Stones and their metaphysical meanings

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:



Region found: usually found off the coasts of s. America, japan, and china.

Current uses: used by athletes to help build and protect muscle tissue. Also benefits the heart and helps in digestion.

Historical reference: nicknamed the sea ears, the abalone's flattened, oval shape with iridescent interior was used by the native northwest american indians as a natural vessel for cleansing, offerings and prayers.

Metaphysical meaning: is associated with healing, serenity, calmness, nobility, and honesty.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: the color is green.


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: this stone is associated with creative expression, appreciation of beauty and spontaneity. This is also an excellent stone for improving visualizations and mental imagery.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: green: blue, bluegreen, yellowgreen. Blue, blue-green, yellow-green.

Blue: creativity, throat, mouth, ears, breath of life, lymph.

Green: lungs, heart, thymus, endocrine glands.


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: brings gifts of heart & mind together for balance, inner strength, steering steadily through life. Creativity & entrepreneurial thinking, new directions for business & personal growth

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: chakra: throat.

Body correlation: . Green: lungs, heart, thymus, endocrine glands.


Stone name: agate

Color: red, orange, yellow, browns

Description: composed of microscopic crystals of quartz laid down in colorful bands or ribbons the appearance of the stone is waxy and soft. Almost always translucent and occasionally transparent.

Region found:

Current uses: agates foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity, acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and appreciation of nature. Agates are considered very powerful stones. They are also very calming and soothing to the emotions

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: solid, grounding agates are grounding stones. They help obtain a better physical/emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness. Builds self-confidence

Color varieties: botswana, dentritic, fire agates, lace agates, moss agates and plume

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: for stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys, xray / radiation

1 Botswana

Stone name: botswana

Color: banded gray agate

Description: gray and waxy in appearance.

This grey banded agate has both the properties of agate and the zing of quartz.

Region found: africa

Current uses: strongly recommended for firefighters, people who smoke, and for anyone who comes in regular contact with excessive amounts of heat or smoke. Helpful for anyone who wants to quit smoking. Beneficial to the circulatory system, the skin, and the brain. A pleasant side effect may be giddiness. Soothes depression.

It provides for balancing of yin-yang energy and for balancing of the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies with the etheric energies.

It further assists one in the development of precision in examination of oneself and of circumstances relevant to one's well-being.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: said to augment protection, fertility, sensuality, sexuality, passion, artistic expression and emotional comfort

It stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing effect which acts to smooth dysfuntional energies and to both transform and eliminate negativity.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: a good healing stone for linking 4th, 5th, 6th chakras to expand self expression & creativity, plus refining communication skill to new levels. Chakras: heart, throat, brow.

Body correlation: . Eases throat tension. Immune system., thyroid, iodine & b vitamin use. Still evolving.

2 Blue lace

Stone name: blue lace

Color:light blue banded translucent


Region found:

Current uses: helps to focus on the inner source of love within you that transforms and heals all wounds. Contains the qualities of flight, air, movement, and grace. Highly inspirational when working with the inner self. Patience, peace.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: cools; calms the emotions and mind; promotes softness and femininity. Is associated with hope, unity, cleansing, harmony, protection, optimism, positive thinking, appreciation for nature, smooth energy flow, joy, truth, purification and promptness. Makes us more easygoing. Softens stubbornness. Provides an especially strong feeling of security. One feels assured that one will not have to do something one doesn’t have to. Helps to make stubborn person to be more flexible.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: works well with not only the throat chakra, but the heart, third eye and crown chakra.

Body correlation: strengthens hereditary skeletal structure, outward manifested growths, arthritis.

3 Stone name: moss

Color: greenish-brown.

Description:. Translucent, transparent agate containing inclusions of minerals that look like moss or foliage

Region found:

Current uses: connects one to nature. Improves ego and self-esteem, emotional balance and strengthens positive personality traits. Allows one to see all the beauty one's eyes touch. It integrates emotions and physicality. It draws out unknown co-dependencies and connects our hearts to the universe.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: prosperity, success, abundance, congeniality, compatibility, healing, rain, restoration, fertility of plants, protection of the earth, creativity, confidence and strength. This stone is helpful when starting new friendships or when seeking a compatible lover. Moss agate also helps us communicate directly with animals, plants and all of nature.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

It brings energy from the outer bodies and chakras into the physical level by energy movement from head to feet.

Body correlation: provides healing and growth. It balances the blood sugar level and helps self -esteem and emotional balancing. Centering, taking heart.

Bloodsugar, anorexia/food issues, lymphnodes, balances emotions. Gently releases toxins and activates the immune system.

4 Stone name: fire agate

Color: comes in shades of orange, brown, blue, or green.


Region found: most often found in north america

Current uses: . Induces a feeling of relaxation is said to help those who are overly timid become more assertive and self-expressive excellent stone to use before meditating recommended for dentists, optometrists, and those in the healing profession.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: also associated with courage, protection, enthusiasm and goodness strong connection to the energies of the earth

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: helps alleviate problems relating to the stomach and endocrine system. Helps you examine and deal with problems in a calm and safe manner. Helps take the edge off difficult experiences.

5 Stone name: silver leaf

Color: brown, gray and creamy white

Description: brown, gray and creamy white with interesting patterns.

Region found:

Current uses: silver leaf agates are very grounding and balancing, they open the wearer for acceptance, protection and abundance.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

6 Iris agate

Fosters truth, honor, joy, physical well being, popularity and long life. Teaches us to appreciate physical pleasure and nature.

7 Mexican lace agate

Is said to lift depression.

8 Agate - crazy lace

Swirls or yellow, red and brownish black in a lacy pattern

Balances physical energies and can be used to reach high physical levels

9 Fern agate

Helps us communicate with plants. Attunes us the world of devas (nature spirits).

10 Agate - iris

Insight, restores nerve feeling and healing after injury / burns.

Tree agate

Introspection. Helps one view themselves with more clarity and see the world through a broader viewpoint.

11 Arizona agate

Is linked with sensuality, pleasure, emotional warmth, earthiness, happiness, cheerfulness and prosperity.

12 Agate - picture

Gaze into for meditation

L / rt. Brain balancepineal, pituitary; coordination

13 White lace agate

Attunes us to our highest mind and to the creator.

14 Agate - tree

Introspection. Helps one view themselves with more clarity and see the world through a broader viewpoint.

15 Pink lace agate

Increases friendliness and happiness.

16 Plume agate

Quartz. Is said to improve imagination, visualization and the ability to manifest positive thought forms.

17 Dentritic agate

Quartz. Associated with safe travel, general protection, loyalty and tranquillity.


Stone name: ajoite


Description: . Mainly in the form of phantoms within crystals. One of the most beautiful, joyous & loving crystals of the earth

Region found:

Current uses: powerful tools. Rare

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: provides peacefulness in emotional system and joyful acceptance of ones surrounding s, circumstances, and environment

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: chakras: heart & throat. Produces a melding between heart & throat chakras and allows speaking that of one’s heart

Body correlation:


Stone name: albite

Color: white or translucent stone with a bluish tinge. A white, gray, clear or bluish sodium feldspar

Description: moonstones are a cut and polished form of albite

Region found: found in north america, england, france, japan, and kenya

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: associated with stability, steadiness and constancy. It is a balancing stone, offering a firm and grounding energy. Albite feldspar also inspires all of us to become spiritual leaders by sharing our unique truths with others

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: helps relieve depression and can be used as a booster for the immune and respiratory systems. Soothing for mental stress. Strengthens the spleen and thymus


Stone name: alexandrite

Color: clear violet-green, lt. Blue or orange-yellow iridescence

Description: extremely rare. Alexandrite changes color with source of light

Region found:

Current uses: opens to higher self, disattachment, psychicness, spiritual love, joy, and luck. Encourages regeneration, renewal, protection, joy, emotional maturity, purity, grace and elegance

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: helps to align mental and emotional body. Spiritual transformation & regeneration. Reflects highest potentials of unfoldment, joy, oneness with life. Aids internal & external regeneration

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: opens heart, solar plexus, and especially crown centers

Body correlation: excellent tissue regeneration; especially central nervous system. Has positive influence on nervous system, spleen, pancreas


Stone name:

Color: a red garnet with a violet tint.


Region found:

Current uses: brings spirituality to relationships. Helps in the transition from romance to a spiritual commitment in love.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name: Amazonite

Color: a green or blue-green member of the feldspar clan, sometimes with off-white striping

Description: The best way to use amazonite is by laying it on the body.

Region found: found in brazil, u.s.s.r., and u.s. the best are found near pike's peak

Current uses: held to the third eye(middle of forehead), amazonite unlocks psychic vision. Amazonite is soothing to the nerves, it enhances communications concerning love. A confidence builder, it brings trustfulness, eliminates negative energy and aggravation, and balances male and female energies. Great over a door to bring in new business. It helps one to be able to listen to the body and its needs. It balances extremes of moods and has a calming effect. It dissolves sadness and feelings of apprehension.

Historical reference: known as the "hope stone," it inspires faith and hope and gives strength

Metaphysical meaning: prosperity. Gentle friendly, calming, soothing. Inspires truth, sincerity, honor, self-love, communication, eloquence, integrity, trust, clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness. Amazonite brings a proper interaction between rational thought and intuition.

It helps us to connect to our own power, joyfully.

Color varieties: pale aqua blue, to rich aqua blue in russian amazonite

Chakra correlation: opens throat, heart, and solar plexus centers for self-expression, artistic creativity, healing

Body correlation: soothes nervous system. Strengthens heart & physical body. The amazonite, also called the amazon stone, supports the thyroid and the parathyroid, thus helping to tone the metabolism.


Stone name:

Color: : clear yellow or orange ancient petrified resin. Electromagnetic

Description: clear yellow or orange ancient petrified resin (possibly pine tree).

Region found:

Current uses: linked to sensuality and personal magnetism, renders wearer irresistible. Excellent detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and others' energies. . Can add stability to your life. Helpful in clearing up depression and bringing about a positive mental state. Also useful as a memory aid. Amber should be cleansed after being used for healing to dispense the negative energy it has absorbed.

Historical reference: . Sacred use (incense/worn) by asian and american indians, and worldwide. Whatever its origins, amber was widely used as a healing agent. Ground up and mixed with honey, it improved eyesight. Adding rose oil to the mixture moved the site of the cure from eye to ear, where it healed infections and, sometimes, deafness. To relieve asthma and whooping cough, amber oil was either swallowed or rubbed on the chest as a liniment. Catarrh, tonsillitis, and running eyes/nose were alleviated when the sufferer inhaled fumes from burnt amber. This treatment was achieved by throwing powdered amber onto a hot brick. Burned amber also was used to ease labor pains. To cure jaundice, the stone was worn against the body so it could absorb the yellow from the skin.

Syrup of amber was employed as a sedative. And since opium was an important component of the mixture, this remedy probably was more effective than most. Holding a lump of amber in one's hand was thought to reduce fever or to cool the body on a hot day. Wearing a choker of amber beads cured coughs and reduced glandular swellings. Amber had a nonmedical use also: when laid on the breast of a sleeping wife, it was believed she would confess her evil deeds.

Metaphysical meaning: amber changes negative energy into positive. It helps in manifesting what you desire and calms the nerves. It emits a sunny and bright soothing energy which helps to calm nerves and to enliven the disposition. Past life work, weight gain. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and knowledge

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: opens solar plexus chakra for mental clarity, moods balance, confidence

Body correlation: stomach anxiety, spine, brain, memory loss, cell regeneration. Aligns mental & emotional bodies via orange-yellow. Excellent detox & protection from radiation. Useful on the brain, lungs, thyroid, spleen, endocrine system, inner ear, and neurological tissue. Draws disease out of afflicted areas and neutralizes negative energy. It is a grounding healer.


Stone name:

Color: a golden-yellow to clear color


Region found:

Current uses: . Is said to increase a feeling of one's own worth. It helps us develop empathy, self-confidence and thoughtfulness towards others

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:



Stone name:

Color: pale to deep translucent purple. Translucent, purple/lavendar qtz. Color varies from a deep violet to a pale lavender, almost to the point of being clear.


Region found: quartz stone found in brazil, canada, sri lanka, and parts of east africa.

Current uses: strongly recommended that when using amethyst in conjunction with other stones or crystals, rose quartz is used. Amethysts are recommended for dancers and optometrists.

Historical reference: was credited with the power to prevent intoxication when bound to the navel or when wine was drunk from an amethyst goblet. This gem also expelled poison, quickened the wits, protected soldiers, and cured gout. Drinking lotion of amethyst was supposed to cure barrenness; wearing it was believed to increase business success, guard against witchcraft, and restrain sexual passion. Grape-hued amethyst is most often associated with the god bacchus, who is said to have created it. According to the legend, bacchus, in a fit pique, threatened to sic tigers on a young girl who worshipped the goddess, diana. Diana intervened, turning the girl (whose name was amethyst) to clear stone. Afterwards, a remorseful bacchus poured wine over the stone maiden, turning her glowing purple. Amethyst has been used to raise psychic awareness for at least 2,000 years. The greeks believed it to be an amulet against inebriation.

Metaphysical meaning: enhances intuition, cures headaches, and is good for

Meditation. Spiritual upliftment. Psychicness, imagery, mind quieting. Psychicness, imagery, mind quieting. Dream recall. Stone of spirituality, contentment, meditation. Provides common sense, flexibility in decisions.

Color varieties: Shades of Purples.

Chakra correlation: brow + crown chakra. This beautiful stone is the major stone for the crown chakra, being used to sharpen the "sixth sense". Because of this, many people keep a crystal with their i-ching, tarot, or rune tools. It is considered a very spiritual stone.

Body correlation: eases compulsive/obsessive behavior (desire for food, tobacco, drugs, alchol, etc) calms an overactive mind, increases self-esteem, aids sleep. Wear when sleeping or when awake to reduce anger, impatience, and nightmares. Headaches, eyes, scalp / hair, pituitary, pineal, bloodsugar balance. Especially aids sobriety; alcohol / food / sex /other addictions. Amethyst has a direct link to the mind. It bolsters the production of the hormones, and strengthens the cleansing organs, the circulatory system and blood, the immune system, and body metabolism. It soothes the nervous system and aids in the transmission of neural signals. Helps you feel less scattered and more in control of your faculties. Memory skills and motivation improve. Goals are clearer, more realistic, and easier to achieve. However, you must use this stone cautiously with subjects who have paranoid or schizoid tendencies. Can benefit people with insomnia or troubled sleep. Ideal for those who meditate. Promotes selflessness. Useful in dispelling rage, anger, fear, and anxiety, and is a good stone for clarifying and remembering dreams. Helps relieve physical and emotional pain. Amethyst can be used for healing of the nervous system and the brain. It will also work for mild depression.


Stone name: Ametrine

Color: Purple and Gold, Combined Amethyst and Citrine

Description: Ametrine is a combination of the wakefulness of amethyst and the dynamic energy of citrine.

Region found:

Current uses: Ametrine connects our knowledge with wisdom and with our personal guides. It encourages optimism and brings the wearer luck - success on all levels. In all applications, ametrine should be worn directly on the body for long periods of time. Spiritual and mental aspects are also fortified in meditation, and the mind is strengthened by laying a crystal on the solar plexus.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: combo amethyst & citrine: helps one adjust to changes in one's life that involve blending the old with the new. Assists blending family when one marries and there are children that are his, hers & ours. Amethyst has high frequency like the universe. As it heals to become ametrine it becomes more focused & more physical. Ametrine possesses all the characteristics of Amethyst and Citrine, with additional properties listed below. Ametrine provides a clear connection between the physical form and the ultimate state of perfection, by enhancing awareness of Universal equilibrium and balance.  Compatibility is enhanced strongly by Ametrine. In meditation and attunement, Ametrine supports reaching higher states more quickly, bringing peace and cooperation in the process.  Negativity is dispersed from the aura, transforming negative emotions into those supporting integration and cooperation. Ametrine is useful for supporting astral travel, providing protection and awareness of the differences between the physical and astral realms.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: Ametrine has a strong cleansing effect on the metabolism and in the tissues. It helps to release allergies and sensitivities. In healing, Ametrine is useful after any transformation: transplants or just reaching physical maturity. Ametrine is one of those stones that is very quick acting making it very popular in healing work.  This stone is for someone who is dealing with self esteem issues; the golden Citrine allows you to discover one’s own worthiness while the violet Amethyst brings a sense higher purpose, thus allowing you to become more confident.  Some like to use Ametrine to stimulate the meditative state and to raise one’s own consciousness. 


Stone name:

Color: yellow, green or brownish-red.


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: is said to promote business and career success, ascendancy, authority, leadership ability. It helps us to become powerful and then to use our power wisely and for the good.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: medium blue to white crystals.


Region found: fairly new discovery in peru during the harmonic conversion

Current uses: psychic connection to oneness with universe, angelic realm, spiritual guidance. Astral travel, heightened sensory awareness. Seeing paths to surmount challenges. Aligns physical & etheric fields for healing self & others. Regenerates & rejuvenates ill or depleted areas Hold an angelite stone when feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and the soft vibration will allow you to immediately calm down. It stabilizes the emotional body and dispels fear and anger. Paired with its counterpart, danburite, it is used to raise psychic awareness and facilitate astral travel.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: used to call your angels for guidance and support. Psychic connection to oneness with universe, angelic realm, spiritual guidance. Astral travel, heightened sensory awareness. Seeing paths to surmount challenges. Provides a protective energy field around the area where it is placed. Angelite is a wonderful stone to promote a sense of calm, serenity and inner peace. This remarkable stone can aid connection with the higher self and spirit guides.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: brow & crown.

Body correlation:

Anorthite feldspar

Stone name:

Color: the color is usually white, gray or glassy


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: . It is associated with balance, wholeness, integration, stability and grounding

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Apache tear

Stone name: Apache Tear

Color: small, dark, smoky-translucent obsidian pebbles

Description: Also called the "wizard stone", apache tears are actually small pieces of obsidian or volcanic glass. When held in the palm of your hand, the stone appears to be black. When held to the light, you are able to see through the stone.

Region found:

Current uses: eases & releases pain, loss, sadness, anger, etc. To help heal and go on with life. For looking within, protection, vision, quest / purpose.

Apache tears is a stone of protection against unwanted vibrations. It sharpens vision and helps with transitions. It helps one work through karmic issues.

Historical reference: represents tears of grief shed by native american women after their loved ones' deaths due to invading troops

Metaphysical meaning: eases and releases pain, loss, sadness, anger, etc to help heal and go on with life. For looking within, protection, vision quest/purpose. Aids healing grounding. Transforms and aids in the release of lower emotions.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:brow; It stabilizes the root chakra.

Body correlation: gently grounds and unblocks lower body and endocrine glands/chakras. This wonderful stone is valued for purging toxins from the blood stream and alleviating muscle cramps.


Stone name: Apatite

Color: transparent dark, blue, yellow, green, clear.


Region found: found all over North America as well as in Mexico, Norway, USSR and Sri Lanka. Most commonly confused with fluorite and aquamarine

Current uses: communication. Wear this stone when there have been misunderstanding. Apatite enhances creativity. It is a stone of the future and will bring knowledge to those attuned to it by clearing mental confusion. It truly awakens the finer, inner self.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: helps to deepen meditation reducing hunger. This mineral can be used to stimulate the intellect and to promote realization that one's strength occurs through both spiritual avenues and via love; hence, dissolving aloofness and negativity. Use of apatite while working with other crystals will facilitate results with greater ease since the apatite enhances the "coming-to-results". It can help to integrate, coordinate and balance the emotional, intellectual, physical and etheric bodies. It can also help to eliminate over-activity, under-activity, blockage, or congestion from any of the chakras. It can be used to stimulate the development of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and the awareness of the devis worlds. It can further the connection with ufo's and can provide access to past-life insights and telepathy.

Color varieties: blue & purple are used especially to heal and stimulate throat

Yellow - solar plexus & brow

Comes in many forms and colors. Easily confused with half a dozen other minerals. Found in transparent, translucent, and opaque forms. Varies in color from white to brown to green to yellow and even violet. Crystal form is hexagonal and glassy in appearance

Apatite crystallizes as prismatic crystals or as compact masses. The mineral occurs in the range of color which includes yellow, white, olive green, deep blue, purple, brown, red-brown or colorless.

Chakra correlation: throat chakra use yellow on solar plexus and brow chakra

Body correlation: kidney point, for self expression, teaching, healing mouth, throat, thyroid, high blood pressure, stuttering, etc. Reducing hunger. High calcium content strengthens bones, muscles, mineral assimilation. It is also helpful for fighting viruses point for self-expression, teaching, healing mouth, throat, thyroid, high blood pressure, stuttering, etc. Reducing hunger. High calcium content strengthens bones, muscles, mineral assimilation high calcium content strengthens bones, muscles, mineral assimilation.. A mineral still in its embryonic stage as a healer. Wearing or carrying apatite has successfully produced hunger suppression; an elixir made of the mineral has also produced the same results. It can be used at the physical level to frocus healing energy on the systems, glands, meridians, and organs of the body.


Stone name: Apophyllite


Description: clear, white, light green striated crystals

Region found:

Current uses: helps one connect tot spirit and act in truth. Very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state/meditation/dream recall. Clairvoyance, out of body travel. Helps see truth for growth

Historical reference: mirror apophylite has the additional reflective qualities of being able to recieve back what intentions are sent into the "mirror' of this stone. It has been used for centuries in india in the "art of gazing". One mirror apophylite is usually passed down from generation to generation. It is often called upon to reflect doings from the past to its user, in order to see both the good and the bad aspects of a families' past. Allowing the gazer to be aware of and work on improving the defieciencies from within. It provides a clear and absolute connection between the physical bodies and the astral bodies of its user. Mirror apophylite is an extremely powerful crystal and will also enrich the users' intuitive capacities by stimulating the third eye chakra.

Metaphysical meaning: very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state / meditation / dream recall. Clairvoyance, out of body travel, etc. Green is most powerful: heals and brings joyous openness to the heart. Clears mental fuzziness and channels for with higher-self + angelic realm contact. Helps see truth for growth.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: chakras: heart, brow & crown

Body correlation:

Aqua aura

Stone name:

Color: clear quartz with metallic light blue tint from electrical infusion of gold (amplifies quartz conductivity).

Description: luminous blue with shimmering purple, turquoise and green.

Region found:

Current uses: wearing aqua aura is said to help one shine with one¹s inner beauty, to attract wealth and success, to relieve depression and anxiety and to help create an aura of peace and well being in oneself and one¹s surroundings.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: : increases energy and after consciousness for meditation, telepathy, healing.. Same meaning as clear quartz

A highly energized stone that enhances one¹s ability to communicate inner truth. It can be used to soothe anger, cool feverishness and release stress. Aqua aura quartz can help to plumb one's emotional depths while retaining inner peace. It helps one open to channeling.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: chakra: throat

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: clear light blue, blue-green stone also occurs in a golden yellow color


Region found: found in the us, mexico, ussr, brazil, and india

Current uses: calms the nerves. Helps reduce fears. Has an affinity with sensitive and mystical people. Increases creativity and sharpens intuition. Excellent stone for meditation. Helps one attune to nature. Quiets the mind and reduces stress. Helps bring about a tolerance toward others associated with cleansing, meditation, serenity, peace, prophecy, inspiration, tranquillity, strength and the wise use of inner power. This stone is attuned to the ocean and helps us to get in touch with the nature spirits of the sea. It is traditionally used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears and phobias. Promotes safe travel on water. Aquamarine is one of the birthstones for those born in march.

Historical reference: was given to sailors as protection against drowning and for courage in battle. Aquamarine was used to cure eye injuries. Remedy was effected in one of two ways. The first method involved grinding the stone very finely, passing the particles through a sieve to remove impurities. A small quantity of powder was then placed in the injured eye, and the patient was instructed to lie still until it took effect. The alternative measure was to soak the stone in water which was then used to bathe the injured eye.

Rubbing swollen glands with an aquamarine was believed to reduce the swelling. Wearing it prevented spasms, convulsions, and liver ailments. Seafarers often carried aquamarines engraved with the image of poseidon, god of the sea, to protect themselves during storms.

Aquamarine also was a handy cure for an affliction which, although not serious, could be quite annoying - hiccoughs! Sufferers had only to drink water in which an aquamarine had been dipped to gain instant relief.

Metaphysical meaning: releases anxiety, fear, restlessness, peaceful stillness. Tranquilizing, uplifting, openess, innocence, lightheartedness, creativity, communication, self-awareness, confidence, purpose

Possesses the calming effect of the sea, and promotes clarity of mind.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: throat (& spleen) chakra

Body correlation: heart, immune system, thymus, lymphnodes, especially for mouth, ears. Clarifies perception and strengthens the body's cleansing organs such as the liver, spleen, thyroid, and kidneys. Helps the eyes, jaw, neck, stomach, teeth, and throat. Filters out unnecessary information to the brain recommended as a purifier of the throat and helps sore throats.


Stone name:

Color: translucent purple-pink-brown hexagonal or white needle crystals


Region found:

Current uses:. Helps us navigate business / managerial / personal challenges with clear head, steady hand. Giving & receiving easily

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: deep peaceful meditation; uplifts emotions. Centering, overview, patience under stress

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: chakra: brow opens spiritual/brow chakra balances yin/yang, eyes, brain, cns & heart opens spiritual brow chakra for day-to-day living with an open heart & mind

Body correlation: eyes, brain, central nervous system, heart


Stone name:

Color: green to black


Region found:

Current uses: is associated with prosperity, success, good fortune and luck. It helps us to be at the right place at the right time

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

. .


Stone name:

Color: green


Region found:

Current uses: is it is protective of those who are young and free and willing to take a chance.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: said to foster courage, daring, new beginnings and adventures.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:



Stone name: Aventurine

Color: translucent dark / lt. Green quartz. Ranges in color from golden brown to green


Aventurine is a variety of mineral, usually quartz or feldspar, which is spangled with bright particles of mica or hematite.

Region found:

Current uses: aventurine balances male/female energies, it enhances creativity, reinforces decisiveness, and amplifies leadership qualities. It provides joy and clarity to the wearer. Heals emotional pain/fear/imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart. It encourages playful sexuality and stimulates creativity.

It can draw out secret dreams to pursue and provide optimism.

Enhances creativity, imagination, independence, prosperity, career success, calmnes sand balance. It helps us to see alternatives and potentials. Green aventurine is considered to be especially healing of mind and body.

Historical reference: historically also draws out heat of fevers, inflammation, nervous system stress in your bath water

Metaphysical meaning: emotional pain / fear / dissolving blocks in the heart a soft soothing stone for general healing, universal love, truth & prosperity.

It aligns out hearts with the deep bounty of the earth.

It has been used in rituals of the medicine wheel, to show to the spirit guides the connection with the healing light of the heart. It has been reported that, during contact with the spirit guides, the participants have felt a "wash of love" fall around them.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: it also is used at the heart chakra to both activate and clear and protect the heart chakra

Body correlation: a good healer for any ailment, whether mental, emotional or physical. This remarkable healing stone helps to stabilize the heart and even the metabolism. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs, heart, adrenal glands and the muscular and urogenital systems.


Stone name:

Color: blue, violet or brown


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: . Helps us activate our spiritual beliefs on the earth plane. Teaches us to live our spirituality in our daily lives.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: solid deep blue / blue purple a dark blue, metallic mineral.

Description: referred to as the jewel of wisdom

Region found: found in abundance in arizona

Current uses: augments clear understanding, cleansing, healing, transformation, perspective, purification, patience, kindness, intuition, prophecy and truth. This stone offers spiritual guidance, promotes psychic dreams, unites the subconscious with the conscious mind and expands the limits of our minds cultivates the ability to reach into the subconscious and examines states of mind. This cleanses the mind and makes one more capable of insight and pure thought. Helps one recognize the resources within themselves. Benefits the spleen, thyroid, bones, and skin. An integral part of many crystal and gemstone-healing layouts. Also enhances meditation

Historical reference: esoteric gem literature states that azurite can restructure molecules, revitalize the brain, rebuild gray matter, and aid in developing embryonic babies in the womb. The deep blue stone helps you release the past and gracefully anticipate and accept the future simultaneously

Metaphysical meaning: more assertive communication and alert, quite, deep access to subconscious and other times / places / lives. Psychicness, creativity, decisiveness, deeper insight, seeing truth, reduces depression, anger, abnormal cell growth. Developement of intuition

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: chakras: throat & brow

Body correlation: reduces depression, anger, abnormal cell growth stimulates thyroid, sinus, skin cleansing, spleen, nervous system, mental + etheric bodies.

Barite - desert rose

Stone name:

Color: a gypsum. Lt. Brown


Region found:

Current uses: gently grounding; clarifies thinking and mental vision, perception. Quiets worry, brings out practicality. Quiets the mind.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: is linked with platonic love, friendship, loyalty, love and relationships. This is a stone of interpersonal communication and intimacy

Color varieties: wide color range

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: light to dark blue.


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: is associated with emotional sensitivity, empathy and understanding.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Beryl family

Stone name:


Description: strong, hard. (some look "greasy"). Clear: heliodor/golden brown

Region found: this stone is found in the us, india, and ussr.

Current uses: . Helps teach one to cease doing the unnecessary. Assists its possessor in learning how to filter out distractions and unnecessary stimulation

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: beryl reawakens the love of married people.

Color varieties: comes in shades of yellow, gold, white, blue, or green. Pink: excellent for heart chakra growth, transition, stabilizing.

Chakra correlation: brow & throat chakra

Body correlation: stimulates the mind, nervous system, spine, bones, solar plexus and 3rd eye chakra with warm sun energy for mental clarity, confidence, will power, visualizing, protection helps stomach, intestines, works with mental body for exhaustion, depression, ulcers, nausea, eating disorders. Cleans emotional and physical toxins from liver, skin, including fear and resentment

. Helps strengthen the circulatory and pulmonary systems, making them more resistant to toxins and pollutants. Helpful to the eyes, throat and easing a stressed mental state. Uses as a sedative

1 Clear beryl (also known as goshenite)

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Increases intellectual abilities, wisdom and the capacity to see things from all sides.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses: is associated with altered states, meditation and cosmic consciousness.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name: heliotrope

Color: green flecked with red translucent or opaque green with blood red splashes

Description: electromagnetic (high iron).

The bloodstone is a variety of quartz which occurs in massive formations.

Region found: found in the ussr and india.

Current uses: purifies the blood, boosts strength and courage and attracts wealth bloodstone is an intense healing stone, the "stone of courage". It revitalizes love, relationships and friendships. It brings purification, orderliness, prosperity, and instills wisdom, enhances creativity, and supports decision making.

Historical reference: bloodstone is credited with many religious and curative properties the red specks were thought to represent the blood of christ, and the stone is often associated with the crucifixion. Because it was believed to stop bleeding, the heliotrope, as it is also called, was often carried by warriors. Its value to warriors was further enhanced because the bloodstone was thought to inspire courage and to ensure success in hazardous enterprises. Longevity was another benefit attributed to this gem. The weather also was affected by this stone, which was said to cause thunder, lightening, rain and tempest. Ancient egypt, atlantis used to calm, ground, revitalize

Metaphysical meaning: increases courage, helps in avoiding dangerous situations by soothing the mind. Benefits the bones, heart, and reproductive organs. Helps raise consciousness. If bloodstone is used for a specific healing layout, it should be used by someone who has experience with the stone brings rain, abundance, alignment, organization, smooth energy flow, generosity, idealism, good fortune and purification. It is good to keep a bloodstone in any place that needs its energy cleansed. It is an intense healing stone and a "stone of courage". It helps one toward the direct union with the divine through contemplation, meditation and love.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

It can be used to awaken and introduce uniformity within the vibrations of energy in the base, navel, sacral and heart chakras.

Body correlation: cleansing heart, blood circulation, marrow, thymus, lungs, heart. Classic for wealth, menstrual cramps, anemia, blood clots, hemorrhoids, birthing / reproductive imbalance. It is also useful for blood disorders..

("heliotrope") . Electromagnetic (high iron). Ancient egypt, atlantis used to calm, ground, revitalize. Classic for wealth, menstrual cramps, anemia, bloodclots, hemorrhoids, birthing / reproductivity, imbalance. Cleansing heart and blood circulation, marrow, thymus, lungs; heart. Benefits the circulatory system. Helps purify toxic blood and detoxify the kidneys, liver, and spleen.. It provides one with the centering and grounding energy of the heart, and is conducive to balancing the total body in order to help one to overcome any distress and anxiety associated with the re-alignment of the energies. The bloodstone has been used in the treatment of the spleen, and to purify the blood, kidneys, bladder, intestines and liver. It can neutralize the toxins within the body and can provide for elimination of same. It has also been used to aid in failing eyesight, lung congestions and rashes.

Blue quartz also called siderite

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: inspires spiritual development, meditation psychic abilities and serenity

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

. .

Blue tourmaline is also known as indicolite or indigolit

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: it is linked with peace, balance, eloquence and emotional purification

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Boji stones

Stone name:

Color: iron-magnetite concretion. Solid, round, grey-brown discs with iron solid round, grey-brown discs with high iron

Description: :. Grounding, electromagnetic, balances body’s energy field. May have found they reduce pain by holding 1 in each hand. Also wearing / holding with tiger’s eye or other stone containing asbestos may bring on ill feelings. Recharges electrically in sun. Store bojis apart - magneticness neutralizes each other rough "male" and smooth "female" stones both have + and - charge

Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: a metallic mineral with a purple tarnish.


Region found:

Current uses: it fosters caring on a worldwide scale, teaching us to be concerned with the welfare of all beings on earth.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: is associated with peace, social justice, goodness, fairness, truth and equality.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:


Description: a common alloy made by combing copper and zinc flattens and grounds energy. (poor conductor);

Region found:

Current uses: . Can dull/block energy. May be used as shield, reducing sensitivity and awareness...

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: recommended by healers as helpful to people who have unusually high levels of metal in their bloodstream, since it is a blood cleanser and detoxifier. Also used for hair loss not generally used for healing


Stone name:

Color: yellow or greenish-yellow , colorless to pale yellow to pale green.


Region found:

Current uses: promotes understanding of difficult situations and allows decisions of loving-intellect. Helps obtain insight for obtaining and releasing.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: is associated with academic achievement, attention to detail, improved study skills and increased intelligence

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: chakras: solar plexus & heart

Body correlation: alleviate conditions of heatstroke & sunburn


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses: helps promote a laid-back attitude

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: is associated with relaxation, serenity, calmness

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

. .


Brown grossularite

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses: . It also helps us acquire land or property

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: encourages balance and serenity

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Butterfat jade

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: brings relaxation

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:



Stone name:

Color: abundant crystal that comes in shades of white, gray, black, green, yellow, blue, brown, or red


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: brings love, patience, gentleness, compassion. Soothes intensity of feelings. Mental and emotional balancer

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: : heart - balances and keeps it open and lets it feel protected.

Body correlation: beneficial for the cleansing organs, bones, joints, and for sharpening mental clarity. Helps boost memory. Helps one draw more insight from books or personal experience by making important information easier to remember

1 Blue

Eases pain (especially back). Orange: uplifting, joy, happiness, humor.

2 Red calcite

Opens the heart chakra.

Red: keeps the heart open. Drains negative emotions out of the body. Allows one to feel safe to open up emotionally. Neg. Emotions are drained out rather than held & absorbed. Chakra

3 Orange

Uplifting, joy, happiness, humor.

4 Gold calcite

Is said to deepen intellect, memory, wisdom, psychic abilities, astral projection, channeling and higher consciousness.

Gold or yellow calcite is used by people who meditate because the color is linked to the sun and light. Recommended for astral projection.

5 Yellow

Spine, bones. Detoxification of kidneys, pancreas, spleen. Decalcifying joints.

Yellow: spine, bones, detox of kidneys, pancreas., spleen. Decalcifying joints.

6 Honey

yellow-gold. Placing upon the heart chakra clears and activates & provides a sweeping action which clears the remaining centers. Also good energy source for crown chakra.

The various crystallized forms of calcite include masses, grains, stalactites, scalenohedrons, and rhombohedrons. Calcite is colorless, white, green, pink, peach, golden, orange, yellow, red, blue, grey or black.

This mineral releases electrical impulses when placed under pressure and is an energy amplifier. It is said to help the mind and body to remember - the mind, to remember information brought to bear during astral travel and channeling; the body, to remember the state of perfection during dis-ease in order to return to the natural state of flawlessness.

Orange calcite, when placed on the 2nd chakra, has been known to clear and activate that chakra and provides a "sweeping: action which clears the remaining centers.

This stone has been cleared, smudged and infused with reiki ene

White calcite (also known as iceland spar)

Fosters spirituality.

Clear/optical: clearer vision & communication, wellness, general cleansing.

8 Cobalt-calcite

: calcite (pink from cobalt) brings love, patience, gentleness, compassion. Smooths intensity of feelings. Mental & emotional balancer.

9 Green calcite

Promotes healing, mental balance and communication between the intellect and the emotions.

Green calcite helps you adjust to the transition from a stagnant or negative situation to a challenging, more fulfilling, and positive one. Athletes use calcite because they feel it can aid the bones and joints that are stressed or injured during practice or competition.

10 Lime green

Tranquility ; soothes spiritual heart; helps us learn from lessons in each situation and new options. Clarifies visions, imagery, astral travel and recall. Helps us replace fears, old ways with healthier ones. Cleans toxins and fumes from body. Needs cleansing if sticky.

Lime green tranquility, soothes spiritual heart; helps us learn from lessons in each situation & new options. Clarifies visions, imagery, astral travel recall.

Lime green: tranquility; soothes spiritual heart; helps us learn from lessons in each situation and new options. Clarifies visions, imagery, astral travel and recall. Helps us replace fears, old ways with healthier ones. Cleans toxins and fumes from body. Needs cleansing if sticky.

11 Gray calcite

Encourages calmness and serenity.


Stone name:

Color: chalcedony (jasper) quartz. Translucent somewhat translucent reddish orange


Region found:

Current uses: helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings. Provides a connection to the past or to historical events ... Can improve motivation. Helps one achieve greater success in career or personal matters. Helps ground people who meditate.

. . Carnelian is linked with emotional warmth, sociability, creativity, individuality, memory, appreciation of nature, harmony, courage, happiness, self-esteem, rebirth, reincarnation and past life recall. This stone calms our fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life.

Historical reference: historically also used to pull excess fever heat out through feet

Metaphysical meaning: confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness, out going encourages brotherhood among all. It stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. It protects against envy, fear and rage, and helps banish sorrow. It can assist in drama and theater. It is opening to creativity, individuality, prosperity

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: orange and yellow chakra

Body correlation: warms & cleanses blood, kidneys, stimulates appetite, emotions, passion, sexuality, physical energy. Repro. System, menstrual cramps, arthritis, kidney, gall bladder, pancreas aids lower back problems and pains, pollen allergies and colds strongly influences the reproductive organs. Purifies the blood and liver, and it is excellent for lower back trouble


Stone name:

Color: a tin oxide, usually brown or black. Less often red, gray or yellow.


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: cassiterite is said to promote productivity, practicality and organization. It empowers us in worldly endeavors and practical pursuits

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Cat iron / catsiron

Stone name:


Description: combination stone of hematite and tigereye cat iron contains many of the same qualities as does bronzite called the stone of courtesy

Region found:

Current uses: it can be used to assist one in achieving the state of certainty with out willfulness. It promotes a feeling of loving equality and unprejudiced discernment toward others, and provides us with the courage to "do" during the action of "being".

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Cat's eye

Stone name: cat's eye also known as cymophane chrysoberyl.



Region found:

Current uses: builds determination, strength of mind, steadfastness, will power, moral courage, tenacity, vigor, resolve, self control, intelligence and knowledge. It also fosters constancy, stability and the ability to weather all storms

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Celestine (blue)

Stone name:

Color: white, clear, or cool lt. Blue cluster crystals.


Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: opens one up to the angelic realms. For detachment, clear perspective, divine inspiration

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:



Stone name:

Color: white, clear or cool lt. Blue cluster crystals.

Description: fades in sun

Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: celestite fosters spiritual development, enlightenment, empathy prayer. Openness, innocence, truth, clarity of thought and pureness of heart. This stone helps us contact our guardian angel

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: throat

Body correlation: hearing, thyroid, potassium / manganese deficiency, central nervous system, tiredness soothes nerves, stress, quiets mind; serenity, harmony, easiness, stillness for receiving, connecting to spirit, overview, creativity honesty, openness, stress, worry, healing, thyroid, potassium. / images, deficiency, cns, tiredness



Stone name: Cerrusite

Color:Clear / misty white to brown


Region found:

Current uses: Helps us be centered, confident, capable and versatile amidst life's challenges. Grounding to here / now and higher self. Graciousness, good listening / communication skills. Translate higher concepts to everyday language. Psychicness, clarity. Shows what we can / can't change.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: Helps us be centered, confident, capable & versatile amidst life’s challenges. Grounding to here/now & higher self. Graciousness, good listening. Translate higher concepts to everyday language. Psychicness, clarity. Shows what we can/can’t change. Letting go stress, insomnia, cns, general healing. Grounds coccyx. Chakras: throat & crown.

Inspires contentment and a feeling of thankfulness. Teaches us how to pray.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: Insomnia, central nervous system, coordination, general healing. Plant growth , protection against bugs.


Stone name: Chalcedony

Color: Qtz. Red, orange, yellow, browns Gray is most common color but stone are found in shades of white, black, blue, and brown.

Description: A type of quartz that heads a family which includes agate, carnelian, jasper, tiger's eye, and onyx. . It needn't be cleaned afterward since it has such strong cleansing qualities of its own.

Region found: in the us, sri lanka, ussr, mexico and brazil.

Current uses: Helps ease self-doubts, makes one more reflective. Eases bad dreams. Patience, peace. Cools. Gaze into for meditation.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: emotional balance, vitality, stamina, endurance, energy, intensity, hardiness, nurturance, generosity, liveliness, kindness, charity and friendliness.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: For stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys. Centering, taking heart. Bloodsugar, anorexia/food issues, lymphnodes, balances emotions. Restores nerve feeling and healing after injury/burns. Cleansing in nature and will promote healing of open sores. Left/right brain balance.


Stone name:

Color: A brassy gold copper ore with a green tint.


Region found:

Current uses: Enhances feelings of self-worth, confidence and belief in oneself.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name: Charoite

Color: purple, solid. An opaque purple stone

Description: Charoite crystallizes in the form of masses and as tiny druse upon a host mineral.

Region found: The major discovery location is russia, and the color range includes purple and pink to purple, sometimes with inclusions of quartz and manganese.

Current uses: Newly coming into greater use. Works to transmute/lift us out of emotions, fear. Seeing old patterns with new possibilities.

Charoite enhances ones giving nature and opens the heart to help one "see" with love. Charoite is a stone for this age.

It instills a "brotherhood of light" between the individual, the dualities, and the total environment of the planet; hence, promulgating the idea of relationships and stimulating flexibility with respect to "letting go".

It sustains one's attention span, allows for discrimination between validity and fiction, and helps one to realize that "as one door closes, another opens".

It is a "stone for transformation", within this world, and from this world to another. It is a "bestower" of good, bringing forth the ultimate benefits in situations encountered. It assists in the actualization of "second-sight" and visioning.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Opens heart, inspiration, service, seeing clearly(mentally, physically, psychically),, faster healing. It is a stone for transformation that brings the ultimate benefits in situations encountered.

It allows one to recognize, to integrate, and to understand those attributes exhibited ont he physical plane which are thought to emit a negative vibration; hence, facilitating the acceptance of others, regardless of the development and/or actualization level in which they appear.

This mineral provides for transmutation of negativity and for grounding to the spiritual self. It enhances one's "giving" nature, opening the heart to allow one to "see" with love, and to recognize the connection between "all".

It awakens analytical abilities and precision, providing for scrutiny in the investigation of the unknown.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: brow & crown. It provides for a synthesis between the heart and crown chakras and combines the higher spiritual dimensions with unconditional love from the physical plane. It can be useful in cleansing the auric body, filling the chakras with a loving spiritual emotion of purity, and in assisting one in comprehension of self-inflicted "lessons".

Body correlation:

It helps the pancreas, eyes and heart. Some find useful also for entity release work and alcohol/liver detoxification. It can be used to treat disorders of the eyes and heart, to provide improvement in autistic pursuits, to allay headaches and general aches and paint, to improve degraded conditions of the liver, to improve degraded conditions of the pancreas, and to stimulate and regulate the blood pressure and the pulse rate. It aligns the meridians in the upper portion of the body and tends to transmute the symptoms of illness and dis-ease to wellness.

It can be an excellent cleanser of the body when taken as an elixir.

Some find useful also for entity release work & alcohol/liver detox.


Stone name:

Color: Usually green, less often white, brown or black.

Description: A stone of the goddess.

Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: Protective of women, nature and those who love and protect the wild places and animals.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name: Chrysoberyl

Color:, lt. Blue/blue green. The color ranges from yellow to green to brown.

Translucent gold or green cat's eye.

Description: gem silica solid. (often confused with qtz. Tiger's eye, but rarer). , nongreasy.

Region found:

Current uses: For acquiring more prosperity. Flushes & heals heart blocks for allowingness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience.

Confidence, self-pride, healing. Chrysoberyl is said to promote kindness, generosity, benevolence, hope, optimism, renewal, new beginnings, compassion and forgiveness. Amplifies other gems

(note: some are irradiated to turn green- trust your feeling with each stone.)

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

This stone expresses springtime, youth and innocence. Keeps one in light, love & healing daily. Gentle, soothing, friendly. Cleanses aurathic field, dreams & earth healing.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: Throat: expressing feelings, verbal & artistic creativity.

Body correlation: High conductivity from copper draws out pain, heat. Thyroid.

Also heart, blood sugar & emotional balance.


Stone name: Chrysocolla

Color:A blue-green member of the quartz clan. A rich, bright greenish blue with inclusiions.


Region found: Mined in mexico, zaire, chile, ussr and us.

Current uses: Dreams and earth healing. For allowingness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Gentle, soothing, friendly. Helps one feel more comfortable speaking the truth. Help develop personal confidence.

excellent therapeutic assistance for healing loss, incest, other traumas.

Is associated with tranquillity, serenity, peace, subconscious wisdom, intuition, patience, nurturance, acceptance, tolerance, unconditional love, calmness, meditation, honesty, hope, intimacy, gentleness and sensitivity.

Historical reference: Historically used by musicians, perhaps because of its reputation for having healing properties for throat and lungs.

Metaphysical meaning: Cleanses auric field. It can produce great inner strength, harmony and releases stress from negative emotions. Keeps one in light, love, and healing daily.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: Excellent for heart chakra; flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear...) Chrysocolla when placed on the heart chakra can help ease emotional heartache and increases ones capacity to love.

Body correlation: Also, heart bloodsugar, and emotional balance. Benefits arthritis and other bone diseases as well as the organs of the digestive tract, and ulcers become less problematic. High conductivity from copper draws out pain, heat (fevers, inflammations, arthritis...)

It also helps the lungs and re-oxygenates the cellular structure.

It purifies home and environment and can help to regenerate the pancreas, to assist in the regulation of insulin, and to balance the blood sugar.

On throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic creativity, thyroid.

Relieves hypertension and stressful conditions due to fear or guilt.


Stone name:

Color: :bright translucent green chalcedony. A bright green crystal similar in color to green apples. Quartz.


Region found: A quartz stone found in the ussr, brazil, australia, and us.

Current uses: Chrysoprase is linked with communication, eloquence, balance, stability, adaptability, alternatives, choices, higher consciousness, youthful zest and hope. Greater flexibility, wisdom, generosity, self-confidence.

Helps one achieve greater personal insight, feel more clam, become less egotistical, and more open to new surroundings and situations.

It encourages fidelity in business and personal affairs.

Placed on heart, neck, or on brown for meditation.

Stimulates creativity and draws out unknown talents.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: This stone is considered protective towards children, young animals and seedlings. Chrysoprase instills a state of grace, facilitating deep meditative states, non-judgmental attitudes, and acceptance of others and ones self. It encourages the maximum beneficial outcome to situations and helps to heal a "broken heart".

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:Uplifts heart chakra.

Body correlation: Helps guard against sexually transmitted diseases.

Enhances fertility for both sexes. Heals depression, excess self-focus, emotions/sexual imbalance. Also helps gout, mental illness, and eye problems. It is useful in treating disorders of the heart, in increasing ones dexterity, and for treating the reproductive organs

Cinnabar also known as mercury.

Stone name:

Color: Usually red.


Region found:

Current uses: Helps us to be vigorous, forceful, impelling and energetic. Excellent for those who need to be more assertive.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name: Citrine

Color:A golden yellow quartz. A translucent orange stone.

Description:An energizing and highly beneficial crystal. Citrine is one of two crystals which never have to be cleansed of negative energy. Citrine should be worn in contact with the skin or used, for example, as a sphere or crystal for meditation.

Region found:

Current uses: Augments happiness, prosperity, generosity, creativity, pleasure, protection, strength, alignment, confidence, stability, moderation, energy, comfort, career success, truth, goodness, warmth, digestion, assimilation, enjoyment of life and spiritual growth. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life. good stone to use for stimulating communications.

Citrine, when placed in one's cash box, assists in acquiring and maintaining wealth.

mental & emotional clarity, problem solving, memory, will power, optimism, confidence, self-discipline.Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive direction. Helps with business and education, and attracts the riches of the earth.It may be worn at night to help remove fear, prevent nightmares, and to ensure a good night's sleep. This gem is also used today to build perseverance and stamina to make getting through those tough times easier.

This is a stone of success in all walks of life.Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit.

Historical reference:The celtic people of scotland call the dark citrine crystals morion and cairngorm.they are invigorating and positive.

Metaphysical meaning: Bridge between higher and lower consciousness; transmutes fear. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events. Citrine has a natural calming effect that will help to diffuse any excessively strong effects that may come from other stones. Helps dispense with the fundamental level of fear. It balances yin-yang energy, soothes family or group relations.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:3rd chakra stone: solar plexus.

Body correlation: Citrine is good for kidneys, colon, gallbladder, digestive organs, and the heart. Detoxification: spleen, kidneys, liver, urinary system, intestines, etc. Increases motivation and promotes physical activity, which in turn improves digestion and helps the cleansing organs. May also work as a detoxifier for the blood. Reduces anxiety, fear, depression, stomach tension, food disorders, allergies.

Clear grossularite

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Is associated with spiritual attainment.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: Light green to brownish-green.


Region found:

Current uses: Teaches us to care for ourselves and not to let others take advantage of us.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Fosters channeling, communication with the higher forces, balance and praying. Helps make our prayers more effective. Teaches us to pray and give thanks more.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: The color is silver.


Region found:

Current uses:

Cobaltite is associated with reflection, meditation and re-evaluation. It promotes thoughtfulness and careful consideration. It allows us to see all sides of an issue and therefore fosters tolerance.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: Translucent.


Region found:

Current uses:

Helps us become more yin: gentler, sweeter, quieter. Excellent for "macho" men. Helps us mellow out.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: A plentiful metal ore that ranges in color from a soft red-brown to a deep brick red.

Description:Energize with sun.

Region found:

Current uses: An excellent aid for increasing your ability to express and accept true feelings. Balance personal reserve and confidence. This metal promotes channeling, cleansing, luck, prosperity, purification, self-esteem, communication and energy.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:Excellent energy conductor! Exhaustion recovery, circulation, balances warm sun energy and cool lunar energy. Warms, releases resentment, anger, etc. This metal is often used as the shaft of crystal wands because it facilitates the flow of energy. Sends and amplifies thoughts, healing, and gem electrical energy into wearer's energy field.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

3rd chakra: stomach, intestines.

Body correlation: Assists in the fight against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, particularly when used in conjunction with other stones.

Beneficial for the lungs, improving the exchange of oxygen and filtering out pollutants. Built up in joints as arthritis.

Helps stabilize the metabolism and heightens the immune system. Next to skin: detoxes and soothes arthritis, rheumatism, other inflammation problems. Soft tissue and mucous membranes retain more moisture and become less susceptible to irritation. Stomach, intestines, etc. The blood also benefits from copper.


Stone name:


Description: Coral is formed from the skeletons of tiny sea creatures.

calcium & calcite.

Region found:

Current uses: Has a true link with the past and can pass knowledge along.

Coral brings diplomacy and concurrence, quiets emotions, brings peace to innerself. Facilitates intuition, imagination, visualization, expedite, accelerate the transfer of knowledge. Facilitates the improvement/permanence in pursuit of commerce

Historical reference: One of the most versatile gems, coral was used to cure everything, from indigestion to acne to fits.

A prescription of ½ drachm of powdered coral was used to stop hemorrhages. Tincture of red coral cured diseases of the liver and was employed as a diuretic. Babies received particular benefit from coral, which eased teething pains when worn. Powdered and mixed with mother's milk (10 grains), it was supposed to avert epilepsy and to help the child gain weight.

Drunk powdered in milk (60 grains), it cured acidity. A concoction of coral, emerald, and saffron, wrapped in the skin of a cat, was employed to combat fever.

Believed to have a special affinity with women, coral was believed to change its hue from deep to pale in accordance with the menstrual cycle.

Other properties of this versatile gem included the power to avert tempests at sea (bind to the mast with sealskin), repel rabies, ward off the evil eye, and cure madness (including hydrophobia).

Metaphysical meaning:Coral protects and strengthens one's emotional foundation. Love and harmony.Emotional foundation. Energizes emotions.

Color varieties:

Different colors of coral can be used alone, in combination, or all together.

Chakra correlation:Also used to illuminate the third eye chakra, enhancing psychic awareness and capabilities of the user. Chakras: red orange - coccyx & spleen.

Body correlation: Energizes emotions. Muscles, blood, heart, repro. System, thyroid, metabolism, meridians. Spine, bone & tissue regen.

Stimulates tissue regeneration and nourish blood cells.

Muscles, blood, heart, reproductive system; thyroid, metabolism; meridians; spine, bone and tissue regeneration. (avoid if high blood pressure, fever, anxious).

Helps with disorders of the spinal, alimentary canals, nervous system and thalamus.

Good stone for ailments of the bones and blood such as arthritis and anemia.

Helps battle mental illnesses. Also benefits the cleansing organs and thymus.

improves communication abilities, treatment of throat ailments and cleansing of mucoid system.

1 Pink coral

Is associated with platonic love, friendship and community.

Pink: increases sensitivity, caring, compassion.

Pink: heart chakra, increases sensitivity, caring, compassion.

Pink - heart chakra.

Pink: increases sensitivity, caring, compassion.

2 Red coral

Promotes creativity, passion, romantic love, wisdom, optimism and enthusiasm.

The red variety was employed to ease various blood ailments.

Red and orange: stimulates root and spleen chakra for energy and warmth, fertility.

Red orange stimulates 1st & 2nd chakras for energy, warmth, fertility,.

Red and orange: for energy and warmth, fertility.

3 White coral

White: soothes; heals meridians, stress, smell ability, nerves.

White: soothes, heals meridians, stress, smell ability.

White coral, worn as a necklace, was thought to stop abdominal colic and indigestion.

Is linked with balance, relaxation, protection, safe travel on water, appreciation of nature, and emotional balance.

White: soothes; heals meridians, stress, smell ability, nerves.

4 Black coral

Grants serenity and peace while absorbing negative energy.

Black: creativity, repels lower energies.

Black: creativity, repels lower energies.

Black: creativity, repels lower energies.

5 Blue coral

Blue: activates and energizes the throat chakra.


Stone name:


Description: Second hardest mineral

Region found:

Current uses: Insight to the unknown. Intuitive awareness, stimulates ambition, confidence. Subdues and calms emotions, harsh and irritable attitudes, releases anger.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: . Soothes and smooths the skin, eye disorders, brings peace to the body.


Stone name:

Color: A blue metallic mineral with a purple or black tarnish.


Region found:

Current uses: Helps us focus our energy and expend it with direction and effectiveness.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:

Color: A white stone


Region found: found in the us and mexico.

Current uses: Helps one discover how best to express themselves and intuitively understand other people.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: Beneficial to the body's cleansing system. Useful for blood detoxification. Will also benefit the nervous system by aiding in the transmission of nerve impulses.


Stone name:

Color: deep red wine (high copper content) A red to brown mineral


Region found: found in the us, australia, mexico, and ussr.

Current uses: Makes us more helpful to others and more attentive to moral duties. Encourages pragmatism and focus.

Historical reference: Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (in men) & confidence / security issues.

Metaphysical meaning: Stomach/power centers. Kundalini energy, will power. Accesses past life parent info. For healing issues.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: opens flow of coccyx & solar plexus. Also with heart chakra, strengthens thymus, heart, blood & oxygen, metabolism, stamina & healing. Chakras: deep red wine - coccyx & solar plexus. Heart.

Body correlation: Strengthens thymus, heart, blood, and oxygen, metabolism, stamina and healing. Beneficial for metabolical imbalances. Helps the heart and blood, muscle tissue, and skeletal system..


Stone name: Danburite

Color: Clear crystal. Colorless, pink or yellow.

Description: Despite its quartz-like clarity and sparkles, the energy of the danburite is experienced as very soft, calming and angelic. The rainbows, pure light energy, give this crystal added beauty and light energy

Region found:

Current uses: Channelings indicate that danburite can help connect to the communication currents of the angelic domain. Danburite is used by those who wish to consciously access the inner guides . Excellent healing tool. Excellent to cleanse, purify, or debrief.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: Brings truth, honesty, a smile to the heart and open receptivity to mind and spirit.

Increases patience, tolerance, serenity, peace of mind. It can provide a feeling of connection to the heavenly realms. Powerfully radiates bright, pure, white light, filling our body, mind, and spirit (ad relationships) with loving light. Programmable for particular uses.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: brow & crown - fills with joy & illumination. Fills 3rd eye and crown chakra with joy and illumination. This crystal blends the energies of the heart chakra with those of the third eye and crown by helping to release emotional pain through the light of understanding.

Body correlation: Strengthens mind, nervous system, life force, awareness.




Stone name:

Color: Greenish


Region found:

Current uses: . Builds clarity of thought, concentration, improved study skills, flow of ideas, mature thought.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses: Is associated with clairvoyance, psychic abilities and seeing the future. Helps us during any kind of divination, such as tarot, i-ching, palmistry and so forth.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Desert rose

Stone name:

Color:a gypsum, light brown.


Region found:

Current uses: Clarifies thinking & mental vision, perception.

Provides flexibility to one's nature, strengthens decisions

Quiets the mind. Gently grounding; clarifies thinking and mental vision, perception. Used to access past/future lives, assists in bring material persuits related to business.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:Quiets worry, brings out practicality. (related to selenite) reminds us to take time out to smell the roses.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation: Stabilizes epileptic disorders. align the spinal column and removes energy blockage.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses: Makes one more potent, forceful, powerful, effectual, capable and strong. Its dynamic energy lends intensity to all who keep it near.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

1 Yellow diamonds

Make us more thoughtful and considerate.


Stone name:

Color: A light to dark green (rarely yellow or clear) member of the pyroxene clan


Region found:

Current uses: Helps us become more appreciative of life.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Deep healing and expansion of heart center, love, commitment, trust, humbleness, heart, lungs, etc.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Green. Relieves mental stress and promotes prosperity, relaxation, meditation, love and emotional expressiveness. Is said to be healing of body and mind.

Tiny deep blue-green silicate crystals. Its powerful green reaches deep into the heart chakra to release and heal sadness, heartache, abuse, neglect...converts loss (recent/childhood) into self-love. Empowers heart with new depth, strength, healthiness, courage, ability to love deeply, unconditionally. Connects emotional heart with spiritual heart to receive abundance. Promotes genuineness, sincerity, emotional balance, self-worth, deep well-being. Central nervous system, lungs, heart, blood pressure, stress. Can send healing deep into the earth.

: pink, pastel, milky to clear. Soothes hurt, loneliness, anxiety, etc. Facilitates giving & receiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity, energy uplift. Calcium content strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, women’s repo system. Helps pms. Chakras: pink used to open & heal heart chakra.

Pink/pastel/milky to clear.

Clear varieties, especially pink are used to softly open and heal the heart. Soothes hurt, loneliness, anxiety, etc. Facilitates giving and eceiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity, energy uplift.

Calcium content strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, woman's reproductive system; helps pms.

Dolomite pyramid

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Measures approx. 1 1/2" x 1 1/4" x 7/8"

This pyramidal dolomite comes from fairview, oklahoma

This is a meditative piece.

It is used when one comes to a crossroad

In their journey through life.

It will attune to anyone holding it.

You use it like you would a meditation crystal,

Except that this dolomite will not only present

Solutions to your concerns, but will usually

Present them within visionary form.

This pyramid has also been used to seek answers

To both past and future events.

The structure is called a pyramid because it resembles

The ancient pyramids of mexico and central america.

But i see a resemblance to both solomon's temple and an ancient ziggurat, see photos.

Pink/pastel/milky to clear. Clear varieties, especially pink are used to softly open and heal heart chakra. Soothes hurt, loneliness, anxiety. Facilitates giving and receiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity, energy uplift. Calcium content strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, woman's reproductive system; helps pms.

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Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Dark blue, violet blue or reddish brown. Promotes harmony, orderliness, precision, self-discipline and the ability to organize. Helps us become more businesslike, systematic, tidy and methodical.

A denim blue colored opaque stone.

Dumortierite reduces excitability and eliminates stubbornness. It helps one stand up for one¹s self and promotes patience.


Found in the lofty peaks of the rocky mountains, dyerite is a gift from the earth, composed of feldspar, hornblende, biotite and quartz and thus has the properties of each.

Biotite is said to enhance one's perception, allowing one to more clearly understand what is really happening in any situation.

Feldspar soothes stress, anxiety. It enhances intuitive sensitivity.

It connects the spleen and brow chakras for emotional balance.

Quartz crystals have the ability to amplify or strengthen the positive. They help with centering, strengthen healing abilities and surround you with protective white light.

This stone has been cleared, smudged and infused with reiki energy


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

A chrysocolla containing turquoise and malachite. Helps us to become more agreeable, harmonious and sociable. Inspires protection, self-understanding, subconscious wisdom and general healing.

: chrysocolla & malachite (incl. Turquoise) excels in healing emotion. & physical aspects of heart & throat chakras. Flushes out / heals hurt, fear, stress, loss. Antidepressant. Sinuses, mouth; bone & tissue regen. On solar plexus: aligns the subtle bodies, harmonizes heart, mind, body. Wholeness, peace of heart, self-expression, creativity. Balances yin/yang. Draws out fever, pain, inflammation. Chakras: solar plexus, heart, throat.

(chrysocolla and malachite) (incl. Turquoise). Excels in healing emotional and physical aspects of heart/lungs and throat chakra. Flushes out/heals hurt, fear, stress, loss. Antidepressant. Sinuses, mouth; bone and tissue regeneration. On solar plexus: aligns the subtle bodies, harmonizes heart, mind, and body. Wholeness, peace of heart, self-expression, creativity. Balances yin/yang. Draws out pain, inflammation, fever.

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Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

See pink tourmaline.

Eliat stone

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

(chrysocolla and malachite) (incl. Turquoise)

Excels in healing emotional and physical aspects of heart/lungs and throat. Flushes out / heals hurt, fear, stress, loss. Antidepressant. Sinuses, mouth; bone and tissue regeneration. On solar plexus: aligns the subtle bodies, harmonizes heart, mind, and body. Wholeness, peace of heart, self-expression, creativity. Balances yin / yang.

Draws out pain, inflamation, fever.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Venus' gem, the brilliant green emerald is surrounded by rich lore. Emerald was worn to guard against plague, falling sickness, and venomous bites. As with other blue and green gems, it was considered to be an eye stone, and bathing the eyes with water in which this stone had soaked for six hours would cure most ailments.

Generally prescribed in dosages of 6 to 10 grains, finely powdered, the emerald was believed to relieve gout, liver complaints, and jaundice. It was held in the mouth to stop hemorrhage, and was placed on the belly and in the mouth to cure dysentery. Bound to a woman's thigh, this stone was thought to ease childbirth; a cataplasm of emerald was used to cure leprosy.

King arthur's "san graal," the holy grail, was carved from a large emerald, and so the gem became a symbol of chastity. In fact, it was believed that this pristine gem would break apart in the presence of lust, so its wearers were forced to choose between it and their passions. Mystical powers attributed to the emerald included the ability to foretell the future (place the stone under the tongue). One of its primary uses was to reveal adultery, since it was believed to grow dark when a lover was faithless. An interesting fancy concerning the emerald's origin was that the stone was "born" white and gradually "ripened" to its green hue.

Although emeralds were beneficial to human eyes, other creatures were not so fortunate. If a serpent gazed upon an emerald, it would be blinded. People born in may have emerald for their natal stone and are supposed to wear it set in gold.

Strengthens memory and enhances speech; also a natural tranquilizer.

Emerald in quartz opens,

Activates and stimulates

The heart chakra.

It instills both sensitivity and loyalty

Within the self and others;

While at the same time helping quiet the emotions.

In the home, it provides domestic bliss.

This stone brings harmony to all areas of ones life

It is an excellent pocket stone to keep yourself centered

: beryl. Strengthens heart chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honest. Lifts depression, insomnia. Knowingness of the heart, peaceful dreams. Breathing, heart, lymph, blood, thymus, pancreas. (blood sugar rebalance) labor/delivery, eyesight, & etheric field. Excellent general healer. Ancient blood detoxifier & antipoison. Androgynous. Chakra: heart.

Green beryl

Strengthens heart for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honesty. Lifts depression, insomnia. Knowingness of the heart, peaceful dreams. Breathing, heart, lymphnodes, blood, thymus, pancreas (blood sugar rebalance), labor / delivery, eyesight, and etheric field. Excellent general healer.

Heart stone. Great harmonizer. Love, balance, undertanding.

Ancient blood detoxifierand antipoison.

Beryl. Strengthens heart chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honesty. Lifts depression, insomnia. Knowingness of the heart, peaceful dreams. Breathing, heart, lymphnodes, blood, thymus, pancreas (blood sugar rebalance), labor/delivery, eyesight, and etheric field. Excellent general healer. Ancient blood detoxifier and anti-poison. Androgynous. Provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing, and infinite patience. It is found in shades of green varying from very light to very deep. Helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. The pale, clear, green emeralds are valuable in meditative work as well as healing. It works best when combined with a diamond or worn alone. It gives wisdom from the mental plane, so that the possessor is motivated to give love and wisdom to others. Helps strengthen the backbone and alleviates problems associated with sugar diabetes. Do not wear an emerald constantly. It should only be worn when the wearer feels the need to have it near. Man-made specimens are helpful, though not as beneficial as natural emeralds. They do not contain all the elements present in natural stones. Emeralds are of special value to athletes, chiropractors, lecturers, marriage counselors, masseurs, optometrists, people who work in radioactive areas, and those who work in close quarters. It improves psychic abilities, raises consciousness, and helps the individual attain balance. Also enhances the immune system. There were used to strengthen memory, to aid in eloquence, and to reveal the truth or falsity of a lover's oaths.

A green member of the beryl clan. Emeralds promote love, romance, joy, cleansing, clairvoyance, clear vision, memory, faith, intuition, serenity, intelligence and communication. This is a truth-promoting stone, inspiring deep knowing from within.

Beryl. Strengthens heart chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honesty. Lifts depression, insomnia. Knowingness of the heart, peaceful dreams. Breathing, heart, lymphnodes, blood, thymus, pancreas (blood sugar rebalance), labor/delivery, eyesight, and etheric field. Excellent general healer. Ancient blood detoxifier and anti-poison. Androgynous. Provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing, and infinite patience. It is found in shades of green varying from very light to very deep. Helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. The pale, clear, green emeralds are valuable in meditative work as well as healing. It works best when combined with a diamond or worn alone. It gives wisdom from the mental plane, so that the possessor is motivated to give love and wisdom to others. Helps strengthen the backbone and alleviates problems associated with sugar diabetes. Do not wear an emerald constantly. It should only be worn when the wearer feels the need to have it near. Man-made specimens are helpful, though not as beneficial as natural emeralds. They do not contain all the elements present in natural stones. Emeralds are of special value to athletes, chiropractors, lecturers, marriage counselors, masseurs, optometrists, people who work in radioactive areas, and those who work in close quarters. It improves psychic abilities, raises consciousness, and helps the individual attain balance. Also enhances the immune system. There were used to strengthen memory, to aid in eloquence, and to reveal the truth or falsity of a lover's oaths.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Green, brownish-green, gray, yellow. Is associated with sages, medicine men and women, shamans, priests and priestesses. Helps us develop wisest, highest self. Helps us find our inner guide.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Green, gray, yellow or brownish-green. Promotes loyalty, devotion, memory and channeling abilities.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

: deep green, striated. Strengthens overall health, heart, well-being, energy, courage, stamina. Helps take good care of one’s self.

Deep green, striated.

Strengthens over all health, heart, well-being, energy. Courage, stamina. Helps take good care of one's self (food, rest, etc.)

Deep green, striated. Strengthens over all health, heart, well-being, energy. Courage, stamina. Helps take good care of one's self (food, rest, etc.)

The color ranges from green to brown and black. Also called pistacite. Epidoteis associated with protection, empowerment, change, growth, maturity, evolution and positive transformation. This is a stone of harvest and fulfillment.

Deep green, striated. Strengthens over all health, heart, well-being, energy. Courage, stamina. Helps take good care of one's self (food, rest, etc.)

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Epidote crystallizes in the form of plates, needle-like and prismatic crystals (the prismatic crystals being sometimes longitudinally striated and terminate on one end), granular masses, fibers and deeply striated masses.

This mineral can provide for increase in that to which one attunes it. This statement shows that epidote is truly a stone to experience in all aspects of one's life.

It dispels critical-ness, enhances keen perception, stimulates participation and interaction, and supplements personal power.

It is also useful to combat dehydration and can be used as an elixir for softening and smoothing skin. It can be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the nervous system, brain, and thyroid.

This stone has been cleared, smudged and infused with reiki energy


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Colorless, green or light blue. Facilitates benevolence, selflessness, generosity and altruism.


: most often found in north america. Comes in shades of orange, brown, blue, or green. Strong connection to the energies of the earth. Excellent stone to use before meditating. Induces a feeling of relaxation. Helps alleviate problems relating to the stomach and endocrine system. Helps you examine and deal with problems in a calm and safe manner. Helps take the edge off difficult experiences. Recommended for dentists, optometrists, and those in the healing profession.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

A gray, white, black, red, or brown stone found in all countries around the world. Beneficial to the entire body. All tissue, internal or external, will be helped, but especially the cardiopulmonary and cleansing systems. Helps one feel more whole and healthy. Gives a strong boost to your mental state and is extremely helpful for persons who have been afflicted by degenerative diseases.

A gray, black or brown member of the quartz clan. Flint augments loyalty, courage, protection, boldness, daring, self-reliance, inner power, interpersonal communication, inspiration and overcoming shyness.


Stone name: Fluorite

Color: Available in translucent purple and green.


Enhances other gems.

Region found:

Current uses: Helps to rekindle sexual appetite and heighten intuitive powers. It is suggested using fluorite in conjunction with calcite and pyrite. Illuminating karmic lessons. Important balancer, healer. It also helps relationships and encourages and sustains the flawless ideal of health, intellect and emotional well-being. It is the "stone of discernment and aptitude" that acts as a protective, psychic shield and auric cleanser. Karmic impasses resolved, atonement relieved. Opens wearer to influence of other stones.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: Fluorite brings order from chaos. Fluorite fosters truth, intellect, consciousness, aura cleansing and protection. Grounds excess energy. group alignment. Helps one become more aware of the higher levels of reality and can anchor and free one from overstimulation on the psychic plane. Helps to tap creative resources and experience the inner self. Clusters: lowers work/life stress (helpful on your desk) double pyramid: aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness, and 2 sides/brain; crown chakra, illuminating karmic lessons. Double pyramid: aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness & two sides of the brain. Opens heart (especially green), and throat for clarity, overview, seeing additional truths / realities.

Chakra correlation: Chakras: heart (esp. Green), throat & (clear & purple) brow. Crown chakra - double pyramid. Match colors with chakras.

Color varieties: All rainbow colors. Commonly white, yellow, blue, green, purple or a mixture of these colors. Usually translucent and come in shades of white, brown, blue, yellow, purple, red, or colorless.

Body correlation: Benefits the teeth and bones. People with arthritis, rheumatism, or spinal injuries have reported some relief from their conditions when they employ fluorite in their healing regimen. Assists in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Eyesight, sinuses, repels colds. Spleen, bones, teeth, lungs, detox, anxiety, insomnia. Blue: throat, nose, ears, soothing.

1 Blue fluorite

Calms the emotions. Blue: throat, nose, ears, soothing; karmic impasses resolved, atonement relieved.

2 Green fluorite

Hormone balance. This stone has been helpful with hormonal changes such as pms and menopause.

Green: stills mind and heart, harmonizes and recharges all chakra.

Hormone balance. This stone has been helpful with hormonal changes such as pms and menopause. Stills mind and heart, harmonizes and recharges.

3 Yellow fluorite

Nurtures wisdom, knowledge and intelligence.

Yellow: focus, cooperation, group alignment.

4 White fluorite

Builds purity of spirit. Fluorite is a very protective stone, especially offering psychic protection.

5 Purple rainbow fluorite

Change. Helps one get out of ruts. Objectivity; clears the way for new things, upliftment, aura cleanse, 3rd eye, eyesight, sinuses; repels colds. Enhances other gems.

Yttrium: lavendar, well-being, serenity, peace, connection with universe / god / eternal life force.

Clear and purple: objectivity; clears the way for new things, uplifting, aura cleanse, 3rd eye, eyesight, sinuses; repels colds.

Increases spiritual balance and mystic visions.

Fossil stone

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Opaque gray with fossil inclusions.

Fossil stone helps dispense with old programming and schedules. It helps in the business realm and instills quality and excellence. It is also used to enhance telepathic communication.

Freshwater pearl

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Enable one to accept love. See the good parts of oneself so you can love yourself and others more.


Stone name: Fuchite

Color: Mica-like flaky light green

Fuchsite is a chrome-mica, muscovite is a white mica.

Description: Fuchsite or Fuschite is a chromium Mica.

Region found:

Current uses: Promotes diplomacy, finesse, discretion, imagination, creativity and appreciation for beauty.

Fuchsite used during meditation will help one to access information pertaining to health, career and general well-being.  Some feel that it helps one to perform tasks in a timely and conscientious manner get your routine together! 

Muscovite. . Light-heartedness, friendliness, compassion, recovery, immunity. Speeds deeper healing.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: Lightheartedness, friendliness, compassion, recovery, immunity. Speeds deeper healing.

Fushsite has a strong connection to the herbal world and may increase the healing effects of certain herbal tinctures. 

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: 7th chakra. Being the traits of metallic Mica are more prominent that the green chromium, this stone is thought of as a 7th chakra stone (spiritual) more than a 5th chakra stone (heart/emotional.)

Body correlation: Used in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and to strengthen all muscles. Assists one in eliminating any type of servitude issues, bringing the light of knowledge of innate perfection being within each person. It further helps one to bounce back after tense situations in the physical and/or emotional realm. Has been used in the balancing of red and white blood cell count, in the treatment of carpel tunnel syndrome, to assist the stabilization of the alignment of the spinal column, and to increase flexibility of muscles.


Stone name: Galaxite

Color: Mixed dark green and milky appearance, when held in the light there are many opalescent pieces trapped within the stone. A type of Moonstone.

Description: "The aura stone". Galaxite is microcrystalline labradorite, which means that the crystal structure is made up of small crystals of labradorite instead of one large crystal. It helps intuition to transform into intellectual thought.

Galaxite helps one to recognize their destiny.

Region found:

Current uses: Galaxite contains the "message of the stars" and helps one to connect with beings from other dimensions. Since it is a little more compacted than labradorite, this quality is very intense. Believed to be sent to the earth by the Angels to heal the earth. Labradorite, protects the aura and stops energy leaks. Helps intuition, transform into intelletual thought. Helps one to recognise their destiny.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: Galaxite helps to protect the aura and stop energy leaks. Emits a powerful light energy, from planetary sources and beings, to the soul of the user. Used in facilitating astral projection. Stone of transformation and utilization of the subconscious mind. Promotes intellectual, intuitive and mystical wisdom.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: Aligns all chakras. Crown Chakra

Body correlation: Stimulates brain, reduces anxiety and stress. Clears, balances and protects aura.


Stone name:



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An important source of lead. Galena promotes healing, calmness, communication, efficiency, receptivity, sensitivity, competency, intelligence, discernment and insight.


Stone name:



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According to the talmud, noah's ark was illuminated by a brilliant garnet. The ancient greeks also attributed light giving properties to this glowing gem, which they called the "lamp stone," believing that it enabled its wearer to see in the dark. Cabochon garnets are known as carbuncles, which means "glowing coal." one superstition states that dragons' eyes were made of carbuncles.

Several curative properties were ascribed to the garnet. With other red and yellow gems, it shared the ability to staunch bleeding and cure blood ailments. Used as a heart stimulant, it was believed so effective that people were cautioned not to overuse it, lest they be stricken with apoplexy. This belief in the stone's potency is perhaps the reason that certain asiatic tribes used garnet bullets, thinking them more deadly.

Garnets also were employed to cure "fluxions" of the eyes (tie to forehead with linen), dissolve tartar in the body, control incontinence, and ward off the plague. They were worn to drive out nightmares and evil thoughts - and, thereby, to relieve insomnia. January's natal stone, which comes in a variety of hues - from deep red through orange, yellow, brown, and even green - should be set in gold for maximum benefit. It is a traditional symbol of constancy. It is said to assure its wearer riches, good health, and joy.

Balances energy, uplifts attitude. Lucky for love, success and goals.

:bi-colored green & orange: promotes prosperity & helps one focus on having one’s life exactly as would like it. Green: only clear is used for healing. Use cut & polished. The brighter the better. Orange: warmth & energy. Red: warms, energizes emotionally & physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low blood pressure, detoxing & strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Slims, yang. Avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc. Chakras: green - coccyx & heart. Orange - spleen. Red - coccyx & spleen.

Aids circulation.

Red: warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritus, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low bp, detoxing and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang (avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflamation, etc.) Orange: warmth, energy.

Aids kundalini to ascend in proper channels.

Ranges in color from deep emerald green through yellow, brown, and red. Common to the us, but found all over the world. Stimulates creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: root and spleen chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low blood pressure, detoxing and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang (avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc.) Root chakra. Orange: warmth, energy. When garnet is used in conjunction with the pituitary gland, can help provide past-life information. Should be placed on the center of the forehead. If carried around in the pocket and then placed on the forehead of another person, closer ties will form with that individual. Green garnets are healing stones. Red represent love and help the aspirant to strive for improvement in moral conduct. Square-cut garnets help bring about business opportunities and filter out concerns that are not one's own. Rectangular shapes aid in the matter of intellect or the earth. Garnets teach patience and constancy and are not to be used lightly. They develop love and compassion. They sharpen self-perception and extend that openness to others. Help calm anger, particularly anger directed towards the self.

A silicate mineral. A variety of colors, the most popular being red or green.

Ranges in color from deep emerald green through yellow, brown, and red. Common to the us, but found all over the world. Stimulates creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: root and spleen chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low blood pressure, detoxing and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang (avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc.) Root chakra. Orange: warmth, energy. When garnet is used in conjunction with the pituitary gland, can help provide past-life information. Should be placed on the center of the forehead. If carried around in the pocket and then placed on the forehead of another person, closer ties will form with that individual. Green garnets are healing stones. Red represent love and help the aspirant to strive for improvement in moral conduct. Square-cut garnets help bring about business opportunities and filter out concerns that are not one's own. Rectangular shapes aid in the matter of intellect or the earth. Garnets teach patience and constancy and are not to be used lightly. They develop love and compassion. They sharpen self-perception and extend that openness to others. Help calm anger, particularly anger directed towards the self.

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The garnet crystallizes in the form of dodecahedral and trapezohedral crystals.

The garnet is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest and it has been used as a sacred stone by the native american indians, south american indians, the aztecs, the african tribal elders and the mayans.

The garnet enhances one's internal fire, bringing creative powers to the surface.

It has also been known as a "stone of commitment", reflecting the attributes of devotion.

The garnet also balances and stimulates the development and movement of the kundalini. It both monitors and adjust the flow of energy, providing for a balanced energy field.

It can be used for purification, cleansing and elimination of that which is in disorder.

It is excellent for treating disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition, heart, lungs, and blood.

This particular stone was found in brazil and has been beautifully hand-polished.

This stone has been cleared, smudged and infused with reiki energy.

1 Green garnet

Augments peace, serenity, meditation, creativity, healing, purification, patience and clarity of thought.

2 Red garnet

Inspires romantic love, passion, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy, positive thoughts, inspiration, energy, past life recall, career success, social popularity and self confidence. Helps us become more productive and achievement-oriented.

3 Star garnet

Enhances career success, respect, fame, glory, empowerment, dissolution, renown and increased productivity.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

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Metaphysical meaning:

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Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

: resonates with earth energy & invites us to step into our instinctual, primal, physical self. Assists one in becoming aware of, moving through and clearing deeply buried emotions. Has a soft, maturing and calming quality. Beneficially influences bones, brain, cardiovascular system. Chakras: coccyx, spleen, solar plexus.

Gem silica

Stone name:



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Metaphysical meaning:

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Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Olid lt. Blue/blue-green.

Gentle, soothing, friendly. Flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear...) For allowingness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one in light, love, and healing daily. . High conductivity from copper draws out pain, heat (fevers, inflamations, arthritis...), excellent theraputic aid for healing loss, incest, other traumas. Cleanses auric field. Dreams and earth healing.

Also, heart bloodsugar, and emotional balance

On throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic creativity, thyroid.

Gem quality chrysocolla. Highly evolved. See silica.


Geodes are spherical stones containing cavities lined with crystalline structure growing towards the center. It usually contains quartz, amethyst, citrine, or clacite. Facilitates astral travel and assistance in the pursuits of mathamatics. Allow one to both recognize and analyze the decision-making process. Allows freedom to shape one's future, connection to the higher planes, stimulates communication skills. Used in the treatment of hands, lungs and nervous disorders.

Gem quality chrysocolla. Highly evolved. See silica.


Stone name:



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Metaphysical meaning:

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Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Foster intellectual insight, awareness and community. Geodes help us attract compatible friends and lovers and teach us to live in harmony with each other.

Geodes are spherical stones containing cavities lined with crystalline structure growing towards the center. It usually contains quartz, amethyst, citrine, or clacite. Facilitates astral travel and assistance in the pursuits of mathamatics. Allow one to both recognize and analyze the decision-making process. Allows freedom to shape one's future, connection to the higher planes, stimulates communication skills. Used in the treatment of hands, lungs and nervous disorders.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

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Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Excellent all-purpose, high level gem amplifier and electrical conductor. Strengthens meridians, nerve system, digestion. Positively charged with warming sun energy. Often warn by teachers / healers, especially after much self-healing (addictions, childhood...) Attracts prosperity, stores, amplifies thoughts / emotions / energy (greed too). Yang.

Pink = gold + copper. Lovingness, warmth, spirituality. Amplifies gem effects. White: combines sun and moon's energy, thus higher conductor and amplifier.

Gold: excellent all-purpose, high level gem amplifier and electrical conductor, especially on solar plexus and heart chakra. Strengthens meridians, nerve system, digestion. Positively charged with warming sun energy. Often worn by teachers/healers, especially after much self-healing (addictions, childhood...) Attracts prosperity, stores, amplifies thoughts/emotions/energy (greed too). Yang. Pink = gold + copper. Lovingness, warmth, spirituality. Amplifies gem effects. White: combines sun and moon's energy, thus higher conductor and amplifier. A regenerator, helping one renew oneself. Works on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. It benefits the nervous system and improves the ability of the nerves to transmit information in the most efficient manner. Helps digestion and helps the body in the proper assimilation of food. Benefits the circulatory system and blood. Helps control hormonal and chemical imbalances. Can be of great importance to individuals with degenerative diseases, such as heart disease or arthritis. Helps the brain work more efficiently. It works well with all crystals and gemstones. Can be used in conjunction with copper and silver, which aid in boosting its abilities in specific instances. Gold settings: gold is ruled by the sun a masculine planet, and therefore imparts a more assertive energy to crystals & minerals that are mounted in it.

Gold is associated with virtue, moral excellence, nobility of mind, purification, happiness, honor, wealth, strength of will, generosity, positive thoughts, energy, good humor, courage, stability, luck and opportunity. This metal stimulates action and ennobles the character.

1 Gold~

Gold: excellent all-purpose, high level gem amplifier and electrical conductor, especially on solar plexus and heart chakra. Strengthens meridians, nerve system, digestion. Positively charged with warming sun energy. Often worn by teachers/healers, especially after much self-healing (addictions, childhood...) Attracts prosperity, stores, amplifies thoughts/emotions/energy (greed too). Yang. Pink = gold + copper. Lovingness, warmth, spirituality. Amplifies gem effects. White: combines sun and moon's energy, thus higher conductor and amplifier. A regenerator, helping one renew oneself. Works on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. It benefits the nervous system and improves the ability of the nerves to transmit information in the most efficient manner. Helps digestion and helps the body in the proper assimilation of food. Benefits the circulatory system and blood. Helps control hormonal and chemical imbalances. Can be of great importance to individuals with degenerative diseases, such as heart disease or arthritis. Helps the brain work more efficiently. It works well with all crystals and gemstones. Can be used in conjunction with copper and silver, which aid in boosting its abilities in specific instances. Gold settings: gold is ruled by the sun a masculine planet, and therefore imparts a more assertive energy to crystals & minerals that are mounted in it.

Golden beryl

Stone name:



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Metaphysical meaning:

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Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

See beryl

1 Golden beryl(also known as heliodor)

Brings persistence, altruism, spirituality, healing, strength, learning, communication and comfort.


Stone name:



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Metaphysical meaning:

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Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

: medium brown with tiny coppery glitter. Reported to be man-made form of sunstone, originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly help to reduce stomach tension, protect power center of body. Chakra: solar plexus.

Medium brown with tiny coppery glitter. Goldstone is a man-made stone, just a type of glass with glittery metallic material in it. It is a valid classification, as it has many properties of natural glasses, such as obsidian which are modified by its being man-made and having been doped with additives. Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to solar plexus chakra to reduce stomach tension, protect center of body.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

A clear beryl. Promotes practical wisdom, moderation, intellectual curiosity and well-thought-out decisions. Helps those who have a hard time making decisions.


Stone name:



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Metaphysical meaning:

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Granite has been honored by many cultures, particulary the aboriginal and mayan cultures, as a sacred and powerful stone. Allowing for increased protection and abundance. Composed primarily of quartz and feldspar, it also may contain orthoclase, which is a form of feldspar which can form in plate-like layers, short prismatic crystals and tabular inclusions. This stone works well on skepticism. Allows for diplomacy, discretion, cooperativeness and negativity. Granite is a wonderful relationship balancer. Granite also has been used to strengthen the hair and ailments associated with face and head. Common rock found world-wide. Widely accepted as a building material but also has healing properties. Comes in shades of pink, green, gray, yellow, and white. Benefits the bones and muscle and soft tissue. Use in conjunction with flint to stimulate the regeneration of the body's tissue.

1 Granite

Encourages us to go with the flow, and helps us find our highest path. Teaches us to live in a state of grace.

Granite has been honored by many cultures, particulary the aboriginal and mayan cultures, as a sacred and powerful stone. Allowing for increased protection and abundance. Composed primarily of quartz and feldspar, it also may contain orthoclase, which is a form of feldspar which can form in plate-like layers, short prismatic crystals and tabular inclusions. This stone works well on skepticism. Allows for diplomacy, discretion, cooperativeness and negativity. Granite is a wonderful relationship balancer. Granite also has been used to strengthen the hair and ailments associated with face and head. Common rock found world-wide. Widely accepted as a building material but also has healing properties. Comes in shades of pink, green, gray, yellow, and white. Benefits the bones and muscle and soft tissue. Use in conjunction with flint to stimulate the regeneration of the body's tissue.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

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Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

A type of garnet. Clear, brownish, yellow or green. This stone enhances energy, prosperity and career success.

1 Yellow grossularite

Enhances calmness, meditation and relaxation.

2 Green grossularite

Promotes healing. Grossularite (also known as grossular garnet) is a type of garnet which crystallizes in the form of masses, grains, and crystals in the configuration of dodecahedral, trapezohedral, and combinations of varying shapes. The color range includes wine-yeallow, brown, emerald green, pale green, yellow, red-brown, red, orange, colorless to white, grey and black.

Along with being a stone of commitment, this mineral strengthens stability in lawsuits and challenges. It transforms the lower forms of response and reaction to loving forms of reply.

It also inspires the ideal of service, providing for cooperative effort and ingenuity in maintaining the effort.

Grossularite enhances fertility when the consciousness is specifically directed toward that goal during meditation with this mineral. It also assists in the assimilation of vitamin a.

This stone has been cleared, smudged and infused with reiki energy


Stone name:



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Metaphysical meaning:

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Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

A sedimentary rock. Usually colorless or white. Gypsum augments prosperity, good luck, resolve, purpose, steady effort, career success, strength of character and will. Gypsum inspires us to make our dreams come true.


Stone name:



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Helps us transcend our problems. Encourages perspective and contentment.


Stone name:



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Colorless or white. Helps us stick to our beliefs. Fosters idealism, character and truth.


Stone name:



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A transparent blue. Helps us gain respect, honor, esteem and admiration.

Hawk's eye

Stone name:



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Metaphysical meaning:

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Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

: falcon's eye. Natural green, grey or blue tiger's eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly & unflinchingly as from a hawk's eye. Blue deepens meditation. Helps us to see the truth in order to grow. Chakras: solar plexus & brow.

Quartz. Bluish green to bluish gray. Hawk's eye fosters serenity, peace, perspective, discernment, abundance, prosperity, healing, riches and a love of nature. This stone teaches us to come to terms with the imperfections of the earth plane.

Hawks eye/falcon eye

Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Natural green, grey or blue tiger's eye-like quartz

Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a hawk's eyes.

Stomach and brow chakras.

Blue: deepens meditation. Helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow.

Natural green, gray or blue tiger's eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a hawk's eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: deepens meditation. Helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow. It can help gently attune the third eye and will enhance psychic abilities.

Natural green, grey or blue tiger's eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a hawk's eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: deepens meditation. Helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow.


See bloodstone.


Stone name: Hematite

Color: An iron oxide, steel gray to iron black in color. Opaque, shiny silver. Sometimes has deep red spots on the surface.

Description: Hematite is best worn with contact with the skin or laid on. Yang.

Region found: Found in the US, Brazil, and Canada

Current uses: An excellent grounding stone; calms and soothes, eases stress. Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep. Confidence, will power, boldness. Hematite enhances focus, concentration, will-power, reliability, courage, confidence, optimism, trust, balance and stability.

Makes it clear what one’s issues are. Makes it easy to access anything in subconscious. Promotes awareness of personal issues and patterns. Regroups after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia. Useful for focusing on past lives for the purpose of working with issues that relate to them.

Historical reference: This metallic grey mineral has a long history of medicinal use.

Egyptians used to calm hysteria & anxiety. General inflammation of the eyelids only needed a solution of hematite in water. Ground to a powder, it was used to cure blood diseases (3 grains in oil) and to soothe skin ulcerations or burns. Hematite also was used to treat bilious disorders (rubbed with a moistened whetstone until a red juice was obtained). Hematite was used in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia as a healing stone for the formation of blood and for staunching the blood flow from wounds. In the middle ages, it was called "bloodstone". This stone has been traditionally considered to have a beneficial effect on legal situations.

Tumors on the eyelids were treated with hematite dissolved in egg white or fenugreek.

Metaphysical meaning: Hematite draws our attention to our elementary basic needs and physical well-being. A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem. Also used for astral protection. Grounding, focus, self discipline. Helps us adjust to being physical. Hematite encourages the ability to survive, in the sense of a permanent further development towards better conditions. Hematite strengthens the will and makes us aware of unfulfilled desires. It bestows vitality and dynamism in our life. It brings peace, self-control and inner happiness. It helps fight for this in emergencies. It helps one to "sort-out" things in one's mind and can be used for mental attunement, memory enhancement, original thinking and technical knowledge. It is calming and encourages one to "reach for the sun". It is said to attract "kind" love.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: coccyx, spine. One of the most grounding of all stones (root chakra.) Yang.

Body correlation: Be careful in cases of inflammation, as it has an irritating effect. Helps in tissue regeneration. Hematite is a stone for the mind. Hematite stimulates the absorption of iron in the small intestine and the formation of red blood corpuscles. The iron in this mineral has a strong effect on the blood. Spleen & blood cleansing. This improves the oxygen supply to the body and stabilizes health. Used in supporting the kidney's blood-cleansing function.

1 Hematite & marcasite

Silver-gray metallic. (high iron, mercury) one of the most grounding of all stones. Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, racticality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep. Confidence, will power, boldness. Egyptians used also to calm hysteria and anxiety. Yang. Helps us adjust to being physical. Spleen, blood, cleanse. Can deflect. Regroups after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia.

An iron oxide, steel gray to iron black in color. Silver-gray metallic is an iron ore which is iron oxide usually feo2. One of the most grounding of all stones (root chakra.) Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep. Confidence, will power, boldness. Egyptians used also to calm hysteria and anxiety. Yang. Helps us adjust to being physical. Spleen, blood, cleanse. Can deflect. Regroups after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia. Sometimes has deep red spots on the surface. Found in the us, brazil, and canada. The iron in this mineral has a strong effect on the blood. Used in supporting the kidney's blood-cleansing function. A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem. Helps in tissue regeneration. Also used for astral protection. If worn, hematite should be placed at the base of the spine.

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Hemimorphite also known as calamine.

Stone name:

Color: Blue, green, clear.


Region found:

Current uses: Fosters enthusiasm, optimism, high energy and the ability to stay excited about a project right through to the end.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Herkimer diamond

Stone name:


special clear quartz.


Cleanse often.

These clear crystals closely resemble diamonds but are really quartz.

Region found:

Found only in herkimer, new york.

They are usually double terminated and sometimes have three or more terminations.

Current uses:

Shift brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness, opening the 6th & 7th chakras for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, meditation.

May make one too high - spacey to wear.

The dream stone.

In meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall.

The "dream stone" - in meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall.

Shifts brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness, opening the brow and crown chakra for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, meditation.

They help you recognize the signs of stress before it can do physical damage.

Helps you choose a direction to follow that will offer the path of least resistance.

Shifts brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness, opening the brow and crown ctrs for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, meditation, obes.

They promote creativity, smooth energy flow, uniqueness, dream recall, originality, imagination and psychic abilities.

They are considered energizing and enlivening.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; use as bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the chakras.

Releases stress, cleanses subtle bodies.

Stumlates clairvoyance, dream work.

Help to increase the energy and healing qualities of other stones.

Very useful in helping to lessen the pressures of day-to-day life and the stress and tension-related diseases that can result.

They contain a store of ecological memory that can be utilized by a person who can tune into the energy.

Can also guide you in remembering your own past-life experiences.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Crown chakra.

Charka: brow & crown.

Use as bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the chakras.

Body correlation:


Stone name:



A yellow-green to green member of the spodumene clan.


A spodumene, like kunzite.

Region found:

Current uses:

Best known for drawing prosperity.

Clears heart to receive. Eases love or $ loss. Calming.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Grants spiritual attainment, enlightenment, universal compassion, transcendence, and peace.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Clears heart to receive.


Stone name: Howlite

Color: Opaque white with thin dark lines. White.

Description: . Howlite crystallizes in the form of white nodules, compact masses, and tabular crystals. Snowy white, sometimes with brown or black veins

Region found:

Current uses: Fosters appreciation of beauty, inspiration, creativity and artistic expression. gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Howlite builds innate decency and dispels criticalness, and cold selfishness. It dispels criticalness, cold selfishness, and facetiousness, bringing both strength and innoncence to immediate confrontations. It builds an innate decency within one's character, encouraging those attributes which are the building blocks to spirituality. It eliminates pain, stress and rage.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: Howlite can be used to eliminate pain, stress, and rage; hence, it is quite nice to have around. It can help to lessen rudeness and boisterousness, and can provide for a reflection of the offender to the offender. Quietly loving, calming. It discourages impertinent behavior and encourages subtlety and tact. It spurs one toward the ambition to reach one's goals and assists in eliminating hesitation with respect to action. It tends to combine the power of reasoning with observation and patience, providing for discernment, retentive memory and a laudable desire for knowledge, bringing progress marked with triumph. This mineral can be used to calm communication, to facilitate awareness, and to encourage emotional expression.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:Works with the heart center, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact.

Body correlation: It is a stone for artistic inspiration and creativity and helps balance calcium levels in the body. Helps bones, teeth, and other calcium aspects of body. This mineral can be useful for balancing calcium levels in the body, both stimulating increase or decrease dependent upon the area. It can also be used in the treatment of disorders of the teeth, bone structure, and soft tissues.


Stone Name: Heulandite

Color: Green

Description: rare heulandite with calcite and quartz - india. These crystals grew in cavities that formed as gas bubbles were trapped in cooling basaltic lava. Water flowing through cracks in the cooled basalt dissolved various elements and re-deposited them in the cavities as mineral crystals.

Region found: bombay, india

Current uses: Use heulandite to program the mental body for the ability to create one's reality allowing one to have a good life. Also good for releasing limitations, and dealing with the loss of loved ones.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: Heulandite allows one to go back in time to the ancient civilizations of atlantis/lemuria where important information is stored. Access this information for personal growth or to help others. It increases one's intuition. It helps one find the old again and discover the new. Heulandite discourages structured thinking and encourages the openness of the mind to think new thoughts.

Color varieties: heulandite can be almost any color, from white to yellow to pink to brown. Green is quite rare.

Chakra correlation: 7th chakra.

Body correlation: This stone also helps in weight loss.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Affects the intercommunication network of the brain, enhancing coordination of thought & action, memory, concentration & intellectual capacity.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

: helps one clarify direction in life.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Chakras: heart, brow & crown.

Harmonizes & stabilizes energy flow within & between chakras.

Has a positive effect on the heart chakra.

Body correlation:

Beneficially influences pituitary gland, brain, immune system, thyroid.


See zircon.


Stone name:

Color: Blackish brown, blackish green.


Region found:

Current uses: Enhances self-esteem, emotional expression and overcoming shyness. Helps put us at ease in all social situations.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


See tourmaline.


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

Helps past life memory and balances physical, mental & spiritual.

Good companion with ajoite and other stones & crystals.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

stone of transition.

Helps clear clouded auras.

Helps raise the kundalini.

Loving angelic energy.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Helps draw poison out of body.


Stone name:


Clear bluish-lavender.

Cordierite- clear bluish-lavendar.

Varying hues of blue.


A newer stone recently more available.

Region found:

Current uses:

Enhances leadership ability, power, inner strength, self-confidence and executive ability.

Living at higher awareness level.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Truth, simplicity, imagery, peace.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Chakras: throat, brow, crown.

Opens a light pathway from throat chakra up through the crown chakra.

Body correlation:

Alcohol / addiction detoxificator, sobriety


Stone name:



Region found:

Current uses:

This metal is traditionally said to promote balance, strength, endurance, protection, longevity, persistence, emotional stability, favorable legal situations, efficiency and skill.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Iron pyrite

Stone name:

Color: Shiny opaque gold color


Region found:

Current uses: Iron pyrite harmonizes energies, improves circulation, and eases anxiety, it is a money magnet. That shields from negative energy and physical danger..

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:


Stone name:


It can be found mostly in white or cream, although some shades of pink and yellow do exist.


Because of the fact that ivory is generally considered to be the bone of mammals, and most ivory comes from elephants, walruses, and whales and poachers have killed so many that certain species are on the brink of extinction, use ivory only if you are very drawn to it.

Is best left on the elephant or walrus.

Let us protect and respect these intelligent and sensitive animals.

Region found:

Current uses:

Helps you become more introspective and analytical.

When considering ivory for yourself, you must always consider why it is important to possess it.

If its spiritual value is great enough, you can proceed with the purchase and simply wrestle with the ecological ramifications (it would perhaps help to make a spiritual offering to the animal who died.)

But if ivory is only perceived as jewelry that has nice side effects or as an object of great monetary values, then it would seem wisest to forget it.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

It may make you more in tune with animals and nature, but you have to have this desire in order to open a path for this expression.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

It is especially well suited for ailments of the bones, joints, and teeth.

Also benefits the skin and the circulatory system.


Stone name:



Description: Solid to translucent.

There are two varieties of jade, jadeite and nephrite.

Each with its own slightly different use.

Nephrite is quite similar to jadeite in its healing abilities, but its colors are creamier and less translucent than jadeite; nephrite is the more commonly found variety.

Region found:

Current uses: health, wealth & longevity stone.

A gentle, steady energy.

Jade is the "dream stone" and "stone of fidelity".

Placed under the pillow, it helps with dream work.

It is a stone for strengthening, wisdom, protection and luck. .it allows one to actualize aspirations and attain limitless achievements.

Historical reference: Jade was known as the kidney stone, and it was widely employed as a remedy for renal disease.

It was worn over this organ to break up kidney stones.

Powdered and mixed with gold and silver, jade strengthened the lungs, the vocal organs, and the heart and prolonged life.

A potion of jade, rice, and dew was employed to harden bones, make muscles more supple, calm the mind, and purify the blood.

Taken regularly, this prescription eliminated hunger and thirst as well as sensations of heat and cold.

Believed to protect the body from decay, jade was used for embalming.

When worn around a child's neck jade would guard against infantile disease.

It also was worn to relieve gastric pains and heartburn, to calm asthma, and to aid childbirth.

Four grains, dissolved in wine, relieved bile.

The chinese referred to jade as the musical stone, because of the melodic tones it makes when struck.

Ancient chinese used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony.

Metaphysical meaning:

Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy.

Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses.

It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm's way.

Color varieties:

Opaque, greenish white, red, pale green, dark green.

Jade may come in a variety of colors, green, blue, black, violet, white, yellow and a reddish and brownish variety.

Properties common to all colors of jade include its ability to mellow one's existence.

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney & blood detox, nervous system.

While all jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to certain ailments or organs.

Strengthens the body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in teh removal of toxins.

1 Blue jade: a peaceful and passive energy source. Helps people who meditate to relax and gain an inner serenity. A quiet teacher of patience and slow, steady progress. It is a wonderful stone to give to people who feel restricted or overcome by situations beyond their control.

2 Brown jade: a stone that connects us tot he earth. A good stone to use to help settle matters of the home or to adjust to a new environment.

3 Green jade: most common. Very calming to the nervous system. The color green is representative of life or growth. Helps one channel passions in a constructive way, making expressions of love easier.

4 Lavender jade: in touch with the emotions. Beneficial to people who have been hurt by love or need to discover the gentleness within themselves. Can help one learn restraint and subtlety in matters of emotional importance.

5 Red jade: a passionate and active stone. Caution is advised here: it can have such a stimulating influence that the wearer becomes agitated and feels the need to express anger. It can help you extract those feelings and come to terms with them. Use red jade to blow off steam, to release tension.

6 White or cream jade: helps one direct their energy to its most advantageous outlet. Helps filter out distraction and allows you to envision the best result of a given situation. Also suggested for the eyes.

7 Yellow and orange jade: both are similar enough to be considered together. Both impart the gift of joy and happiness. They teach the interconnectedness of all beings. Help organs that process food and waste in our bodies.

Most often green, but can come in a variety of colors. All jade augments longevity, fertility, serenity, wisdom, practicality, tranquillity, balance, peace, harmony, moderation, perspective, equilibrium and stability. This is a stone that helps us understand our dreams and teaches us to live in harmony with the laws of nature and spirit.

Jade is the "dream stone" and "stone of fidelity". Placed under the pillow, it helps with dream work. It is a stone for strengthening, wisdom, protection and luck. .it allows one to actualize aspirations and attain limitless achievements. Opaque, greenish white, red, pale green, dark green. Available in disks and old jade carvings.

Solid to translucent. Green. Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient chinese used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. Androgynous. A gentle, steady energy.

Relaxation. Jade works wonders for my husband when placed on a sore shoulder or back. I have used it to reduce tension in my life. I find that i am calmer when i wear jade.

Venus, neptune. Cooling, water element. Soothing, healing.

Solid to translucent. There are two varieties of jade, jadeite and nephrite. Nephrite is quite similar to jadeite in its healing abilities, but its colors are creamier and less translucent than jadeite; nephrite is the more commonly found variety. Jade may come in a variety of colors, green, blue, black, violet, white, yellow and a reddish and brownish variety. Each with its own slightly different use. Green: health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient chinese used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. Androgynous. A gentle, steady energy.

While all jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to certain ailments or organs. Properties common to all colors of jade include its ability to mellow one's existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Strengthens the body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in teh removal of toxins. Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm's way.

Blue jade: a peaceful and passive energy source. Helps people who meditate to relax and gain an inner serenity. A quiet teacher of patience and slow, steady progress. It is a wonderful stone to give to people who feel restricted or overcome by situations beyond their control.

Brown jade: a stone that connects us tot he earth. A good stone to use to help settle matters of the home or to adjust to a new environment.

Green jade: most common. Very calming to the nervous system. The color green is representative of life or growth. Helps one channel passions in a constructive way, making expressions of love easier.

Lavender jade: in touch with the emotions. Beneficial to people who have been hurt by love or need to discover the gentleness within themselves. Can help one learn restraint and subtlety in matters of emotional importance.

Red jade: a passionate and active stone. Caution is advised here: it can have such a stimulating influence that the wearer becomes agitated and feels the need to express anger. It can help you extract those feelings and come to terms with them. Use red jade to blow off steam, to release tension.

White or cream jade: helps one direct their energy to its most advantageous outlet. Helps filter out distraction and allows you to envision the best result of a given situation. Also suggested for the eyes.

Yellow and orange jade: both are similar enough to be considered together. Both impart the gift of joy and happiness. They teach the interconnectedness of all beings. Help organs that process food and waste in our bodies.

Order info

2 Yellow jade

Is linked with assimilation, digestion, understanding and empathy.

3 Lavender jade

Inspires love, optimism and beauty.

4 White jade

Fosters practical application of spirituality.

5 Jadeite

Wide range of colors. Encourages emotional balance, a sense of well being and healing dreams.

6 Nevada jade

Light green and pink. Also known as nevada lapis. Is linked with healing ability and forgiveness. Makes us more agreeable and more appreciative. Helps us become life-affirming.

7 Orange jade

Enhances energy and protection.

8 Black jade

Offers protection from negativity and fosters the wise use of power.

9 Blue jade

Inspires meditation.


Stone name: Jasper

Color: Various Multi-colored, solid. Yellow, orange, brown, green.

Description: Considered more effective if it is used for long periods of time because it works slowly. Jasper works well in conjunction with opals. Darker colors: more grounding.

Region found:

Current uses: Also helps them endure stress. Helps bring hidden thoughts, griefs, fears, & hopes to surface. This stone is good for those who need more organizational abilities. Works as a gentle daily reminder that the whole is only the result of all the parts. Helps one become more ecologically aware. It is a methodical and meticulous worker. Earthy grounding. Contains hidden picture from the past.

Historical reference: "the supreme nurturer", jasper is known as the "patron stone of counselors and healers". It is very healing and balancing and was often worn by shamen for protection. Well suited for use by people who wish to relive past events through regression or analysis.

Stimulates creative visualization and understanding basic function of the unknown advanced civilizations.

Metaphysical meaning: It reminds us that we are here on the physical plane to bring joy and substance to others, and to help free them. Jasper is associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing, consolation, tranquillity, completion, wholeness, healing and gentle endings. Keep in mind that this process takes some time since jaspers work slowly. Recommended for executives as an aid to quick thinking.

Color varieties: Yellow - for stomach, intestines, liver, spleen areas. Earthy, grounding. Multicolored, solid, yellow, orange, brown, green.

Green - resp., heart chakra; general tissue regen.; mineral assim.; general healing.

Darker colors - more grounding & also less conductive for hearing.

Blue, and/or ivory.

Brown jasper: helps one find stability and balance.

Chakra correlation: Chakras: green - heart.

Chakras: yellow - solar plexus. Green: respiratory/heart chakra.

Body correlation: Benefits ailments that result from environmental pollution. Boosts the immune system and assist in extracting pollutants and toxins from the body. Makes one feel stronger and in better physical condition. Suggested to be used for elixirs because it will not over-stimulate any part of the body. Works best on ailments of the upper torso, digestive tract, and the cleansing organs. General tissue regeneration; mineral assimilation; general healing.

Each color of jasper has additional specific qualities when used alone.

1 Brecchiated jasper:

heals mental stress. Centers one intellectually and makes it easier to be logical, clear headed and clear thinking. Increases one’s intellectual capacity regardless of circumstances. Wakes one up, and increases intellectual capacity.

2 Leopardskin jasper

Bring what one needs. Note that it doesn't necessarily bring in what you want. However, it is a wonderfully supporting stone.

The leopardskin jasper protects one while fulfilling one's life purpose and karmic agreements on the earthplane.

It offers help along the path, increases safety and security in achieving life goals.

It aids concentration and ability to focus.

It also stimulates circulation and energy flow.

This stone measures 1 1/2" long x 1 1/8" wide x 1/4" thick.

This stone has been cleared, smudged and infused with reiki ener

3 Tiger iron jasper

Tiger iron jasper assists creative endeavors. It helps one find havens of refuge when danger is perceived and stimulates physical vitality. It also helps assimilate b vitamins. A combination of red, dark silver and gold.

Mercury, earth, mars. Sacred to bast and sekhmet. Helps one to distinguish between actual need and false desire.

4 Tigers eye

brings clarity and enhances psychic ability. It can help discipline sexual, emotional life and allows one's life to open and blossom. A stone to stimulates wealth and helps to maintain it. It brings protection, practicality, softens stubbornness and balances male/female energy.golden opaque, shiny brown.

5 Chalcedony quartz cat's eye.

Yellow-gold. Confidence, willpower, clear thinking(and thus speaking), personal power in life. Yellow / solar plexus. (not as strong as citrine or topaz). Works on mental plane: amplifies thinking and manifesting what you think about (careful!), will. Helps separate thoughts from feelings, so centered, less emotional. Digestion, stomach, anxiety, ulcers, bones. Rub with essential oil on ft. Bottom for blood detox. Use with malachite or pearl for mental / emotional balance, understanding. Helps change anxiety, fear and obsessiveness into practicality, logic, etc. Yang. Green or blue: see hawk's eye.

6 Jasper (christmas)

Opaque, red and green. Red jasper: much like bloodstone in its link to the circulatory system. Beneficial in battling diseases of the blood and detoxifying blood-rich organs like the liver. It helps bring problems to light before they are a threat.

Christmas tree jasper is for empowering success, it combines dynamic and intellectual energies.

7 Jasper (fancy)

Opaque creamy beige with lavender or green swirls.

Fancy jasper facilitates tranquility and helps eliminates worry and depression. It also brings mental clarity.

8 Jasper (leopardskin)

Bring what one needs. Note that it doesn't necessarily bring in what you want. However, it is a wonderfully supporting stone.

9 Jasper (picture)

Opaque beige with darker brown patterns. Picture jasper: includes hues of brown, tan, black.

Picture jasper helps with the re-evaluation of life¹s issues. It facilitates development and continuance of business pursuits and activities leading to increase. Brown jasper: helps one find stability and balance. Benefits ailments that result from environmental pollution. Boosts the immune system and assist in extracting pollutants and toxins from the body. Keep in mind that this process takes some time since jaspers work slowly. Helps one become more ecologically aware. Well suited for use by people who wish to relive past events through regression or analysis.

10 Jasper (red/poppy)

Opaque dark red with black flecks.

Red: is recommended as a protection against the vibration of negativity. Requires usual cleansing. Sign is tarus. Assists in helping one to learn to process and eliminate aspects of digression.

Red jasper: much like bloodstone in its link to the circulatory system. Beneficial in battling diseases of the blood and detoxifying blood-rich organs like the liver. It helps bring problems to light before they are a threat.

Poppy jasper brings attunement to animals and heals animal allergies.

Gain a positive outlook. I find that i am very happy when i wear this stone.

Brick red jasper helps rectify unjust circumstances and promotes companionship with the same gender.

Poppy jasper brings attunement to animals and heals animal allergies. Opaque dark red with black flecks.

Gain a positive outlook. I find that i am very happy when i wear this stone.

Zebra jasper: chalcedony quartz.

11 Jasper (silver leaf)

Brown, gray and creamy white with interesting patterns.

Silver leaf agates are very grounding and balancing, they open the wearer for acceptance, protection and abundance.

12 Picture jasper

Picture jasper helps with the re-evaluation of life¹s issues. It facilitates development and continuance of business pursuits and activities leading to increase. Opaque beige with darker brown patterns.

13 Xmas tree jasper

Christmas tree jasper is for empowering success, it combines dynamic and intellectual energies. Opaque, red and green. Green jasper: especially suited to tempering aspects of your life that have taken on too great an importance. Works as a gentle daily reminder that the whole is only the result of all the parts. Works best on ailments of the upper torso, digestive tract, and the cleansing organs.

Green jasper: especially suited to tempering aspects of your life that have taken on too great an importance.

Yellow for stomach, intestines, liver, spleen areas.

Yellow jasper: beneficial to the endocrine glands and the cleansing organs.


Stone name:

Color: Soft black.


A form of petrified wood similar to coal, though much harder.

A fossilized organic matter used as a healing stone.

Region found:

Current uses:

Jet dispels fearful thoughts and protects the wearer against illness and violence. It protects one during pursuit of business, and helps stabilize one¹s finances.

Helps to confront darker aspects of self and nature.

Especially useful for people who have unreasonable fears that limit their lives.

Has absorbing qualities.

Helps draw out negative energy.

It protects one during pursuit of business, and helps stabilize one¹s finances.

Helps to confront darker aspects of self and nature.

Historical reference:

Jet is sometimes called black amber. Like amber, it often was burned and the fumes inhaled to alleviate various conditions, including edema, colds, female disorders, and hysteria. Jet fumes also were used to detect loss of virginity, although the exact method is unclear.

Drinking water in which a piece of jet had been dipped was supposed to ease childbirth. Powdered jet and wax, formed into a salve, cured swollen glands. For some reason, this black stone was used for dental problems. A mixture of jet in wine relieved toothache and served as a fixative for loose teeth. The gem also was used as a dentifrice.

In victorian times, jet was worn in mourning jewelry. But mourners were not its only wearers, since it was believed to ease arthritis of the knee and to prevent baldness.

Metaphysical meaning:

Helps control mood swings and fights deep depression. Recommended for stimulating psychic experience and guiding one in the quest for spiritual enlightenment. If worn, it should be set in silver.

Jet fosters nobility, honor, decency, justice, goodness, protection, optimism, emotional balance, courteousness, happiness, benevolence, confidence, transformation, positive growth, courage and leadership abilities. This stone encourages us to stay centered in all situations.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:

Jet dispels fearful thoughts and protects the wearer against illness and violence.


Green or greenish-brown. Enhances teaching ability, eloquence, communication and clarity.


Stone name:

Color:A pink to light violet member of the spodumene clan.

Description:Kunzite crystallizes in the form of flattened prismatic crystals which are vertically striated, and in massive formations which are cleavable. spodumene w/lithium.

Region found:

Current uses: A soothing stone that can help you adjust to the pressures of modern life. Deepens altered state: psychic readings, healing...being centered emotionally and spiritually. Healing abuse/loss/addictions.

Opens the emotional heart and spiritual heart. Strengthens healers, teachers.

This stone helps us to attract gentle friends and teaches us to combine compassionate self-love with discipline.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:Powerful high level stone. Emotional support.

Kunzite is associated with gentleness, friendliness, self-discipline, emotional balance, inner love, maturity, security, calmness, openness and moderation.

Helps emotional balance, confidence, connection to higher self, oneness.

It aids working with spirit guides for healing and self-healing and fosters trust in goddess and oneself. Opens the emotional heart & spiritual heart; unconditional lovingness, compassion. Unconditional lovingness, compassion.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation: brow & crown.This crystal connects and clears the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras, and opens blocks in the kundalini chakras caused by past emotional pain and trauma.

Body correlation: Reduces depression, mood swings, stress, radiation.

Good for the circulatory system and the lungs. Pink kunzite can be used to strengthen and reinforce the physical heart muscles.

It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs and circulatory system.

Used extensively by the medical profession for psychiatric disorders.


Stone name:


Clear, blue, blue-green.

Light blue, splintery.


Crystallizes in the form of twisted fibrous structures, masses, and long-bladed crystals which are either twisted or straight.

Region found:

Current uses:

Brings out our natural ability to manifest things into reality via thoughts, visualization & tranquility.

Encourages vivid dreams, clear visualization, loyalty, honesty and serenity.

Enhances psychic images, foresight, consciousness, meditation, communication.

If directed with the consciousness of the user, it can also open the chakras.

On 3rd eye; answers questions, especially in imagery.

One of the two minerals in the mineral kingdom which never needs cleaning or clearing. It will not accumulate or retain negative energy or vibrations.

The energy of kyanite is unlimited in application, making it one of the very best attunement stones.


Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Augments channeling and altered states.

Conscious direction of the energy can also align the emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, ethereal, and astral bodies.

Place on brow - this opens the brow & throat chakras, enhances psychic images, foresight, consciousness, meditation, communication.

Color varieties:

The color range includes grey, black, and blue with white, green, yellow and pink.

Chakra correlation:

Placed on brow, this opens 3rd eye.

Chakras: throat & brow.

Aligns all chakras automatically and immediately, with no conscious direction.

Beneficial stone to place between the heart and navel chakras during the healing activities associated with the laying-on-of-stones.

Body correlation:

Used in the treatment of disorders of the muscular and urogenital system, adrenal glands, throat, parathyroid glands, and brain.

1 Black kyanite

"black kyanite further advances the conscious connection between the higher levels of intuition and heart-felt love"

"when using this practice, be open to any impressions or guidance that you may receive"

Although black kyanite and antimony are listed separately via melody,

Black kyanite dispells energy blockages, moving the energy from the ethereal plane gently through the physical body.

Black kyanite stimulates communication and psychic awareness on all levels

Both black and blue kyanite allign all the chakras automatically and immediately

Their healing properties are almost identical.

Conscious direction of the energy can also align the emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, ethereal and astral bodies.

If directed it can open the chakras and align the emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, ethereal and astral bodies. (melody).

If directed with the consciousness of the user, it can also open the chakras.

It provides for grounding during the alignment of the chakras

Katrina raphaell believes this kyanite has been awakened and will serve as one of the "predominant power stones in the next decade"

Kyanite aligns all the chakras automatically and immediately with no conscious direction

Kyanite/antimony is used to stimulate communication and psychic awareness on all levels

Often called antimony

Thus the common name now for antimony is black kyanite.

When blue is used with black the alignment and the grounding are spontaneous and self-operating"(melody)

Place the black kyanite/antimony between the heart and navel chakras,

Raphaell associates black kyanite to the activation of the causal chakra, and in so doing, accommodates higher frequency thought forms that are attuned to the soul star and the stellar gateway" (using the 12 chakra system).

This mineral is one of the minerals which never need cleaning or clearing, it will not accumulate or retain negative energy


Stone name:

Color: Dark to gray-black, blue or green feldspar.

Description:Metallic iridescent.

Semi translucent greenish gray with opalescent flashes of color.

Fragile - avoid salt cleansing.

Region found:

Current uses: Brings forth each person’s strengths to share with the world.

Originality. Promotes psychic abilities, occult powers, strength of will and a feeling of inner worth. Easier, more restful sleep.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:Opens energy flow to solar plexus and brow and whatever other centers are most in need. Strengthens and protects our aura and teaches us to use mystical power wisely and well.

Unites the personal self with the understanding required to both realize and achieve the destiny of this life and synthesizes intellectual thought with intuitive, mystical and psychic. Protects ones aura.

Helps us relate to others. This stone also aids us in communicating with our highest self and with the creator.

Color varieties:Subtle green / blue / yellow/etc.

Chakra correlation:Chakras: solar plexus & brow.

Opens heart chakra.

Body correlation:

lapis lazuli

Stone name:


Extraordinarily deep blue stone often flecked with pyrite.

Can also be mottled with white calcite.


Deep rich blue with flecks of real gold.

Region found:

Most is currently mined in the ussr and afghanistan.

Current uses:

Can guide you in teh direction of mental and spiritual purity.

Helps us contact our spirit guardians.

Can increase psychic abilities and will open the third eye.

In meditation, opens brow chakra: higher guidance, intuition, connection to higher self, overview, decisions for good of all.

Clarity and ease of expression of higher wisdom.

Enhances wisdom, insight and good judgment.

Stone of teachers.

The stone is particularly appropriate for carving, and many ancient talismans were fashioned from it.

Expanding your viewpoint.

Historical reference:

Deep blue flecked with gold, the lapis lazuli was a staple of the medieval apothecary.

According to one legend, lapis lazuli was the stone upon which moses' ten commandments were graved.

Other uses of lapis were to cure apoplexy, purge melancholy, and as an antidote to serpent bites.

To heal eye ailments, the eye was bathed with warm water in which a piece of lapis had soaked.

Warming a lapis and applying it to the site of a swelling reduced the swelling.

And, at the end of the cycle, ½ drachm powdered in egg was employed to expedite childbirth.

Metaphysical meaning:

A powerful thought-amplifier and is helpful in aligning all the elements of the body and mind.

In meditation, opens brow: higher guidance, intuition, connection to higher self, overview, decisions for good of all.

It also furthers connectedness between male and female.

It can help organize one's life and protect the wearer.

It is good for connecting the heart and the mind when worn over the heart.

It promotes the connection between the physical plane and the celestial kingdom.

It should be worn as close to the throat as possible or at least above the diaphragm so that the energy of the wearer is drawn upward.

Lapis lazuli allows us to tap our own inner power while purifying the soul and the thoughts.

Lapis lazuli increases psychic abilities, it helps meditation and is useful for "neutral perception" in emotional issues.

Lapis lazuli is associated with truthfulness, openness, inner power, love, purification, intuition, a sense of wonder and mystery, positive magic, self-confidence, virility, manifestation, an appreciation of mystery, psychic ability and tranquillity.

Self-expression, writing, creativity, dream insight...anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, nervous system; ms, speech, hearing, pituitary, dna, lymph, inflamation, pain (especially head), protection.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Opens throat chakra; self expression, wiring, creativity, dream insight.

Body correlation:

A good stone for blood purification and for boosting the immune system.

Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, nervous system; ms, speech, hearing, pituitary, dna, lymph, inflamation, pain (especially head), protection.

Beneficial to the respiratory system, especially the throat and lungs, the cleansing organs, and the nervous system.

Lapis was used to treat two reproductive conditions.


Stone name:

Color: The color is a pearly grey-blue with flashes of iridescent light pearl and light blue.

Description: Larvikite is in the same family as labradorite.

Region found: From norway

Current uses: It symbolizes a gateway to the mystic nature of the moon . It especially attunes to females and acts as a psychic protector during meditation

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning: It attunes very well with persons associated with moon qualities.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:

Body correlation:



Stone name:

Color:A gentle, soft, sky-blue caribbean healer. The larimar stone is a form of pectolite, which exhibits the colors of blue, red, green and/or white, sometimes featuring a chatoyancy.

Description:Larimar crystallizes in the form of masses, needle-like radial aggregates, and radial groupings.

Region found: discovered in the dominican republic

Current uses: Brings tranquility of water / sea and air to heart and mind.

Especially helps the creativity. Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress.

It further helps one to admit to guilt, when guilty, and emits a love for the user that brings a sense of peace in truthfulness.

It helps one to "see" the self from outside of the realm of personal reality, inspiring and encouraging one toward improvement in the actualization of one's realities on the spiritual and physical planes.

Larimar can assist one in recognizing the "chains" which have been self-imposed, stimulating one to release the self-constraints in order to facilitate freedom from the bondage of the materialistic world.

Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life, changes with love.

With red spots: helps gentle people be assertive.

Self-expression, patience, acceptingness, simplicity, creativity, artwork.

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life, changes with love. In addition to these properties, the larimar stone is a "stone for earth healing". It assists in precision and forthrightness in activities, and stimulates the deeper understanding of being in this world.

It can also be used for gridding, bringing serenity to an environment and providing a message of loving energy to those of other worlds.

It represents peace and clarity, emitting an energy of healing and love.

Color varieties:

Chakra correlation:Chakra: throat. It has been used to stimulate the heart, throat, third-eye and crown chakras, facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation.

Body correlation: Cools, draws out inflamation, fevers, sunburn heat.

Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress.


Blue-white to dark blue. Inspires tranquillity, self-esteem, is good for those who feel stressed out


Stone name:

See galena



Region found:

Current uses:

Historical reference:

Metaphysical meaning:

Color varieties:

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Stone name: Lepidolite

Color:, sparkly. Purple, semi opaque.

Description: contains lithium & mica. Fragile: salt water cleanse may cause it to break apart.

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Current uses: It helps one to restructure and reorganize old patterns, and smoothes changes in one's life. Gently eases intensity of feelings, stress, mood swings, depression, manic-depression, self-criticism, anxiety, addictions, worrying. It can also be used to locate energy blockages within the body.

Historical reference: contains lithium and mica It is high in lithium and was originally mined for the mineral.

Metaphysical meaning: It helps with transitions from one life to another, facilitates astral travel, assists in birth and re-birthing. Brings hope, relief, gentleness, self-love, patience, self-forgiveness, unworried sleep, mental / emotional balance, well-being. Calms and relaxes. It also opens the crown chakra and allows for the flowering of the inner blue lotus. Promotes spiritual transcendence, cosmic awareness, emotional balance, meditation, prayer and goodness.

Color varieties: Solid lavendar to soft pink, dull

Chakra correlation: spleen, solar plexus, brow. Balances brow chakra with new spiritual love. Lepidolite activates the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the third-eye, and the intellect.

Body correlation: For master gland and immune system, skin, dna.


Stone name:

Color: Colorless, white.


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Current uses: Encourages reconciliation with friends and lovers. Facilitates tolerance and empathy.

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Current uses: Is said to enhance healing, purification, innocence, centeredness and positive thoughts.

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Current uses: Encourages individuality, expressiveness, originality and creativity. Helps us to unfold our own unique personality.

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Stone name:

Color:Metallic black, natural magnet.

Description:: magnetite, iron.

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Current uses: Related to (and works like) hematite for grounding, clear thinking, focus (detail work, decisions, etc.).

Historical reference:Old story of its use for faithfulness test: unfaithful one is said to fall out of bed if touched by this stone.

Metaphysical meaning:

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Chakra correlation:Chakra: coccyx.

Body correlation: Electromagnetically pulls toxic blocks and pain from energy meridians, pancreas, and lower glands.


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Current uses: A relaxation stone fostering comfort, ease, rest, repose and mellowness. Good for workaholics.

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Stone name: See sugilite.



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September (virgo)

sapphire, lapis

October (libra)

opal, tourmaline

November (scorpio)

topaz, citrine

May (taurus)

emerald, chrysoprase

March (pisces)

aquamarine, bloodstone

June (gemini)

moonstone, pearl

July (cancer)

ruby, carnelian

january (capricorn)

garnet, rose quartz

February (aquarius)

amethyst, onyx

December (sagittarius)

zircon, turquoise

August (leo)

peridot, sardonyx

April (aries)

diamond, quartz crystal

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