Student Resource Area for: Guiding Children's Social ...

Student Resource Area for: Guiding Children's Social Development: Theory to Practice, 6E

Chapter 4 - Promoting Children's Developing Sense of Self Through Verbal Communication



autobiographical memory

The stories one remembers and uses to tell about oneself.

behavior reflections

Nonjudgmental statements made to children that describe their attributes or their roles in activities in which they are engaged. These statements begin with the child’s name, not "I," and are descriptive in nature.

closed-ended questions

Questions that call for a one- or two-word answer, and effectively close the door on future conversations.


The belief that one is able to accomplish tasks and achieve goals.


The manner and degree to which adults enforce compliance with their expectations.

creative questions

An alternate title for open-ended questions. These questions ask for a thoughtful response and invite conversation.

effective praise

Praise that is selective, specific, and positive.

English language learner (ELL)

A person proficient in a native, or first language, learning English.

linguistic diversity

A term used to describe children enrolled in educational programs who speak a language other than English at home and who are variously proficient in English (NAEYC, 1996).

narrative talk

Spoken words that describe what one is doing, wearing, saying, etc. This is used when narrating someone’s world.

negative verbal environment

The words or expressions or intentions behind the words that communicate disapproval and lack of warmth, kindness, acceptance, and respect for others.


Kind support that encourages someone.

open-ended questions

Questions for which there are many possible answers used to invite conversation and allow the speaker to direct the course of the conversation.

paraphrase reflection

A restatement, in an adult's words, of something a child has said.

positive praise

Praise that is stated in a positive manner.

positive verbal environment

The words or expressions or intentions behind the words that communicate acceptance, warmth, genuineness, kindness, and respect for others.


Stating a child’s words in a manner different than how the child did.


The process of linking what a person knows or can do with new information or skills he or she is ready to acquire.

selective praise

Praise that is used judiciously, not for all situations or on all participants simultaneously.


An understanding that the self is separate from others in the environment.


The combination of attributes of the abilities, behaviors, attitudes, and values that one believes as defining the self and setting the self apart from others.


The evaluation placed on one's definition of self composed of three dimensions: worth, competence, and control.

social understanding

The knowledge one has about the social world and the relationship of self to the social world. This changes over time as children gain a better understanding of themselves and others.

specific praise

Praise that uses explicit information about which action/behavior is being discussed.

theory of mind

The idea one has of how others think or feel about events, actions, ideas, etc.

verbal environment

The verbal and nonverbal exchanges that take place within a given setting.


The extent to which people value and like themselves as well as perceive that they are valued by others.


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