Manual Handling of Water Bottles

Manual Handling of Loads - ASSESSMENT CHECKLISTNote: This checklist will remind you of the main points to think about while you:Consider the risk of injury from manual handling operationsIdentify steps that can remove or reduce the riskDecide your priorities for actionSUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT Overall priority for remedial action: Nil/Low/Med/High*Operations covered by this assessment………….. Remedial action to be taken…………………………….Lifting of water containers in offices + transportation between offices……………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….Locations: Between storage and office areasDate by which action is to be taken……………………Personnel involved………………………………. … Date for reassessment…………………………………..Date of assessment…………………………………. Assessors name……………………………… …………. *circle as appropriateSection A – Preliminary:Q1 Do the operations involve a significant risk of injury: Yes If ‘Yes’ go to Q2. If ‘No’ the assessment need go no further Q2 Can the operation be avoided/mechanized/automated at reasonable cost? Yes Q3 Are the operations clearly within the guidelines in Appendix 1? If ‘No’ go to Section B. If ‘Yes’ you may go straight to Section C if you wish.Section C – Overall assessment of risk:Q What is your overall assessment of the risk of injury? MediumSection D – Remedial action:Q What remedial steps should be taken, in order of priority? (i) Staff to be trained on correct manual handling techniques ………………………………………………………………………………………….. (ii) Suppliers to deliver Load to be lifted as close as possible to work area. ………………………………………………………………………………………. (iii)Trolleys to be used to transport load………………………………………………………………………………………… (iv)Lifts to be used if available instead of staircases …………(v) Water containers to be chained into trolley to prevent movement before transportation can begin. If employee feels they are unable to lift load themselves, seek assistance. Ensure lifting instructions on side of water containers are read before lift commences……………………………………………………………………………. (vi)Pregnancy RA’s to be carried out for any pregnant employees …………………………………………………………………………………………..And finally:complete the SUMMARY abovecompare it with your other manual handling assessmentdecide your priorities for actionTAKE ACTION……………….AND CHECK THAT IT HAS THE DESIRED EFFECTSection B – More detailed assessment, where necessary:Questions to Consider:(If the answer to a question is ‘Yes’ place a tick against it and then consider the level or risk)Level of Risk:(Tick as appropriate)Possible remedial action:(Make rough notes in this column in preparation for completing Section D)The tasks – do they involve:holding loads away from trunk?twisting?stooping?reaching upwards?Large vertical movements?long carrying distances?strenuous pushing or pulling?unpredictable movement of loads?repetitive handling?insufficient rest or recovery?a work rate imposed by a process?The loads – are they:heavy?bulk/unwieldy?difficult to grasp?unstable/unpredictable?intrinsically harmful (e.g. sharp/hot?)The working environment – are they:constraints on posture?poor floors?variations in levels?hot/cold/humid conditions?strong air movements?poor lighting conditions?Individual capability – does the job:require unusual capability?hazard those with a health problem?hazard those who are pregnant?call for special information/training?Other factors – Is movement or posture hindered by clothing or personal protective equipment?Yes √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√Low√√√√√√√√√√√√√Med√√√√√√HighLoads to be lifted to be delivered as close as possible to work area. Mechanical means i.e. trolley to be used to transport load to reduce the need for manual handling.Ensure lifting area is clear of any trip hazards.Ensure passageway is clear of obstructions before transporting load. Staff to be trained on correct manual handling techniques Assess load and ensure stability before lifting. If using a trolley, container should be chained before transportation to prevent movement.2 person lifts to be used when lifting container if required. Take note of manufacturers instructions if provided on side of bottleUse lifts if provided to transport load. Ensure all passageways where loads are to be transported are well lit If employee is pregnant, a pregnancy RA must be completed before moving loads.Deciding the level of risk will inevitably call for judgment. The guidelines in Appendix I may provide a useful yardstick. When you have completed Section B go to Section C. ................

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