Colonoscopy Preparation Planner

Colonoscopy Preparation Planner

• Please remember to arrange for a responsible adult to accompany you home. If you do not have an adult to accompany you home your procedure will be cancelled and rescheduled.

• Please call your primary care physician about whether you should stop Aspirin, Aspirin-based products, Coumadin, over-the-counter pain medications, or Plavix. They are usually stopped 3-5 days before the procedure. You may use Tylenol.

• Please stop Vitamin E, any multi-vitamins containing Vitamin E, and any oil based supplements; such as, fish oil, castor oil, etc.

• All diabetics should check with their doctor regarding their medications.

• An endoscopy nurse will call you with your arrival time and pre-screen you approximately 1 week in advance.

• On the day of your procedure, please bring a photo ID, your insurance card and co-pay (if applicable). Leave all other belongings home.

3 days prior to procedure:

1. Arrange a ride. (see above)

2. Check your insurance card for any co-pays.

3. Check with your insurance company to see

if you need pre-approval.

4. Call with any change of address and phone number.

5. Go to the pharmacy to buy your Prep of MOVI PREP

6. Start a low residue diet. (see attached list)

2 days prior to procedure:

Last Chance to cancel procedure

1. Drink at least 8 (8oz.) glasses of fluid from your clear liquid diet list (attached) throughout the day.

2. Eat your last meal between 5-6 PM

3. Begin clear liquids diet at 6 PM.

1 Day Prior to your procedure:

* Apply Vaseline to anal area prior to starting the prep. It will help to prevent irritation.

1. Drink at least 8 (8 oz.)glasses of clear liquid throughout the day.

2. Continue your clear liquid diet (see attached)

3. Take your daily medications, if you are prescribed any. You must wait at least 2 hours from the time you took your medications before starting the preparation.


4. FIRST DOSE of MOVI PREP: Begin at 6 PM

a. Mix pouch A & B together in provided container

b. Fill container to the top line with lukewarm water

c. Mix completely to dissolve powder

d. Every 15 minutes, drink ¼ of the filled container (~8oz.) until container is empty

5. SECOND DOSE OF MOVI PREP: (if scheduled before 11 AM)

a. If you are scheduled for a morning procedure, begin second dosing 4 hours after your first dose. If you are scheduled for a procedure after 11 AM, begin second dosing at 6 AM the morning of the procedure

b. Repeat steps a thru d from above

c. Drink fluids for at least 1 hour after the gallon jug is complete: you will continue to cleanse your bowel. Remain close to a toilet, as multiple bowel movements will occur.

Day of procedure:

1. If your bowel movements are not clear – take 1-2 fleet enemas before leaving home. Clear can be defined as yellow or water-clear.

2. Arrive at your appointed time wearing loose fitting clothing. Bring a pair of socks and a loose fitting short-sleeved T-shirt since the Endoscopy Center is kept cool.

3. You may have clear liquids up to 4 hours prior to procedure.

Rev. 9/09 RT


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