Survey Results Report Template

COMPANY NAME OR LOGOSurvey Results Report Template[Type the document subtitle]Company or Organization[Pick the date][Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]Survey Results Report TemplateTesting Conducted _________________Prepared by:[Company]Prepared for:[Client]Submitted:[Date]Document StatusItem DescriptionDocument TitleFile NameDispositionAuthor(s)Document DescriptionDocument Revision HistoryVersion #DateChanged ByDescriptionTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc359507611 \h 5SURVEY OBJECTIVES PAGEREF _Toc359507612 \h 5PARTICIPANTS PAGEREF _Toc359507613 \h 5Methodology PAGEREF _Toc359507614 \h 5DATA COLLECTED PAGEREF _Toc359507615 \h 5RESULTS PAGEREF _Toc359507616 \h 6Question 1 PAGEREF _Toc359507617 \h 6Question 2 PAGEREF _Toc359507618 \h 6Etc. PAGEREF _Toc359507619 \h 6RECOMMENDATIONS PAGEREF _Toc359507620 \h 6APPENDIX A – Survey Text PAGEREF _Toc359507621 \h 6EXECUTIVE SUMMARYSURVEY OBJECTIVESPARTICIPANTSThe total number of individuals who attempted the card sort was ___ … Of those, ___ completed and saved their sort. Of those, ___ did not actually sort any cards. The following results cover the __ participants who truly attempted the sort. MethodologyThe survey was conducted using ________________. Form Approved OMB # ____-___ Exp. Date ____ ()DATA COLLECTEDThe facilitator collected two forms of data:Qualitative: Qualitative data including participant comments. Quantitative: Quantitative data including card sort and category ranking metrics as well as general frequency of similar terms used. Appendix A contains the complete list of questions.RESULTSThe results are broken out by category and listed by question.Question 1Question 2Etc.RECOMMENDATIONSHigh – the greatest potential for improved user satisfaction Medium – greater potential for improved user satisfactionLow – the potential for improved user satisfactionRecommendationEffect1High2Medium3LowAPPENDIX A – Survey Text ................

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