For immediate release - ABNN Certification


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(City, College or Hospital/Employer Name Nurse) Granted the Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse (CNRN) Credential


Today’s Date—Your Name, RN CNRN, clinical nurse specialist at the Your Area Hospital, has earned CNRN certification through the American Board of Neuroscience Nursing.

Neuroscience nursing practice includes clinical practice, consultation, research, administration, or education in the neuroscience field. Certification is an important credential that attests to the achievement of specialty knowledge beyond basic nursing preparation. It is evidence of clinical expertise and leadership in neuroscience nursing practice. CNRN status is granted for five years and is renewed through validation of continuing education or re-examination. There are currently more than 4,500 nurses who have earned the CNRN designation. 

The American Board of Neuroscience Nursing (ABNN) is the independent, not-for-profit corporation established to design, implement, and evaluate a certification program for professional nurses involved in the specialty practice of neuroscience nursing. ABNN is solely responsible for the development, administration and evaluation of the certification programs. Neuroscience nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of actual or potential patient and family responses to nervous system function and dysfunction across the healthcare continuum. The mission of ABNN is to advance neuroscience nurses' practice and contributions to neurological health through certification of registered nurses. ABNN's vision is for every person with neurological health needs to receive excellent care from ABNN-certified registered nurses.



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