Minutes of the IUG Council Meeting

Minutes of the IRIS User Group Meeting

Held at Leadenhall Street

12 November 2007

List of Attendees:

Axis (AXS) Ian Holland (IH)

Axis (AXS) Jon Downes (JD)

Ecclesiastical (ECL) Tracy Murden (TM)

Ecclesiastical (ECL) Tom Hunt (TH)

Everest (EVR) Graham Titheridge (GT)

Everest (EVR) Jon Bartholomew (JB)

Great Lakes (GLR) Graeme Walker (GW)

Illium (ILL) Jayant Popat (JP)

Imagine (ABA) Robert Smith (RS)

Liberty Mutual (LIB) David Westgate (DW)

Liberty Mutual (LIB) Richard Fallon (RF)

Liberty Syndicates (LSM) Daniel Packman (DP)

Liberty Syndicates (LSM) Shaun Hanson (SH)

Momentum (MOM) Mark Edwards (ME)

Novae (NOV) Nigel Sheppard (NS)

Novae (NOV) Clive Murray (SM)

QBE (QBE) John Taylor (JT) (Chair)

QBE (QBE) Nick Flaherty (NF)

St Paul (STP) Andy Holman (AH)

St Paul (STP) Denise Wood (DWO)

Tokio Marine (TOK) Simon Dunn (SD)

Xchanging Daryl Yeats (DY)

John Harkin (JH)

Sharon White (SW) (Minutes)


Arch Budhi Singh

Arch Elizabeth Fullerton-Rome

Arch John Pagdin

Axis Colin Pearson

Great Lakes Sue Talbot

HIH John Mairs

IGI Ban Pahlawan

IGI Rachel Butler

IGI Waleed Jabsheh

Illium Russell Benzies

Liberty Mutual Richard Moonie

Liberty Syndicates Stuart Cleverley

QBE Gina Dudeney

River Thames David Grisley

Tokio Marine, London Steve Perkins

Tokio Marine, Malaysia Keith Maruyama

XL Bermuda Robert Gillies

XL London Peter Sammons

XL Singapore Caroline Wee

1. Introductions

JT welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that he would be acting as Chair today.

JT said that the purpose of today’s meeting was to reach a decision on the proposals put forward by Xchanging with regard the upgrade for all members to V11.17 and the development of XIAP. JT said that JH would briefly reiterate the proposals. JH/DY would then leave the meeting and the IUG would have an informal discussion. Once a decision was made JH/DY would rejoin the meeting.

2. Previous Minutes

071017.001 – IH – Test Plans

IH said that he had been advised by his audit department that fully auditable test plans are required. However, a full parallel run is not required.

071017.002 JT – System Test Procedures

JT had undertaken to supply some feedback with regard system test procedures. This item is carried forward to the next meeting.

ACTION 071112.001 JT

071117.003 – AC – Parallel Data Sets

At the previous meeting DP had advised that LSM were currently considering an upgrade to V9.15 and would like to compare parallel data sets which could be refreshed weekly. DP had asked if there was a facility to conduct this test. AC had undertaken to investigate this item. This item is carried forward to the next meeting.

ACTION 071112.002 AC

The previous minutes were agreed as complete.

3. Treasurer’s Report

IUG Payments as at end October 2007

Abacus: Up to date

Axis: Up to date

Co-op: Up to date (£8,490.69 refund issued)

Ecclesiastical: Up to date

Everest: Up to date

Great Lakes: Up to date (Possible overpayment August £5,397.46

– GLR checking)

HIH: Up to date

IGI: Up to date

Liberty Mutual: Up to date

Liberty Syndicates: Up to date

Momentum: Outstanding September and October (2 x £3,071.59).

Novae: Up to date

QBE: October outstanding (£3,722.52 and £14,517.29)

River Thames: October outstanding (£3,722.52)

St Paul: October Outstanding (£5,397.52)

Tokio Marine, Malaysia: October outstanding £3,512.33

Xchanging – Arch: Outstanding September and October (2 x £5,397.52)

Xchanging – Illium: October outstanding (£5,397.52)

Xchanging – Tokio: October outstanding (£2,201.16)

XL Bermuda: Up to date

XL London: Up to date

XL Singapore: Up to date

4. Future Strategy

Xchanging Discussion

JH outlined the Xchanging recommendation for the future strategy whereby IUG members would upgrade to V11.17 and that future development would be focused on the new product XIAP.

JH said that Xchanging could only make recommendations and that the decision as to the use of the IUG budget must be made by the IUG members.

JT asked if any members had questions for JH?

DW said that in terms of funding XIAP would there be any contribution from GENIUS customers? JH said that Xchanging were working on a partnership deal with larger GENIUS customers.

JT thanked JH/DY and said that the IUG would now continue discussions alone. JT said that he would let JH/DY know when a decision had been reached.

IUG Discussion

JT advised that the Council had undertaken a pre-meeting in order to try and establish a view to present to the IUG. JT said that unfortunately all of the Council members had different views. JT said that he would like to get the IUG’s opinion on the way forward.

JT said that the only real options were (a) continue membership of the IUG and sign up to V11.17 upgrades and XIAP or (b) resign from the IUG.

DW asked if there was no middle ground. JT said that the Council had looked at a sliding scale of contributions but that they had not been able to reach a decision, it would be difficult to work out with members being on different versions of IRIS. JT asked the Council if they had any thoughts?

AH said that there had been a lot of discussion on investment but that basically the options were stay in the IUG or resign from the IUG. AH said that St Paul are in a different situation with the run-off business, but that he thought the Xchanging proposal was a good deal for other members.

AH said that he had not been able to get a firm answer on the number of members needed to remain in the IUG to make the proposal viable and thought that this was a key issue.

IH asked if there was an option to resign from the IUG after four years. JT said that the constitution was unchanged so the usual resignation terms would apply.

TM said that she thought that in general the proposal put forward by Xchanging was a good deal. TM said that there were several questions that still needed to be answered with respect to XIAP - (a) how can the IUG vote on a product that is outside the constitution (b) how much of the licence fee would the IUG receive (c) would this mean the end of the IUG in its present form. JT said that he would ask for these points to be clarified by JH.

ACTION 071112.003 JH

TM asked what would happen about the ACORD development. TM said that at a previous meeting Xchanging had said that only essential items would be developed. Would this mean that the software is frozen for five years. Would anything else be an additional payable item. TM also noted that ECL cannot go to a .NET version yet and would need VB. TM said that she would like answers to these points.

ACTION 071112.004 JH

CM said that it appeared that that the IUG would be paying for a concept (in XIAP). CM said that he thought that XIAP was the correct way forward but needed to know what the IUG would get for their money. CM said that he thought that the IUG should wait until it is known what will be delivered by XIAP, if this was not how the IUG decided, NOV would have to resign.

DW said that LIB would also need more clarity on funding and if this was not forthcoming then they would also probably leave the IUG.

LSM said that they would like to stay in the IUG, but could not vote on funds for both V11.17 and XIAP. LSM asked if the discussion regarding XIAP could be put off for a few months. LSM added that their account manager had been hard to contact recently and this raises the question of resourcing.

GW said that he would like to propose that the vote be for the two separate issues; V11.17 upgrades and XIAP funding. GW said that it was in everyone’s interest to be on the latest version especially as Xchanging have indicated that there is increased quality in the software

JT asked NS if he could let the IUG know his thoughts on V10.16? NS advised that the testing on V10.16 is so far better than any other testing carried out. NS said that there have been a few problems but that these have been relatively minor. NS said that an in-house test has not yet been undertaken.

JT said the question is, if members wished to invest their funds in the upgrade service and not in any enhancements.

IH said that AXS will stay in the IUG for 2008 and would vote for the proposal to upgrade to V11.17. IH said that he would like to see no expansion to the scope of IRIS during this period. IH said that after this AXS would then look to see what Xchanging had to offer. IH added that he could not say whether beyond 2009/2010 AXS would keep IRIS.

ME said that MOM support the V11.17 upgrade proposal, they will defer a decision on the XIAP option to a later date.

SD said that TOK concurs and will agree to the V11.17 upgrade proposal.

GT said that he supported the upgrade to V11.17 proposal. He concurred with CM that he felt at this stage XIAP was no more than a concept and therefore EVR was not currently prepared to invest in XIAP. GT said that EVR would be prepared to contribute in order to upgrade to V11.17 if the rest of the IUG were in agreement.

IH said that he would also like to see a timeline containing dates for the upgrades

JT asked if the members would now like to vote for the budget proposals for 2008, he said that the options were (a) 50% funds to upgrade to V11.17 and 50% funds to invest in XIAP or (b) invest one year’s funds in the upgrade to V11.17 but not to invest in XIAP at the moment.

CM said that he would vote to no to XIAP funding

TM said that she thought that to vote for just the upgrade to V11.17 proposal would be a much tidier option and it would then give the IUG a year to decide about XIAP. TM said that she assumed that ECL would pay IUG subscriptions in 2008 but that if there was not enough time to upgrade everyone in 2008 then this work would continue in 2009 (using 2008 contributions). TM added that any budget for 2009 would not really be an IRIS budget but an XIAP budget.

JT said that he would briefly summarise the discussions. The option was to invest 2008 funds to upgrade all IUG members to V11.17. The funds would be 12 month’s at the current level. The V11.17 software upgrades would have an underwritten service level. As there was no clarity for XIAP deliverables, funding for this could not be voted on or a commitment given at this particular time. JT said that from the discussions today it seemed that everyone was fairly unanimous in voting in favour of funding V11.17 upgrades.

GW said that he would be looking to Xchanging to commit to V11.17 upgrades being paid for out of 2008 contributions regardless of when the upgrades were carried out.

JT then asked the IUG to cast their votes for the 2008 budget (at current levels) to be used for upgrading all members to V11.17.

|Arch |Not present |

|Axis |Yes |

|Ecclesiastical |Yes |

|Everest |Yes |

|Great Lakes |Yes |

|HIH |Not present |

|IGI |Not present |

|Illium |Abstained |

|Imagine |Yes |

|Liberty Mutual |Yes |

|Liberty Syndicates |Yes |

|Momentum |Yes |

|Novae |Yes |

|QBE |Yes |

|River Thames |Not present |

|St Paul |Abstained |

|Tokio Marine London |Yes |

|Tokio Marine Malaysia |Not present |

|Xl Bermuda |Not present |

|XL London |Not present |

|XL Singapore |Not present |

JT said that he would now ask JH/DY to return to the meeting so that they could be informed of the outcome of the discussions.

JT advised JH/DY of the IUG’s discussion to agree to the proposal to fund the V11.17 upgrades from 100% of the 2008 budget at its current level.

JH asked whether any members were intending to resign now from the IUG as a result of these proposals? No members said that they would be considering this.

JH said that he would take advice from his team with regard to funding/timescales. JH said that he would like to comment that when discussions had taken place with his management team, it had been felt that the IUG were unlikely to agree to the option they had chosen as the IUG would also want developments to be worked on.

DW said that regardless of the decision made by the IUG, it had been a positive move for Xchanging to present XIAP to the IUG. IH said that the IUG were not dismissing XIAP but wanted JH to provide the IUG with a more detailed road map.

JT said that perhaps the option of XIAP could be discussed more fully during 2008.

JH said that he would speak to his team responsible for delivering the upgrades of V11.17 and get back to the IUG with regards to funding. JT asked when would JH be able to report back to the IUG? JH said he was due to travel to India this week but he would endeavour to get back to the IUG that week, however, there may be approvals needed internally at Xchanging for agreement to the IUG proposal.

ACTION 071112.005 JH



|Description |Budget |Release |Status |Specification Delivery |

| | | | |Date |

|Printable Sys Admin Info (638)* |Core |10.16 |Complete | |

|Policy Full & Snapshot Prints (649)* |Core |10.16 |Complete | |

|GUI CBA Report (737)* |Core |10.16 |Complete | |

|Multi-Company/Synd Security (505)* |Core |10.16 |Complete | |

|Progression Triangle Enq (419) |Core |10.16 |Complete | |

|Policy/Claim Review Diary (310) |Core |10.16 |Complete | |

|Screen Design Utility (595) |Core |10.16 |Complete | |

|Full Policy History Enquiry (599) |Core |10.16 |Complete | |

|Progression Stats Report (748) |XGIS |10.16 |Complete | |

|EPI Analysis Report (741)* |XGIS |10.16 |Complete | |

|Claims Analysis Report (749)* |XGIS |10.16 |Complete | |

|Shared Reporting Components |Council |10.16 |Complete | |

|Moving Posted SCMs (959) |Lloyds |10.16 |Complete | |

|View All Lloyd's Prm/Clm Info (504)* |Lloyds |10.16 |Complete | |

|Automatic Delinking Process (006) |Bureau |10.16 |Complete | |

|Allow View Only Access to Bureau Closings module (982) – |Bureau |10.16/ |Complete | |

|Phased development | |11.17 | | |

* Also available in 9.15 –ENH


|Description |Budget |Release |Status |Specification Delivery |

| | | | |Date |

|Document Production (509) |Core |11.17 |Coding | |

|Record Written, Earned Unearned Premium Figures (407) |Core |11.17 |Coding | |

|Authorities Level Checking (662) |Core |11.17 |Coding | |

|Acord Message Viewer (977) |XGIS |Stand Alone |Available for Beta Test | |

|Control Entry of Risk Codes (983) |Lloyds |11.17 |Testing | |


|Description |Budget |Release |Status |Specification |

| | | | |Delivery/Reply Date |

|Cross Policy Generic Rules (984) |Core |11.17 |FS in Progress |23/11/07 |

|Bx Message Loading (609) |Bureau |11.17 |FS in Progress |09/11/07 (actual date |

| | | | |05/11/07) |


|Description |Budget |Release |Status |Specification Delivery |

| | | | |Date |

|Enhancements to Flexible Business Extensions (359) |Core |NA |Dropped | |

|Ccy Download from Bx (561) |Bureau |NA |Dropped | |

|Multiple Codes Selection (601) |Core |NA |Dropped | |

|New FSA Coding Structure |Core |NA |Dropped | |


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