One Act Play Rubric - English with Ms. Cotton
One Act Play Rubric
|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |
|Characters |All characters are named and clearly|All characters are named but |Most characters are named AND/OR |Characters and descriptions are |
| |described so actors understand how |descriptions need more details. They |descriptions are unclear. They |missing OR no descriptions. |
| |to perform. They are true to their |are mostly true to their original |often fail to remain true to their| |
| |original characterization. |characterization. |original characterization. | |
|Dialogue |There is an appropriate amount of |There is an appropriate amount of |There is not quite enough dialogue|There is not enough dialogue for |
| |dialogue for all members to have a |dialogue for all members to have a |for all members to have a balanced|all members to have a balanced role|
| |balanced role and to bring |balanced role and to bring the story |role in this play OR it is often |OR it is completely unrealistic. |
| |characters/ situation to life and it|to life, but it is somewhat |unrealistic. | |
| |is realistic. |unrealistic. | | |
|Action |Playwright has incorporated plenty |Playwright has incorporated some |Very little action has been |Play reads as pure dialogue. |
| |of action to bring the story to |action, but the amount doesn’t make |incorporated; play is mostly |Movements are not included. |
| |life. The play is exciting and |the story as exciting as it could be.|dialogue. Movements are included,| |
| |realistic. Movements are |Movements are planned and well placed|but not well planned or well | |
| |effectively planned and well placed |to add to the action of the play. |placed OR they do not add to the | |
| |to add to the action of the play. | |action of the play. | |
|Organization |The play is very well organized. |The play is pretty well organized. |The play is a little hard to |Ideas and scenes seem to be |
| |One idea or scene follows another in|One idea or scene may seem out of |follow. The transitions are |randomly arranged. |
| |a logical sequence with clear |place. Clear transitions are used. |sometimes not clear. | |
| |transitions. | | | |
|Requirements |All All of the formatting and |Almost all (about 90%) of the |Most (about 75%) of the formatting|Many requirements were not met. |
| |len length requirements were me |formatting and length requirements |and length requirements were met, | |
| |met. |were met. |but several were not. | |
|Spelling and Punctuation |There are no spelling or punctuation|There is one spelling or punctuation |There are 2-3 spelling and |The final draft has more than 3 |
| |errors in the final draft. |error in the final draft. |punctuation errors in the final |spelling and punctuation |
| |Character and place names that the | |draft. | |
| |author invented are spelled | | | |
| |consistently throughout. | | | |
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