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• You must turn in your work before you leave the computer lab.

• Even if you are working with a “fellow colonist, you MUST TURN IN YOUR OWN SET OF ANSWERS.

• Write all answers on notebook paper.

• Write your NAME, the DATE, and your SS class period in the UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER.

• Write “Battles of the American Revolution Web Quest” on the title line.

Battles of the American Revolution:

1. What was the date when the Battle of Trenton ( NJ) was fought?

Why was this an important battle for the Patriots?

Who were the Hessian mercenaries?

2. Why is the Battle of Saratoga (Oct. 17, 1777) considered the “turning point of the war”?

What was the name of the American General in this battle?

What was the name of the British General in this battle?

How many British troops were surrendered/captured?

3. What was the name of the young French aristocrat who arrived in America on

July 27, 1777 to fight in the War and who became one of General Washington’s most

trusted aides during the War?

4. Where was Washington’s camp site in the winter of 1777-78?

Although Washington’s troops suffered greatly during the harsh winter, what was

an important outcome of that stay?

5. What important document was adopted on November 15, 1777?

Why was this an important document for the Patriots?

6. What was the name of the young Lieutenant Colonel who devised a plan to capture the

forts of Vincennes and Kaskaskia on the frontier?

What was Henry Hamilton’s nickname? Why did he have this nickname?

Watch the video clip about this daring capture of the Vincennes.

7. Who is considered America’s first naval hero?

What was the name of his ship used during his famous battle with the British ship called

the Serapis?

Why did he choose this name?

What is this naval hero’s famous quote during that battle?

8. What was the name of the American General whose troops tried to defend Savannah,

GA in December 1778? He was a native of which colony/state?

9. Which battle (on May 12, 1780) is considered “the worst defeat of the Revolutionary

War”? Who was the American General at this battle?

Why did the British want to control the South?

10. American General Horatio Gates been in command of which other important battle

that had been fought in 1777? How did the loss at Camden affect the Patriot morale?

11. Which battle was fought on October 7, 1780?

Why was this an important battle for the Patriots?

Watch the video clip about the Battle of King’s Mountain.

12. On October 14, 1780, what American general was named new commander of the

Southern Army?

13. What clever strategy did General Daniel Morgan put into action at the Battle of

Cowpens in January 1781?

14. On March 15, 1781, after what battle did British General Cornwallis abandon his

plans to conquer the Carolinas?

What command did British General Cornwallis make that ended up killing both the

Patriots and many of Cornwallis’s own men?

15. On what date did British General Cornwallis surrender his troops to American General


At the surrender ceremony, Cornwallis, claiming to be ill, sent his second in command,

General O’Hara. This general tried to surrender to which leader first? Then, to which

leader and then finally, which leader accepted the surrender?

16. Approximately how many African Americans fought with the Patriots during the war?

What offer did Royal Governor Lord Dunmore make to any slave who would fight for

the British?

What was the name of the “most feared and respected guerrilla commander of the

Revolution” who was also one of the many enslaved Africans that escaped to fight for

the British? What was the name of his band of followers?

Did Peter Salem fight for the Patriots or for the British? How long was he involved in

the war?

17. Who was the young woman that posed as a man so that she could serve for the American

Army during the War?

What were the names of the two sisters who stole an important message from British soldiers and carried it to General Greene of the American Army?

Name one other woman who aided the cause of the American Army and explain what she did.


18. On what date did Congress officially declare an end to the Revolutionary War?


19. What document was signed on September 3, 1783 by American and British


In what city was the document signed?

Which other 3 countries had a role in the Revolutionary War?

Who were the 3 American negotiators that signed the document?

What were the 2 crucial provisions of the treaty?


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