underworld. After hearing about the exploits of his son, he wanders off into a field of unwilting flowers. What sort of special underworld flower never dies? ASPHODEL It's time for the Latin Jukebox! Carmina Adelis – bonus setB1. SalveHELLOB2. Volvens in altoRolling in the Deep3. Time to differentiate in meaning. Ready? Define laudō and claudō:Laudo = PRAISE, claudo = CLOSEB1. Conficio and deficioconficio= FINISH, deficio = FAIL, REVOLTB2. Mitto and amittomitto= SEND, amitto= LOSE4. Please identify the use of the ablative from the following sentence. Mīles hostem gladiō necāvit.INSTRUMENT or MEANSB1. Please translate that sentence: THE SOLDIER KILLED THE ENEMY WITH A SWORD.B2. What rank of soldier would be in charge of 80-100 common soldiers? CENTURION5. He was helped by Iolaus and was sent on missions by Eurystheus. In many ways the original Greek hero, he sailed on the Argo with Jason but was nearly killed as an infant when snakes attacked him. What son of Alcmene was consumed in a fire and reborn as a god after accomplishing his 12 Labors?HERCULESB1. Distinguish in meaning between Mégara and Megára: Mégara = POLIS on Corintian isthmus, Megára = WIFE of HERCULESB2. Megaera, which is now an English word that means shrew, is one of three of these avenging deities along with her sisters Tisiphone and Alecto. Name 'em. Any name will do. FURIES/ERINYES/EUMINIDES6. If you walked into a Roman house you could see two water structures. What do you call the pool of rainwater in the middle of the floor?IMPLUVIUMBonus on Roman meals! B1. Spelled the same as a professional wrestler, what's the Latin for supper? CENA B2. What's the Latin for lunch or even brunch?PRANDIUM7. Answer in Latin, please. Quot oculi tibi sunt?DUOB1. Quot capita tibi sunt?UNUMB2. Quot digitī tibi sunt?DECEM (vīgintī if they do toes)8. Who first rose to prominence on Marius' staff during the Jugurthan War, gave Pompey his cognomen, nearly killed Caesar, and went on to march on Athens once and Rome twice? This 'lucky' dictator undid all the reforms of the Gracchi and started the first proscriptions. Name him. SULLAB1. What sort of people captured Caesar following his ouster from Rome? Plutarch says they demanded 20 talents of silver for his ransom, at which point Caesar laughs at them and demands he's worth 50.PIRATESB2. What is the fate of those pirates who captured Caesar?CRUCIFIED9. Which word does not belong in the following list: ad, per, inter, pro, per.PROB1. What Latin word is at the root of the English words admonish, monstrosity, and muster?MONEO, MONēREB2. It almost sounds like an emperor: what English derivative of modus means spacious, comfy, or roomy?COMMODIOUS10. She was finally defeated by Suetonius Paulinus. Under the reign of Nero, which Queen of the Iceni revolted and caused panic throughout Britannia? BOUDICCAB1. Following the Great Fire of Rome, Nero decided to blame the blaze on what religious group?CHRISTIANSB2. He's not a cleaning product, but it sounds like it. Eventually vaulting Galba to power, what general was the first to rebel against Nero? VINDEXRound 3. 1. A scene of the Danaiads decorates his sword belt. Which son of Evander falls to Turnus, who promptly takes his balteus as a trophy thus enraging Aeneas?PALLASB1. According to tradition, Evander erected the Altar to Hercules in Rome's cattle market or Forum Boarium. Into what geometric shape was the Temple to Hercules built near that altar? CIRCLEB2. The Temple to Hercules is frequently confused by tourists with what other major circular temple in the Forum Romanum?Temple of VESTA2. What underworld punishment faced the daughters of Daunus after all but one of the 50 sisters killed their husbands on their communal wedding night?FILL WATER jars with HOLES in em Bonus set on a simple question: Is she a Roman? Yes or no?B1. Tarpeia? YES, an original traitor, this daughter of the Capitoline garrison who betrays Rome to the Sabines, is crushed with shields and thrown off the Tarpeian Rock.B2. Zenobia? NO. Greek probably, Queen of Palmyra, but personally claimed to be descended from Dido. 3. It's time for the Latin Jukebox! The Greeks would call it 'to ergon.' What would the Romans call the past three weeks' Billboard number one hit by Rihanna? It features Drake and is entitled "Work."LABORB1. Labor features in the motto of what Midwestern state?OKLAHOMAB2. Give the full motto of Oklahoma:LABOR OMNIA VINCIT4. Translate the following sentence into English: Quintus casam intravit et puellas vidit. QUINTUS ENTERED THE HOUSE AND SAW GIRLS. B1. If Quintus married one of those girls, what would she call him during their marriage ceremony?GAIUSB2. If Quintus entered the baths, what room would he visit to change out of his toga?APODYTERIUM5. Complete the analogy: Delphi: Phocis :: Dodōna : ____________ EPIRUS B1. Name the daughter of Neoptolemus of Epirus who married Philip II.She's Alexander the Great's snake-handling mother. OLYMPIASB2. What god had his oracle at Dodōna? ZEUS6. "Oh rex, habeo novem librōs qui multa oracula habent. Quid mihi pro librōs dabis?" The Sibyl would have addressed which of Rome's kings like that? His wife, Tullia, was first married to his brother. Tarquinius SUPERBUSA gladiator type bonus!B.1 What type of gladiator fought with a net and trident? RETIARIUSB.2 What sort fought from a chariot?ESSEDARIUS7. A bonus on "is he a Roman" awaits. But first… what English word from the Latin for a set of folding doors is a device used for controlling the volume of liquid through a pipe or duct? VALVETime for a bonus set on is he a Roman?B1. Ariovistus? NO, a Suebian driven back over the Rhine by CaesarB2. Antigonus the One Eyed?NO, one of the Diadochi8. There's the Arles or Mourning, Actium, Primaporta, Farneese or Forbers, and finally the posthumous type of portraiture for this first Julio-Claudian Emperor. Who was proclaimed and approved by the Senate in 27 BC?OCTAVIAN (AUGUSTUS) B1. Name the autobiography of Augustus, the "things done."RES GESTAEB2. Augustus' daughter Julia, the mother of Lucius and Gaius, married which of Augustus' entourage? Marcus Vispsanius AGRIPPA or TIBERIUS9. Translate the indicative verb from the following sentence into Latin: "Caesar ought to protect his men."DEBETB1. The infinitive:SERVAREB2. What was the specific use of servare in that sentence?COMPLIMENTARY10. Which state has the same motto as its eponymous university?MISSISSIPPIB.1 What's that motto?VIRTUTE ET ARMISB.2 Which Olympian has the same basic name in both Greek and LATIN?APOLLO11. Identify the use of the ablative in the following sentence: Multīs verbīs poēta fabulam narrābat. MEANSB1. How about: Corpus Hectoris ā Achille tractum est?AGENTB2. Who was Hector's wife, the mother of Astyanax?ANDROMACHE12. A site of one of the wonders of the ancient world, what city was located in southwest Caria and is known today as Bodrum in Turkey? Home to Artemisia and Herodotus, where would you go to visit the tomb of Mausolus, the Mausoleum?HALICARNASSUSIt's a Geography Bonus!B1. What did the Romans call Ireland? HIBERNIA (take Scotia)B2. What region to the south of Mauretania and the Atlas in Morocco was famous for its lions? GAETULIA13. You've got a Latin in Spain bonus, but first…Sporting the abbreviation SPQC on their city shield, what Roman city was founded by the Etruscans? Cato the Elder wrote lovingly about their spelt and bronzes. Originally known as Capeva, what was the first terminus on the Via Appia?CAPUALatin in Spain, Imperial EditionB1. Which Spanish emperor extended the empire to its largest extent after taking Dacia? TRAJAN B2. Which Spanish emperor build a temple to all the gods in the Campus Martius? HADRIAN 14. A native of Troezen near Mycenae, which son of Aethra killed Periphetes, Sinis, Sciron, and Procrustes on his way to Athens?THESEUSB1. During a triumph, victorious Roman generals would paint their faces red and get to wear a special toga. What do you call the toga?TOGA PICTAB2. During the procession slaves would stand behind the general and repeat what two-word phrase?MOMENTO MORI15. It'll be a bonus from the Cinema Romana for you, but first translate the pronoun from the following sentence into Latin: The wars which Caesar fought in Gaul were difficult. QUAEB1. What new movie could be called Liber Silva?JUNGLE BOOKB2. How about a remake of an old classic out soon, Manes Rumpentes?GHOSTBUSTERS Round 4. 1. It'll be a Latin in Italy bonus, but first:His patron was his former salty master, Livius Salinator. What early Latin author hailed from Tarentum and is best known for his translations of the Iliad and Odyssey into Latin? Some know him best as the father of Latin literature. Name him.LIVIUS ANDRONICUS Latin in ItalyB1. What's the Latin name for the Circo Massimo? CIRCUS MAXIMUS B2. If you took a walk on the Via Appia Antica, you would find a large circus and palace that belonged to what Emperor who also began construction on his namesake basilica, the largest building in the forum, which was completed by his successor after 312 AD:MAXENTIUS 2. Let's talk about blood. Give the Latin root word and meaning from which we get the English word for a heart attack 'coronary.'CORONA – CROWNB1. The Italians call this citrus a sanguini. What do we call it?BLOOD ORANGEB2. What Roman god is connected with ruddy complexions and optimism?JUPITER3. Who did Mark Antony attack at Forum Gallorum and the Battle of Mutina? After Octavian lifted the siege, this man tried to reach Brutus and Cassius in Macedon. Who does Shakespeare mistakenly call Decius Brutus?DECIMUS Junius BRUTUS AlbinusB.1 In what play by Euripides does the illegitimate son of Theseus die after a Poseidon-fashioned magic-sea-bull rushes at his horses who spook, and drag him to a painful death?HIPPOLYTUSB2. What stepmom of Hippolytus lies to Theseus saying she was seduced by her step-son? PHAEDRA4. What two-word legal phrase describes a motion that challenges the legality of holding a person in custody? It translates as "you may have the body."HABEAS CORPUSB.1 More legal Latin! What two Latin words are used when a person neither admits guilt nor claims innocence?NOLO CONTENDEREB.1 What two Latin words are used when referring to expert testimony, asserting that an authority has made a proclamation?IPSE DIXIT5. To the Romans these weren't really a thing, but to English speaking Classicists they're the cat's pajamas. "Aurea purpuream subnectit fibula vestem" (a golden clasp secured her royal cloak) is an example of a special adjective A, adjective B, Verb, noun A, adjective B line. What distinctive line appears in only 34 lines of Vergil?GOLDEN lineB1. Which of the Julio-Claudians successfully invaded Britannia and made it a province? CLAUDIUSB2. Which Julio-Claudian had the least military experience of all, including before during or after his administration?NERO 6. You'll be playing for a 'yo mamma' bonus. Which of the following phrases would indicate a weather forecast: mare lātum, mīlitēs fortes, flūmen altum, nūbēs ātra? NUBES ATRAB.1 Pretend you're a muse. Who's yo mamma?MNEMOSYNEB2. Pretend you're one of the Graeae. Who's yo mamma? (She's got a famous part in the Gigantomachy on the Altar of Pergamum if that helps.)CETO7. What term is used to describe a suffix with an independent meaning appended to any word? -Que, as in arma virumque cano is an excellent example.ENCLITICB1. If a philosopher is someone who loves wisdom, what do you call someone who loves words and language?PHILOLOGISTB2. How about a lover of stamps?PHILATELIST (take timbrophilist)8. Can you differentiate in meaning between dēleō and doleō?Deleo – destroy. Doleo – sufferB.1 In the singular it means supply or plenty; in the plural, troops or stores. What's the Latin?COPIAB2. In the singular it means temple, in the plural, house. What's that Latin?AEDēS9. He told the Trojans that the horse would bring happiness to their city, along with good luck and prosperity. Whose ruse proved to be successful?SINONB1. Taking the position in opposition to Sinon, what priest famously uttered the phrase 'Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.'LAOCOONB2. Often called the Trojan Iphegenia, what youngest daughter of Priam betrayed Achilles' secret to her brothers and was sacrificed by the Greeks at the foot of Achilles' tomb.POLYXENA10. He benefited from the Lex Gabinia that gave him complete control of the seas to fight the pirates. Known as the 'teenage butcher' for his zeal during the Marian Wars, who grew to champion the Senate after the breakup of the First Triumvirate? Who fled to Egypt after losing the Battle of Pharsalus in 48? POMPEY the GreatIt's a bonus on Roman LawsB1. The Decemviri drew up which law code of 450BC that tried to enforce the rule of law on both upper and lower Roman classes. Laws of the TWELVE TABLESB2. What later Roman emperor, the last to speak Latin as his mother tongue, compiled the entirety of the body of Roman civil law into his "Code"?JUSTINIAN 11. What King of Thrace is the subject of a play by Euripides and appears in the Iliad? He's killed in book 10 during the night raid of Odysseus and Diomedes, who stole his famous horses after the assassination. Name the unfortunate monarch:RHESUS Horse BonusB1. Which stables did Hercules have to clean as one of his labors?AUGEAN stablesB2. Alexander the Great's horse was said to have descended from the Mares of Diomedes (not Odysseus' buddy – the other one) who famously ate their owner. What's the name of Alexander's horse?BUCEPHALUS 12. What two-word Latin phrase use in English offers the antonym of a revolution and refers to the 'existing state of affairs"?STATUS QUOIt's two word Latin phrase time!B1. What phrase refers to a school you attended? Means nourishing mother? ALMA MATERB.2 When you get a job you may be sent on a trip. What phrase is used to refer to the daily allowance you get for meals and other necessities?PER DIEM 13. What's the use of the ablative in the following sentence? Jūlia cum fīliīs diū ambulābant.ACCOMPANIMENTB1. Can you translate the sentence? JULIA WAS WALKING WITH HER SONS FOR A WHILEB2. Can you change the verb to pluperfect?AMBULAVERAT14. The Greeks put the colony of Cyrene here and the ruins of Leptis Magna can still be visited in this province, which lends its name to the modern country with a capital at the old Tripōlitānia. What province was home to Septimius Severus? LIBYABonus on the SeveransB1. Who was the Arabic wife of Septimus of Severus? She watched one of her sons kill the other and issue a damnatio memoriae against him. Who was regarded as the most educated woman of her age?JULIA DOMNAB2. Whose Edict bestowed citizenship on all free men in the Roman Empire? He needed the taxes to pay for his massive bath complex in the south of Rome. Who he? CARACALLA 15. The year was 63 BC. In a series of speeches against what Roman politician did Cicero lament, 'O tempora, o mores.'? This was caught by Cicero trying to overthrow the republic and he can't believe that this man hasn't been condemned. Who lost the consular election to Cicero that year?CATALINEB.1 An encapsulation of an idea by Cicero, what's the motto of South Carolina that suggests nothing is over till death?DUM SPIRO, SPEROB2. What cardinal direction would you be travelling if you started in a state with "Eureka" as its motto, then went through "Diat Deus" to "Cresit Eundo." EASTRound 5. 1. You'll get a Wizard of Oz Bonus, but first PMAQ: E'rebody knows RIP goes on gravestones. What if you came across a headstone or old encyclopedia entry with DSP on it? What does that tell you?(Decessit sine prole) s/he died WITHOUT CHILDREN B1. Say in Latin, 'If I were king of the forest."SI ESSEM REX SILVAEB2. Say in English, "Est nullus locus similis domui."THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME2. For which Latin author do we have a spurious epitaph in dactylic hexameter? It was found near Naples and says, "Mantua me genuit, Calabri rapuere, tenet nunc Parthenope. Cecini Pascua, rura, duces."VERGILB1. If an archaeologist found a bunch of tesserae on a site, what's he probably just discovered? MOSAIC B2. What did he just cut through, if he found tegulae and imbricēs?ROOF 3. Whose death is described by Tacitus like this: "His taster tasted it, but he found it too hot and refused it. Then cold water containing poison was added. Speechless, his whole body convulsed and he instantly ceased to breathe." It was 55 AD, his stepbrother ordered it, and Claudius' son died. Who's the kid?BRITANNICUSB.1 Suetonius says this author of De Rerum Natura took a love potion and died. Whozat?LUCRETIUSB2. To which goddess is De Rerum Natura dedicated?VENUS4. What Latin word can mean either husband or wife?CONJUNXB1. Avunculus means uncle, but how does avunculus literally translate? LITTLE GRANDFATHER (Avus)B2. Affinity comes from the Latin word adfīnēs. What's it mean?In-laws5. Imagine you're standing on the eastern edge of the Palatine Hill, you're looking east. Which of the other hills is closest to you?CAELIANB1. On which of Rome's hills was Romulus deified?QUIRINALB2. What large structure would you see if you looked down from the southern slope of the Palatine?CIRCUS MAXIMUS 6. Who's the first mother-in-law of Aeneas?HECUBAB.1 Understanding that he didn't actually marry Dido, who's the second?AMATAB2. In book 7 whose hair catches fire during a sacrifice promising glorious days ahead for the burn victim?LAVINIA7. In what room of the Roman house would you find allec, jus, condimenta, liquāmen, and garum?CULINA (triclinium)B.1 Jus, juris is an interesting word. It can mean a broth, like in the tossup, but in other contexts what does jus, juris mean?RIGHT, LAWB2. Caesar says this tallest mountain separated the Sequani from the Helvetians. What mountain played a pivotal strategic role for Caesar and Ariovistus?JURA8. We're looking for a number that unifies all of the following: the Iliad book with Diomedes' rampage, the Odyssey book where Hermes goes to tell Calypso to free Odysseys, the Aeneid book with Anchises' funeral games. In Greek, it's pente. In Latin it's quinque. What number is represented by the Roman numeral V?5B1. Tanaquil: NO, she's the Etruscan wife of Tarquinius PriscusB2. Julia Domna; NO, Syrian wife of Septimius Severus 9. Blegen, D?rpfeld, Schliemann, and now Korfmann and Rose have all had a hand in, or a spade in, the archaeological deposits of what ancient Anatolian city centered on the Hisarl?k citadel at ?anakkale? Inspired by Homer, Schliemann went in search for ancient Ilion. Where was Priam king? TROYThe Annales bonusB1. Whose Annales covered Roman history from the death of Augustus to suicide of Nero? TACITUS B2. Whose Annales are the earliest example of Latin in dactylic hexameter? ENNIUS 10. A bonus on Roman names awaits, Please say in Latin 'it is raining.'PLUITB1. What's the meaning of the name CiceroCHICKPEAB2. How about Crispus?CURLY hair11. This modern metropolis was supposedly founded by Hannibal's family. In the Roman period, it was less important than neighboring Tarraco which served as the namesake of the largest province in Hispannia. Where could you go to speak the Romance language Catalan and watch Leo Messi play at the Camp Nou?BARCELONAB1. Who was the loyal housemaid to Penelope during Odysseus' absence? EURYCLEIAB2. What statue did Odysseys steal from Troy? Aeneas got a holt to it somehow and brought it to Rome. Name the wooden talisman:PALLADIUM 12. Which of the following is not derived from habeō? Inability, hesitate, prohibit, unableHESITATE (haereo)B1. What do AD 253 and AD 69 have in common?4 EMPERORSB2. The year with the largest number of emperors, how many were there in 238?6(Maximinus Thrax, 3 Gordians, Pupienus and Balbinus)13. Lissus and Gortyn are on this island, as are the mountains Dicte and Ida. Knossos and its labyrinth are on the north side. Where did King Minos imprison the inventor Daedalus and his son? CRETEB1. Who's the author of Ascyltus and Giton's Excellent Adventure, now conventionally called the Satyricon?PETRONIUSB2. Who's the author of the line 'ave atque vale' a famous benediction given to this poet's dead brother?CATULLUS14. Remus was the brother of Romulus. What's a rēmus to a nauta or a pirata?OARB1. Who wrestled Thanatos to bring back Alcestis from the dead?HERCULESB2. What's the name for the ancient MMA in which Hercules excels? It literally means 'all of the power.'PANKRATION15. Last questions of the round. The journey is almost over. What's the gender of iter?NEUTERB1. What historian from Patāvium was accused of Patavīnitas because his massive 142 book work mentions his hometown…a lot.LIVYB2. What's the name of that magnum opus of Livy?AB URBE CONDITā Finals1. It's defined as a boss, or a stud, at least on a shield or sword. It can also mean a bubble. What's the word for any round thingy, but is most commonly associated with the small pouch worn around the neck of Roman children. What do you call the little purse where kids kept their dice and other personal items? Boys would stop wearing them when they took up the toga virilis. BULLALatin in FranceB1. In France they don't shout encore if an audience likes a performance and wants more, instead they shout the Latin for "twice." What's the Latin for twice? BISB2. I suppose you could call it the 'Field of the Blessed' Avenue. What Parisian avenue would you take to walk from the Louvre to the Arc de Triumph? CHAMPS ELYSéES2. Viperfish are frequently stranded on shore around dawn in this deep and dangerous straight. Berlusconi has proposed a 6-lane super freeway and railroad bridge with pillars taller than the Empire State Building that would link Calabria with Sicily. Where were ancient travelers frequently shipwrecked thanks to Scylla and Charybdis?Straight of MESSINA Bonus on pretty hard mythologyB1. His mom, Creusa, the daughter of Erechtheus, and princess of Athens, bore him out of wedlock with Apollo. Who went on to become the progenitor of all the Ionians? ION B2. Name the sister of Eirene and daughter of Zeus and Themis who oversaw divine justice; she's known in Latin as Justitia and sometimes as the white one, Astraea? DIKE 3. Periscope, periphrasis, peristyle, peripheral, peripteral, and periptero all have something in common. What's the meaning behind the Greek root word peri?AROUND Bonus on Philosophers!B1. What pre-Socratic 'weeping philosopher' supposed constant change and flux in all things and said 'you cannot step into the same river twice' with the tweetable panta rhei?HERACLITUSB2. Into which of the ancient wonders of the world did Heraclitus deposit his works as a dedication to a goddess?Temple of Artemis @Ephesus, The ARTEMISIUM4. What case is governed by the preposition prō?ABLATIVEB1. What case is governed by the preposition prae?ABLATIVE!B2. What case is governed by the preposition sine?ABLATIVE!!5. In 107 BC, which man became consul for the first of his record seven consulships? He was the uncle of Julius Caesar who died early in a civil war with Sulla. Who transformed the Roman army into his mules?MARIUSB1. Who was Rome fighting in 107? They were in Numidia.JUGURTHAB2. Plutarch proclaimed Marius one of three Founders of Rome. Name the other founder who rid the city of Brennus and the Gauls and sacked Veii…so not Romulus.Marcus Furius CAMILLUS6. Give the principal parts of fugio:FUGIO, FUGERE, FUGI, FUGITUMB1. Ago?AGO, AGERE, EGI, ACTUMB2. Augeo?AUGEO, AUGERE, AUXI, AUCTUM7. This king decided to live on the Caelian. He was third King of Rome and expanded Roman territory and presided over the Horatii fighting the Curiatii. Whose name even sounds like he liked to fight?TULLUS HOSTILIUSB.1 Fearing attack by the Etruscans, Tullus and Mettius Fufetius decided their triplet champions should fight. What city of Ascanius was home to the Curiatii and Fufetius?ALBA LONGAB2. How did Tullus die?LIGHTING BOLT/FIRE/TURNED TO ASH 8. Consider the sentence "Claudius, give me that book." Translate Claudius into Latin.CLAUDIB1. What form of "me" should you use in Latin?MIHI/DATIVEB.2 Translate the verb into Latin:DA9. Everyone loves gladiators! What type of gladiator was an evolved form of the Gallus, or Gaul, and named and known for the fish-crest on the top of his helmet? MURMILLO(N)B1. Gladiatorial battles were inherited by the Romans from what civilization that utilized this type of combat at funeral games?ETRUSCANSB2. In the homeland of some Roman kings, what Etruscan necropolis features the greatest frequency of tomb paintings, such as in the Tomb of Hunting and Fishing, Tomb of the Whipping, and the Tomb of the Leopards, amongst others?TARQUINIA/MONTEROZZI 10. Polybius said that it was out in the Atlantic somewhere, but modern Greeks tell you that he was mistaken. What was the ancient name for the island of Gāvdos? It contains the southernmost point in Europe in addition to the beaches that captured Odysseus' attention for seven years. Where did the enchantress Calypso hide the hero?OGYGIAB1. On what Homeric island did Circe turn Odysseus' men to swine?AEAEAB2. Named for the metal it produced abundantly, what eastern Mediterranean island features Venus' lovely seashore at Paphos?CYPRUS11. What English derivative of agere means 'able to move quickly and easily'? AGILEB1. Another ago derivative, what means 'to demand and obtain a payment from someone'? EXACTB2. How about 'open to two interpretations or having a double meaning'? AMBIGUOUS12. A yes or no bonus set awaits you, but first: She helped care for Hephaestus after he fell to the island of Lemnos. What daughter of Nereus married the king of Phthia, Pelius? Their son, Achilles, is the hero of the Iliad.THETISBonus set: Is he a Roman or not?B1. Mettius Fufetius? NO, King of Alba Longa torn in two by chariots by Tullus HostiliusB2. Gaius Pontius? NO, he's the Samnite commander at Caudine Forks13. I hope you like pronouns! ego : mihi :: hic : ________HUICB1. Nos : noster :: vos : _____________VESTERB2. Tu : tui :: is : _________________EIUS14. What do all of the following years have in common: 390 BC, 410 AD, and 455 AD? Rome SACKEDB1. The 390 sack was the Gauls, and in 410 it was the Visigoths. Who sacked Rome in 455?VANDALSB2. What ancient city did the Vandals make their capital in the fight against Belisarius? CARTHAGE15. Which doesn't belong in the following list? Orpheus, Hercules, Phineus, Zetes, CastorPHINEUSB.1 Why does Phineus not belong with the others?ARGONAUTSD.2 Name the creatures that Phineus needs help defeating.HARPIES16. Which of the following doesn't belong in the list? Avis, vulnus, canis, equus?VULNUSB1. What's the meaning of vulnus?WOUNDB2. Define any of the other three words from the question. BIRD, DOG, HORSE 17. In poem One, this author describes the golden dove-pulled chariot whirring over the black earth with dense wings. Along with Homer and Hesiod, this lyric poet helped to bring Greece out of the Dark Ages with such stirring images. Sadly most of her poetry has been lost. Name the Mytilenian:SAPPHOThe Silver AgeB1. Famous for his Epigrams, which author from Spain was particularly active during the later part of the Flavian Dynasty?MARTIALB2. What young author of the Pharsalia and nephew of Seneca the Younger got into a feud with Nero and was eventually ordered to commit suicide after taking part in the Pisonian conspiracy? LUCAN 18. What Italic tribe did Plutarch claim to have descended from Spartans? Titus Tatius is probably their most famous king, although Numa Pompilius was certainly one, too. Horace had a villa in their hills, and their kidnapping by Romulus gave Rome her first generation of mothers. Name tribe: SABINES HoraceB1. O, Thaliarchus, on what mountain does he ask if you see the deep snow and the trees covered with snow and the rivers frozen with sharp ice?SORACTEB2. Horace asks a fiery woman who she's with now in that pleasing cave. He warns all those for whom she shines untried. Who has that golden hair, tired back simplex munditia?PYRRHA19. He didn't trust a tonsor because he thought he'd be killed by his barber so instead of getting haircuts he just singed off his curly hair and bead with a super-hot iron. One of the rare Emperors "born in purple", who devalued the currency, cut out a number of conspiracies in 182, and was eventually assassinated by Narcissus the wrestler?COMMODUSIt's the Roman jukebox - B1. What Bieber hit song would the Romans have called Ama Se LOVE YOURSELFB2. What about the Beetles song heri? YESTERDAY 20. Translate into English: Vīta quā fruimur brevis est.THE LIFE WHICH WE ENJOY IS SHORTAnd a myth bonusB1. Which of the three sons of Zeus and Europa did not become a judge in the Underworld but went on to become the progenitor of, or maybe even be, a great spearman in the Trojan War?SARPEDONb.2 Sharing his name with a giant killed by Athena, what King of Crete was the stepfather of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon?ASTERIONEXTRAS1. Translate the sentence into English: Claudia cum duōbus amicīs ad Forum ambulat.Claudia walks into the forum with two friends. B1. Romulus magnō labore urbem condit.Romulus founds the city with great effort.B2. Picasso and David painted versions of this event when Romulus and the Romans fought for their new wives. What is it?Rape of the SABINES2. Name one of the three islands that boarder the Tyrrhenian Sea. CORSICA/SARDINIA/SICILYB1.Name the otherB.2 Name the other3. Please answer with a Latin noun. What substance was mixed with wine to make mulsum? MELB.1 What's the Latin for grapes?UVAEB2. How about the word for vinegar or sour wine?ACēTUM4. Which daughter of Zeus and Hera was the goddess of youth and cupbearer to the gods? HEBEB1. Which Trojan youth replaced Hebe as cupbearer?GANYMEDEB2. Which ancient author mentions that Hera is upset at the change, nursing the wound deep in her heart, and counts it as an ancient grudge against all Trojans?VERGIL ................

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