Photoshop CS2: Project 1 (Multiple Choice)

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Microsoft Excel 2011: Chapter 3 – Vocabulary (Choose 10 and define

• absolute cell reference

• category names

• chart sheet

• clipboard

• data series

• date stamp

• drag and drop

• exploded Pie chart

• format symbol

• freeze the titles

• goal seeking

• IF function

• mixed cell reference

• nested IF function

• NOW function

• offsetting

• pie chart

• relative cell reference

• sensitivity analysis

• Sparkline chart

• underline

• what-if analysis











Microsoft Excel 2011: Chapter 3 – Multiple Choice

Instructions: Highlight the correct response.

1. The fill handle can be used to do which of the following?

a. Copy a cell

b. Copy a range of cells

c. Create a series of numbers or dates

d. All of the above

2. The ____________ button decreases the indent by three spaces each time you click it.

a. Reduce Indent

b. Decrease Indent

c. Format Cell

d. Format Line

3. The Copy button copies the contents and format of the source area to the ____________.

a. clipboard

b. document of choice

c. destination area

d. copy area

4. Which of the following is NOT a valid format symbol?

a. Comma

b. Percent sign

c. Dollar sign

d. Decimal point

5. Excel displays the error message ___________ to indicate a cell reference error.

a. !*REF@

b. ########


d. #REF!

6. A cell reference of $B17 is a(n) ____________ cell reference.

a. absolute

b. relative

c. mixed

d. invalid

7. The general form of the IF function is ____________.

a. IF(value_if_true, logical_test, value_if_false)

b. IF(logical_test, NOT, value_if_true)

c. IF(value_if_false, value_if_true, logical_test)

d. IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

8. Which of the following specifies an invalid intersection of two areas?

a. #INTER!

b. #NULL!

c. !*ERROR*!

d. !INVAL#

9. When working with a large worksheet, you can split the window into two or four ____________ to view different parts of the worksheet at the same time.

a. segments

b. panes

c. sections

d. views

10. If you know the result you want a formula to produce, you can use ____________ to determine the value of a cell on which the formula depends.

a. goal seeking

b. If Then analysis

c. assumption tables

d. offsetting

Microsoft Excel 2011: Chapter 3 – Short Answer

Instructions: Use the table below question 10 to fill in the best answer.

1. After the Paste button is clicked, Excel displays the _______________ button.

2. Using the mouse to move or copy cells is called _______________.

1. Excel allows you to _______________, so that Excel displays the titles on the screen, no matter how far down or to the right you scroll.

1. The _______________ returns a number that corresponds to the system date and time beginning with December 31, 1899.

1. Excel uses a technique called _______________ referencing to keep a cell reference constant when copying a formula or function.

1. If the value you want to assign to a cell is dependent on a logical test, use the _______________.

1. An Excel _______________ chart provides a simple way to show trends and variations in a range of data within a single cell.

2. A Pie chart with one or more slices offset is called a(n) _______________ Pie chart.

3. You can magnify or shrink the appearance of a worksheet or chart by using the _______________ button.

4. Using Excel to scrutinize the impact of changing values in cells that are referenced by a formula in another cell is called _______________.

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Microsoft Excel 2011: Chapter 3 - True/False

Instructions: Highlight T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.

|T |F |Excel allows you to rotate text counterclockwise by entering a number between 1( and 180(. |

|T |F |If you drag the fill handle to the left or up, Excel will decrement the series. |

|T |F |The move and copy command accomplish the same task. |

|T |F |When pasting cells in a destination area, you are required to select the entire destination area before you click the|

| | |Paste button. |

|T |F |A date stamp shows the date a workbook, report, or other document was created or the period it represents. |

|T |F |F61 is an absolute reference, and $F$61 is a relative reference. |

|T |F |Excel converts all formulas from lowercase to uppercase. |

|T |F |A nested IF function is one in which the action to be taken for the true or false case includes yet another IF |

| | |function. |

|T |F |Sparkline chart formatting provides as many options as standard charts in Excel. |

|T |F |Excel allows you to apply dramatic 3-D visual effects to charts. |


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