COVID-19 Exposure Control & Cleaning Protocols

Scenario Office ProtocolsCleaning ProtocolsSymptomatic in the WorkplaceLocal Medical Health Officer contacts an office for a contact trace due to a COVID-19 positive client or employee. Follow direction of Health Officer who will provide advice regarding case specific requirements to: Advise employees of potential exposure and appropriate next stepsTemporarily close office for cleaning Follow Direction of Health Officer on cleaning Contact Workplace Health & Safety Emergency Line 250-952-0911Biohazard contamination due to vomit, blood, diarrhea etc. in the client/public area or employee work area.Client/Public Area: Move clients to another area (or outside if no alternate space is available)Move employees away from contaminated areaClose contaminated area to prevent further exposure with a large buffer area In small offices where space does not permit appropriate segregation of contaminated area temporarily close office.Ventilate area if possible (open doors/windows if no security risk)If temporary office closure required: advise waiting clients and provide information for accessing service online if applicable; post signage; place alert on website; follow normal incident management protocols.Staff will not attempt to clean biohazardsEmployee Area: Move employees away from contaminated areaClose contaminated area to prevent further exposure. In small offices where space does not permit appropriate segregation of contaminated area with a large buffer area 3-5 metres, close the room or temporarily close office. Ventilate area if possible (open doors/windows if no security risk)If temporary office closure required: advise waiting clients and provide information for accessing service online if applicable; post signage place alert on website; follow normal incident management protocols.Staff will not attempt to clean biohazardsFollow your ministry process to request a Bio clean This is focused cleaning on the contaminated areaEmployees can resume client service and other activities after bio cleaning.If office is closed employees can return when bio clean is completedScenario Office ProtocolsCleaning ProtocolsSymptomatic in the WorkplaceA symptomatic client in the office says they are COVID-19 positive.Maintain standard preventive COVID-19 practices (i.e. maintain physical distance of minimum of 2 metres). Remind client of importance of staying away from others when sick and request they come back when they are feeling better. If client refuses to leave, follow normal de-escalation proceduresMove employees and clients away from the area where the symptomatic person was.In small offices where space does not permit appropriate segregation of potentially affected public area temporarily close the office for cleaningIf temporary office closure required: advise waiting clients and provide information for accessing service online if applicable; post signage Follow your ministry process to request a Disinfection Cleaning-Presumptive COVID-19 Case This will be a full disinfecting cleaning of client and public areasFollow any instructions provided by CBRE to prepare for the disinfection cleaning Employees can resume client service or return to office and after cleaning is completedA client or public contacts staff/the worksite and reports having COVID-19 and being symptomatic in the workplace.Consultation with BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety requiredMaintain standard preventive COVID-19 practicesTemporarily avoid use of of are where client public would have been Local manager/supervisor to determine:The last time the client/public was in officeWhere in the office the COVID client/public wasThe amount of routine cleaning that has already occurred, cleaning of frequently touched surfacesFollow ministry protocol for contacting BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety. Required cleaning will depend on how long since the person was last in the workplaceSome ministries may inform their Emergency or Ministry Operations Centre first who will then contact the BCPSAIf no ministry protocol: Contact Workplace Health & Safety Emergency Line 250 952 0911Employee discovers in the course of a client transaction that the individual has returned from outside Canada and is not self-isolating for 14 days as required by the Quarantine Act .? The client is symptomatic.Maintain standard preventive COVID-19 practices (i.e. maintain physical?distance of minimum of 2 metres). Remind client of importance of staying away from others when sick and request they come back when they are feeling better after their mandatory quarantine period. Give them self-serve options for the service they require, if availableIf client refuses to leave, follow normal de-escalation proceduresIf the client refuses to leave after de-escalation call policeMove employees and clients away from the area where the symptomatic person?was.In small offices where space does not permit appropriate segregation of potentially affected public area temporarily close the office for cleaning.If temporary office closure required: advise waiting clients and provide information for accessing service online if applicable; post signage Follow your ministry process to request a Disinfection Cleaning-Presumptive COVID-19 Case This will be a full disinfecting cleaning of client and public areasFollow any instructions provided by CBRE to prepare for the disinfection cleaning Employees can resume client service or return to office after cleaning is completedA client attempts to use a presumed or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis to pressure employees into providing a service or exception.Follow normal de-escalation procedures. If that is not successful, follow normal incident management procedures (i.e. Intentional Harm or Threat of Harm to Employees and Others)Cleaning as noted based on symptomatic or non-symptomatic ScenarioOffice ProtocolsCleaning ProtocolsSymptomatic in the WorkplaceAn Employee did not come to the workplace as expected and contacts the employer to explain they have a respiratory condition or fever. They report being symptomatic in the workplace.Consultation with BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety requiredMaintain standard preventive COVID-19 practicesAvoid use of individual’s workspace temporarilyLocal manager/supervisor to determine:The last time last the employee was in officeEmployees circulation/locations in the office when they were last inThe amount of routine cleaning that has already occurred, cleaning of frequently touched surfacesFollow ministry protocol for contacting BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety. Advice will be provided regarding cleaning, office operations, and staff messaging. Required cleaning will depend on how long since the person was last in the workplace and the amount of cleaning that has already occurred. Some ministries may inform their Emergency or Ministry Operations Centre first who will then contact the BCPSAIf no ministry protocol: Contact Workplace Health & Safety Emergency Line 250 952 0911Not Symptomatic in the WorkplaceEmployee contacts employer and reports they have laboratory tested positive for COVID-19 and they are recovering at home. The employee reports they were not symptomatic in the workplace.Consultation with BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety requiredMaintain standard preventive COVID-19 practicesAvoid use of individual workspace temporarily until consultation completeRemove any shared itemsLocal manager/supervisor to determine:The last time the employee was in the office The amount of routine cleaning that has already occurred, cleaning of frequently touched surfacesFollow ministry protocol for contacting BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety. Advice will be provided regarding cleaning, office operations, and staff messaging. Required cleaning will depend on how long since the person was last in the workplace and the amount of cleaning that has already occurred. Some ministries may inform their Emergency or Ministry Operations Centre first who will then contact the BCPSAIf no ministry protocol: Contact Workplace Health & Safety Emergency Line 250 952 0911Employee contacts employer and reports they have influenza like illness, and they are recovering at home. Employee reports they were not symptomatic at the workplace.Consultation with BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety requiredMaintain standard preventive COVID-19 practicesAvoid use of individual workspace temporarily until consultation completeLocal manager/supervisor to determine:The last time the employee was in the officeThe amount of routine cleaning that has already occurred, cleaning of frequently touched surfacesLocal manager/supervisor to contact HYPERLINK "C:\\Users\\lyearley\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\INetCache\\Content.Outlook\\D6IOD0GU\\\\affwebservices\\public\\saml2sso?SPID=urn:ca:bc:gov:customerportal:prod"AskMyHR by submitting a service request using the category Myself (or) My Team or Organization > COVID-19.Advice will be provided regarding cleaning, office operations, and staff messaging.ScenarioOffice ProtocolsCleaning Protocols Not Symptomatic in the WorkplaceAn at work employee with no symptoms reports they have had contact with a symptomatic COVID-19 case. If the employee was advised to self isolate by public health, they should go homeOtherwise, seat the employee alone in a board room or in their office while you seek consultation with BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety Maintain standard preventive COVID-19 practicesLocal manager/supervisor to determine:The last time the employee was in the officeThe amount of routine cleaning that has already occurred, cleaning of frequently touched surfacesContact AskMyHR by submitting a service request using the category Myself (or) My Team or Organization > COVID-19 or if urgent contact BCPSA 24hr line 250 952 0911Advice will be provided regarding cleaning, office operations, and staff messaging.Employee discovers in the course of a client transaction that the individual has returned from outside Canada and is not self-isolating for 14 days as required by the Quarantine Act. The client is not symptomatic.Maintain standard preventive COVID-19 practices (i.e. physical distancing of minimum of 2 metres).Remind the client of the importance of self-isolation on their return to Canada.Request that they return once they have completed their 14 day self-isolation.? Give them self-serve options for the service they require if availableIf the client refuses to leave, follow normal de-escalation proceduresIf client refuses to leave after de-escalation call police.Regular cleaning is in place and touchpoint cleaning as required. Wipe down surfacesA client or public contacts staff/the worksite and reports they may have COVID-19, and were in a workplace, or report they have COVID-19 and were in the workplace but not symptomatic .Consultation with BCPSA Workplace Health & Safety requiredMaintain standard preventive COVID-19 practicesTemporarily avoid use of area where client/public would have been Local manager/supervisor to determine:The last time the client/public was in the officeWhere in the office the client/public wasLocal manager/supervisor to contact AskMyHR by submitting a service request using the category Myself (or) My Team or Organization > COVID-19.Advice will be provided regarding cleaning, office operations, and staff messaging.Scenario Office ProtocolsCleaning Protocols Not Symptomatic in the WorkplaceAn asymptomatic client says they’ve been in close contact with someone who is positive for COVID-19.Maintain standard preventive COVID-19 practices (i.e. maintain physical distance of minimum of 2 metres)Regular cleaning is in place and touchpoint cleaning as required. Wipe down surfacesEmployee is well but has a family member at home sick with an undiagnosed influenza like illness condition. Employee to continue to monitor for symptomsMaintain standard preventative COVID-19 practicesNo additional cleaning recommendation apart from routine operationsRegular cleaning is in place and touchpoint cleaning as required. Wipe down shared work spaces after individual use (i.e. Computers, board rooms, counters) Routine operationsMaintain standard preventative COVID-19 practicesRegular cleaning is in place and touchpoint cleaning as required. Wipe down shared work spaces after individual use (i.e. Computers, board rooms, counters) Key concepts around virus transmission-COVID-19 and Influenza virus have similar transmission patterns for office settings-The majority of COVID-19 transmission has been from symptomatic individuals. Coughing, Sneezing, singing, shouting, etc. creates droplets-Spreading of the virus by individuals with no symptoms is much less likely, and such transmission would more likely be through surface contacts-Hand washing with soap and water kills the virus and offers the best protection-Common cleaning solutions easily inactivate the virus on surfacesUpdated DefinitionsProvided Daily during outbreak - Touchpoint Cleaning (formerly “High Touchpoint Area Cleaning”): This could be a request for one-time service or re-occurring service, and would include touchpoint areas like light switches, door handles, washroom counters, washroom plunger handles, soap dispensers, faucets, public area counter tops, elevator push buttons, railings, etc. Disinfection Cleaning – Presumptive COVID-19 Case (new): This would include a one-time preventive cleaning to address areas occupied by the person with the presumptive case (and common high touch areas).Disinfection Cleaning – Confirmed COVID-19 Case (new): This would include a one-time broader clean of the sites with a team trained in this area. When a case is confirmed, the area will be cleaned, and appropriate safety precautions will be enacted. The resources of this team are limited, so ensure you are only requesting this service for confirmed cases. You can request this additional clean once a case has been confirmed, even if you have already requested a clean for a presumptive case (at direction of MHO, Safety specialist or multiple concurrent number of respiratory cases). Bio-Clean (revised scope): This request is only for the clean-up of bodily fluids, and would include clean-up of blood, vomit, human excrement, needles, etc. – not for COVID-19 related incidents.?? ? ................

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