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A TALE OF TWO WARS: Comparing and Contrasting Vietnam and Iraq


‘Antiwar’ and Other Fighting Words, By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK, October 30, 2006 URL:


In this lesson, students explore their various opinions about the War in Iraq, create and view Venn diagrams that compare and contrast the Wars in Iraq and Vietnam and create bumper stickers.

-resources for researching Vietnam and Iraq computers with Internet access


1. As a class, read and discuss the article, “'Antiwar' and Other Fighting Words” >

Part two: Find a partner: You will do research in your groups to answer questions about the similarities and differences between the Vietnam and Iraq wars, using a Venn diagram model to chart your responses. Together create a PowerPoint on your findings.

A handout of a blank Venn diagram can be found on-line at ( for use in the lesson. List areas of similarity in the “overlap” area on the diagram, and areas of difference on one side or the other.


-What were the root causes or known reasons for the Vietnam War?

-What were the root causes or known reasons for the Iraq War?

Public Opinion:

-What did United States public opinion polls show about support for the Vietnam War?

-What do United States public opinion polls reflect about support for the Iraq War?

-Have these polls changed over the course of the war?

-What do these polls reflect in terms of the sitting President during the time of war?


-How did the United States show support and/or lack of support for the troops in Vietnam?

- How did the United States show support and/or lack of support for the troops in Iraq?

-Did this change over time in either war? If so, how? If not, why not?

Economic Impact:

-How was the economy of the United States affected during and after the Vietnam War?

-How has the economy of the United States been affected by the Iraq war?

-Factors to research include unemployment rates, oil and gas prices, rise and fall of industries, housing market, inflation, etc.

Human Toll:

-What was the estimated death toll for the Vietnam War?

-What is the estimated death toll to date for the Iraq War?

-Be sure to include a breakdown of international ally troops, U. S. troops, Iraqi and/or Vietnamese troops, civilians, etc.

Financial Cost:

-What was the estimated cost of the Vietnam War for American taxpayers?

-What percentage of the U.S. budget was used for military and war-related expenses during the Vietnam War?

-What is the cost to date of the Iraq War for American taxpayers (to date)?

-What is the projected total cost?

-What percentage of the U.S. budget is currently being used for military and war-related expenses? How does that percentage compare with that in other times of war and peace?

Culture and History:

-What was Vietnam's status as a country leading up the Vietnam War, including population, language, government and economy?

-How did these factors change during and after the Vietnam War?

-How has history remembered the war, and why?

-What was Iraq's status as a country leading up to the current war, including population, language, government and economy?

-How have these factors changed since the war began?

-How do you think history is going to remember this war, and why?

Single Project: Create a bumper sticker that expresses your views and position on the war in Iraq. Remember the essential elements of most bumper stickers: catchy or clever slogan; clear, simple text; a single icon or image, rendered minimalistically.

The Sticker Giant Web site and is a helpful resource. Try this for inspiratin; but no copying!

Students will present their stickers and PowerPoints in class.

Thanks to the Learning Network Science Education Open House at Teachers College, Columbia University AUTHOR(S): Tanya Yasmin Chin, Bank Street College of Education in New York,Marcella Runell, The New York Times Learning Network



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