Landlord/Tenant Checklist - Memberize

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Dear Sir or Madam,

___________________________ has applied to rent one of our rentals and has given your name as the present or previous landlord. We would appreciate you taking a few moments to supply us with the attached information request.

Thank you for your cooperation.


[Your Name]


When did tenant rent from you? ______________

Move in date? _________________

Move out date? ________________

Number of people living in the unit: ______

What was the monthly rent? ___________

Did tenant pay rent on time? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If late how often? ________________________ If rent was not paid on time, did you have to give tenant a legal notice demanding the rent? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If rent was not paid on time, provide details ____________________________________________________________________________


Was tenant given notice of any lease violation for other than nonpayment of rent? [ ] Yes [ ] No

What was the nature of the violation? ______________________________________________

If you gave a lease violation notice, what was the outcome? ________________________________

Was tenant considerate of neighbors (e.g., no loud parties and fair use of common areas)? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Did tenant have any pets? [ ] Yes [ ] No What kind? _________________________________

If so, were there any problems? __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Did tenant make any unreasonable demands or complaints? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If so, please explain____________________________________________________________

Why did tenant leave? __________________________________________________________

Did tenant give the proper amount of notice before leaving? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Did tenant leave the place in good condition? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Did you need to use the security deposit to cover damage? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Any particular problems you'd like to mention? _______________________________________

Would you rent to this person again?_______________________________________________

Additional comments you feel would be helpful: ______________________________________



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