Town of Troy

Town of Troy Monthly Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

Town of Troy Town Hall N8870 Briggs St Troy Center


1. Call to Order/Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Verification of Proper Public Notice

4. Review/Approve the Minutes of the December 9, 2020 monthly Board Meeting and the December 8th, 15th, and 30th, 2020 Special Town Board Meetings.

5. Clerk/Treasurers Report.

6. Unfinished Business: Discussion and Possible Action on the following:

A. Update regarding the Troy Center Sanitary District #1 Town Board constituting itself as the Sanitary District Commission.

B. Update from the Tri-Troy Alliance meeting.

C. Discuss the continuation of Merry Maids as the cleaning service.

7. New Business: Discussion and Possible Action on the following:

A. Marion Munagian to give the Plan Commission Report.

B. CSM with a Farm Separation petitioned for by Wilbur J Healey Sr. and Sigrid Healey as owners and applicants, for the property located at N8548 County Rd N, East Troy, Town of Troy, and identified as Tax Key #LT1400011.

C. Walworth County Sheriff Department Sergeant Troy Anhalt to give monthly report.

D. Approve snow plow driver Drew Tordick and Jim Stute for the 2021 snow plow season.

E. DPW Supervisor Jamie Hart monthly report.

F. Chief Don Schell of the Troy Center Fire Department monthly report.

G. Joint Town Board meeting January 21, 2021to discuss the Joint Library.

8. Public Comment

9. Approve Bills for Payment

10. Future Agenda Items

11. Adjourn

Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals requiring auxiliary aids, contact the Town Clerk/Treasurer’s office by calling 262-642-5292 as soon as possible so that needs can be reasonably met. Dated this 11th day of January 2021. Meetings posted at two locations in the Town of Troy: Troy Town Hall F/D, N8870 Briggs St.; and on the Towns Web Site, . It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies may be in attendance. Agenda is subject to change 24 hours prior to meeting.

Tracey S Raymond, Clerk-Treasurer


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