1st 9 Weeks Science Exam Study Guide

NAME _______________________________ DATE ______________________ # ____1st 9 Weeks Science Exam Study Guide 12-13 Multiple Choice: For each of the following, circle the letter of the best answer choice. 1)The facts, figures and other evidence gathered through observation are calleda)hypotheses.b)data.c)predictions.d)conclusions.. 2)The scientific attitude of having doubt is calleda)open-mindedness.b)curiosity.c)honesty.d)skepticism.. 3)Noticing that the sky is dark and hearing thunder in the distance are examples of a)predicting.b)inferring.c)observing.d)classifying.. 4)When scientist make a forecast of what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence they are making a(n) a)observation.b)prediction.c)classification.d)model.. 5)Coming up with inventive ways to solve problems or produce new things is having a)honesty.b)open-mindedness.c)curiosity.d)creativity.. 6)When you explain or interpret an observation, you are a)making models.b)classifying.c)inferring.d)predicting.. 7)The variable that a scientist intentionally changes in an experiment is called the a)manipulated variable.b)responding variable.c)control.d)operational definition.. 8)A factor that can change in an experiment is a(n) a)hypothesis.b)variable.c)principle.d)operational definition.. 9)In science, a hypothesis must bea)controlled.b)testable.c)responding.d)non-testable.. 10)Which would be the best way to determine which brand of paper towels is the "strongest when wet?"a)tearing different brands of towels when they are wet to feel which seems strongestb)comparing television commercials that demonstrate the strength of paper towelsc)comparing how much weight each brand of towel can hold when wet before it breaksd)conducting a survey of consumers, professionals, cooks, and restaurant staff. 11)In which branch of science would you study how living things interacted with each other and their surroundings?a)life scienceb)earth and space sciencec)physical scienced)inquiry science. 12)Being able to understand basic scientific terms and principles well enough to apply them to your life is calleda)scientific literacy.b)scientific inquiry.c)controlling variables.d)classifying.. 13)A study of earth's weather would mainly fall under what branch of science?a)life scienceb)scientific inquiryc)physical scienced)earth and space science. 14)Motion, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism are all included in the study ofa)life science.b)earth and space science.c)physical science.d)observation.. 15)A model is a simplified representative of a complex object or process. Which of the following is an example of a model?a)a map of a bird's migration routeb)a computer diagram of a new car designc)an architect's drawing of a new shopping malld)all of the above. True/False: Indicate whether each statement below is true or false by selecting the correct response. 16)German physicist Ernst Ruska created the first electron microscope.a)Trueb)False. 17)The ability to clearly distinguish the individual parts of an object is called resolution.a)Trueb)False. 18)The invention of the telescope enabled people to discover and learn about cells.a)Trueb)False. 19)Cells were discovered using electron microscopes.a)Trueb)False. 20)The lenses in light microscopes magnify an object by bending the light that passes through them.a)Trueb)False. Matching: Put the following events in order by matching each of the following sequence words with the correct event. 21)______first22)______second23)______third24)______fourth25)______fifth.a) Schwann concludes that all animals (and living things) are made of cells.b) Hooke observes cells in cork.c) Schleiden concludes that all plants are made of cells.d) Virchow proposes that new cells form only from cells that already exist.e) Leeuwenhoek sees many one-celled organisms.. Fill in the Blank: Complete each statement by selecting the appropriate word or phrase from the word bank below. Word BankAnton van Leeuwenhoekcell theorycellsclassifyingcommunicatingcontrolled experimentfunctionsmaking modelsmicroscopeopen-mindednessoperational definitionqualitative observationquantitative observationsRobert HookeSchleidenSchwannscientific lawstructurevariablesVirchow 26)After applying iodine to a cracker, looking for a color change in order to see whether there is a presents of starch is an example of _______________. 27)Measuring the growth of a Wisconsin Fast Plant would be an example of _______________. 28)Sorting a bag of color tiles would be an example of _______________. 29)_______________ involves creating representations of complex objects or processes. 30)_______________ are factors that can change in an experiment. 31)A _______________ is a statement that describes what scientist expect to happen everytime under a particular set of conditions. 32)Presenting your science fair project to your classmates would be an example of _______________ your results. 33)An _______________ is a statement that describes how to measure a particular variable or define a particular term. 34)An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time is called a(n) _______________. 35)_______________ should always be balanced with skeptism, which is having an attitude of doubt. 36)The _______________ is a widely accepted explanation of the relationship between cells and living things. 37)The scientist that developed the simple microscope that could magnify a specimen up to 266 times was _______________. 38)_______________ developed a compound microscope that included an oil lamp for lighting and a lens that focused the light from the flame of the oil lamp onto the specimen. 39)_______________ concluded that all plants are made of cells. 40)When you describe the _______________ of an object, you describe what it is made of and how its parts are put together. 41)_______________ concluded that all animals are up of cells. 42)An organism's _______________ are the processes that enable it to stay alive and reproduce. 43)_______________ form the parts of an organism and carry out all of an organism's processes or functions. 44)A _______________ is an instrument that makes small objects look larger. 45)_______________ proposed that "all cells come from cells."Short Answer: In the space below, write your response to the following question.46)What are the three main ideas of the cell theory? ................

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