Psychology: Clinical – Methods (AJW)

Homework: Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) guidelines for clinical practitioners Use the pdf called “Guidance on conduct and ethics for students”: What is the HCPC?List three other professions who come under the HCPCWhy do practitioners needs to be on “the register”?What is meant by “fit to practise”?How do you qualify to be on the register?Watch the short video clip and create a table (as below) in your red book, where you will list the 10 standards for conduct, performance and ethics. In the second column, think about Steven’s therapist (case study from previous lesson) - give examples that demonstrate how he ensure that these standards are maintained in his work with Steven. You are welcome to be a little creative with the case study as needs be.No.GuidelineHow might Steven’s therapist ensure these standards are upheld1P……………….. and p……………… the interests if service users and carers2C……………….. appropriately and effectively3Work within the L…………….. of their knowledge and skills4D………………. appropriately5Respect c……………………….6Manage r………………..7Report concerns about s………………………..8Be O…………….. when things go wrong9Be h……………….. and trustworthy10Keep r………………… of their workUse the PDF on google classroom HCPC “Standards of Proficiency for Practictioner Psychologists” for the next section. Read each of the 15 standards and make a list where you cross reference each standard to the ones in your table from Q1. Make a list of some of the standards of proficiency which are only for psychologists. Also, look at the sections in blue for counselling and clinical psychologists and note down some of the areas which are special for these branches of psychology.Soon we will have a visit from a clinical psychologist who will talk about their work and how it fits with the HCPC standards. Create 4 open questions relating to any of the standards that you found particularly complex or interesting that you could ask the visiting psychologist. ................

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