4839335-450850left323850Illustrated Word 2013Units A-D: SAM Capstone Project 1aGoing Greencompleting a Trifold brochureProject GoalM Project NameProject Goal00Illustrated Word 2013Units A-D: SAM Capstone Project 1aGoing Greencompleting a Trifold brochureProject GoalM Project NameProject GoalPROJECT DESCRIPTIONYou are helping to promote programs about Going Green hosted by the public library. The head librarian has created a document with specific Green Tips, as well as information on other green-related programs. You will format the text as a trifold brochure that presents the information in columns with bulleted lists. You will add formatting, a table, a photo, and a clip art image to enhance the text.GETTING STARTEDDownload the following file from the SAM website:IL_Word2013_CS_P1a_FirstLastName_1.docxOpen the file you just downloaded and save it with the name:IL_Word2013_CS_P1a_FirstLastName_2.docxHint: If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save file dialog box, do not type it. Word will add the file extension for you automatically.With the file IL_Word2013_CS_P1a_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer. If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website. PROJECT STEPSChange the page orientation of all pages in the document to Landscape.Change all of the document margins to 0.7”.Change the document theme to Organic.On page one, center-align the heading starting “Common-Sense Tips…”, and then format it using 24 pt. Arial Black font and the Green, Accent 1, Darker 25% font color (5th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette).Add a bottom paragraph border to the heading starting “Common-Sense Tips…” using the Orange, Accent 5, Darker 25% font color (9th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette) and a 3 pt. width. (Hint: To match the Final Figure, use the thin top line, thick bottom line border style.)Move the insertion point before the “G” in “GO” and insert a Continuous section break. Create 3 columns of equal width using the default settings, then change the Apply to setting to This point forward. Apply a Dropped Drop Cap to the “G” in “GO”, then justify the text in the first paragraph.Format the heading “At home…” using the Heading 1 style, a 14 pt. font, bold, and Small caps.Use the Format Painter to apply the formatting from Step 8 to the following headings:“At work…”“In your community…”“While on the go…”“Additional Resources…”Format the text under the heading “At Home…” as a bulleted list. (Hint: The list should contain exactly 13 list items.) Then, complete the following:Decrease the list indent by one level.Change the bullets to check marks. (Hint: Use Wingdings Character Code 252.)Apply the Orange, Accent 5 font color (9th column, 1st row in the Theme Colors palette) to the check mark bullets. (Hint: The font color of the text should remain black.)Use the Format Painter to apply the list formatting from Step 10 to the text under the following headings:“At work…” (Hint: The list should contain exactly seven list items. Stop before the text “You can make the world…Reduce Reuse Recycle”)“In your community…” (Hint: The list should contain exactly five list items.)“While on the go…” (Hint: The list should contain exactly four list items.)At the bottom of the second column, select the image of the recycle symbol, apply Square text wrapping. If necessary, adjust the position of the image so that the top side aligns with the text beginning with “You can make….”At the bottom of the third column under the heading “Additional Resources”, insert a table with 2 columns and 5 rows and then enter the data shown in Table 1 on the following page. If necessary, remove the hyperlinks from the text in column 1.Table 1: Additional Resources URLCommentsTips for homeTips for e-waste1855470-740410? 2014 Cengage Learning.400000? 2014 Cengage Learning.Tips for kids for workChange the font size of all text in the table to 9 pt., then apply the Grid Table 4 – Accent 5 table style. On page two, insert column breaks before the following headings: “Other Upcoming Programs”“Go Green Tips”At the top of the first column on page two, center-align the heading “Greendale Public Library…environmentalist C, J. Clover” and then format it using 16 pt. font, the Orange, Accent 5, Darker 25% font color (9th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette), and bold formatting.Move the insertion point before the text “C.J. Clover” in the paragraph of text below the heading you just formatted. Insert an Online Picture by searching for the woman waterfall photograph shown in Figure 1 below. If the woman waterfall image is not available, insert another related image of your choice.Figure 1: Woman Waterfall Photograph15525751664335Microsoft product screenshot reprinted with permission from Microsoft Incorporated. Copyright ? 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.020000Microsoft product screenshot reprinted with permission from Microsoft Incorporated. Copyright ? 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Format the Online Picture using the following parameters:Set the width to 1.3”.Apply Tight text wrapping so that the text wraps to the right of the image.Apply the Simple Frame, White picture style.At the bottom of column 1, center-align the text that begins with “To reserve your spot…” and ends with “…number of people in your reservation” and then format it using bold, and Green, Accent 1, Lighter 60% paragraph shading (5th column, 3rd row in the Theme Colors palette). Format the heading “Other Upcoming Programs” using 14 pt. Arial Black font and the Green, Accent 1 font color (5th column, 1st row in the Theme Colors palette).Format the heading “This Green Planet” using the Orange, Accent 5, Darker 25% font color (9th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette), All caps, and Orange, Accent 5, Lighter 80% paragraph shading (9th column, 2nd row in the Theme Colors palette). Use the Format Painter to apply the formatting from Step 21 to the following headings:“Living Green!”“Kids - Eating Green” Under the heading “This Green Planet”, right-align the text that starts with “Thursday…” and apply bold.Use the Format Painter to apply the paragraph formatting from Step 23 to the other instances of date, time, and place under the following headings:“Living Green!”“Kids - Eating Green” In column 3, center-align the three paragraphs of the title “Go Green Tips”, then format them using 36 pt. Arial Black font and the Green, Accent 1, Darker 25% font color (5th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette).Center-align the clip art under the title and then recolor it using the Green, Accent color 1 Dark (2nd color, 2nd row in the Recolor gallery). Resize the clip art so that it is 2.5” wide. Center-align the three paragraphs starting with “Join us” and ending with “Greendale Public Library!” and then format them using 14 pt. font, the Orange, Accent 5, Darker 25% font color (9th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette), and 1.15 line spacing.Check the Spelling & Grammar in the document to identify and correct any spelling errors. (Hint: Ignore all grammatical errors and all proper nouns. You should find and correct at least 1 additional spelling error.)Your document should look like the Final Figure on the following pages. Save your changes, close the document, and exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project. Final Figure20859754819205Copyright ? 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.020000Copyright ? 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.20478755024120Copyright ? 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.020000Copyright ? 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. ................

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