The Harvester

The Harvester

Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Fall 2018

What's Inside: 1. Bernadette Guild 2. Fr. Ed/Welcome/Congratulations 3. Dates to Remember/Fill the Truck 4. Breakfasts-Socials-Potlucks Dates 5?7. Faith Formation/Adult Faith

Formation 8. Discipleship - Community Meal and

Sunshine Committee 9. ?10.Discipleship In Depth 11.-12. Finance Report 13. Eucharistic Adoration 14. Social Concerns 15. Eucharist Adoration/ Discipleship In


July 12, 2018 --Bernadette Guild summer picnic hosted by Mary Romeyn at Maple Lakes Campground


Calling all women! The Bernadette Guild's new year is starting and we'd love you to join us. The meetings are on the second Thursday of each month at the Seville site. Yearly dues are ?get ready -- $2.00. Guests are always welcome.

Our October meeting featured Darlene Yagersz demonstrating wreath-making. Everyone's favorite annual event is our craft and food auction.

Join us on November 8 to donate your specialties or to buy ours. Our auctioneer, Miriam Schafrath, makes it a very enjoyable few hours. We hope to see you at these or any of our meetings. Watch the bulletin for details each month.

If you have questions, call Debbie Bontempo at 330-421-5590 or Kathi Steinmetz at 330-887-1651.


From the Pastor's Desk

Dear Parishioner,

Happy Fall! I hope this issue of the Harvester Newsletter finds you well. The Fall Season is one of beauty and grace. Interestingly enough, the pretty colors of the trees are a sign of death. Trees and other vegetation must go through this seasonal process in order to change and grow. The same thing is true of our lives. We must die to self in order to live more fully in Christ. This is why Jesus tells us that if we wish to follow him we must lay down our lives and take up our cross. Also, as we hear in the Gospel of John, John 12:24-26, that a grain of wheat remains just a grain of wheat but if it should fall to the ground and die it produces much fruit. Thus we can see that even though dying to oneself can be difficult and challenging, it is also a beautiful grace of God. If we allow ourselves to die to self, this will enable us to bear much fruit and allow our wills to be more closely united with God's will.

At OLHC there has been a sense of dying to self by way of transitions and new chapters. I can remember two years ago coming to OLHC and the country for the first time. There were certainly aspects of life out in the more rural parts of our diocese to get accustomed to. Then, last year I was named administrator and then pastor. Now, I along with everyone at OLHC are adjusting to myself being the only full time priest at the parish. In August 2018, Fr. Jim Roach became the pastor of St. John Cantius in the Tremont neighborhood of Cleveland. While Fr. Jim was only with us for about a year we will miss his presence. We also thank Fr. Jim for all his contributions to OLHC. Moving forward, OLHC will be assisted by outside priests to help with Sunday Masses and other liturgies as needed. I am hoping we will pick up another priest in the near future but for now we need to wait and see. In the mean time I simply ask everyone for their prayers, participation, and flexibility. Having only one full time priest may require us to alter some schedules and do things a little differently here and there which means dying to self here and there as well. At the end of the day though, I know that no matter what happens, OLHC is a vibrant parish where everyone is welcome and called to encounter Christ.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy this edition of the Harvester. This edition covers events and information through January 2019. In addition, I wish to thank our editor Shari Harris for her faithful stewardship in getting this wonderful publication out to the parish.

Yours in Christ, Fr. Ed

Congratulations! Baptisms:

Cecelia Heid Mariah Kinser Julia Tyree Bennett Wallace

First Communions:

Molly Chylik Mariah Kinser Emma Puckett Julia Reusch Lacey Volk Ava White Madeline Workman

Welcome Home Mr. & Mrs. D. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. R. Dowdell Christy Burke & James Johnson Amanda James Mr. & Mrs. E. Johnson



All Saints

November 1


9:00 a.m. Litchfield 7:00 p.m. Lodi

All Souls

November 2

Adoration Mass

6:00 p.m. Litchfield 7:00 p.m. Litchfield

Anointing of the Sick - all weekend Masses

November 17 and 18

Immaculate Conception December 7 Vigil Adoration Mass

6:00 p.m. Litchfield 7:00 p.m. Litchfield

December 8


9:00 a.m. Lodi

Communal Penance Individual Confessions

December 12 December 19

7:00 p.m. St. Martins, Valley City 5-7:00 p.m. Lodi

Christmas Mass New Year's

December 24 December 25 December 31 Vigil

5:00 p.m. Lodi 5:30 p.m. Litchfield 7:30 p.m. Seville 9:00 a.m. Litchfield 10:30 a.m. Seville 11:00 a.m. Nova

5:00 p.m. Lodi 9:00 a.m. Litchfield


A big Thank You to everyone who donated items to Fill the Truck Fundraiser 2018.

WE DID IT!!! We filled the tr uck with almost five tons of clothing, kitchen wares and books which benefits Easter Seals and OLHC. This group effort of our OLHC parishioners raised $1,610.61. Easy money and not much work. Who would believe, cleaning out our homes and donating unwanted clothing or unused kitchenware to Easter Seals could benefit OLHC with this substantial amount of money.

We will continue to have fundraisers in the future with "Fill the Truck". If you are cleaning out your closets and want to get rid of boxes before the scheduled truck date, just call Debbie Bontempo at 330-421-5590 or Pat or Jim Braatz at 330-725-5240.

We will be happy to pick up your donation and store it until the truck arrives. Thank you again, and we will be waiting for your calls to pick up your donations.




Peace ~ as I gather my thoughts to share the happenings of the summer and plans for the new school year I feel overwhelmed with the busyness of life. If you do not know me, I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, student, employee, friend and loved daughter of Christ. I find each season brings different challenges, rewards and blessings that most often I never realized until I stopped to reflect. It seems the busier I get the more I try to handle and deal with the situations that happen whether it be helping my child study to pass a test, hit a baseball, keeping up with my mom and the list continues. Yet time and time again I am reminded to TRUST and let God do what He does best. BUT it is often hard to know when to intervene and when to trust.

Yet when I make time to really pray and lay it all at the foot of the cross in surrender, I feel the acceptance and love that I know has always been and have so often overlooked or taken for granted. It is in this time of surrender that I am reminded to trust. Trust is easier said than done. I compare trust to beginning an exercise program. In the beginning it is hard and uncomfortable and the excuses to stop are numerous. However, as time progresses your body changes as does the desire to do more and push yourself to be better. Trusting in God takes practice and training too. The more you trust and take joys, suffering and problems to prayer the easier it gets to trust and the more your relationship with God will deepen. In time your dialogue with God will be a way of life. I share a few quotes I use to remind me to trust. I have these quotes posted at random places around the home (night stand, bathroom mirror...)

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you." Peter 5:7

"Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."

Isaiah 41:10

"We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose."

Romans 8:28

Continued on Page 6



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