

Prepared for either a Closing Ceremony with or without a Master of Ceremony

WITSA event Closing Ceremonies must be rehearsed on actual stage with the WITSA Chairman, Secretary General, present host representatives and upcoming host representatives and the Master of Ceremony (if MC is part of program) PRIOR to the ceremony.

Preliminary Action Items:

• Crystal Awards need to be hidden from audience (under podium) or on a table with cover over the awards.


With MC-

MC-asks that the Chairman of WITSA, and the Secretary General, of WITSA come to the stage.

The WITSA Chairman and Secretary General take the stage.

The Chairman stands at the podium-the Secretary General behind him, near curtain.

Chairman thanks the present host for their outstanding

job and delivers short closing remarks.

Without MC-

The WITSA Chairman and Secretary General take the stage.

The Chairman stands at the podium-the Secretary General behind him, near curtain.

Chairman thanks the present host for their outstanding job and delivers short closing remarks.


With MC –

• MC asks that the present host member representatives to come to the stage. (Host team needs to determine who the core team).

• MC asks for a round of applause.

• Host members come on stage.

• Members are directed to stand on the LEFT side of the Chairman facing the audience.

• Present host present brief closing remarks.

Without MC

• Chairman asks that the present host member representatives to come to the stage. (Host team needs to determine who the core team).

Chairman asks for a round of applause.

• Host members come on stage.

• Members are directed to stand on the LEFT side of the Chairman facing the audience.

• Present host present brief closing remarks.



• Chairman announces the winner of the next WCIT.

• MC asks that the host delegation comes to the stage.

• MC asks for a round of applause.

• Future hosts come to stage and stand to the right of the Chairman.

• Once the entire group is situated on the stage the Secretary General hands the present host the Crystal award.

• The present host then hands the Crystal to the Chairman

• The Chairman hands the Crystal to the new host -PHOTO with all three parties holding the Crystal. Past host/Chairman/New host.

• Chairman once again thanks the present host.

• Present host departs stage.

• New host takes the podium (usually the new host says a few words then shows a short film introducing the audience to their country/economy to build excitement for the next congress or summit.

• The new host invites everyone to attend the next event.

• After the presentation the MC once again congratulates the winners and present hosts and ask that the Chairman officially closes the ceremony and the congress.

• Chairman says, “On behalf of the World Information Technology and Services Alliance I officially close this congress”.


• Chairman announces the winner of the next WCIT.

• Chairman asks that the host delegation comes to the stage.

• Chairman asks for a round of applause.

• Future hosts come to stage and stand to the right of the Chairman.

• Once the entire group is situated on the stage the Secretary General hands the present host the Crystal award.

• The present host then hands the Crystal to the Chairman

• The Chairman hands the Crystal to the new host -PHOTO with all three parties holding the Crystal. Past host/Chairman/New host.

• Chairman once again thanks the present host.

• Present host departs stage.

• New host takes the podium (usually the new host says a few words then shows a short film introducing the audience to their country/economy to build excitement for the next congress or summit.

• The new host invites everyone to attend the next event.

• After the presentation the Chairman once again congratulates the winners and present hosts and officially closes the ceremony and the congress.

• Chairman says, “On behalf of the World Information Technology and Services Alliance I officially close this congress”.

End of Document


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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