County Imagery Access - Michigan

MDCH-GIS minutes, Fri. 9 Feb. 2007, 14:00

Present were Kyle Enger, Katie Macomber, Ed Hartwick, Carolyn Dulai, Katie Sheline, and Gary Taylor.

Gary Taylor from CGI spoke on accessing imagery data.

CGI and state government are promoting imagery partnerships with county governments in which the state reimburses the county 10-20% of their imagery production costs in exchange for sharing it with CGI. Impressively detailed (6” x 6” pixel) imagery from several counties (Barry, Cheboygan, Clinton, Eaton, Hillsdale, Ingham, Ionia, & Marquette) is now available, and there are signed agreements with perhaps twice that many additional counties.

This imagery can be be viewed (at ) with a web browser, and it can also be used in ArcMap, once ArcView is connected to the correct ArcIMS server via the internet. Instructions from Gary on how to do this are on subsequent pages in this document. (Note from Kyle: Once the plugin has been installed using Internet Explorer, either Internet Explorer or Firefox 2.0 can be used to view the data.)

There is also a demonstration page that allows ‘clipping and shipping’ of a specified chunk of imagery data. The user can specify a particular area of the map to extract, download, and use in ArcView. This is located at .

ArcMap users can also connect to a CGI-maintained ArcIMS server that provides vector data. This is a brand-new capability. The procedure for this is the same as for the imagery data, except that this server is at . There are numerous vector datasets there, including roads, hydrology, political boundaries, etc.

Once ArcView is connected to a server, it works like a standard connection to a folder on your hard drive. The server can be browsed using ArcCatalog; layers can be dragged & dropped from ArcCatalog to ArcMap (or added using ArcMap’s ‘Add Data’ button). However, connections to CGI-maintained ArcIMS servers will only function if your computer is on the state network. Also, if you close & reopen ArcCatalog, you may have to reconnect to the ArcIMS server in order to access the data (browse to the server name, right-click on it, and click ‘Connect’).

Gary has kindly made his contact information available in the following pages, and MDCH-GIS members should feel free to contact him with questions.

County Imagery Access via Internet Explorer

Gary Taylor @ Ph. 373-3548

February 16, 2007

Open Internet Explorer

Go to the web address listed below:

Follow instructions to download and install the ECW viewer plugin.


Browser Plugins:

Once plugin is installed go to the following web address:

Using “tools” on Michigan Imagery Portal (MIP) version 0.1

Pan around the image by click-dragging the hand on the image.

Zoom in or out of the image interactively by click-dragging the magnifier on the image. Hold down left mouse button and slide mouse downward to zoom in, slide mouse upward to zoom out.

Zoom into the image by click-dragging a zoom box over the image. Define a rectangular box on the image by defining opposite corners of a rectangular area that you want to view.

Select pointer mode to profile or select image features.

Reset the image to maximum extents.

Procedure to access high resolution imagery in ArcMap

Taylor - February 16, 2007

In ArcCatalog:

Click plus sign next to GIS Servers on left side of form.

Double-click: Add ArcIMS Server

Key-in the following:


In ArcMap:

Choose Add Data icon.

Choose GIS Servers from choices in Look in dropdown box.

Choose Click Add button.

Choose image(s)


Click Add button.

Click OK on window titled Unknown Spatial Reverence.

Image is displayed in ArcMAP.


Use the check boxes next to the individual mosaics to turn the display on and off for each image.

Note: To link to vector data on CGI’s ArcIMS server, repeat the above directions, but do this instead (you must click “Get List” before the checkbox list will be visible):



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