Len Arthur (Chair): len.arthur btinternet.com

Dates of parish council meetings 7-30pm in The Parish Room.19th November 201821st January 201918th March 2019News at a glance…………….At the annual meeting of the parish council, Len Arthur was unanimously re-elected as chairman. We also welcomed Nicholas Shone onto the council.The parish council are planning to purchase a picnic bench in memory of the late Barbara Boby. It will be sited at Tote Hill Common. If you would like to celebrate the arrival of the bench with perhaps a family picnic, do let us know. The parish council have decided to record the history of the village. If you have stories which you would like included, please let us know. Any information would be welcome. We are also in the process of updating our parish plan and look forward to including this information.Hampshire Highways have quoted ?45,000 for a design to improve safety at the Butts Green junction by the garage – money they will not justify spending, because the accident statistics do not trigger any intervention in relation to ‘Casualty Reduction’ as part of the Traffic Management Policy. Together with the Village Hall Management Committee we plan to clean and repaint our Lockerley and East Dean war memorial this summer in recognition the centenary of the First World War. The Lockerley and East Dean Playground Committee would like to thank everyone who has donated or helped with the playground. Thank you too to all those who attended the bluebell walk and cream tea on 22nd April, in particular Liz and Andy who organised and hosted the event, and all those who helped. We raised over ?470 which means we now have a total of ?16,537! We are still applying for grants and have more fundraisers lined up. We are working with Lockerley Green Stores and residents to run a monthly homemade cake sale. Our first sale in May sold out really quickly so go early to avoid disappointment! The next few dates will be: 7th July / 4th August / 1st September. A huge thanks to Eve and Brenda and all those who have very kindly volunteered to bake! And we have the fabulous Pocket Theatre Pick 'n' Mix Concert at Lockerley Village Hall on Saturday 30th June 2018. For more information on Pocket Theatre visit pockettheatre.co.uk To make a donation to the playground please visit crowdfunding/jubileefieldplayground. Follow our progress at JubileeFieldPlayground Email: jubileefieldplayground@ Phone: Kate - 01794 341 276 Lockerley Parish Councillors:Len Arthur (Chair): len.arthur Allan Kirk (Vice) - allankirk@ Tim IllesJane Waller - sjanewaller@yahoo.co.ukTim CoomerSue Kent - sakent1990@Nick Shone - nick.shone@ittrading.co.uk>Clerk - lockerley.clerk@Chairman’s Annual Report (April 2018). We received news that Barbara had passed away last year. Only the second person in the history of our Parish Council while holding office as a councillor. She was born in the parish and cared about the village she loved. Not only was she a parish councillor but was our Borough Councillor for several years. Barbara had strong views on what should be done but if the vote went against her views she would shrug her shoulders and get behind the majority vote giving all of her knowledge to the project; she will be greatly missed. We welcome to our Parish Council, Tim Coomer and Sue Kent. It is not an easy job - as you can never please everyone, but I hope they will find their time rewarding. It’s a role that’s gives you a say on how our parish should be looked after and perhaps grow.The Lockerley Play Area committee are up and running. With money raised and given to this good cause I’m sure it will not be too long before this area will be transformed. Not easy raising money and keeping the momentum going but a very big thank you for your time and hard work. Thank you to Tim for the help you have given this projectAgain, due to cut backs from HCC, we are picking up more work than we have finances. Jane and Allen have the task of looking after and keeping our footpaths clear of vegetation and obstacles plus making sure that the stiles are maintained. Thank you both. We use our Parish Lengths man when we can. Jane has worked hard to keep his calendar filled with work around our parish. If you have anything that you feel our Lengths man can do please let us know.We had to raise our precept this year by 3%, the first time since 2013. We are picking up more from the lack of funding and we need to spend our money wisely. It’s the same for everyone, things are getting more expensive, so we need to tighten our belts. Each year we have our accounts audited externally and thanks to Sue we have no major concerns raised. We were disappointed that the scheme for the corner of Butt’s Green by the garage cannot go ahead due to funding. We have been offered instead more matting to expand the area where cars can park in a herring bone fashion to save the Green. It gets very frustrating at times when we seem to be taking big steps forward only to find we hit a brick wall. Thanks to the Butts Green committee for the hard work and dedication shown.Our planning committee have been busy with the number of applications from extensions, new builds and TPO’s. We have been asked to comment on areas submitted under the Strategic Housing Economic Land Assessment Availability process, as we have 2 sites in our parish. One we felt was a good site but the number of houses unacceptable, the other was not a good site and the density was too much.Thank you to Gerry and the Lockerley Greens Preservation Society for the help and advice they give us during the year. We always work closely with them when it comes to our Greens, their help is invaluable.We have had our first meeting to start our Parish Plan. We are working with East Dean Parish Council as we do share a lot in common with them. It will mean we will ask local groups to submit ideas on their vision of Lockerley. All of our news will be in the Lockerley Parishioner as well as on the East Dean Parish Council Web BC are to carry out a community governance review. Everyone has a say to see if the parish boundaries or names need to be changed. This council was not in favour of any change.Written by Len Arthur.Leader of Hampshire County Council, Cllr Roy Perry’s annual report:The population was estimated to be 1,353,350 in 2016 which makes Hampshire the third most populous county in England. HCC is responsible for 80% of spend on council services in Hampshire.85% of the county is rural and just 15% is urban area.Revenue Budget of ?2.0bn (2018/19) including: ?860m for Education; ?628m for Social Care and Other Services for Children and Adults; ?53m for Public Health; ?143m for Highways, Transport, Economic Development and Waste disposal. Plus, a capital programme of ?540m over three years (2018/19 – 2020/21) for extra care housing, additional school places and new schools etc.HCC’s total general grant loss since 2010/11 has been ?219m. Reductions of a further ?140 million are required by 2019/20 to meet anticipated grant reductions and additional pressures from, for example, social care and the National Living Wage. 2018/19 adult social care pressures are ?23 million. The 3% adult social care precept from Council Tax will raise an extra ?17m. 91% of children in Hampshire were offered a place at their first choice primary school. 98% were offered a place at one of their preferred schools. England average (2017) – 90% of children received an offer of their first choice school and 97.7% at any of their preferences.92% of children in Hampshire applying for a Year 7 place were allocated a place at their preferred school.98% were offered a school of their choice. England average (2017) – 83.5% of children received first preference and 96.1% received an offer of a school of their choice.Over 5,300 miles of road are maintained by the County Council. Do report potholes – or other road problems on the County Council website. HCC investing ?10m annually on planned maintenance for roads in Hampshire on top of central government funding. Additional ?2.9m ‘pothole fund’ recently awarded by central government for flood resilience and pothole repairs.Confirmed that Bunny Lane recycling centre will not be closing!Planning Applications in Lockerley17/02822/FULLSThe Granary At Tote Hill CottageChange of use of detached holiday let to independent dwellingPERMISSION17/02935/CLESCaplans, Newtown RoadCertificate of lawful use of existing planning permission 14/02233/FULLS WITHDRAWN. 18/00311/CLES – PENDING17/02906/CLPSHatchers FarmCattle stock fencing, access with double farm gates and replacement stile for footpath.CERTIFICATE ISSUED17/02746/FULLSButlers BarnTwo barns and a fenced equestrian arena. The parish council resolved not to object to this application.WITHDRAWN18/00449/FULLSButlers BarnTwo new barns and a fenced equestrian arenaPERMISSION18/00405/FULLSKingfisher And Garden CottageTwo storey rear extensions PERMISSIONFootpaths – Please let us know if you find any of our footpaths in-accessible for any reason, and we will try to clear them.Potholes – Please report all pot holes in the village using the Hampshire County Council website: Council Meetings – The parish council want to represent the views of the village, so do join us at our meetings and let us know what we can do to improve village life for you. ................

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