PowerPoint Travel Brochure / Presentation Rubric

PowerPoint Travel Brochure / Presentation Rubric


1 |Developing

2 |Accomplished

3 |Exemplary

4 |Score | | 

Content of PowerPoint Presentation

  |Presentation is somewhat historically accurate, reflects little research, and makes few points about ancient Egypt reflecting a beginning level of performance. | Presentation is mainly historically accurate, reflects some research, and makes some points about ancient Egypt reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. |Presentation is historically accurate, reflects research, and makes good points about ancient Egypt reflecting mastery of performance. |Presentation is historically accurate, reflects thorough research, and makes significant points about ancient Egypt reflecting the highest level of performance. | | | 


  |Students’ writing is not engaging. They rarely if at all use the format of the presentation creatively to convey the concepts to the class reflecting a beginning level of performance. |Students’ writing does little to engage the audience. They sometimes use the format of the presentation creatively to convey the concepts to the class reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. |Students’ writing is mainly engaging. They mainly use the format of the presentation creatively to convey the concepts to the class reflecting mastery of performance. |Students’ writing is clever and engaging. They use the format of the presentation creatively to convey the concepts to the class reflecting the highest level of performance. | | | 

Presentation Content

  |Includes less than 8 slides, poorly-chosen media, is not visually appealing with little if any graphics and no use of color or font style. Text has no logical sequence. Frequent spelling and grammar errors reflecting a beginning level of performance. |Includes 8 - 9 slides, and is somewhat visually appealing with a few graphics and some use of color and font style. Sequence of text is difficult to understand. A few grammar and spelling errors reflecting development

and movement toward mastery of performance. |Includes at least 10 slides, media, is visually appealing with use of graphics, color, and font style. Text is sequential. One or two spelling or grammar errors. Both text and graphics layout are neatly placed on slides reflecting mastery of performance. |Includes more than 10 slides, well-chosen media, is professional-looking and visually appealing with illustrative graphics, use of color, and use of font style. Text follows a logical sequence. All spelling and grammar are correct. Variety in text and graphics layout. Animation and sound are used reflecting the highest level of performance. | | | 

Presentation Delivery

  |Presentation does not grab the audience’s attention. Students do not speak convincingly, fail to make eye contact, do not know their subject well reflecting a beginning level of performance. |Presentation does little to grab the audience’s attention. Students sometimes speak convincingly, sometimes made eye contact, mainly know their subject reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. |Presentation mostly grabs the audience’s attention. Students speak mainly convincingly, mostly made eye contact, and know their subject reflecting mastery of performance. |Presentation grabs the audience’s attention from the start, and maintains it throughout. Students speak convincingly, made eye contact, know their subject reflecting the highest level of performance. | | | 


  |Students used few sources and visuals in their work. Students failed to document mostly all sources including visuals. May not even have a Works Cited slide reflecting a beginning level of performance. |Students used some sources and visuals in their work. Students failed to document a few sources including visuals appropriately in their Works Cited slide reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. |Students used sources and visuals in their work. Students documented all except one or two sources including visuals appropriately in their Works Cited slide reflecting mastery of performance. |Students used several sources and visuals in their work. Students documented all sources including visuals appropriately in their Works Cited slide reflecting the highest level of performance. | | | 

Group Work

  |Work displays little if any evidence of collaboration. Students had trouble working as a team reflecting a beginning level of performance. |Work displays some evidence of collaboration. Students worked as a team at times, but did not incorporate the talents of all members reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. |Work mainly displays evidence of collaboration. Students worked as a team incorporating the talents of mostly all members reflecting mastery of performance. |Work displays evidence of collaboration. Students worked effectively as a team incorporating the talents of all members reflecting the highest level of performance. | | |


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