Consonant cluster reduction worksheets

[Pages:4]Consonant cluster reduction worksheets

Phonological Processes: At What Age Should They Be Suppressed? Phonological Processes Phonological processes are sound errors that typically developing children use to simplify speech as they are developing speech and language skills. A phonological disorder occurs when a child has not outgrown, or suppressed the phonological process past the expected age. Phonological Process Description Age suppressed Unstressed Syllable Deletion Children delete the unstressed syllable. (e.g. telephone telephone) 3 years of age Final Consonant Deletion Children delete the last consonant of a word. (e.g. hat ha) 3 years of age Consonant Assimilation One consonant influences another (e.g. bed beb) 3 years of age Reduplication The child repeats the first syllable two times. (e.g. bottle baba) 3 years of age Velar Fronting Back phonemes /k/ and /g/ are replaced by front phonemes /t/ and /d/. (e.g. cookie tootie) ~ 3 years of age Affrication A non-affricate sound is replaced by an affricate ("ch" or "j"). (e.g. door joor) 3 years of age Stopping A fricative sound like /f/ or /s/ or affricate sound like "ch" or "j" is substituted with a stop consonant like /p/ or /b/. (e.g. jump dump) Between 3 and 5 years of age Deaffrication An affricate "ch" or "j" is replaced with a fricative or stop like /sh/ or /d/. (e.g. chips ships) 4 years of age Cluster Reduction A consonant cluster is reduced to a single consonant (e.g. blue bu) Between 4 and 5 years of age Gliding Phonemes /r/ and /l/ are replaced by /w/ (e.g. love wove; road woad) 6 years of age Epenthesis A vowel sound is added between two constants. (e.g. blue bu-lue) 8 years of age It is important for parents, caregivers and teachers to be knowledgeable of phonological processes. If any process is evident in the child's speech past the age of seven years old, it is imperative that they are evaluated by a speech-language pathologist. Phonological processes can lead to significantly reduced speech intelligibility if they are left untreated. Sources: Super Duper Publications; Mommy Speech Therapy. -Kristen Meaney, MA, CF-SLP Speech Therapy Store is dedicated to making your speech therapy life easier one resource at a time. To do this, we often partner with companies that share that mission. If you sign up or make a purchase through one of our partners' links, we may receive compensation--at no extra cost to you. If you're looking for minimal pairs activities for speech therapy you've come to the right place! Below I've outlined how to use minimal pairs for phonological disorders as well as gathered free worksheets and materials to use during phonological interventions. Phonological Interventions Two frequently used phonological interventions for a child with a communication disorder are the Cycles Approach and the Minimal Pairs Approach. Today we will be discussing the Minimal Pairs Approach that you can use with your phonology students. Phonological Processes If you want to learn about the different phonological processes be sure to check out our handy chart of typical phonological processes and atypical phonological processes. Target Words When working on minimal pairs, start by selecting a phonological process to work on and then pick out minimal pairs to work on that specific phonological process. For example, if you want to work on the phonological process of stopping (the phonological process when a child produces a stop consonant /p, b, t, d, k, or g/ in place of a fricative /f, v, th, s, z, sh, ch/ or an affricate sound /j/) then you could use the minimal pairs such as "fan" vs. "pan". This is when the child changes the manner of articulation. The manner of articulation is when a sound is made with a short burst of air that is then stopped such as the /p/ sound vs. a sound that has a more continuous flow of air such as the /f/ sound. Continuing with the example of the phonological process of stopping then you would want to target the sounds /p, b, t, d, k, or g/ vs. /f, v, th, s, z, sh, ch/ or /j/. Another example would be the phonological process of final consonant deletion (this is when a child omits the final consonant off of a word). For example, saying the word "bee" vs. "beak". Grab your free copy at the bottom of this post! Minimal Pairs Therapy When a child produces multiple sound disorders speech-language pathologists typically approach the sound errors from a phonological approach vs. an articulation approach. One simple way to work on phonological remediation is to use minimal pair approaches. Select Minimal Pairs Target: A speech therapist will typically have their first session using meaningful minimal pair intervention to begin by selecting 3-5 paired words to focus on. You will want to select the target words based on the child's speech sound disorder. In the example below the child is struggling with producing bilabial stops. For example, if the child is working on bilabial stops their 3-5 minimal pair targets might be, pan/fan, past/fast, put/foot, pork/fork, and fade/paid. Review Word Meanings: The speech therapist will then begin by making sure the child or client knows the meaning of the words containing their speech sounds prior to working on their production of minimal pair words. For example, if you continue with the words used above you will want to discuss and review the meaning of the words "pan" vs. "fan". Auditory Discrimination: Next ask the child or student to point to the visual cue or hand you the picture of the word you say in order to work on auditory discrimination. This will tell you if the child can hear the difference between the single phonemes of /p/ vs. /f/. For example, if you place the following single words (pan/fan, put/foot, pork/fork) in front of the child and then say, "point to the word fan". Does the child point to the word "fan" or the word "pan". If the child points to the correct words when you say them aloud then the child can hear the difference. If the child points to the incorrect word then you will need to correct them and say this is the word and this is that word's definition. Auditory Bombardment: If the student is struggling to hear the difference during the auditory discrimination task you could also use auditory bombardment by pointing to the words and producing each word at the word level correctly allowing the child or student multiple exposures to the sound while it is being correctly produced. For example, you could point to the word "pan" and say, "This is the word pan. A pan is for cooking. I keep my pans in a cabinet. This is the word pan." Next, you could move on to the word "fan". Have the Student Use the Correct Production: It should also be mentioned that you will want to make sure that the child or student can make their incorrect sound correctly using correct sound placements prior to asking them to create their own sentence using the minimal pairs. During this step have the student tell you which word to pick up. If you pick up the wrong card you can then remind them of the sound placement for that word they were trying to produce. For example, if they tell you to pick up the word "pan" but really meant to say the word "fan" you could use that opportunity to review where to produce that sound in the mouth. Further helping the student recognize the difference between the minimal pair words. SEE ALSO: 430+ Free Multisyllabic Words List Activity Bundle Free Minimal Pairs Activities for Speech Therapy I've gone ahead and gathered a list of worksheets and materials below for the busy slps to use during minimal pairs therapy. I know school budgets can be tight so here is a list of free resources. Boom Cards Boom cards are a perfect way to work on minimal pairs activities for speech therapy because they include picture cards plus they are fun and interactive. Here are a few that I found from the tpt store. S and SH Minimal Pairs Boom CardTM FREEBIE by Teach Speech 365 ? Help your student practice s and SH minimals pairs with this free deck! There is audio included, so students hear the correct sounds. There are 12 cards total. Picture Cards If you're on the hunt for minimal pair cards or minimal pair pictures here are a few worth checking out. Using picture stimuli can help the student differentiate that the two sounds create two different words. For example, sand vs. band would be two different pictures. Grab your free copy at the bottom of this post! Minimal Pairs Activity Sheets Here are a few minimal pairs activities for speech therapy that include pairs of words. Bilabial Stops The bilabial stops sounds are /p/ and /b/. Using minimal pair words to work on bilabial stops can look like "pan" vs. "van". P/T Minimal Pairs by SaratheSpeechie ? Have students practice P and T minimal pairs in both final and initial positions with this activity. Grab your free copy at the bottom of this post! SEE ALSO: Best Handout for Phonological Processing Disorder Therapy Phonological Group: Minimal Pairs Activities Speech Therapy Here are a few minimal pairs activities for speech therapy that focus on different specific phonological processes. Consonant Cluster Consonant cluster reduction is when a consonant cluster, two to three consonants occurring in a sequence in a word, such as "sp" in the word "spot" or "st" in the word "stop", are reduced to a single consonant through deletion. For example, "pider" instead of "spider" or "top" for "stop". Here are a few resources worth checking out if you have a child or student working on cluster reduction. Initial Consonant Deletion Initial consonant deletion is when a child leaves off a consonant from the beginning of a word. For example, saying "ay" for the word "say" or "oon" for the word "soon". I've gone ahead and gathered a few resources below that you might find helpful when working on initial consonant deletion using minimal pairs therapy. Velar Fronting Velar fronting is when a child substitutes a back velar sound /k/ or /g/ for a sound that is made in the front of the mouth the /t/ or /d/ sounds. (/t/ for /k/ and /d/ for /g/) For example, saying "doh" for the word "go" or saying "tan" for the word "can". Multisyllabic Words Using multisyllabic words can also help when working on phonological processes. Multisyllabic words can also help with consonant cluster reduction by having the child or student say all parts of the multisyllabic word. SEE ALSO: Stopping Phonological Process: What is it? [Free Worksheets] Minimal Pairs Speech Therapy Bundle In Conclusion: Minimal Pairs Activities Speech Therapy I hope you've found these minimal pairs activities to be helpful! Do you have a favorite minimal pairs resource? Feel free to let me know in the comments below. > Want Even More Minimal Pairs Activities for Speech Therapy? Want the Best of the Bests? Be sure to check out our most popular posts below!

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