Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is interested in publishing the highest quality scientific studies in the field of pediatric critical care medicine


Manuscripts are submitted through Editorial Manager?, a Web-based manuscript tracking system in use by SCCM. This system allows authors to add a new manuscript or check the status of a submitted manuscript, while shortening the time needed for processing manuscripts in the Editorial Office and through peer review. To submit manuscripts for consideration, go to , choose Pediatric Critical Care Medicine under the Publications tab, then select "Submit Manuscripts." Once you reach the Editorial Manager? home page, log on to the system by creating an account or entering through your existing account.

Editorial Manager? will easily guide authors through the manuscript submission process. Required information pertaining to the manuscript includes the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address for the first author and all contributing authors; affiliated institutions; title of the manuscript; abstract; and key words. If authors wish, they may provide optional information that includes author's suggested reviewers and author's nonpreferred reviewers. The Editorial Office will automatically be notified of the submission and will send an e-mail confirming the submission of the manuscript to the author(s). After editorial office review of the submitted documents, a manuscript number will be assigned to each submitted manuscript, which will be used in all correspondence.

Each manuscript submission should designate one corresponding author and all contributing authors. The number of authors should be restricted to only those persons who have truly participated in the conception, design, execution, and writing of the manuscript. Authors must disclose any potential financial or ethical conflicts of interest regarding the contents of the submission.

SCCM accepts no responsibility for manuscripts that are lost or destroyed through electronic or computer problems. Authors are encouraged to keep copies of submitted manuscripts, including figures. If an author does not receive confirmation of submission into Editorial Manager? within two days, he or she should contact the Editorial Office at journals@.

Copyright. Each author must complete and submit the journal's copyright transfer agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" ( update.html). The form must be completed by each author. When the corresponding author submits the manuscript, the co-authors are automatically sent an e-mail containing a link to complete the form online. For additional information about electronically signing this form, go to . com/ ZUAT/A106.

Compliance With NIH and Other Research Funding Agency Accessibility Requirements. A number of research funding agencies now require or request authors to submit the post-print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. As a service to our authors, Wolters Kluwer will identify to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit and will transmit the post-print of an article based on research funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or other funding agencies to PubMed Central. The revised Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism.

Financial Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest. Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional, and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript. All relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be included on the title page of the manuscript with the heading "Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding." For example:

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: "Author A" has received honoraria from "Company 1." "Author B" is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from "Organization Y," and is on the speaker's bureau for "Organization X" -- the CME organizers for Company 1. For the remaining authors none were declared.

Human and Animal Subjects. All studies of human subjects must contain a statement within the Materials and Methods section indicating approval of the study by the Insti-

tutional Review Board (or institutional review body) that subjects have signed written informed consent, or that the Institutional Review Board waived the need for informed consent. Before your submission can be sent out for peer review, it is necessary that you address this issue of institutional review approval. This is in accordance with the International Committee of Journal Editors uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Please see . for more details. All animal studies must contain a statement within the Materials and Methods section confirming approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and that the care and handling of the animals were in accord with National Institutes of Health guidelines or other internationally recognized guideline for ethical animal treatment.

Statistical Review. Any study containing quantitative data and statistical inference should be reviewed by a consultant with formal statistical training and experience.


Manuscripts must conform to Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Instructions for Authors and/or the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals," which can be found on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Web site, . Manuscripts must be double-spaced with pages numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page. Each paragraph should be indented with a tab. The text portion of each manuscript should be in Microsoft Word format, including references and figure legends.Figures can be saved in .tif or .eps format in 300 dpi or higher. Tables should be submitted as Microsoft Word files; spreadsheets are not acceptable. Figures should be saved as separate files and uploaded after the text upload is complete. Specific guidelines for figure formatting are found on the Editorial Manager? home page. Documents submitted in .pdf format are not acceptable.

When uploading the text, tables, and figures into Editorial Manager?, there is the option of entering files for review and files for production. Files for review are viewable by the editorial staff, the editor, and the reviewers. These documents should include all text, tables, and figures, as well as any special referenced material. Files for production are only seen by the editorial staff and will not be seen by reviewers.


Title Page. The title page should contain 1) the title; 2) first name, middle initial, and last name of each author; 3) highest academic degrees, fellowship designations, and institutional affiliation for each author; 4) name of the institution(s) where the work was performed; 5) the address for reprints and a statement regarding whether reprints will be ordered; and 6) financial support used for the study, including any institutional departmental funds. The authors should also provide six key words for indexing, using terms from the Medical Subject Headings list of Index Median. Structured abstracts are required for all manuscripts (except editorials, letters, and book reviews) submitted to Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.

Editorial Manager? will prompt authors to input the above information into specific fields as they are submitting their manuscript. Authors should also upload their title page and structured abstract with the body of their manuscript. It is also important to note that if there is formatted text or Greek letters or symbols in the title or abstract, special coding is necessary and the Character Palette in Editorial Manager? will need to be used. It is not necessary to code special characters and formats in the actual manuscript.

Abstracts. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length and must have the following headings: Objective, Design, Setting, Patients (for Clinical Investigations) or Subjects (for Laboratory Investigations), Inter ventions, Measurements and Main Results, and Conclusions. Review papers and special articles should use these headings in the abstract: Objective, Data Sources, Study Selection, Data Extraction, Data Synthesis, and Conclusions. For details regarding the preparation of structured abstracts, refer to the American Medical Association Manual of Style, Tenth Edition (p. 20-23).

Article Tweet. Each manuscript will be required have a tweet entered on the manuscript submission page that can be used for dissemination on social media if the manuscript is accepted. Tweets are limited to 140 characters and should reflect the overall message of the manuscript. Examples of preferred tweet formats can be found at pedcritcaremed.

Text Material. The text should be organized into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions followed by Acknowledgments, References, Figure Legends, and Tables. Secretarial and editorial assistance are not acknowledged. Results may be presented in the text, in the figures, or in the tables. The Discussion section should interpret the results without unnecessary repetition. References to related studies should be included in the text section.

In addition, the following should be observed:

?The full term for which an abbreviation

stands should be used at its first occurrence in the text unless it is a standard unit of measure. The abbreviation should appear in parentheses after the full term. Abbreviations should not be in the title, figure legends or table titles.

?For standard American units, do not use

values that are more significant than your analysis is capable of accurately measuring (e.g., Pao2 84 torr [11.2 kPa], not 83.7 torr).

?Hemodynamic measurements for pres-

sure (e.g., MAP) should appear in mm Hg and gas tension measurements (e.g., Po2) should appear in torr with SI units in parentheses. The units of vascular resistance are dyne. sec/cm5.

?Please provide r2 values for parametric data.

References. All references should be cited in sequential order in the text and typed on a separate sheet of paper. References should be identified in text, tables, and legends by fullsize Arabic numerals on the line and in parentheses. Do not use wordprocessing footnote, endnote, or paragraph numbering functions to make a list of references. Titles of journals should be set in italics and abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. If journal titles are not listed in Index Medicus they should be spelled out. Unpublished data or personal communications should be noted parenthetically within the text but not in the References section. Inclusive page numbers (e.g., p. 1-10) should be used for all references. Listed below are samples of standard references; however, a complete listing of references can be found on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Web site, .

Standard Journal Article: Bone RC, Fisher CJ, Cemmer TP, et al: Sepsis syndrome: A valid clinical entity. Crit Care Med 1989; 17:389-393

Standard Book with Authors: Civetta JM, Taylor RW, Kirby RR. Critical Care. Third Edition. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1996

Standard Book with Editors: Norman IJ, Refern SJ (Eds): Mental Health Care for Elderly People. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1996

Standard Chapter in a Book: Phillips SJ, Whis-nant JP: Hypertension and stroke. In: Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management. Laragh JH, Brenner BM (Eds). Second Edition. New York, Raven Press, 1995, pp 465-478

Standard Web Site/Electronic Format: Marion DW, Domeier R, Dunham CM, et al: Practice management guidelines for identifying cervi-

cal spine injuries following trauma. Available at: . Accessed July 1, 2000

Equations. Equations should be created as normal text or as images. The use of equation editors or utilities may not convert correctly during the manuscript submission process and their use is discouraged.

Tables and Figures. The number of figures and tables should be appropriate for the length of the manuscript; do not use superfluous illustrations. Materials reproduced from another published source must be labeled "Reproduced with permission from... ." In addition, a letter granting permission to reproduce the materials from the copyright holder must be received by SCCM when the manuscript is submitted for review. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will not be able to be printed unless this permission letter has been submitted. Adapted figure or table materials must be labeled "Adapted with permission from... ." Letters of permission are also required for adapted materials. A sample of a permission request can be found on Editorial Manager? in the instruction section.

Tables. Do not use tabs to create tables and do not use table editors. Table building utilities will convert, providing that no special images were inserted. Do not reiterate tabular data in the text. Do not use abbreviations in table titles. Do not use all capital letters in table headings and text. Do not use center, decimal tab, and justification commands. Do not use spaces to separate columns. Use a single tab, not a space, on either side of the ? symbol. Do not underline or draw lines within tables. Footnoted information should be referenced using italicized, superscript, lower case letters (i.e., a,b) in alphabetical order (reading from left to right). Avoid lengthy footnotes and insert descriptive narratives in the text.

Figures. A) Creating Digital Artwork 1. Learn about the publication requirements

for Digital Artwork: ES/A42 2. Create, scan, and save your artwork and compare your final figure to the Digital Artwork Guideline Checklist (below). 3. Upload each figure to Editorial Manager? in conjunction with your manuscript text and tables.

B) Digital Artwork Guideline Checklist Here are the basics to have in place before submitting your digital art:

?Artwork should be saved as .tif or .eps files. ?Artwork is created as the actual size (or

slightly larger) it will appear in the journal. (To get an idea of the size images should be when they print, study a copy of the journal to which you wish to submit. Measure the artwork typically shown and scale your image to match.)

?Crop out any white or black space sur-

rounding the image.

?Diagrams, drawings, graphs, and other line

art must be vector or saved at a resolution of at least 1200 dpi.

?Photographs, radiographs, and other half-

tone images must be saved at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

?Photographs and radiographs with text

must be saved as postscript or at a resolution of at least 600 dpi.

?Each figure must be saved and submitted

as a separate file. Figures should not be embedded in the manuscript text file.


?Cite figures consecutively in your


?Number figures in the figure legend in the

order in which they are discussed.

?Upload figures consecutively to the Edito-

rial Manager? Web site and number figures consecutively in the Description box during upload.

For captions and variables within a figure, use Helvetica (or Arial) font, if possible, in upper and lower case letters. Radiographic prints must have arrows (if applicable) for clarity. Color photographs will occasionally be published in the journal if use of color is vital to making the point; authors will be charged the cost of color reproduction. Figures that do not conform to these specifications will be sent back to the corresponding author for correction.

Figure legends should contain enough information for the reader to understand the illustration without referring to the text, but should be concise and should not repeat information already stated in the text. Figure legends should be typed on a separate page. Figures must be referenced sequentially in the text. Authors must assume charges for changes made to figures after manuscripts are accepted.

Units of Measure. Authors should provide units of measurement in SI units. Authors should refer to the American Medical Association Manual of Style, Tenth Edition (p. 787) for details regarding SI units for laboratory data.

Manufacturer. Provide in parentheses the model number, name of manufacturer, their city, and state or country, for all equipment described in the paper.

Drug Names. Only generic drug names should be used. Trademark or brand names should not be used except in specific cases where the brand name is essential to reproduce or interpret the study. These exceptions should be noted in accompanying correspondence. The manufacturer with the city, state, and country must be provided for any brand name drugs.

Permissions. Any submitted materials that are to be reproduced (or adapted) from copyrighted publications must be accompanied by a written letter of permission from the copyright holder. Accepted manuscripts will be

delayed if necessary permissions are not on file. A sample of a permission request can be found on Editorial Manager? in the instruction section.

Supplemental Digital Content: Authors may submit supplemental digital content to enhance their article's text and to be considered for online-only posting. Supplemental digital content may include the following types of content: text documents, graphs, tables, figures, graphics, illustrations, audio, and video. Cite all supplemental digital content consecutively in the text. Citations should include the type of material submitted, should be clearly labeled as "Supplemental Digital Content," should include a sequential number, and should provide a brief description of the supplemental content. Provide a legend of supplemental digital contentat the end of the text. List each legend in the order in which the material is cited in the text. The legends must be numbered to match the citations from the text. Include a title and a brief summary of the content. For audio and video files, also include the author name, videographer, participants, length (minutes), and size (MB). Authors should mask patients'eyes and remove patients' names from supplemental digital content unless they obtain written consent from the patients and submit written consent with the manuscript. Copyright and Permission forms for article content including supplemental digital content must be completed at the time of submission.

Supplemental Digital Content Size and File Type Requirements: Toensure a quality experience for those viewing supplemental digital content, it is suggested that authors submitsupplemental digital files no larger than 10 MB each. Documents, graphs, and tables may be presented in any format. Figures, graphics, and illustrations should be submitted with the following file extensions: .tif, .eps, .ppt, .jpg, .pdf, .gif. Audio files should be submitted with the following file extensions: .mp3, .wma. Video files should be submitted with the following file extensions: .wmv, .mov, .qt, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4. Video files should also be formatted with a 320 x 240 pixel minimumscreen size. For more information, please review Wolters Kluwer's requirements for submitting supplemental digital content: http:// links. A142.


Guidelines for the most frequent types of articles submitted to the journal are summarized below.

Clinical Investigations. These include randomized controlled trials, case-control series, and retrospective studies, among others. Within this category, we also feature four subspecialty categories including: Cardiac Intensive Care, Neonatal Intensive Care, Neurocritical Care, and Quality and Safety. This category of manuscript

has a word limit of 2000 to 4000 words (8-16 typed double-spaced pages) which includes an abstract of no more than 300 words; the Discussion section of the manuscript should be limited to no more than 1500 words; a maximum of 40 references; and no more than 7 Figures and/or Tables.

Laboratory Investigations. These include laboratory and animal research. This category of manuscript has a word limit of 2000 to 4000 words (8-16typed double-spaced pages) which includes an abstract of no more than 300 words; the Discussion section of the manuscript should be limited to no more that 1500 words; a maximum of 40 references; and no more than 7 Figures and/ or Tables.

Review Articles. These consist of critical assessment of literature and data pertaining to clinical topics.In review articles, emphasis should be placed on cause, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis, and prevention. Information concerning the type of study or analysis, population, intervention, and outcome should be included for all data used. The selection process used for all data should be described. Meta-analyses will be considered as review papers. The recommended length of review articles is 2000 to 3000 words (8-12 typed double-spaced pages) which includes an abstract of no more than 300 words; a maximum of 100 references; and no more than 10 Figures and/or Tables.

Brief Reports. These should be short reports of original studies or evaluations. The recommended length of brief reports is no more than 1500 words (6 typed double-spaced pages) which includes an abstract of no more than 300 words; a maximum of 25 references; and no more than 2 Figures and/or Tables.

PCCM Perspectives. These include articles that may fall outside the realm of formal clinical or basic science research, such as social policy, professional education, ethical dilemmas, and delivery of compassionate care. The recommended length is no more than 1500 words (6 typed double-spaced pages) which includes an abstract of no more than 300 words; a maximum of 25 references; and no more than 4 Figures and/or Tables.

Evidence-Based Journal Club. These articles provide an evidence-based critique of a recent important paper in the field of pediatric critical care medicine. The recommended length is no more than 1500 words (6 typed double-spaced pages) which includes an abstract of no more than 300 words; a maximum of 25 references; and no more than 4 Figures and/ or Tables.

Letters to the Editor. Letters to the Editor are encouraged. Letters must specifically address a recent article published in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. They should be no more than 500 words (2 typed double-spaced pages) with a maximum of 5 references.

Invited Editorial. These represent commentaries addressing newly published articles in the journal and are by invitation only. Invited editorials should be no more than 1200 words (5 typed double-spaced pages) with a maximum of 15 references and a maximum of 2 Figures and/ or Tables.


All manuscripts will be reviewed by Editorial Board members or consultants selected by the editor-in-chief. Initial editorial reviews usually are completed within 8-10 weeks of manuscript submission. The time required for review of revised manuscripts is variable.


All information regarding the accepted manuscript and its publication date are confidential. No information regarding the manuscript can appear in print, on the television or radio, or in any electronic form until the day before its publication date. It cannot be released to the media until the day before the publication date.

Manuscripts accepted for publication are copy-edited and returned to the author for approval. Authors are responsible for all statements published in their work, including any changes made by the copyeditor. Authors are encouraged to proofread all edited manuscripts carefully. The journal reserves the right to charge authors for excessive changes made to the text and figures at the page proof stage.

Permissions For permission and/or rights to use content for which the copyright holder is the Society of Critical Care Medicine or Wolters Kluwer, please go to the journal's Web site and after clicking on the relevant article, click on the "Get Content & Permissions" link under the "Article Tools" box that appears on the right side of the page. For questions about the Rightslink service, e-mail customercare@copyright. com or call 877-622-5543 (U.S. Only) or 978777-9929. Permissions FAQs and information on author's permission requests are available at . For additional permission inquiries, please contact Permissions@.

For translation rights requests, contact TranslationRights@. For

license to republish and distribute requests, contact HealthLicensing@.

For special projects and reprints (U.S./ Canada), contact Alan Moore at Alan.Moore@ or reprintsolutions@ . For special projects and reprints (non-U.S./Canada), contact Avia Potashnik at Avia.Potashnik@ or InternationalReprints@.

Compliance with Funder Mandated Open Access Policies An author whose work is funded by an organization that mandates the use of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http:// licenses/) is able to meet that requirement through the available open access license for approved funders. Information about the approved funders can be found here:


Authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have the choice to pay a fee to allow perpetual unrestricted online access to their published article to readers globally, immediately upon publication. Authors may take advantage of the open access option at the point of acceptance to ensure that this choice has no influence on the peer review and acceptance process. These articles are subject to the journal's standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.

The article processing charge (APC) is charged on acceptance of the article and should be paid within 30 days by the author, funding agency or institution. Payment must be processed for the article to be published open access. For a list of journals and pricing, please visit our Wolters Kluwer Open Health Journals page (http:// journals.php).

Authors Retain Copyright Authors retain their copyright for all articles they opt to publish open access. Authors grant Wolters Kluwer an exclusive license to publish the article and the article is made available under the terms of a Creative Commons user license. Please visit our Open Access Publication Process page (. process.php)for more information.

Creative Commons License Open access articles are freely available to read, download and share from the time of publication under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution-Non-Commercial No Derivative (CC BY-NC-ND) license (). This license does not permit reuse for any commercial purposes nor does it cover the reuse or modification of individual elements of the work (such as figures, tables, etc.) in the creation of derivative works without specific permission.

When an OA option is chosen after acceptance, the Corresponding Author (on behalf of all authors) will also sign a License to Publish.

The authors will retain the copyright. It is the responsibility of the Corresponding Author to inform the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Editorial Office that they have RCUK or Wellcome Trust funding. Neither the SCCM nor Wolters Kluwer, Inc., will be held responsible for retroactive deposits to PMC if the author has not completed the proper forms.

FAQ for Open Access . php


Authors will receive an e-mail notification with a link to the order form soon after their article publishes in the journal (. com/author-reprint). Reprints are normally shipped 6-8 weeks after publication of the issue in which the article appears. E-mail authorreprints@ with any questions.


Questions regarding the status of submitted manuscripts are best answered by logging on to the FAQ section of Editorial Manager?. The assigned manuscript number will allow authors to view the status of their manuscript. If authors need additional information regarding a manuscript, please send an e-mail to journals@ and include your manuscript number in the request, or call (847) 827-6869 Monday through Friday, from 0800 to 1700, Central Standard Time.

Correspondence can also be sent to: Robert C. Tasker, MBBS, MD, FRCP Editor, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Society of Critical Care Medicine 500 Midway Drive Mt. Prospect, IL 60056


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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