Metropolitan Community College

Metro Community CollegeNursing ProgramNURS 2410 Unit 6 and 7 Study GuideDirections: Study guides should be typed (single space). All study guides are due on the day of the exam over that/those unit(s). Each unit study guide is worth 25 points.Identify three clinical manifestations of osteogenesis imperfect?Describe pathophysiology of muscular dystrophies.What is the most common type of MD?Identify two clinical manifestations of increased ICP for each of the following age groups:InfantsChildrenWhat three assessments are included in the Glasgow Coma Scale?What are the primary signs of a shunt infection?How should the infant or child with hydrocephalus be positioned post shunt placement?Differentiate between a seizure and epilepsy.Describe the following signs :Kernig’sBrudzinskiDescribe treatment for suspected meningitis.List three possible causes of conductive hearing lossList three possible causes of sensorineural hearing lossDescribe Sickle Cell Disease and the inheritance potential:When both parents have the traitWhen one parent has the trait and the other has the diseaseWhen neither parent has the disease but one has the traitList five clinical manifestations of leukemia.Why are rectal temperatures contraindicated for the child with neutropenia?Create a table that defines the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and treatment of the following conditions:Wilm’s TumorHodgkin’s diseaseEwing’s sarcomaRetinoblastomarhabdomyosarcoma ................

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